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Lucy Run Cemetery


I have been a paranormal fanatic for quite some time. I always wanted to research my local history and try to find a worthy place of an amateur paranormal investigation. My friends and I came across an old cemetery called "Lucy Run." After researching the cemetery, I found a story behind the name. According to countless stories, a girl named Lucy Robinson lived near the property in the 1800's. To make a long story short, she drowned in the flooded creek next to the cemetery while chasing after her boyfriend in a thunderstorm. Now, I understood that this could have very well been a fabricated tale but I looked into it nonetheless.

The story said that Lucy was living with her uncle, Charles Robinson. I checked into the cemetery's archives and found that a Charles Robinson is in fact buried at the cemetery along with the rest of his family, but no girl by the name of Lucy is buried there. If I remember correctly she was buried at a different site but I never actually confirmed this.

My friends and I decided to visit this place at night and check it out (we made sure that it was legal for us to be there at night first). I brought a standard digital recorder and digital camera. Remember, I'm an amateur so that's really all I had in my possession. We found the grave site of Charles and decided to conduct an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) session. We captured nothing on the recorder but our bodies definitely felt something. There were four of us there, Me and my friends Matt, Jerry, and Blake. We all felt the same sensation. As we were asking questions the four of us got really cold and had goosebumps all over our arms, and keep in mind this was during the middle of summer. You could just feel the presence of something. Was it Charles? I cannot verify that for sure but I knew something was with us.

After the EVP session we decided to go near the creek where Lucy supposedly drowned. This is where the activity decided to pick up. After asking questions with no responses, we decided it was time to leave. As we were walking back to the car passed the creek, we distinctly heard the cry of a female. There are a few houses around and for all I know it could have been a child playing outside. But it was 11pm and I was doubtful a young girl would be playing out by a creek at 11 at night. I was not able to capture this on my recorder due to a lot of interference from the running creek.

My friends started to become uneasy so I agreed to leave. I have been back to the cemetery twice and have not captured any convincing evidence. The question still remains whether or not the story of Lucy Robinson is true or who Charles Robinson really was. I remain diligent in my journey for answers and continue to research.

Hopefully I will find the time to return for a fourth time and capture some hard evidence. Thanks for allowing me to share my story. Opinions, comments, and suggestions are most welcome.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GAC_Fan_2012, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
Apologies for bringing up a fairly old post! I wanted to point out that, if Lucy died in the very early 1800's, her death quite possibly pre-dated the cemetery. She would probably have been buried on the Robinson farm. I know that, here in rural Missouri, it's not unusual to find random graves out in the woods.

Your best bet for finding evidence of her existence is probably to find the oldest church in the area and see how far back their records go.
ASH4321 (1 stories) (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21); This is a link to a site I found some good infomation on about lucy run.
GAC_Fan_2012 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
MizMiMi: If I didn't have to study for finals all weekend I would love to join you. I plan on going there whenever I can this summer when I'm not working. Please let me know if you get any evidence; I would greatly appreciate it.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
Just wanted to post a quick comment. My husband and I live 30 minutes north of here, and decided to go down tomorrow (Sat June 2nd) and see what we can "see". I will definitely report back if I see or hear anything. We are taking a video camera, video camera on our phones, as well as a standard digital camera (with extra batteries. You know how they like to play) and a recorder. Let the games begin! Lol:)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-07)
GAC_fan: I was sitting outside on my porch with my daughter one night, and had the radar going... We were getting several blips on the screen so she started asking questions... She asked them to describe themselves, we got tall, Asia, man, etc... Then the blips started acting funny: It would blip behind me, then out in the street (I live in a retirement park), behind me again, and again in the street... She started giggling and said "What the he*l are you doing?"...It said "exercise" πŸ˜†

Sometimes, I think it's not so random πŸ˜†
GAC_Fan_2012 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-07)
So I tried the Ghost Radar around my house just to play with it and got a lot of false readings and inaccurate words such as "Mexico." haha. But then I thought I would take it upstairs by my room where as a kid I would always see a dark shadow man walk in the hallway. So for fun I began to ask questions. I asked, "Are you here shadow man?" I got a blue dot reading which means fairly weak and then it said, "Shadow" which I thought was really creepy. But it could have been a total coincidence. I also had goosebumps all over me and I was freezing. Still don't know if I want to call it an experience though.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-03)
GAC_fan: I personally love Ghost Radar...But, it's just like any other electronic toy made for ghost hunting, there are pros and cons... I think if the reponses you get line up with the questions asked, then I would give some credence to it... You may want to back up your session with a voice recorder...

I've heard mixed reviews about the app because it is, after all, a computer program... I usually don't pay a lot of attention to the radar itself, just the words that pop up... If all you're getting is randomness, then you can safely discount any and all of whatever it says...

It's up to you, it's only going to put you out 99 cents so what the heck? πŸ˜†...As far as entertainment value, it's great πŸ˜†
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-03)
GAC_fan sounds like a good idea to return and see what you find another time but have to say you have answered your question already, it is just an app. It does not actually work but ment as a joke.
If you want to take anything with you then would say a tape recorder, camera and note book would be on the list of needs. Oh and a few friends too other than that an I phone app would be the last thing worth taking.
Please post here if anything happens again
GAC_Fan_2012 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-03)
Update: I'm trying to find a good time to return to the cemetery. I might have to wait until I'm out of school to do so, making it a year since I've been there. So I know this sounds totally stupid but has anyone tried the Ghost Radar app on the iPhone? I hear its pretty accurate and does a decent job, and then I've heard its plain fake. Again, I know it sounds ridiculous but I want some opinions.
GAC_Fan_2012 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
Granny: Thank you for your comment. It was really difficult finding the death records of the family. Charles' wife was easy to find because she had such an uncommon name though. Her name was Asseneth and there were only a handful of women by that name that I could find. I looked through the censuses myself and could not find any trace of the Robinson family just as you said, the only census records came from Washington County. I've seen various interpretations of this story. I've read Lucy was a daughter of Charles, a niece, and a cousin. There is no way of telling which it is. I assume not a daughter or else I would think she would be buried there at the cemetery. I wish I could track down the origin of this tale but that seems nearly impossible. Like I said, I just flat out don't know if its real or not. I wouldn't know who to contact in order to get a statement on the validity of the story. I've thought about my area's genealogical society but I'm not quite sure. Thank you for your input and I'm glad more people are reading into this mystery 😁
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
Sounds as if you may just have a haunted place here. Keep investigating and let us know what you get.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
I forgot to mention that the word "Run" in the Midwest (and slightly further west) usually denotes a creek, or small river...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
GAC_fan: Well, the research I've done suggests that the name of the creek is "Lucy Run", which more than likely explains the name of the cemetery, and the road... Lucy was supposedly a cousin to Charles Robinson, and resided in Union Township...

The whole problem with researching records dated during this time in Ohio is: there just aren't any πŸ˜†, or at best very few... The first census in the US was taken in 1790, and at that time, not many pioneers had ventured any farther than New York or Pennsylvania... There are no census records for the area from 1790, since it was such a hostile territory and census takers went door-to-door...Charles homesteaded in 1797, but the only surviving records from the 1800 and 1810 censuses are from Washington County...

But, even if the information has been exaggerated and colored by word of mouth through the years, it makes for a great base to found your investigating on 😊...

Again, good luck and I hope to read more about this saga! 😊
GAC_Fan_2012 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
Shell: With all due respect, you weren't even there.

GhostGirl: The story goes that she died by complete accident. Her horse lost balance and she was thrown into the creek. Also, she was chasing her boyfriend because he had just told her he was leaving her for someone else. As for the importance of the Robinson family goes, I'm still not sure. Thank you for the comment 😁

Noah and Ashley: I have been dying to go back right after a thunderstorm, Ashley, believe me. That idea has always been at the top of my list. As for your idea about the loop Noah, I can definitely agree with you. I'm really looking forward to determining whether or not this is a residual or intelligent haunting.

Thank you all for your opinions, comments, and suggestions.
AshleyHalliwell (4 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
That sounds like an interesting place to investigate. It's good that you did a lot of research before going in. If you do go back, you should try going right before or after a thunderstorm since that's when Lucy supposedly drowned during.
Noah67 (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
I have been posting a lot but i'm really scared about this. I have found the legend of it, on youtube. Apparantly, Lucy can be seen walking from the creek at night. Go there, again, With a new set of non-scared friends. She may be reacting her death, and screamed because of that, stuck in a loop. She could even just be haunting it and looking for her poor boyfriend. Is he alive? He could also be looking there, in the spirit world. How romantic 😭. Ok back to the topic. I think you should check it out again.
ghostgirlforever (1 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-21)
Your story was very sad and touching I would like to know more about I think this cemetery is absolutley fascinating and I would like to know more information about this girl too like: how did she drown?, Why was she chasing after her boyfriend?, and most importantly... HOW DID SHE END UP IN THE LAKE. Perhaps a... Murder
Or even a suicide. Was she well known in that town or an important person because how come they named a cemetery after her?
Thanks for the info!
❀ -ghostgirlforever
Shell1982 (70 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-21)
Hmm, so you were out ghost hunting and you all got scared (big surprise), then you heard a shout that could have been of human origin? What's paranormal about this? My interpretation of this is just imagination running riot. No offence to the OP, just don't see anything remarkable here personally.
YoshiBomb (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-20)
good for you for getting out there and being motivated and all.
HaunteR007 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-19)
Good luck with that and thanks. A really good story. Love to hear more from you...
GAC_Fan_2012 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-19)
Thanks guys! After some more digging I found all of the legitimate death records of the Robinson family but still no Lucy. My friend and I plan to return as soon as we can when we have the time. With college going on, all we do is work nowadays. I'm very excited to return and will definitely conduct a day-time investigation as you have suggested. Oh, and I'm glad there is another GACFan πŸ˜†
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-04-19)
Are there two GACfans or is one a doppelgΓ€nger?

I agree with Granny. Try your luck during the day. And then let us know. Something about this story rings familiar - as though I have read about Lucy or seen something on TV about it.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-04-19)
GACfan: πŸ˜† Do you always talk to yourself?...

I love ghost hunting, too... There really aren't a lot of places to do so where I live, at least not that I've found...

One suggestion I will make is try going during the daylight hours...Personally, I don't think ghosts are more prone to activity after dark... If they're there, they can interact any time, assuming it's an intelligent haunt as opposed to residual...But, if the story is true about Lucy drowning, common sense points to that occurring during the day...

Interesting read, thank you for posting and please keep us updated on further investigations... 😊
GACfan101 (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-19)
that's a very interesting story, I love going ghost hunting with my friend and we really want to do it at this really small cemetery that's really creepy looking. By the way nice name haha 😁

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