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Real Ghost Stories

Sightings of a Woman and Girl


Hi guys! Call me Mikomi. I'm living in my grandparent's house and so far I've been experiencing weird things. I'm sensitive and can tell if there's a spirit by how it feels. I felt both, a sad and happy presence here.

A couple weeks after that I saw a lady in a nice white night gown. Like the old times. She stayed there for about 6 secs then left. I thought nothing of it because I'm used to it. But a couple weeks later, I just made friends and we are trying to give away this stray. She got away and went to the backyard of this creepy old house. So I'm the one to ring the doorbell, I ring it 3 times fast. Then I hear 3 knockings to match. Except it sounded distant and far off. I asked my friends if they heard it. (They were right next to me). They said no, then later on, this boy named Nick tells me that a old lady died there. Now I got freaked out a bit.

That same night while I was telling a story to our neighbor (it was about this stupid head), I saw a little girl skip across the front of my dad's car. I wasn't tired! I tried telling my little brother but he chickened out. Later on I told my friend Kayla. She experienced stuff too. Just not as much as I have. She told me to talk to whoever it is next time I see them.

At my old house I experienced stuff that scared the crap out of me. Like an evil presence in my room. I took pics with my friend on my moms digital camera phone. We saw a red figure like a man on my bed. I told her that was a evil spirit so we ran out and in my little brother's room we saw his books float. Just thought yall wanted to know.

By the way I know nothing about the history of this place and of my old house. Got any ideas besides my friend's? Please tell me!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cupcake10132, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-14)
Cool but sound like you have devil or demon that spirt are evil are red on your bed and that creep that your brother's book float I never seen any float just ghost cat tail in front of me... I was born on december That my birthday:)
Francois (220 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Dear cupcake10132,

I guess your house is a hotbed for ghostly activity, it is likely that your house has a portal that allows spirits and demonic entities which may have power over human spirits. It seems to me that your grandparent's house needs a blessing and more importantly a cleansing.

I am 14, almost 15 though. I have never experienced anything ghostly, and hopefully I won't. I advise that you protect yourself with religious items. This website might help you.


Thank you again for posting your experience and sharing it with the yourghoststories community. Keep us posted, if you don't mind. God bless you and take care.


cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
[at] KimSouthO,
Yeah, I think so too, we passed by that house recently, around 3 months ago in Feburary. Someone moved in! I'm thinking about going back over to my old house and telling the new owners about what I experinced. I've been praying that no one got hurt yet.

[at] Pangie,
Really?! Cool, but I'm 16 now, b-day passed in December on the 26th. Yeah they are very weird and ghostly. Every time I think of my experinces in my prevoise houses, I'd get a shiver run up and down my spine.
Pangie (8 stories) (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
woah talk about ghostly things! Hey your also 15 like me lol I have had some weird things happen to me as well it sort of sucks sometimes
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
Sounds like you definitely need a Bible and cross in that room. Pray,pray, pray! If that is not within your belief system, try the smuge ceremonty that SHane has listed. It is very effective.

Also, I would like to caution you, just because you believe yourself to be a sensitive (or know you are) this does NOT mean that you will be subject only to positive - or - good entities.

God Bless!
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
I will! And I'll include the pics if I ever find the camara!Let's chat tomarrow.
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
OH at my real name is Spelled Carrie but I spell it Keri because I love that spelling...that's creepy :D

well cya

CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
well I am going offline so I will chat with you soon Mikomi, will you keep me updated on what happens to you? I would but nothing has happened to me in a couple years...
Well cya...
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Oh cool! I have friend named Carrie, but it's pronounced how yours is spelled! Haha xD I need to get that camara! Then I could uploade pics of what I find. I think Lela needs a friend if she isn't my guardin Angel lol. But she seems to like my lil bro a lot! Actully the whole famliy of ghosts like him and me!It's crazy sinc ethey play with us non-stop.
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Oh I thought it might... Ceary is actually my internet name too... Keri is my real name ;D
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Lol that's just my internet name!I'm actully Leslie lol! I have many diff parts in my blood, but mostly American. Oh and I have a bit of Italain blood.
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Well maybe we saw each other but I have never ever met someone name Mikomi. But if I did Your name would be my favorite! So Mikomi, what ethnicity are you? I am european...
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Very weird! This is soo cool! What if we met eachother before? Or you met someone close to me, or the oppisite? This is soo cool! When I read your comments, you sounded like my level and my age too!
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
I was born in September :D That's so cool how we're so close in age... For some reason when I first saw your name on the comments... I knew you were my ageish... Near my age...weird!
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Decemeber!Wow!We are very close and have so much in common!Amazing!:D ๐Ÿ˜
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
wow we are so close in age! I am 16, almost 17! What month are you born in? :D
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Yes and no.I'll read it after this comment! I am 15 and been interested in the paranormal since I was 4.Yep I was one of those kids who knew about the paranormal! I even used my gift then.I'll add more to my about me as well.
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
So Mikomi, have you had a chance to read my story The old civil war hospital and old indian burial grounds? And I was just wondering what's your age?
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
You never know? You should check it out! That'd be so cool! I had many friends who lived on old civil war and other war battlegrounds!
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Oh wow! Thanks for sharing that very great story Ceary! Yes I am a sucker too for a good ghost storie! Who knows? It was a farm? Well yes but, it might've been a ghost cat. Oh and that reminds me! I was minding my own buisness watching some vids on youtube with my cusoin, until I saw a face of a cat. Like a black cat!So,I believe I have a famliy of ghosts, and a cat too. I don't know what this place may have been but I'll have to find out soon! I wounder if it used to be a battle area here?
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
wow that's kind of scary with the choking thing and the clothes rack. And that's so cute how Lela follows you around. It's good to have a gaurdian angel :D sometimes in my old house I felt as if I was being watched. I don't know if it was just me reading the ghost books too much and always being cautious or what... I am sure that I was being watched some of the time ๐Ÿ˜•kinda creepy... I don't miss my old house or neighbors... I love my new house :D
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Oh Mikomi,
I just remembered that I have a few more stories to share about ghosts! So once I used to sleep in the basement and share a bed and room with my sister. We shared a huge king size bed but it was old. One day I was in the basement and my old cat Katie was sleeping on the opposite side of the bed and I was sitting on the reading a book. All of the sudden after sitting on the bed for an hour, something felt like the bed had been jumped on by a cat. My cat was sound asleep on the other side of the bed and the younger cat was upstairs in my parents' room. My door was closed and the cat did not move when the bed did what it did. I just told myself that it was just the springs of the bed springing up because they were old, but now that I think about it, It was a ghost because the springs always sprung up after maybe 5 minutes at the most not an hour later. I denied it because I had read too many ghost books and was scaring myself out of my mind! At that time I had two cats and none of my cats had died that lived in that house.

It had to be a ghost! It was I know it. I don't know if it was a ghost cat because the old residence had dogs and the ones before had nothing. It could have been something else who knows... The land was once a farm so it could be anything. SO that's my story :D

cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Oh she sure is Ceary! Oh really? Ya I just didn't comment it lol! Well at my old house there was this man in my bedroom! I told you about him in my story. Anyways I think he followed me here! Because one night I was up late, and it was around 3 or 2 AM. I started choking and could barly even breathe! It went on for 5 minutes then finally it stopped. I felt an angry presence in there too. Now just not too long ago, a rack of clothes fell down! If that other end was off it's henge, then I could've died! Lela seems to follow me around since I hear giggling and hi's every now and then. Me and my cusoin(sp?) believe she's my gaurdin Angel! I know it sounds crazy, but it seemed like she stopped that rack falling off it's other henge.That's all I remeber or know so far!
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Um anything you want to share with me Mikomi. I am just interested because I had a friend who I helped with the girl ghost Annie who wanted a friend. Did you read my story, The old civil war hospital and old indian burial ground? My story is that one. SO that's a cute story about Lela! She sounds so sweet!

cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
It's not at all!^^Such a fun and pleasent little girl! She is very sweet. When I saw her for the first time, she was skipping and looked like she was singing,"Lalaladedido.Lalaladedido...".She's like a gaurdin Angel or a sister to me. I believe she's from the 1800's from the look of her ofit.Here's how I saw her. She had meuduim wany brown hair like mine, and she looked about 3 ft tall. You know the 6 to 7 year old size! She had these black boots I think and a beutiful lacy white dress! I actully talked to her and got info out of her. Her age, how she looks again, and her name. Not any thing else though.I'll try again. Anything else you would like to know Ceary?
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
Hey Mikomi,
I was just wondering if you minded telling me about your encounter with the little girl ghost Lela if it's not too much of a touchy area to talk about?

cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-18)
Thanks you guys!I'll make sure to see if the new owners of my old house experince that stuff and much more! If so,I'll tell them to bless the house. I had a sitting not too long ago and got contact with the woman I believe. And just last night when I got up for a glass of water, I saw a orb that had a face on it above the pan. But the orb didn't scare me, more like comforted me in some way. I didn't feel scared. Once I picked up my glass,(I already had a glass) the orb disappeared. I had a sitting too and it was a hour later and I think that was my sighn.I'll try again tonight! And sory for this long post, just thought you would know about my recent experinces.
hannahbmarie101 (4 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-13)
i think that you should look up the history of the house. Things very similar to that happened to me. At my old house a lady in a long brown gown would show up on our staircase, and a little girl would play with my stuff. Besides the little girl and mom I always felt this evil presence. I was very young and it scared the crap out of me! Try getting your house blessed or something... Take it from me, I didn't mention it in my story, but things can start to go very wrong if you don't do something about it!
Adventure_Ms_Aqua (10 stories) (71 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-13)
Well, maybe you should do some reasearching. There might be more than two ghosts involved. Find the ghosts if you can and try to put the story together. Maybe the demon that you found in your brothers room killed the lady and the girl. Find what time and room they mostly appear in and that will help. ๐Ÿค” Good luck!

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