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Mischievous Little Girl 2: Ringing Bell Sounds


As a somewhat continuation of my first account, I'll describe what else happened in that house. For those who haven't read my first account, I would recommend that you do, although it isn't really essential in order to understand this. First let me give a brief description of the layout of the house. Basically when you enter the house, directly to your right is a door to the living room, go walk past that and on your left are stairs going up and on your right is another door to 1 of K's brothers room. When you go straight past these, you end up in the kitchen. On the back left side of the kitchen is small hallway, once you're in the hallway there's a door on the right to the bathroom and one on the front for the back yard. Directly opposite the bathroom door, there was a mirror with a dressing table. Phew, hopefully the description is understandable.

Now on to the incidents and the reason why we think that it was a girl. This incident happened to my dad, he said that once when he came out of the bathroom, he saw a faint image of a girl standing behind him in the mirror. She looked around 13-14 years old, wearing a white dress with long golden hair. She stayed there for few seconds and then disappeared while he was still looking into the mirror. Dad only told us about it after we asked him if he had experienced something strange in that house otherwise he never talked about it.

Anyways I remember that whenever I used to be in that hallway, I would feel really uncomfortable. Once when I was washing my hands in the bathroom, the shower curtain started shaking. At first I thought that it was the wind, so I checked the windows but there was no wind coming from anywhere, plus the window curtains were still. K had a small kitten back then so I thought that maybe he was behind it, so I moved the curtain to check but there was nothing there.

Another time when K was brushing her teeth there once, she heard a knock on the bathroom door. She was just finishing up so she said 1 minute but someone knocked again. So she quickly finished what she was doing and said coming, after the third knock she opened the door to find that there was no one there. She went to check who was knocking but everyone was asleep at that time and all of the lights were off expect for the kitchen light.

In K's brothers room, we used to hear a couple arguing every night. The sound used to come from near the window so at first we thought that it might have been the neighbours but every night the argument would have the same tone. It felt like it was on repeat, it would start from around 11pm and faintly continue throughout the night and would be the exact same thing over and over again. Though we couldn't really make out what they were saying but we got so used to it that eventually we stopped paying it attention, or we were too scared to admit what it was so we pretended not to hear it.

Lastly the ringing bell sound that I wrote about in the title. Basically this happened to me and K, once we were sleeping in K's brother's room and as usual we were playing video games until around 4am, I think. When we decided to finally go to sleep, so we closed up everything, turned off the lights and went to bed. Now as soon as we went to bed, I heard a bell ringing in the living room, it was faint at first but got louder as if it was coming closer. It came so close that it felt like someone was ringing it while standing outside our bedroom door (the room door was open) then it was as if whoever was holding it run towards the kitchen and into the hallway at the back. At first I thought that I must be imagining it but then K was like "What was that?" she asked me if I heard it too and I said "yeah, that was strange". Even now whenever we remember it, we still can't figure out what it was indicating to because there must have been something in that hallway.

Anyways that's the incidents that I remember which happened there, I'm pretty sure that there were more which I can't remember or they might've happened to K's family members which I don't know about. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mona777, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-12)

It's okay to ask a lot of questions, that means that you thoroughly read my accounts and that you're curious. For which I thank you 😊

You're also right about me not explaining the incidents in detail. Actually it's the first time that I shared them online, so I wasn't really sure what parts to share and which ones not to. But I will keep that in mind for next time.

Now on to your questions:

"What makes you assume that the little girl was the only one causing the disturbances if, after all, there'd be, at least, two other possible entities to blame?"

Like I mentioned, we told ourselves that there was only entity which according to my dad's story was a girl. The other ones we never really payed any attention to and also partly because we heard it (well sort of) when it was turning the door knob.

"Did K and her little brother use to hear the couple arguing every night too, or did the arguments were heard only during the nights you stayed over?"

Now this part was kind of lacking in my story, K has 2 brother's and it was the older brother's room. I'm sure he heard the noises as well but he probably ignored them given his personality and lack of interest in spirits. Also the reason why I didn't mention him in my previous account was because we ruled out completely that it could have been him since he is the serious type and does't like playing pranks and also because he voice is quite deep and not girly.

"Were these arguments the reason why K's brother was afraid to sleep alone in that room, or was only because of natural fear due to his age? Do you know if he ever told his parents the reason for his refusal to spend the nights alone in the room?"

He didn't like to sleep downstairs at all, because he was scared but I will ask him why when I get the chance.

"Is there a chance that K's cat was playing with a toy that make bell sounds that night?"

Soon after they got the kitten, they had to give it away because K's mom got allergic from him. So by the time the bell incident happened they had already given the kitten away.

"I guess either the arguments weren't that scary or you girls learnt to ignore them, otherwise, how could you stay up until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning playing video games while the couple was following their nightly ritual?"

Me and K only slept in that room once and that's when that incident happened after that K got a new T.V in her own room. The reason that I know about the arguments going on every night is because anyone who used to sleep there would say the same thing. K's brother used to have some cousins over sometimes and they would say the exact same thing. Also if we would walk past that room at night especially after 11:00, we would hear them.

"Did you ever ask any of the adults to come to the room and listen to the voices?"

I'm not sure if K or any of her siblings asked the parents but I will ask them when I meet them next time.

Also thanks for your comments. 😊
Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-12)

Thanks for explaining. I think that the mirror was new... Although I'm not really sure and I think that they left it there when they moved out. 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-12)
One more question.
What do you know about the mirror? Is it an antique or is it a new one?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-12)
Monna: Thanks for replying, yes, I was aware that you're talking about your cousin but you hadn't mention that you're cousins on your father's side of the family.

Said that, I have some questions about your stories, I hope you don't mind if I use your own words from both narratives as a base.

"So this was one the incidents, we believe that a little girl used to live there..."

"...This incident happened to my dad... Once when he came out of the bathroom, he saw a faint image of a girl standing behind him in the mirror..."

"In K's brothers room, we used to hear a couple arguing every night..."

What makes you assume that the little girl was the only one causing the disturbances if, after all, there'd be, at least, two other possible entities to blame?

"... My cousin, let's just call her K used to share her room with her younger brother at that time. Because he was really young, he used to get scared sleeping alone and whenever I used to stay over at her house, he would just sleep in her parents room..."

"In K's brothers room, we used to hear a couple arguing every night. The sound used to come from near the window so at first we thought that it might have been the neighbours but every night the argument would have the same tone. It felt like it was on repeat, it would start from around 11pm and faintly continue throughout the night and would be the exact same thing over and over again..."

Did K and her little brother use to hear the couple arguing every night too, or did the arguments were heard only during the nights you stayed over?
Were these arguments the reason why K's brother was afraid to sleep alone in that room, or was only because of natural fear due to his age? Do you know if he ever told his parents the reason for his refusal to spend the nights alone in the room?
I'm asking this because, usually, when young children see or talk to spirits, since many times they are not even aware that these aren't 'normal' people, they will tell their parents about their interactions. If the parents believe it or not is a different story but, this part is missing in your narrative.

I assume that, if the little boy ever mentioned hearing the arguments, his parents either would have laughed it off or would have told K the reason why she had to sleep with her brother.
Anyway, what girl would like to share a room with her little brother?

Is there a chance that K's cat was playing with a toy that make bell sounds that night? I'm not discarding your experience but, it's important to always look for logical and mundane explanations before assuming something to be paranormal in nature.

I guess either the arguments weren't that scary or you girls learnt to ignore them, otherwise, how could you stay up until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning playing video games while the couple was following their nightly ritual? Did you ever ask any of the adults to come to the room and listen to the voices?

I know, I ask a lot of questions, don't I?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-11)
Mona - Benign means friendly, caring, etc. - By benign spirit I mean that she is harmless and in real life was probably somebody with acceptably decent characteristics.

Well it's difficult to say what she was like in life because obviously you didn't know her but she didn't try to harm you in any way after death.

Regards, Melda
Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-11)

Thanks for your comment, K and her family moved out from there around 2 years back I think. Also what's a benign spirit, sorry I'm not really good at this stuff lol


As I mention in my previous story, K is also my cousin from my dad's side so we often go to visit them. 😁
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-11)
I got confused.

To this point and after reading both of your stories, I don't understand if your whole family lives in K's house, or if your father went for a sleepover the day he saw the girl in the mirror, or if you are talking about two different houses altogether. 😕
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-11)
Mona777 - The couple you heard arguing could have been residual energy. I'm not saying that that is so but it is a possibility.

I'm not sure whether your cousin and her family still reside in that house but if they do, I would suggest that they have the house cleansed/blessed. That would of course depend on K's parents.

If the young girl is a benign spirit, it would be helpful to her if she were assisted to cross over. She doesn't sound harmful but rather seeking attention. Either way, a blessing of the home would probably send her on her way, depending on their religious beliefs.

Regards, Melda

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