It's been over two years since I've posted a story, but I felt this story might be something everyone would be interested in. At first I was going to title the story, "Something Wicked This Way Comes", but after re-reading it, you'll understand why I changed it.
About three months ago, our American Fox hound, Harvey, had to be put down due to heart issues. He was in a lot of pain, and we came to the sad conculsion, that ending his life, (he was 8 years old) was best for him. I know you always hear the phrase, "He was the best dog in the world", well in this case, Harvey was. He was intelligent, loving, and he was very protective of his family (us). Needless to say, when it came time to say goodbye we were beside ourselves with grief.
Since I was the one that spent the most time with him, (everyone else were either at work or at school) we became very close. I noticed early on that Harvey had another quality to him. Like most animals, I believed he could see into the "other side". He also had a 6th sense about people. Usually when new people would enter our home for the first time, he was very loving, and we quickly gave him the nick-name of, "Love Sponge". However sometimes he would growl, and the hair on the top of his neck and head would spring up in alert mode (the razor-back look). Later we would find out these type people (usually plumbers, electricians, teenage friends to our children) were not very "nice" people. You know, either involved in drugs or in trouble with the law, etc... Harvey just seemed to, "know" peoples' inner character.
Enough background.
I've always stayed up late and never go to bed before 2 a.m., and Harvey would always be at my feet sleeping while I read or watched T.V. On one of those nights, he suddenly sprang up and began to growl deeply and get into his alert stance. I asked him what was the matter, and he would momentarly wag his tail and look into my eyes (as if telling me he wasn't upset with me). He then would look over my shoulder again and begin growling again. I have never been uncomfortable when I stay up alone until way past midnight. It's something I have always done since childhood, but on this night I too felt the hairs on my arms lift. Mind you, the recliner I was sitting on had it's back towards the outside wall of our home. Thus I felt he was looking through the wall, past my shoulder, at something on the other side of the wall or behind me. Before I realize what was happening, he sprang up and ran toward the front room (to where the front door is). Mind you, the whole time he is facing the same "outside" wall all the way there, spitting and growling. I follow him and when I get to the door, he has assumed his attack stance and is barking, so that even our neighbors could probably hear him as well.
I kneel down, and try to calm him. I do this because by this time I figure maybe someone was outside and trying to break in or he sensed something else. I'm about to go and get my husband up (he sleeps like the dead) and I notice a putrid smell of rotten eggs and sulfur. Well, no need to bother my husband, because whatever it may have been, was not human. This went on for about 3 minutes, while I prayed and asked God to protect us and our home. When I was done, Harvey then looked at me and wagged his tail and started to lick my face like nothing was ever wrong! He even did what we called, his "puppy hop" all the way back to the den, at the back of the house.
Gosh, I didn't realize that this story would make me cry...
We all miss him so. He was and and will always be a member of our family.
Just a side note, my husband Sam, has the habit of pouring himself a scotch after he's done with his work. He has a high stress job, and this is part of his way of relaxing in the evening before dinner. He gets his drink, gets the newspaper, and heads to the back patio where he waters his plants and herb garden. Harvey always joined him and "knew" what time it was before Sam even poured his drink (he would be waiting at the back door for Sam and would follow him around the back yard whilst he watered the plants). Sam was not a believer in the paranormal. Well, a couple of weeks ago, Sam came into the kitchen (where I was preparing dinner) and gave me the biggest bear hug. I then noticed he eyes were a bit misty. He put his lips close to my ear and wispered, "I just saw Harvey".
We hugged for a long while, and I didn't even tell him, "I told you so". I guess one could say, Sam is no longer a skeptic concerning the paranormal, thanks to Harvey, "The Best Dog In The World".