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Do Your Ears Hang Low (story 3)


After my dog attacked my daughter, we had him put down. I could not simply let another family take him knowing what he was capable of. Perhaps that's what triggered a series of more pronounced paranormal events.

Several of my family members started seeing black shadowy figures. My youngest daughter woke many times during the night to see a very tall dark figure standing at the foot of her bed. When she turned her bed side lamp on it would be gone. We tried to recreate this figure unsuccessfully to see if it may have been something in her room and her imagination got the best of her.

Soon after that (or while that was still going on) I started noticing a tall dark shadow man standing in the corner of my kitchen. Usually I only saw him after glancing over my shoulder, just a quick look. I would turn around fully he would be gone. At first I thought perhaps it was just my imagination (my denial rearing its head again), a reaction to my daughter relating what she was experiencing. However, my (other) two dogs started avoiding that corner at all cost. I'll get into that in my next story.

Things kept happening, shadow figures, stuff missing, feeling a tug on the back of our legs as we walked down the hall. Voices as if they were far away. At times I would be in the living room and one of the kids (usually my youngest) would walk in and ask what I wanted. She would tell me she heard me calling her. In fact that happened from the moment we moved into the house (hearing someone call out our names). We just all discounted it as our imaginations.

Everyday something happened. Every. Single. Day. I probably won't get all of it down in this story cause most of it I consider trivial. A lot of it I've forgotten but I'm sure at some time I will remember. It's things that I've been through before so it's easy to just shrug my shoulders at and go on with life.

Then came of the night of December 16, 2009. My oldest daughter and her husband had just moved in with us. Their bedroom was across the hall, down a way from ours. My youngest daughter's room was directly across the hall. My youngest son's room was at the other end of the hall. I'm making a note here that my oldest son, who had experiences but is a total non-believer, had moved out several years prior to this.

I remember the above date clearly because it's also our wedding anniversary.

I woke up at 2:22, I know the time because I immediately looked at the clock. What woke me was what sounded like an ice cream truck playing the song "Do Your Ears Hang Low". My first thought was, "Why the hell is the ice cream truck running in the middle of the night?" As the sound got louder, I got of bed and opened my bedroom door. It sounded as if the truck was inside of the house and coming towards me. About that time my oldest daughter opened her bedroom door. She looked at me as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She asked, "Do you hear that?" By this time the sound was deafening. I'm not even sure if I actually heard her words or I had just read her lips. Then suddenly it stopped.

I can't even begin to explain how badly we both were shaken. We kept asking each other, "Did that really happen?" Neither of us went back to bed that night. We sat up talking about it, trying to find a reasonable explanation for it. Trying to figure out why no one else in the house woke up. The one question neither of us thought to ask was, "Why would the ice cream truck run in December..."

A few days later it dawned on me, our ice cream truck only runs during spring and summer. But just to make sure I called the owner and asked what his operation times were. He told me, he runs the trucks from noon until 8 p.m. March 1st through September 1st.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, yomomma, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-08)
Hi Andreamr23, thanks for reading my story. Yes, I have thought about that, lately even more so.
Andreamr23 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-08)
Have you considered your dog was so angry because of all of the activity? It sounds like he was protecting you guys and once he was gone they had nothing keeping them away from you anymore
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-21)
Wish-Not - it truly was crazy and one that I really don't want to have repeated. I'm always braver after the fact.

Tweed- I wish I knew what caused it. I too have wondered if someone may have 'borrowed' an ice cream truck but after thinking about how well insulated my brick home is and the fact I don't often hear outside noises, makes me believe that's not possible. Then again maybe it was because it was at night. And honestly it's ok with me if I never know.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Yomomma wow what a trippy experience! What the hell was going on that night I wonder!
Wondered if someone took the whippy van for a joy ride without the owner knowing, and then passed by your place. Like maybe a mate of Whippy's took the keys for a laugh. The whippy van around one of my old haunts was covered in graffiti, gosh I laughed the first time I saw it.

Shaddowpeeps I personally would not be concerned with, however the reason for their presence would. I don't remember ever hearing of any doing anything other than observe. But they seem to be called to action, so to speak, by heavy emotion. I don't believe they're the cause of any wrongdoing, not intentionally anyway.

Looking forward to your next encounters!

Woo Pig, WishNot! Lol by the way I did google it before I asked, but I'm sport-illiterate and still needed it explained. 😉
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Manafon1- just so you know I was aware the tire squealing account wasn't in that story. I read it 3 times thinking I had missed it. Then I thought perhaps your mind is like mine, thinking I've said or wrote something when I had not. I was trying to be discreet 😆
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
yomomma- Well it seems I will have that song stuck in my head for awhile! That experience is just CRAZY!

Those shadow folks are just as creepy. I had a visitor (Mr. Winfred) one day a couple summers ago. He seemed more of an observer than anything else. I never did understand his intentions.

Another great account yomomma, I'll be looking for the next one. Woo Pig! ***Tweed***
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
yomomma - oh heck LOL The feelings your daughter has are so similar to my daughter's. And the kitchen? I think I've only mentioned my experience in the kitchen to a few people. I'll have to write it up one day, but that is so intriguing. I don't mean to be cryptic but my computer is freezing on me and one of my bosses is way too near for me to be more detailed.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Miracles51031- I too am very interested about the 'shadow men' and yes they do seem to just watch. My youngest daughter (not the one Dog attacked) is 23, she still lives here. And apparently so does the shadow man. If she's alone in her bedroom the light is always on. She says he really doesn't scare her just sort of creeps her out to know someone or something is watching her.
Sometimes one appears in our kitchen. I don't think I'm the only one that has seen him. My dogs definitely have seen him.

Michaeldomigues26 - Like my daughter I feel a little freaked out to know someone is watching me. I would love to hear more about your shadow people.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
yomomma - for me the song "Do Your Ears Hang Lo" came from my mom. She used to be a preschool teacher and would sing that song and do hand motions LOL It was also on Barney.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Hi yomomma--I know what you mean about thinking about what you heard was a dream! If my wife didn't hear the tire squeeling sound I would have later doubted what I heard.

Thanks for your kind words about my Ouija story. It's just best not to use the things. Oh yeah, the tire squeeling incident I mentioned was posted under my old account (Manafon). I really don't like suggesting one of my stories but my story titled, "Incidents At South York Street" has a few parallels with your recent accounts. It was a really haunted place!
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
geetha50 - The ice cream truck seemed to be coming down my hall getting louder as came closer to the bedrooms. And no I didn't have any toys that could have made the noise. My daughter and I had to research the tune because although I had heard it before (probably from an ice cream truck, I now understand it's often used) I didn't know what it was called.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Manafon1 - I'm still in awe of that night. Had my daughter not heard it too I think I would have thought I was dreaming.
I read your amazing story and enjoyed it immensely. I first was introduced to Ouija boards in college by my roommate. Fun times! Although I haven't used it in years I still have it.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
yomomma--The phantom ice cream truck music is extremely intriguing. Sometimes there are paranormal occurrences that just don't seem to have any rhyme or reason. The way you describe the sound growing in intensity reminded me of an experience I had many years ago. I wrote about this as part of a story on this site. While renting an apartment in a very haunted building, my wife and I were awoken one night by the sound of car tires squealing, which grew in intensity and volume until it sounded like there was a car in our living room.

Soon there was an accompanying smell of burning tire rubber. This, like your experience, happened in winter and all our windows were closed. We had to open up all of the windows to disperse the smell, which took twenty minutes or so. This phenomenon never occurred again.

Sometimes paranormal experiences, like your phantom ice cream truck encounter, just leave us scratching our heads. Maybe, on occasion, we intercept the dreams of ghosts doing things they did in life. Like driving their ice cream truck with a song that never left their mind, or in my case, remembering the fun of drag racing.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
Just out of curiosity. Did the sound of the ice cream truck come from one direction or general direction where couldn't pin point where it was coming from?

Also, do you have any objects in the house like a toy that can create that?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
michaeldomiques26 - I'm glad you posted your comment because it made me remember I wanted to talk to yomomma about the shadow man.

Yomomma - there are dozens upon dozens of stories on our site, as well as many others, that talk about seeing a shadow man. I have a personal interest in this topic and have been collecting information (in my head of course LOL) about them. Trying to figure out what prompts the visits, who they are, how many different types there are, different apparel, etc. One thing I, and a few others (including our mod zzsgranny) have noticed is sometimes strong emotion will bring a visit from one, whether it is grief, anger, etc.

I think in your family's case, having to put down your beloved dog would constitute grief. There are some that are referred to as Watchers because it appears that is all they do. Why they watch is beyond me but it does spark a lot more questions.

Yours is the first story I can recall that has a visit from a shadow man where it is possible the grief came from the loss of an animal.

Thank you for sharing this. More food for thought.
michaeldomigues26 (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
It's very interesting to hear about the tall shadow figure. Because me and my family have seen the same thing.
The ice cream truck part sounds really strange. I wonder what that could have been.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
yomomma - ever since I watched the ice cream truck episode on Charmed, I have hated those things LOL

Up until the end, I was thinking maybe it was a residual haunting. But given the time of year, and your confirmation from the owner, that let's residual out as an explanation.

Still creepy 😨

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