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12 Cloaked Masters


3 years ago I was going through a rough patch in my life, I started seeing 12 men in hooded cloaks almost like grim reapers. They would change sizes, and would sway from side to side, sometimes floating in mid air and sometimes they had green eyes and would have no face just darkness where the hood went over there face, and other times they faces that looked like Siths off of the movie Star Wars which was really scary.

I would see them sending energy and communicating to each other through waves of circles and spirals in the air. One night I tried to focus on one of them and saw a yellow light coming straight at me, next thing I knew I was waking up the next morning not remembering what happened. My boyfriend who was also spiritual was able to communicate while meditating with them they surrounded him in a circle, and afterwards he told me he thought they were protectors beings from the light.

I tried to go on with my life as normal but kept seeing them were ever I went like work, shopping while I was showering ect. Which got me fired from my job because I started talking about them and asking people if they saw them too? I knew by letting them in I had let lower energy spirits into my life too, so I decided to get ghost buster people to my house to send all the low energy's through the light to be cleansed, after they had got rid of the negative energy the motioned me to come through to my dining room with them, I sat down and straight away they asked "what do you want us, to do with the 12 hooded beings?". I was shocked I hadn't mentioned the 12 beings because I wanted to check these ghost busters were the real deal, which they were.

One of the women ghost busters then told me the being would like to communicate with me and had been trying for some time now, but I hadn't heard them because of my fear of them. I agreed for the being to talk through one of the women there who was a clairvoyant and could channel them through her. As soon as she begun talking, I could see one of the beings miniature size on the wall behind her sending her the waves and spirals of energy directly into her mind. They told me they were not protectors but to call them masters, and that I had contracted them in heaven, before I was born to guide me through life spiritually and emotionally.

And that they were there to help me be a star-seed, and to accomplish my mission on earth to help the earth and its people. They then went on to tell me my fear was holding me back, and that I could not go forward without letting my fear go and embracing them.

I thought to myself that if I let down the spiritual guards I had put up to protect me, I would be overwhelmed by negative spirits as well as the beings from the light.

The Being still speaking through the clairvoyance then told me, I could have anything I wanted Spiritually and all I had to do was ask! I thought to myself in my own head without speaking that I wanted to fly one day. The being quickly responded through the women "One day you will ".

This scared me completely, the being had read my thoughts and responded to my question. That I had only thought of but not said out loud. I Thought something else to see if it was really happening, and suddenly I could see my name glowing on the dinning room wall. Almost as if someone had written it with a glow in the dark pen.

As the conversation was ending with the Beings from the light, they mentioned to me if at any time I was to afraid or couldn't deal with it, that I could ask them to leave and they would.

This eventually happened 4 months later, because letting them in I had opened the door to every spirit around me, which I could not deal with because my fear of the unknown had consumed me and made me almost nocturnal.

12 Cloaked Masters 1
12 Cloaked Masters 2
12 Cloaked Masters 3
12 Cloaked Masters 4

I am glad there gone now, but am still unsure if they were really from the light or not. And if anyone else ever had them or had seen them before?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chelsiemayk88, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Ozzyinverted (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
3 years since this was posted but I just joined this site and I had to say bieng I believe "they"? Among many other things have decided to join my life for about 12 years now not including my lack of childhood memories but I like how that concluded and in where you gave me hope hearing that someone who knew was able to help you I don't hate all of my predicament but like you said when your mind opens up it OPENS it just gets overwhelming sometimes but hey right on your awesome:)
Investigator_Girl (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-08)
I don't want to be a hater but this sounds a little well impossible to be real. I believe in ghosts and I have had a few paranormal experiences but I've never heard anything like this ever. I know I'm probably going to get some bad comments but this is just my opinion. I'm not trying to be disrespectful.
Kylie (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Sorry to come off the sceptic advice on this one, even though all advice here is good for further investigation for your situation/experiance - I do aggree ok, but have you concidered that your own emotional state had created something for you to help deal with whatever you were going through.

Had you concidered there was 'medical' reason - though I never recommend seeing a doctor in first instance, but to recognise within yourself what is happening around you.

Please do not take me for thinking you are crazy for suggesting this. I know I have no real knowledge at all of these experiances, which is why I do agree with continuing research if that's what your looking for now.

But for all seriousness, the human being can produce some amazing abilties in order to continue survival. And of the other side, there are measurable phenomena that is unexplained which act as the guide through troubled times or a new beginning, etc. (this being told to me by real psyciatrist who herself could not explain some of her cases but her postion required the pysical world results, aka: meds)

And with that on the table, after reading your experiance I have to ask... Have you fulfilled you dream of flying? Are you a pilot, steward, skydiver, basejumper? Did the experiance help you to find your wings?

I ask of others reading my comment to not take offense. We are here for help, to help and to share. My reasoning is my own for the moment.

I hope Chelsie you have found your calling and are happy where you are now.

P.S. I can not download pic 2 for some reason. Other pics are good, especially #2, I can't work out the 'fingers' origin.

Thank you.
gstar08 (4 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-04)

I am just wondering if you able to check out this website?


This gave lots of information as to what your story is about. Its very interesting and I think you should really check it out. This really might help you have a better understanding to things. 😊
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-04)
Can I just say, I saw the man in the bush! Yay for me! I never see the things that you are supose to see in these sorts of photos (never mind the fact the photo is itty bitty) 😆
Chelsieamayk88 Intuition is a fabulous thing, how many times have we ignored it and lived to regret it.
chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-04)
ok I will go there. Thank you for your time and input I appreciate it. 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-04)

I understand you are curious about what you experienced, but the added details you have given have 'pushed' this 'story' beyond the bounds of this site.

YGS is for the sharing and information/aid of Ghostly Experiences (True Ghost Stories). While it is suggested that a 'Visitation' may have been an individuals spirit guide, that's about as far as it goes here on YGS. However on the Psychic's and Mediums site they cover topics such as Spirit Guides/Star Children/Indigo Children and Psychic/Medium's in much greater detail than here on YGS. So here is the link again...


It's not that we do not want to help you, it's that you will find a larger group of people more knowledgeable of the questions you are asking at the Sister Site than here. (I'm a member there as well...)

So as interesting as this has been I think you will find more help over there.


chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-04)
I do understand what your saying it sounds stupid when you say it the way you did. Me having a (personal, squad of heavenly protectors and guides). I think anything is possible and that in no way was I saying that I was the the only person on earth with these spirits around them.

I was just asking had anyone else had an experience similar to this. Because all the stories I have read not one has had a clairvoyant communicate with the being, everyone just seems to refer to these cloaked beings as Demons.

In response to you asking about the women (ghost hunters) who came to my house I got there number from a friend who had used them a few years back. She had been refereed to them by a person she worked with.

They work by word of mouth, they did not take pictures or use any equipment but, honestly at the time I didn't know they were meant to.

The end result was what I was after anyway, they got all the spirits who were scaring me to leave.

I did just except what they said about the beings straight because, when the lady was channeling the being she was able to respond to questions I was asking in my mind. That alone made me believe everything the beings and the women had said.

I did not know what to expect when posting this on this website but I feel or say my intuition is telling me not to try communicate with these beings again. 😳
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
My intention here is NOT to insult you. And believe me, you are not making this easy.

I ask you to consider what you are trying to get us to go along with here. You are wanting us to believe that you, above all other human beings, have your own, personal, squad of heavenly protectors and guides. Do you see why most of us are skeptical about what you seem to have embraced?
Also, just an opinion, and it is mine alone, but the "Ghost Hunters" you had over to the house sound awfully odd. At least if you are going by the standard that everyone else follows when you think of Ghost Hunters.
They brought no recording equipment to capture evidence of what you say you had been experiencing? Did you know this ahead of time, or was it explained to you upon their arrival?
Where did you find them? A friends recommendation perhaps? The net?
Or did they find you by using their psychic intuition?
THEY told YOU what these guys were? And you just accepted what they said, no question?
Here is a quote from a previous post of yours:
"I just want to know is anyone else a Star seed/Star person. Who has contracted Guides in cloaked robes to help them with spiritual and personal growth?"

I honestly think you would do better at the sister site. They deal with things of this nature. That's why the site was created, to handle... Topics outside our realm of experience.

Jav ❤
chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
I do understand where your all coming from my dad actually gave me a gold necklace with gold cross with Jesus on it when I told him what I was seeing.

The only thing that stumps me is that nothing bad came from there visit, I am still with my boyfriend who is now my Fiance and have had two children since then and no longer see them.

But I still ask for guidance/help from them whenever I feel I need it and usually will hear high pitched ringing in my ears when ever I do.

I do not talk to them out loud only in my head and feel as though who ever is listening is only there for good.

I have been told before of 12 celestial forces which are:

First force: COURAGE

Imagine that you had in you indestructible courage; a courage with which you could face any test and come out the victor.

Second force TEMPERANCE

Temperance is one of the great cosmic forces that allows excess to be avoided and that brings cosmic and harmonious balance.

Third force ASSURANCE

Have you always dreamed of having more confidence in yourself? This force will give you the assurance that will enable you to impose yourself in any situation.

Fourth force VICTORY

Yes, you will finally obtain victory and success in all your undertakings.

Fifth force JUSTICE

This force will allow you to overcome all injustices and obtain justice for yourself.

Sixth force PROTECTION

This cosmic protective force will act like a spiritual and astral shield that will protect you from bad luck, ill fate and the jealousy of others.

Seventh force LUCK

Call up this force and immediately the angels of luck will come to your aid.

Eighth force FORTUNE

Like a lucky star that guides your steps, this force will show you all the opportunities for fortune and wealth that cross your path.

Ninth force TRUTH

This force will enable you to know the truth in all circumstances. No one will be able to lie to you anymore.

Tenth force CHARISMA

Have you dreamt of having a "magnetic" personality? Well, this force will make you an irresistibly magnetic person.

Eleventh force GOODNESS

Goodness is one of the greatest forces of the universe and thanks to this force you will attract the goodness of the universe to live a harmonious life.

Twelfth force LOVE

Others will love you and seek your presence.

(These have been told to me through email from a psychic yesterday, this really surprised me and had me questioning my encounter over and over).
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
have to agree with javelina and rook on this one, they do not sound like any guide I have ever heard of.
And trying to contact them again would not be the best idea ever!
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
chelsiemayk88 asked "How do I contact my guides without summoning something else?"

That is easy. Ask Jesus to come into your life, into your heart and to be the Lord of your life. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are the only "guides" you will need.
gstar08 (4 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Thank you for your story, this was very interesting to me and I thought I would do further research as to what you may be experiencing. I actualled stumbled across this website which I thought was very Informative to your story. This might help you. You can email me as well if you would like me to help you a bit more, I would be more than happy to do so.
Email: gsobredo [at]

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
I'm not the one to answer that one. But Rook gave you the link to the sister site, and he rarely does that. So I think they would be more prepared to answer that question over there. They deal with the aspect of guides and psychic mediums on a regular basis.

Jav 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
The fact that you are experiencing fear at all is what you should be thinking about. If these guys were hanging around me, I'd be looking for an off ramp to kick them out of my life. Dee2285 hit it right on the mark with her comment. Anything that promises you can have whatever you want is just playing you hun.

chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Could they be the guides? They felt more like they were here to help not harm. But occasionally I think that, there are some dark/evil beings that will try and pretend to be them.

I have put my own spiritual growth on hold because, I can't over come my fear which leads to negative thoughts.

How do I contact my guides without summing something else?
Dee2285 (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
I know I am opening myself to ALOT of ridicule by saying the following, and that you are most likely going to ignore my post...

These beings are NOT from the "light" or Heaven or any place related to the Glory of God... You can have anything (and see how clever they were not to relate it to just earthly things) spiritually you like? Wrong. Look, I am no preacher, and I have MANY but MANY flaws and a ton of sin... But I am telling you... These "beings" are from the very depths of hell.

Sorry if I have offended anyone... But we should be under no illusions as to what REALLY is going on around us.

Thank you and I hope you will be ok
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
I Am Number Four...

;); (
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Now don't get me wrong here, but these guys sound like aliens to me.
The kind that step out of UFO's? Seriously.
Hooded figures? It sounds like they are trying to hide those big fat heads of theirs.
12 of them at once? Yep, that fits their profile too. It's not that often you get 12 spirits at one time, all dressed in the same uniform.
Their form of communication as well!
If I were you, I would at least check into it.

Jav 😐
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)

Ah then with all due respect and understanding now that you have shared a bit more you may find more answers at YGS's Sister site. It's for Psychic's and Mediums...


I hope you find the information you are looking for.


chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
I want to start off by saying, I have always been able to see and feel spirits but unable to hear them apart from high pitched ringing/static.

And I was not the only one who saw the cloaked beings, or had them try and interact with them through thoughts and energy.

The reason I am asking about the cloaked beings is because they were not spirits they were extraterrestrial and represented them selves as higher beings from the divine light.

The "Ghost busters" did not charge me for there time, and they did not do Evp's because they could see, hear and feel/sense the spirits without needing a machine too do it for them.

They did have extensive knowledge of the land where my house was built but, the spirits did not come from there.

They had all just attached themselves to mine and other peoples energy's and had all not been cleansed by the divine light, because they were either afraid to go through or had unfinished business.

When I saw the spirits it was always mid afternoon or at night as soon as it got dark.
But the beings I would see during the day and night.

I was nocturnal because, I felt as though I had to protect myself from the spirits that would only come out when it got dark. They probably wouldn't have hurt me but I didn't know and didn't want to find out.

I slept during the day because the light seemed to be like a shield that would protect me and ward of anything negative.

I did not go into full depth of what happened because it would have turned into a novel.

My partner feel asleep before the "Ghost Busters' cleansed my house. So they had no prior knowledge of what I had them there for except that I had spirits that made me uncomfortable and afraid.

They did not banish the spirits, that would be idiotic they just asked, persuaded encouraged them to a higher power that would cleanse and reconnect them with the higher selves.

I just want to know is anyone else a Star seed/Star person. Who has contracted Guides in cloaked robes to help them with spiritual and personal growth?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
While I can not vouch if they were 'Light or 'Dark' I find it interesting that you started seeing them... How did you put it...

"3 years ago I was going through a rough patch in my life..."

These 'entities' may have been a visual manifestation of your 'Rough Patch' or they may have been attracted to you during this time because of the emotions you were experiencing at this time.

As far as the 'ghost busters' that came into your home, I have a few questions...

How did you find them? Internet search? A Friends Suggestion? Your Boyfriends Suggestion?

Teams of this nature, if they are any good, will conduct a background check of the property... This includes (or should include) a check of historical records, speaking with the neighbors and any of your friends and Family that are willing to speak with them. Did they do any of this and if so how good of a chance is there that your boyfriend (or someone else who knew) told them about the 12 hooded figures? I ask because they gave a pretty specific description... Most of the time someone will say I (we) feel the presence of more than one entity that is still here...

Did they supply you with a written write up of their findings and a copies of any EVP's, Pictures or any other evidence they may of had? One has to have proof of what is there to be able to 'help it cross over/banish it'.

And, I hate to ask this but I must, did you have to pay them for their services? Most 'good investigation' teams will not charge an individual as any 'good evidence' they collect goes towards proving there is a 'Spirit World' and that is payment enough for them.

I find it very interesting that you say this...

"because letting them in I had opened the door to every spirit around me, which I could not deal with because my fear of the unknown had consumed me and made me almost nocturnal." So you are saying most of your experiences happened during the day? That in and of itself is very curious. Very Curious indeed.


chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
disregard the photos then, but do you have any comments on the beings and what happened?.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
The Photo taken on what looks like an outdoor porch has loaded so small it's hard to see anything.

The First indoor photo (the third one you downloaded)...

I'm not sure what I'm seeing and want to ask... Was the light shining into the room from your right? Was all of the light natural or were there lights on in the home, if lights were on in the home were they on your right?

The Second indoor photo (the forth one you downloaded) ...

In my opinion it seems to be motion blur... You are blurry... A light on the wall looks blurry... In the case of the light the 'motion' makes it appear to have three fingers. Sorry, that's what I'm seeing of course I'm not a photo expert, but based on the fact that everything in the picture is blurry... I have to say anything 'seen' is an artifact of the motion blur.


chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
they were taken in hall way at my mums, 3 years ago she has a very open spaced house with 18ft ceilings. Can you explain these beings?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Your second pick has loaded up so small it's very hard to see anything. Your third and forth pictures... May I ask where they were taken?


chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
The cloaked beings would never let me take picture of them. But lower level spirits would, but doing that would add to my drama. Because I was acknowledging they were there but was terrified of them so they were able to scare me.
chelsiemayk88 (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
The first one is too fuzzy shouldn't have been uploaded, then second one there a man in the tree. The third one there is a shadow to my right. And forth a pure white beings fingers reaching around pillar. None of these are the cloaked people
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)

I know what I want to say and 'do' concerning your experience, but I shall refrain from doing so at the moment and instead ask this question...

What are the 4 pictures supposed to be showing us?



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