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The Experience I Remember Most About Iraq


I have had experiences before... But this series of events made me completely aware that what we see is not always all that is there.

During my first deployment in 2004. I was stationed at CAMP ANACONDA... Pretty much in the heart of Iraq. After my unit had settled in, we were given the unfortunate news that we would be relocated to norther Iraq to FOB (forward operating base) Endurance. This was terrible news considering we had gotten used to the swimming pool and cable television Anaconda had provided. Endurance was no more then a few tents and old airplane hangars. For those unfamiliar with the invasion of Iraq by the US military, we basically took over most of Iraq's military stations and used them ourselves. My unit was given 2 airplane hangars to house our 4 platoons. Outside of my platoons hangar there was an old concrete bunker. One way in, one way out... With my unit's generator sitting within 10 feet of the opening, which was a metal blast door.

Well, months into my deployment I became "friendly" with a female soldier from my Company's mechanic's platoon. We needed a private place to go as the relationship we shared was, although known about, was instructed by our superiors to be kept "out of sight... Out of mind."

Well we chose the bunker. As we first explored it, the hallway from the blast door slanted downwards for about 20 feet until it came into an open area about 10 feet by 10 feet. Total darkness as it was underground. We would take flashlights and our laptop computers each night down to the bunker and spend the night as I had fashioned a makeshift bed from my unit's supply of lumber. (We were an engineering unit.) What made the bunker appealing was the early warning system that came with it. Being the generator which supplied power to the hangar was right outside the blast door, if any curious officer decided to go looking for us in the bunker, when the blast door was opened the sound from the generator would instantly become almost deafening and we knew someone had opened it.

Enough background... Here is what stopped the bunker trips.

Well about the second night on, Sarah would wake me in the middle of the night telling me she was hearing something inside the bunker with us. At first I attributed the noise she was hearing to hedgehogs, as that part of Iraq is lousy with them. I shrugged it off until I heard the noise. There was no doubt... They were footsteps. The night before the last night we stayed down there I awoke to whispering coming from the corner, which was followed by footsteps that approached my side of the bed. I woke Sarah and reluctantly turned my flashlight on... Fearing what came next. But there was nothing. No body, no footprints, and worst of all, the the blast door was closed just like we left it.

The last night started with Sarah warning whatever was down there that we were not in the mood to be messed with and that we just needed are sleep. We both fell asleep as we reassured the other we were just hearing things. Again that night Sarah woke me and we sat there in total darkness listening to whispers coming from the corner... Two different voices. Followed by footsteps approaching our bed, and then our bed violently shook for just a couple seconds, and then a tremendous sound as if a metal plate had just been dropped next to the bed. In our panic it took me a good 45 seconds to locate the flashlight. But once on there again was nothing with us. No footprints, no evidence of what made the loud crashing sound. That was our last night in that bunker.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghostsScareChad, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)
Ugh - This reminded me of a "My Ghost Story" episode, also set in a bunker in Iraq, where two officers (I don't remember the rank, but I know this is on YouTube, so ya'll can look it up if you like 😊; I think it's season 2 episode 1) captured the voice of a woman saying "Shalom - I love you" on a hand recorder. Ugh. So. Creepy. I don't know why, but experiencing something like that under ground is the last thing I want. Kudos to you for sticking it out a few nights, Chad! 😊
RSeal (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-13)
Good story, Chad. I'm looking forward to you next post. Be safe.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-16)

Looking forward to your next experience.

If the other Hangers were built in pairs with a single bunker close by then your guess is more than likely 'spot on'. Again thanks for sharing and your service.


ghostsScareChad (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-16)
Hey guys... Rook that is a very interesting theory! I have no idea what made the sounds and I guess I will never know. As for the question about what the bunker was used for, my best guess is for cover. As I said there was only one way in and it was sealed by a metal blast door probably weighing 200 plus pounds. Being the only 3 structures within sight, my company's two hangars and the bunker (FOB Endurance was rather large but scattered, it was a 15 minute drive to everything. Dining hall, post exchange laundry everything miles away) So my guess would be the bunker was built for the mechanics and any other personel that would of been involed with the maintenance of whatever was housed in the hangars. Although durable the hangars would not be much protection from an attack so the bunker was probably the "in case sh*t goes down" area so the personel could have cover if attacked. The other hangars on the base, always in pairs of two, had 1 bunker located close.

Thanks all for your comments, and later today wen I return home from work I will be sharing the experience I shared with my lieutenant while we were still located in Anaconda, in are original barracks from that first deployment. Thanks everyone!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
Excellent telling! This was a fun one to read. I enjoyed it. I am most drawn to rook's theory here. Very interesting.
Thank you for your service and can't wait to hear more.

Jav 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
Rook - that always makes me dizzy when I try to wrap my head around that. Can you imagine? Yes, you can 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)

Depending on what the bunker was used for in it's history of use I wonder if the sound you heard was a metal crate or possibly some sort of ammo canister? An empty canister of a large caliber ammo may give the same sound effect as a piece of sheet metal.

Either that or what you experienced was a 'crossover' of dimensions. In the one you were 'hearing/experiencing' they were constructing the bunker... Then what you heard/was the construction workers doing their job and dropping and moving things around. They may not have even realized you were there... Or maybe they where whispering about the 'amorous sounds' coming from the corner and they moved a metal box to cover the area.

If that's the case can you imagine the look on their faces as they had their 'otherworldly experience?

Just a thought.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
ghostscareChad - I guess my first question would be, do you have any idea what the Iraqi military used the bunker for?
ghostsScareChad (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
Just some clarification on the "bed shaking". As I reread my story I felt corny as if the spirits were rattling chains at us!

The bed I had made was very "shotty" work compared to the type of work I do professionally now and the 8 years of building for the Army Corp of Engineers. It was basically a sheet of 1/4 OSB sheet framed in by 2x6's standing on 4 three feet 2x4's. Nails were used instead of screws so the actual bed was just short of a complete POS.

Well it was pushed up against the wall in the corner and had eventually moved a couple inches off the wall with the usual "activities" one might use a bed for. The shaking was more or less like something was pushing the bed back up against the wall. But since there was probably 300 plus pounds (sarah and I) on the bed, just the frame was pushed. The legs stayed planted which created a swaying motion.
I distinctly remember the sound of the bed smackin the concrete wall 3 times as we laid there.

Thanks for your comments and if anyone could shed light on the crashing sound we heard? Like I said it sounded like a piece of steel plating hitting the concrete floor, but there was nothing! Nothing was disturbed and tbhe floor was covered in at least a 1/4 inch of sand so I know the sound did not come from anything tangible within the bunker. Any ideas?
ghostsScareChad (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
Thank you for your comments! First to answer your question about the whispering... Which was what chilled my blood the most... Is honestly I don't kno! This might sound strange to some of you, but the best way I can describe it was like trying to listen to a conversation through a wall. Sarah and I were not 6 feet from the corner in which it seemed the voices were coming from... But they sounded distant and kept going "in and out"

Obviously no one can say for sure how any of this stuff works... But my guess is that a voice... Just like a visual apparition... Is distorted by something by the time it reaches are ears.

Thanks again everyone and I do have a couple more stories from my deployments as well as some from here in pittsburgh, so thanks for your support and look forward to sharing with all of u!
HappySpirit (187 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
Great story! Especially frightenig because obviously you weren't just dealing with a residual haunting but spirits who didn't want you there! Could you discern what language they were whispering (Arabic, English or other?)

And ghostsScaredChad, thanks for your service to our country.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
ghostsScareChad - I read your story last night but didn't comment. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say. I'm still not sure this is what I want to say, but here goes 😆.

At first I thought an intelligent haunting, with the violent shaking of the bed. But after reading your story again this morning, I'm wondering if the bunker was used to hold prisoners and this was a residual haunting instead.

The whisperings would certainly indicate fear, not wanting to be heard, the inability to speak loudly or other reasons I don't even want to think about. Rattled plates, footsteps, also could be residual.

Whatever the case, residual or intelligent haunting, I can't imagine finding out that your "private" place wasn't so private. Being the butt of jokes and pranks by the living is one thing; this would make you think twice before doing it again.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
Thanks for sharing and Thanks for your Service.


Rook (USN Ret. Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom Vet... Aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt)
dayala_819 (1 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
great story! 😊
Though I think that after hearing the noises once would've been enough for me! 😨
ind_83 (55 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
wow, awesome, great story. If I were there, I might have died there at the first night 😨
ngute80 (220 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
My husband was in the 82nd for 9 yrs! I also agree a lot of military places are haunted. I've experienced so many paranormal things in the 13 years he has been active duty, than I ever have.
I really enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-14)
Wow! Great story! Thanks. I served in the 82nd and the 10th as a grunt... I know military places can be haunted. Sounds like you two were invading some spooks haunt and they let you know. Thanks for sharing.

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