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Who Poked My Ear?


This happened when my dad just died last 2011. We (Me, my Mom, my younger brother, my older brother, my older sister and her family) decided to sleep in the living room because the 2 rooms upstairs have not been cleaned because we are so busy with the wake and burial of my dad a week before that (only my aunt was sleeping in her room upstairs that time).

My older brother and younger brother are sleeping together on a foam bed placed on the floor, behind the sofa I am sleeping on. My older sister and her family are sleeping on the floor in front of the sofa which is also in front of our altar.

While everyone is asleep including me (me as a light sleeper - easily wakes up when touched or heard a noise) that is when I felt something. Someone poked the hole in my ear! Then I shook off my head confusedly then I suddenly opened my eyes when I realized what just happened. I got up immediately and checked my family if one of them could possibly make a prank on me while I'm sleeping. Then I found everybody sleeping, some are even snoring. I felt confused and checked the wall clock over my head and found out that it is 3:05 in the morning. I was lying awake and confused thinking until I fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning I jokingly asked them who poke the hole in my ear and no one admitted. Then they joked at me that it must be our dad. So I prayed for him even if I'm not sure if that was him (Since he doesn't do that when he was alive) LOL. Thank you for reading. Let me know your thoughts who could have poked my ear.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, deyanna, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

deyanna (10 stories) (19 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-11)

I'm so sorry for your loss. Yeah. It could be. I have experienced tasting something you craved without eating it LOL. So possible I could be hallucinating when I was in the state of drifting off to sleep and the wake state. Thanks though for your thoughts:)

DeliverDawn (5 stories) (45 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-10)
Hi Deyanna,

The loss of a parent--or anyone you love--can be really devastating. It was hard for me when my own father died, so I can relate some to how you felt then.

This reminds me of hypnagogia more than anything else, which you might want to look at. I think most of the time hypnagogia is the culprit, it's through visions, but there have also been time when people have heard, felt, and even tasted things happening! 😨
deyanna (10 stories) (19 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-08)
Lady-Glow && RCRuskin,

Yes, maybe it is. Maybe at that time I thought that it could be my dad since he just died. They always tease me since the day after the burial of my dad, my sister and her family slept on the living room and during the dawn they would hear someone walking back and forth on the 2nd floor, knowing no one's staying there that night because they're all downstairs. I was not home that night because I was out for a drink since I can't sleep and his death just sunk into me. When my dad is still alive, he would stay up until dawn to wait for me to go home or get inside if I'm outside to play skate. But thanks though for your thoughts guys. I appreciate you're giving time to read my experiences and give opinions ❤

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-07)
May your father's Memory be Eternal.

I quite agree with Lady Glow: not much here to confirm it as one way or the other.

Well, I'm just go to reject 'bug landing on/in ear' simply because that just freaks me out! 😁
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-07)
🤔 Perhaps:
- a muscle spasm?
- a strand of hair entering your ear?
- a bug landing on your ear?
- a dream?

In my opinion, there's not enough information/evidence in your narrative as to say if it was your Father's spirit or if something more simple and mundane woke you up at 3:05 am.
By the way, the time doesn't add any weight as to consider this experience 'more paranormal'.

I'm sorry for your loss.

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