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The Pink And Blue Ribbons


This is my first post and I have so much to say, but I will try and keep this short and to the point. I do not remember the first paranormal experiences that surrounded me as I was only a few weeks old.

My mom had taken me to my grandmother's house because my aunt had died in a car accident. In the car accident there was my aunt and three boys. One night after the funeral my mom had woken to feed me and change my diaper. While she was feeding me, she said she felt like something was watching her, and out of the corner of her eye she could see a shadow figure in the hallway. She says she felt like it was taunting her. She continued to try and ignore it, and it became more disturbing by banging on the walls and knocking pictures off the walls. It woke everyone in the house up and my grandmother, being the very religious person that she is, began to pray and everything became silenced. My mom cleaned me up while my grandmother made coffee.

When my mom went to put me back in my playpen where I was sleeping in the living room, my grandfather's dog (Doberman) attacked my mom, and bit her. My mom lay me quickly in the playpen, and the dog jumped into the playpen with me and wrapped its body around me while it was growling and foaming at the mouth. My mom said it was almost as if he were protecting me from something. Everyone, including my grandfather, tried to reach for me but the dog was having no part in that. After a few minutes he calmed down, jumped out, and went to his bed and laid down. My mom, of course, grabbed me out and started checking me all over. She says she noticed my hands seemed clenched closed so she pried my fingers open, and found ribbon bows inside of them: 3 blue ribbons and 1 pink ribbon.

My grandmother called a priest the next day who came out and blessed the house. The priest said I needed to be baptized right away. That Sunday I was baptized in a white dress with the pink and blue ribbons sewn on it. Everyone that was there that night tells the same exact story.

By the way, I still have the dress and ribbons. This is just the beginning of the stories I have to share. I honestly want to see how this one works out before I go into my whole life.

Next time I will tell you how I used to play with my deceased aunt when I was little.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mind_wide_open, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-31)
I love this story thanks mind-wide-open. It validates the fact that our loved ones stay close and I think the dog sensed something it didn't quite understand and protected you as the most vulnerable one there at the time. I know it bit your mum but as you said it didn't break skin and Dobermans are extremely strong if he wanted to harm he could have very easily I think he was trying to warn your mum there was something going on he didn't understand... I'm really looking forward to reading your other stories please post soon ❀
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-31)

Thanks, I couldn't have explained it better myself.


As stated, it's a passive method. It's designed to help change the type of 'energy' with-in a home and because of this change any 'negative or malevolent' energies / spirits are 'pushed out' and it also allows for a Shield to be raised to help keep negative energy / entities / spirits away.

Think of your home as a capacitor... It can become charged with positive or negative energy. Spirits / Entities can be attracted to the type of energy that has built up in a home (negative to negative, positive to positive) and they can 'draw' on this energy in order to help them 'manifest'...sometimes in 'small discharges' other times in 'BIG discharges'. (small = knocking /footsteps / evp's...BIG = Audible Voices, Movement of physical things, visual sightings (manifestation)

My method allows for the 'polarity' of the home to be changed... This may not happen all at one time... It may take a few tries to truly remove all the negative energy... Until that happens you still may experience 'interaction' with any negative energies / entities / spirits.

Having said all that here is the method in question...

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)

Please keep us updated...


Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Welcome to YGS and thank you for sharing your story! I am glad to see eventually was okay! I agree with everyone here in saying it may have been your aunt, but with the way you were being protected by the doberman I would say you would have been safe anyhow:) Thank you again for sharing!

Blessed Be ❀
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
It would be great if you posted some pics of the dress/ribbons and your aunt. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Hi,just a thought... Maybe the Aunt had some how possessed the dog or controlled it in some way, so you would be protected from what ever was there. Thats why after it was over you had the ribbons. Great story, 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Rook's recipe is designed to be a passive, non-aggressive method. By using it, you will be keeping those bad actors away, not giving them a stage to act up on. It is safe and non toxic.

Jav ❀
mind_wide_open (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Im not exactly sure what it all means but I know my aunt is still around in my life. I sense her alot. I'm very sensitive to the paranormal and have very strong mental ties with those that are close to me. I have always wondered if my aunt was my guardian angel, or my spirit guide. Whats everyones thoughts.

Rook, I think I may need to use your house cleaning and protection. Will this work or is there a chance I could anger something more? Not sure what it is yet, but it threw a bowl at me the other day. I want it out!

SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Welcome to YGS!😊

That was a sweet pet to protect you that way. I wonder what does the ribbons mean? As Jesus_soldier said it indicates your aunt and the 3 boys, my question is How does that relate to you and what it meant at the time it happened?

I really liked your story, one more story to my favourites! Thanks for sharing❀

Elgin (5 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Dog's are generally very defensive especially if the person they are protecting is very important but he wouldn't even let your grandfather touch you. Why was he doing that? What would the 4 ribbons mean? What would those 4 ribbons mean to you or your life? It's very mysterious! ^_^
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Thank you! This is such a wonderful experience to share with us, I am truly impressed with the dog's reaction. You would find this out sooner or later, but I am the ultimate crazy dog lover, and the actions of this dog ring true to their breed. Rook is absolutely correct in the way Doberman's brains can grow too large for their skull, and from there it can become unstable. But this dog had a single purpose in mind for that moment in time. And that was to protect you, and only you. Which means that what ever was lurking in the hallway that night, that dog sensed it was after you. He took the initiative, he was not going to risk having anyone argue about it either. You are one protected individual. And if you have ever caught sight of that dog, since his passing, out of the corner of your eye, you can be sure it was him. I have no doubt about that whatsoever. My dogs visit me, and I have developed a way to see them when they do. I have talked about this before, and I believe others can do it as well.
I also believe that Jesus_soldier has hit on the answer to ribbons as well.
Thank you again for this lovely telling, and welcome to YGS!

Jav ❀
mind_wide_open (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Thank you! Very glad to be here. I promise to write more of my experiences in the near future.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)

Don't apologize for the length, the details you share with us can help everyone understand what was going on and can lead to people asking questions that make a difference between 'de-bunking' a situation or explaining just how unusual an experience was.

My observations were just that, observations. Now that you have provided more details I can see where the dog may have 'felt' it could provide 'better protection' than 'people' as they were not reacting to something that it had no problem 'sensing'.

Thank you for sharing about your Aunt as's the little things such as family photo's that can bring so much validation to an experience. Welcome to YGS.


mind_wide_open (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)

Actually the dog eventually died. I guess I should have gone into more detail with my story. I was very nervous writing it and was trying very hard not to make the story to long. I now see my short comings. The black shadow figure was not a new onset. The house had been haunted for as long as my grandparents had owned it. There were always very active things going on. My mom hated this house and later as I got to know my dad (divorced and disappeared when I was two, came back when I was 13) he said the house stayed haunted until it burned down. The spirit or whatever resided in the house was very menacing and taunted people but never got as violent as it did the night of my story. The dog was my grandfathers dog and had never been violent either and never was again after this night. My mom said that he didn't bite hard enough to break the skin, but it scared her enough to put me down which is what he seemed to have wanted. My mom said after this night he made sure he was right by me all the time. Not sure if any of this helped. Although I said I would leave this to another story I have a very vivid memory of being at my moms grandfathers funeral. It was open casket and I was very young (5) so I stayed for a little while in the chapel but I'm assuming I got restless and was taken to a nursery right off the chapel. I remember I could still hear everyone and people were walking back and fourth. Eventually this lady came to play with me. I had a good time with her and can remember playing with her on mutiple occassions after this. I played with her a lot at home. Then she just stopped coming around. I kept asking for her and my mom was very confused by who I could be talking about. One day when I was about 14, we were going through a box of my dads pictures and things that my mom had saved just for me. I found my baptismal dress and a small picture of a lady. Not just any lady though, it was my long lost friend. When I asked my mom about her and explained that this was the woman I had been playing with, she told me there was no way because the picture was of my aunt who had died. Now maybe this explains a bit more. Sorry for the length.

Thanks for listening,

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
I find this story very interesting and it's very cool about the ribbons and the baptism and the shadow figure.

I have a question (or two) about your Uncles Dog... The Doberman... You said this...

"When my mom went to put me back in my playpen where I was sleeping in the living room, my grandfather's dog (Doberman) attacked my mom, and bit her. My mom lay me quickly in the playpen, and the dog jumped into the playpen with me and wrapped its body around me while it was growling and foaming at the mouth."

I know our pets and the pets of relatives will protect babies... It seems to be an instinctive reflex... This dog attacked and bit YOUR MOTHER...Here's my question about this... Has anyone explained why the dog attacked your mother? I ask because Dobermans suffer from issues that stem from the way they were bred... Their brains actually can grow to big for there heads and the pain this causes drives them into fits of rage... It happens in cocker spainal's (sp?) as well.

The dogs actions may have had nothing to do with the Paranormal... But the appearance of a shadow figure and the ribbons at the same time as this 'natural' issue with the dog may appear to be linked and yet have absolutely no connection what so ever? What ever became of that dog, has anyone ever told you?

I hope this makes some kind of sense. As I said, this is an interesting experience your family experienced, thank you for sharing.


DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
mind_wide_open: Firstly please don't be nervous, this site is a place to really open up about these types of experiences, the majority of the people who frequent this sight have had experiences of their own and can relate to you in that regard. 😊

I loved your account, what is stumping me is why the dog was so protective, it sounds as though it was something negative there at the time.
Dogs and all animals I believe are quite sensitive to the paranormal If this was your Aunt who was visiting at the time (And I believe it was) maybe the dog did not realise this? Just something to consider! πŸ˜•
Look forward to hearing more from you, thank you for sharing. 😁

mind_wide_open (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
Thank you so much for the kind words. Really nervous about sharing my experiences. This helps alot! ❀
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
Jesus_soldier - lol, thank you πŸ˜†. It's been a long week, we know. Granny and I both were on vacation. Yep, at the same time πŸ˜‰, but we're back and trying to get things back to normal now. And there are a crap load of stories πŸ˜†.

Mind_wide_open - I agree with Jesus_soldier. I also think this was a sign from your aunt. I'm so glad the ribbons were sewn onto your dress and I'm glad you have kept it. This was a wonderful tribute to your aunt and cousins.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
I just want to start off by saying, "Yes! A new story!" Ok moving on, I enjoyed this story. I think the ribbons were a sign of your Aunt (1pink ribbon) and her three boys (3 blue ribbons). I have no ideal how it got in your hands. Your Uncle dog (cujo) was gaurding you like a 5 pound steak. Very cool story though.

Thank you for sharing

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