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Unbearable Ringing In My Ears


Last night I was having trouble falling asleep I was so tired. I tried closing my eyes over and over again but every time I kept hearing this unbearable ringing in my ears. When I opened my eyes it would stop. In my head, it was like I was having a conversation with myself and I had said to myself "I just wanted to go to sleep" and clear as day and extremely loud in my ear, an angry sounding man started yelling at me. I was absolutely terrified. The ringing never subsided and kept me up for at least 3 hours. During this time I felt such an extreme pressure on my chest and was having trouble breathing.

Over the past couple of months, I keep waking up at 3:15 and 3:27 a.m. Without fail. Not only that, my son who is usually a heavy sleeper, wakes up screaming like something has scared him half to death. He also often looks at nothing and smiles and laughs. He also says babbles at whatever he is seeing. I figured he was just being silly but he does it so often now that it leaves me wondering.

We moved into this house in September and this didn't start happening until December. I always know when something is wrong with someone in my family, I get feelings and I am always right (this recently happened twice within the last month).

I have seen a bright figure in front of me when I was about 12 years at my parent's home but other than what I have mentioned, nothing else has really happened to me. I don't know if I have some sort of ability that is just surfacing now, or if I am crazy. Should I be worried? Do I need to talk to someone? Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what is going on? Please help!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sierracheree, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
No problem. I have very little patience with comments that could hurt someone if they take it seriously. Some people are so scared when they find our site they'll try almost anything.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
Thank you, BadJuuJuu:)

I was definitely worried about something thinking that was all based in reality when it comes to physical illness or even mental illness.


Thanks again:)
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
Elnora, I deleted that mess. Was afraid someone might take his advice and give themselves brain damage. It's actually the second time I've deleted it.
Bhara, tinnitis. Look into it. And if you post that again, I will delete it again.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
This post is two years old and the author has not returned, so I should probably not be doing anything on here, but...


Did you just accuse people who don't follow the scriptures of being child molesters? Kabbalah is not a dark thing, at all. The people who work on Wall Street sold their soul to the devil?

I'm sorry, but can you try to be a bit more open minded here? There a lot of people on here with a lot of different faiths.

I just had to say something about all that.
molly116 (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-14)
[at] "I always know when something is wrong with someone in my family, I get feelings and I am always right"
I have that kind of thing too, like if someones dying I can tell that they are dying and that it's time say goodbye to them 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
Just so you know, Rook's method (see below) is designed specifically not to provoke or cause harm to friendly spirits. There is nothing aggressive in the application of it. What it will do is help you maintain a balance that promotes harmony, and keep any baddies away. It is very simple, so don't let the length fool you.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
First of all, granny's right about the babies. It is a normal part of their development to babble at nothing, don't over think when it comes to children. If you aren't sure about those things your best bet is to talk to your pediatrician. Books are good too. But, the more people you talk to, the weirder the advice will get. I've heard some pretty crazy advice come from people who don't even have children, trust me.
It's the yelling that I am concerned about. What did he say? That seems like a very important detail to leave out...

sierracheree (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
Also- I understand the adrenaline thing and ear ringing. I want it to be known that it was nothing like that. What I have been experiencing is very real to me. I myself have ruled everything out I could. I am glad those ideas are brought to light though!
sierracheree (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
Thank you for your responses everyone:) . I plan on contacting to a group for a house cleansing in my area eventually. I do feel the need to wait. I have been thinking about what I experienced and am wondering if this spirit was frustrated with me and was really trying to get my attention rather than scare me. (Cliney1212) I do plan on talking to someone to sort all of this out. It would help with my confusion. As of lately, my son has not been bothered at night, but is still talking to someone and smiling and laughing during the day. He is only 1 1/2 so he can't really tell me who or what he is talking to. It seems as if this spirit is directing the attention towards me, maybe for help? 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
New Homes need a good Cleansing and Shielding... Please try this and feel free to ask any questions you may have...

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)


Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-08)
It may be helpful to visit a local spiritualist church or psychic group. Someone there will be able to advise you if there is a spirit trying to get your attention. They will also help you channel any spiritual abilities you may have. You will learn to meditate and therefor you'll be able to calm yourself down if it is a body clock adrenalin issue as well. Best of luck ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-05-08)
sierracheree: Well, the ringing in your ears and pressure on your chest could be attributed to an elevation in your blood pressure due to adrenalin... Ever heard the expression "I was TOO tired to sleep"?...If you allow your body to become overly tired adrenalin kicks in to keep you going... The adrenal gland is the complete opposite of the pineal gland...

This question is very personal, but when you wake up at those times cited, do you have to use the bathroom?...This could be your internal clock waking you to tell you your bladder is full...

Babies babble at the strangest things... Try to put yourself in their mindset: everything is new to them...
Scrub (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-08)
When your son starts babbling have you tried addressing the figure directly and finding out what its after? Furthermore, it seems to be aggressive as it threatens you. Don't let it control you or your son try commanding it to leave in the name of our saviour jesus christ and if the problem still persists, try asking a priest to bless the house and during the day time keep the windows open and the curtains pulled invite light into your house.
Thanks for sharing,

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