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Blue Brownie


Back in March, it was either the 16th or 17th, late at night I walked into our bedroom for some reason. You know what, I don't know what the heck I walked in there for and that's bugged me ever since. Also, for the first time in ten years, I had the dreaded flu. It knocked me sideways for about a week. In this moment I was pretty dizzy, which may give what I saw far less credit.

So I turned on the bedroom light and immediately clapped eyes on a smallish man 'lounging' on top of our wardrobe. I say lounging because he looked totally relaxed, resting back on his side. Before I describe him further I need to back it up for context.

That week, before I saw this brownie, or whatever he is, I'd willfully surrounded myself in dark blue. I believe colours are useful and can be helpful or hindering. For example there's a very particular shade of pale peachy pink that doesn't agree with me. It makes me queezy if I wear it. (Had a dressing gown in this colour, it was a present. But it always made me feel rather ill.) So colours have purpose in my little world. Dark blue felt right that week, so I followed that. As I was under the weather it felt wise to take the colour thing to another level. It went beyond the odd item of clothing that week and extended to painting my nails dark blue. (Nearly always have them dark red.) That, and dark blue eye shadow. Normally that's reserved for a formal occasion. Anyway, that's a lot of dark blue. So back to dizzy in the bedroom.

There sat on top of the wardrobe this male creature, calm as can be, with one hand in a sort of wave/greeting pose. Dressed in dark flipping blue. I was more surprised at his appearance than anything else, because he was so beautiful! He had this serenity about him and this stood out most of all, more than the blue of it all.

He looked nothing like I had imagined, which was a short, stout, gruff being with a beard and a gnome type hat. I assumed he'd be a scaled down version of whatever my friend and I saw at hers when we were kids, but not so. This entity had no beard, a pointy longish face, big dark eyes which looked like they were smiling, a wide mouth, long slender limbs and fingers. His skin was smooth and pinkish, but he had character lines in his face, deep smile lines and probably some around the eyes. The hand which wasn't raised was resting on his leg and the knuckles were quite pronounced. The rest of him was covered in tight clothing. He was there for about five seconds, and all of that time he was slowly fading. I was trying to hold on to the moment, like if I don't move or do anything I could draw out the fading. Also this entity was much larger than I'd guessed.

I think I previously talked about glimpsing a blurred shape move across the floor. The shape had no colour to it, it was like blurred pixels or glass moving across the carpet, pixilating where it went. That was last year. I guessed the size of that glassy styled movement at about that of a tennis ball. But the entity on the wardrobe, though he was sitting and up high, must have stood around a foot tall or more. His limbs were quite elongated.

Also odd, I'd not known he went into our bedroom at all. As most activity is down in the kitchen, bathroom and sometimes lounge room. It was the last place I'd expect to encounter him. I was laid up for part of that week and thought I heard some bumps here and there during the afternoon hours. That might have been him wondering what I was doing in bed at that time. Or birds on the roof.

On top of our wardrobe is a few otherworldly ornaments, a fairy and a troll, some owls and some dried flowers. So he looked pretty at home amongst them. My husband loves a certain shade of dark blue, it's a shade that's hard to come by and it's hard to explain in words, but it's very dark and almost on the way to purple. We tend to incorporate dark blue candles more than any other colour for magical purposes. Can't say I have a favourite colour but dark blue, the colour of night, feels rejuvenating to me. So we have a bit of a dark blue theme running between us and through our home too, I suppose.

Suppose also, as Brownies occupy the inside of a home, they might take on similar traits of the people. Or the traits which benefit the home at least. Perhaps this is behind him appearing dressed in dark blue. Speaking of his dress he had, I guess, leggings, I want to say ankle boots, but I can't be sure, and some sort of hat, one with a flat crown and pointed brim, it looked a bit triangular. His hair was medium toned, chestnut maybe, somewhat messy, shoulder length I think. His ears were long. Come to think of it everything seemed longer than our proportions. His face stood out the most, it was warm, harmonious. His eyes and skin tone were most vivid. His eyes were large and may have been all black, or dark brown. His skin was mid toned, pinkish brown, quite unique. Despite having one hand up in a 'wave' he didn't move much, but he didn't look frozen on the spot either.

I started to type this up months ago when the aforementioned happened. Then didn't submit it, as is my (bad) habit. But last Friday, that would be the last Friday in June, right before bedtime I saw the Brownie again. I'd been on the internet for a couple of hours. I only use the internet about three days a week, for about two or three hours at a time. I know that's quite bizarre for our modern times, but it's enough for me. It was quite late, after 1am perhaps, technically Saturday morning. Just as I shut the computer off, I looked across at a mirror to the left of me. My attention was really on a stain I didn't want to remove, it was a fly successfully swatted hours before. So as I turned off the computer my thoughts were torn between leaving the gunk on the mirror and going to bed, getting my man to do it which seemed pretty silly, or being a grown up and wiping it away.

So I turned to the gunk and there was the reflection of our 'Brownie', still in blue I might add. But, and this is the reason I'm hastily submitting this, he was human sized! What's going on there?! I made a noise like 'Ahh', because, well duh! Then he was gone. He was standing right beside me, to the right of me, but I didn't see him there, only when I turned the other way to check the gunk did I see him in the mirror. Cool party trick. This happened in the lounge room.

Minutes after this I did the whole measure from my perspective, match the eye line to where his was in the reflection and he must have appeared 5'9" thereabouts. That's taller than me. So big question here: Do Brownies change their size? If so, why? I'm not complaining or worried it's just unexpected and, I got to say, very confronting!

The very next morning, Saturday, I woke at about 9am. I was dreaming something about a shopping centre, whatever the dream it was quite mundane. These voices woke me out of the dream, it sounded like garbled chanting. I've heard this kind of voice thing once before, years ago outside. But this was loud, like it was in the room. Unlike the first time, which sounded like multiple garbled voices talking amongst themselves. This sounded like multiple voices chanting in unison. I don't think it was English, but in my tired dreamy condition I 'understood' or 'converted' some of what it was which contained the word 'Gods', plural. So it was 'Blah blah blah, something about the Gods', then repeated in the same chant. I woke up thinking about a brass tool, like a fire poker. That wasn't part of the silly shopping centre dream either. I don't know what the tool was, but it resembled a fire poker, it was brass or gold coloured though, decorative, ceremonial perhaps. I woke feeling like I'd picked up on something, or was shown something briefly.

And that is how you get me on the submit page of YGS!

Also of note I have a bit of a custom during June solstice. Every year I cast a blessing spell for the year ahead. Over the years I've added to the ritual, adapted it, refined it, as I learn more. When I first joined YGS I seem to remember something in the guidelines about not sharing spells and whatnot. I can't find that now, or perhaps I imagined it? Regardless of the guidelines, I'm protective over any kind of magic or witchcraft because I feel like there's a responsibility not to squander it. So posting my own personal spells on the internet, where anyone could read, feels foolish to me.

With that said I think this year's blessing inspired some socialising from our Brownie. That or it put me in tune with him more. Either way I'd love to know what's up with the size inconsistency.

Any/all insights, opinions welcome, I be confused.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Twilight, Miracles moved your question over here so we don't clutter up Tweed's thread.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
I'm sorry to ask this question here, but I don't know where to ask the mods of this site questions, other than email, but I don't have one, so I understand if my question gets deleted from here. My question is about how when you read a story on this site, it automatically marks the story you read by making it black (the writing of the name of the story that is), verses it's red like color before you read it. I've had this happen twice so far, where it all goes back to the red like color, and all the stories I've already read, are unmarked. I liked having that feature on here, so I didn't read the same story again, but don't understand why it keeps unmarking itself 😕 if someone could please let me know this answer, either on one of my stories if this comment is deleted from here, I'd really appreciate it, as I know it's not irrelevant to this story. Again I'm sorry to ask under here, and I hope I did not offend by asking here.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Oh wow, that's very interesting! You can tell in those photos that the fairies look fake, but the one that's claimed to be real, does have a more realistic look to it then the others. I did look up some about fairies last night, and saw where one of the girls from the photos admitted to faking the pictures, but it's crazy to see how they still had one real one, so to claim. Thank you Tweed for sharing that link again, it was very interesting to see.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)

I thought the same... There must be something to this. The girls probably saw something and just wanted to prove it. I believe they did anyway. 😊


No worries, I've forgotten to respond too. I stink at multitasking. I agree, I love the name 'Alice In Wonderland' syndrome. I think people are afraid to admit it because it sounds a bit loony. But, I think it fits perfectly. 'Eat this', 'drink this'... Shrinking or growing abnormally large commences. It's the same perception, without ingesting something strange. 😜

❤ Dee
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)
Dee and Twilight lol every couple of months this topic comes up and I search for this link:

I might as well stick that link in my profile, for convenience lol.

It's a segment from Antiques Roadshow, the Cottingley fairies family brought in their relative's photos. One of which they believe to depict real fairies.
(The Cottingley fairies is what I should have typed, not bloomin Cotswold like I said before, never mind!)

Twilight, I think I've seen a little bit of Spiderwick, I remember a wee CGI rat type man with an odd obsession for something, might have been honey.
The home dwelling entities, like brownies, are said to like honey, oatmeal and butter. I'm sure other things as well, so it sounds like the film was basing their story on something.

Dee, I can't remember if I got back to you about Alice in Wonderland syndrome. I know this is kind of randomly posted here, but I keep meaning to thank you for that info, and I don't think I did when I read your comment like weeks ago.
Someitmes I get on here, read a whole bunch of stuff and don't comment until I have more time. Sometimes I forget to comment later.
Anyway, point is, I've been thinking a lot about Alice in Wonderland syndrome, and I'm pleased it's an actual recognised thing, not just me being a total weirdo. Also what a cool name for a syndrome!
A belated thanks for the info, it's great to know!
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)
Oh and Tweed, from the Spiderwick movie I mentioned, apparently brownies love honey, so if you ever wanted to appease your little house guest, he might enjoy it 😊 but again, this is only what I heard from the movie, but they did speak of a field guide they saw, that claimed truth to what they're telling us about these little creatures.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)
CuriousDee, that's very interesting to know. Makes me wonder the story behind it, like in the movie where the fairies got upset over the girls talking about them, that maybe they felt guilty, and rather deny it being real, in hopes of making up with them 😕 I feel like I'm sounding crazy now lol but you never know 😁 but I do still believe! I was telling my oldest son about this topic yesterday, when he told me that the "Spiderwick chronicles" movie is supposedly based on a true story, and after watching the extras on the dvd about them talking more about the details on it, I learned it's based on 3 kid's from Maine, that claimed to had went through it all. So now it makes me even more curious to know about their world, and what all is true. I just love being able to think how these creatures have a whole world of their own ❤ I'd like to add that I don't believe everything I'm told, just in case I'm coming off like I do. I'm not sure if the movie I mentioned is 100% real, I only know that it claims to be, but I like to think that it could be. Just another reason why I really want to get a field guide on them, and learn more.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Hey Tweed and Twilight,

Twilight's comment about a movie based on real events regarding fairies caught my attention. I did some quick research and found numerous sites mentioning the Cottingley Fairies. Apparently, in 1917, two girls produced photos of fairies they had 'captured' on film. The girls (or at least one of them) admitted to faking the photos many years later. Here's a link with more information:


To be honest, I think the girls did see fairies or something similar. I think they just wanted to prove this and unfortunately, got caught up in the hoax they created because of all the attention. The story is still fascinating and I wouldn't let the hoax take away from believing in the existence of fairies.

All the best ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Thank you Tweed for responding back so quickly, and I didn't realize they were in America 😕 now if only one would present themselves to me lol but only if they're nice. I need to do more looking into them then, since I apparently know very little about them. They are such fascinating creatures to me ❤ I looked up the name of that movie, and it's called "Fairytale: a true story". With 2 little girls that took a picture of fairies, and a reporter came and did a story on it. The movie says that they were one of the first to have proof of fairies existing. It takes place in 1917. That's the movie that made me excited to think that they could actually be real.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Hi Twilight, luckily YGS has a cool way of checking the comments in the 'account' section of the profile. I try to remember to check my comments when I log on, which is about every other day. So old post or new post, if a member is active, it's likely they'll respond. 😊

I strongly believe that fairy folk can be found anywhere. There seems to be certain places where certain types reside. But it seems people encounter them just about anywhere.
Manafon has encountered some fairy folk in various locations, he's in America. Same for Val, also American. Some friends of ours are from Indiana, they live in California now, they have what they feel is an 'imp' in their home. It's like a little gremlin, I guess. So fairy folk are definitely in abundance in the States.
I don't know the movie you mean, could it be about the Cotswold fairies? There are some photos of 'them', historical hoaxes for a newspaper unfortunately. But the family who first reported them remain convinced they encountered some fairies.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Tweed, reading your accounts about fairies, gnomes etc, really interest me. I've always loved hearing stories about them, and remember the excitement I felt after watching a movie that was based on either true events, or a true story, about fairies being real. It was about 2 young girls that had built a home for them, and put it out in their nearby woods, and ended up seeing that they were real. They had a reporter hear their story, and wanted to investigate more on it, when a lot of people started going out to where they said they saw them, causing the fairies to not trust the girls anymore, to where they needed to move away. I hate I can't think of the name of that movie, but hopefully that description helped. But from what I've learned, it seems that these creatures (not sure the correct term to call them) live outside of the US 😕 and reading your account on them, makes me so jealous that I don't live where they seem to reside at. That's so amazing you've been able to in counter more than one of them. I'd love to hear more about them, and to Manafon1, I'd love to read that field guide you spoke about on them ❤ thank you for sharing your story, and hopefully I'll hear back from you, as I see I'm a little late on responding to this post.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)

You are right. I had forgotten that there are accounts of individuals that have come across something similar who didn't believe or know about this. That put a wrench in my theory. 😉

Maybe they are drawn to certain people regardless of beliefs? I would assume it has something to do with one's mindset, outlook and energy, but these are just my thoughts so I'm not sure. Perhaps there are rare instances when an elf or fairy are spotted accidentally too?

It's all very thought provoking and fascinating though. 😊

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
Dee, glad you enjoy reading. I've been thinking a lot about my history with the wee folk lately, is there something I'm doing that ups my chances of encountering them, what advice could I give to others? Keep coming back to the same frustrating thing that you and Melda touched on, that it's the belief, or perhaps trust in them that's the biggest factor. There must be other things too, as there are loads of others who believe in them too and, I'm sure, people who don't believe who have encountered them also.
I read once, (and this is as a child so I possibly read it in a children's story book!) but I did read once that fairy activity was perpetuated by love and that love was the main ingredient of their world. I don't remember how it was worded, but that's how my adult self integrated that theory. I suppose that would apply to all fae folk to different degrees, indeed to all of existence. As entities go they seem very protective over what brings them love and joy, that's something I identify with. 😊

Miracles and Manafon, I don't mind you chatting, that's really quite astounding Miracles!

Val, thanks for the info, I've been reading that link. As for wings, can't say I've noticed any, but they could be transparent and, you're right, I likely wouldn't have noticed. Also both times I've seen him front on. The correct pixie or elf name is pretty frustrating. I guess Hollywood is our modern contribution to further muddle things. According to the online dictionary the only discernible difference between pixie and elf is pixie gives mention to a pointed hat! I was curious to know what a dictionary had to say about it lol, not much surprise, surprise. Elf or pixie, it's great to know these kinds of entities have been known to change their size, I'd never heard of this before, I found it so peculiar, still do!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-14)
Very true, Manafon. As you so aptly point out, a lot depends on regional lore, and who knows what may have been added/subtracted in the generations of retelling, or as the 'story' was carried from place to place, let alone all the 'related' tos. It also seems to me, if a creature as such could change their shape and size, couldn't they just as easily hide their tail?😉
I stumbled across a page a while ago, and it took me a bit to refind it, but you might find it interesting:
Several books are cited at the end.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Hi Val - Thanks for the information on the fenodyree. I'm definitely not an expert on elves and other little people and was only stating (as you noted) the description of brownies given in the book I have. Sadly the fenodyree aren't discussed in the book. I imagine there are so many regional variations on little people and nature spirits that it would be next to impossible to have a comprehensive encyclopedia of such creatures that everyone could agree on. It's just like the different terminology employed when discussing ghosts. Most groups and psychical research societies have different terms and definitions for the same things.

All that said, I am now really interested in the fenodyree and will have to read up on them! According the the book I have though, like pixies, there are several types of elves that can change their size and appearance. Nature spirits and "little people" are a fascinating subject and another window into just how magical the world is once we look beneath the surface.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Well, now I'm wondering if not a brownie but a pixie be involved. Pixie's are considered very friendly with brownies, but there are some basic differences according to the lore of old. For one thing, pixie's are said to have wings, and brownies don't. However, if they were translucent would you have noticed? (Note: not all pixie's have wings.) So what makes me think pixie? They have complete control over their size, and can be anything from human sized to too small to be seen. From all I've read/heard this is not a trait shared with the other wee folk.
Apologies to Manafon, I believe the description your book gave for brownies actually refers to the fenodyree (Isle of Man). Scottish brownies (Lowland Scots to be more precise) are said to be more like little old men. Not heard about tails on them. Fenodyree are members of the brownie family though.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)

Apologies for hijacking your story. 😊


That's fascinating that you heard the same thing on the same night! It sounds like you were tuning into Manafon 😉

- Dee
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)

Very interesting that you've experienced the same. Actually the voice we heard said "Help Me" (the voice sounded like that of an elderly woman). If memory serves me right, we had been talking about what to make for dinner, nothing out of the ordinary. We stopped and looked at each other in that dumbfounded way, asked "did you hear that?", confirmed we had, of course checked the basement, etc. It was so strange that it definitely ranks high as far as strange things experienced at my parents house. It also happened during the day, not nighttime as many people experience these types of encounters.

Nothing stands out to me or the people present that would account for it. It was literally 'out of nowhere'.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Wow Miracles! I don't know what it means but it's really bizarre that we both heard voices yelling "help"! Gotta love the mysteries of existence.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
CuriousDee - Really interesting that you have also heard a disembodied voice yelling help. Did anything happen soon thereafter that you think might have been tied in with the voice? Talking with my wife it seems that I might have picked up on some inner turmoil she was going through. Essentially a frustration with our busy schedules that keeps us from putting more time into our creative projects. Her meditation has since returned her to a much better state of mind and the voice hasn't spoken again.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Tweed - sorry for disrupting your story but I wanted to share this with Manafon.

Manafon - taken directly from my Journal June 10th at 10:59pm.

"I'm laying in bed on my left side, Colt asleep beside me, when I heard from my underneath my pillow a young male voice yell help."

Even though you are an hour behind me, I find it fascinating and astonishing that our experiences happened at almost exactly the same time in our individual time zones 😲
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)

I do hope you share your experiences. My family had a similar incident happen a few years ago: A woman's voice yelling 'Help' from the basement. In that situation, we were lucky to have several witnesses as a few friends were over, not to mention my father, brother's, my grandmother and myself. I thought that was quite blatant. 😉

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Tweed - I know you roll with the paranormal punches. Like you, I often feel like I've gone off the deep end when I see my experience in writing. Like the face I saw emerging from a tree! Sounds like your husband is very attuned to your needs. You know you've found that special someone when they know when you NEED cocoa!

Miracles - I heard the voice on Tuesday (the 10th). It was around 11PM Chicago time. I'm curious if you had something happen at the same time.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)

I always love when you share one of your experiences, you never disappoint. 😊 Your brownie sounds like a happy little thing (or big thing!). I think your belief in nature spirits and elementals undoubtedly helped you to see him.

Another great thing about this site... It has opened my mind to other possibilities and quelled some doubt's. I enjoy reading accounts like this now and believe elementals and nature spirits exist. I can only hope that one day I'll spy a wee elf, fairy, brownie, etc. I agree that you're lucky to catch sight of this amazing phenomenon.

Thanks for sharing another great account 😊

Dee ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Manafon - what night did you hear your wife call for help? I really am not being nosy, I have a reason for asking 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Manafon, I pretty much roll with paranormal what have yous when they occur, but sometimes when I say it out loud, or type it up, I feel like an utter nutter lol.

Wow, trust that premonition thing you're experiencing! Maybe the yell for help was to do with a particular situation in her life, maybe in more of a metaphor way. Not really a scary way. Stay positive, whatever it is keep yourselves tuned into it!
That's so weird, a couple of weeks ago I was angry over something at work and my husband said he felt like I should have a hot cocoa. Which is ridiculous as I don't like or eat sugar or anything sweet. Much to my bewilderment he insisted I needed cocoa. Very weird and random. After I'd established there's no added sugar in cocoa (hey, I didn't know), I indulged him and drank it. An odd moment indeed.
This week I started tasting salt, like all the time, no reason for it. After the third day I looked this up on the internet and one of the causes is zinc deficiency. Search for foods high in zinc, meat, meat and meat (vegetarian here), lentils (already love them) and, surprise, cocoa powder.

So trust those weird instinct things, they don't call it a strong bond for nothing!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Tweed - I agree with with Melda, just consider yourself lucky to be having so many experiences as of late! I've never seen but have only heard elvin creatures (at my customer's house and on that island). Just enjoy your rare interactions with "the little people". Or the not so little people as the case may be with the blue fella.

I do believe that shapeshifting occurs with nature spirits and even with human spirits. Since elves and the lime are spirit-like creatures and an apparition is a spirit, it would seem it's merely the power of the mind to change appearance. I've had two recent paranormal occurrences. One was me asking my wife if she was thinking of red one night, to which she replied "no", only to have her freak out the next morning when her online guru said to focus on opening up her root chakra, the color of which is red. In essence the guru was guiding her to think of red. Pretty weird. The other thing was a couple days later when I heard what I was certain was my wife's voice yelling "Help" in a very mournful, helpless manner. It was unsettling. Nothing so far has come of that and I hope it stays that way!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Manafon, I've just reread your first comment, the bit about shapeshifting. A couple of days ago I woke before daybreak, which is unusual for me. There was about a six inch shape of white light on the wall near the ceiling. I spent the next minute trying to work out where it was coming from. It didn't make any sense. I reached for my glasses and as I did the damn thing faded away. The light shape didn't do anything but it stayed there for ages.
I thought I'd seen a fairy and the next day I submitted this to YGS. But now, with the shapeshifting possibility, I'm thinking it might be our little blue guy.
Active time or what?! The idea of shapeshifting has never sat right with me, like the mist apparitions when I first joined YGS, they always seemed rather hokey. But I guess I'm warming up to the idea, trouble is this elf guy is going to get the blame for most everything from this day forward.

I feel like a bit of a freak at the moment, if I'm honest. When it rains it bloomin pours.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Tweed - Different varieties of elves are said to carry everything from canes, staffs, walking sticks to swords. The name of the book I have is titled A Field Guide to the Little People by Nancy Arrowsmith and George Moorse. It features really evocative illustrations by Heinz Edelmann. I've had my copy since the late 70s and it is literally in two pieces now. It's readily available on amazon I believe.

I now have an image of a blue elf with the face of Keith Carradine. I can see his face being oddly compatible with the body of an elf;)
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Tweed - I find myself thinking that you're one lucky lady. These entities like you - WOW!

I would love, just once in my life, to see a real life gnome, elf, brownie, all the good things that add that extra little zoom into one's life journey 😊

Regards, Melda

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