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Kids Love To Play


The spirits of children have different views. Some people believe that demons take the appearance of a child. The other group of people believe these children are lost souls, stuck at this point. There is a group of people that believe both sides are right. That's where I am. I encourage you to tell me what you think of these children that I've come across.

This story takes place in the same house from my previous story. This first experience that I'm going to tell, happened before the basement shadow. I was coming back home after a trip from my grandma's house. It was 9 or 10 when we got back home. I stayed up until 1 in the morning, and decided it's time to rest the eyelids. I turned on the hallway light with my door open half way. It wasn't a crack, it was about 2 feet away from the door frame. My bed is on the wall of the door, and I can see the door and knob perfectly.

I closed my eyes for about a minute, until I had the feeling of being watched. I raised my head, and I'm shocked at what I just saw. It was the spirit of a little girl. We actually scared each other. It wasn't a stare-down with this spirit. I looked at the door and I saw her standing there, I jumped up and said "WHOA!" (It was my first time seeing any spirit). After I said that, she took off like a track star, right out the door. The hallway light helped me see her.

She was about 4 ft tall, had a dress or nightgown, with hair down to her lower-back. I could tell, because she ran so fast, that I saw her hair and dress/nightgown flow in the air. I got up and went into the bathroom, because I tasted my blood. My nose was bleeding. My nose doesn't bleed when I see spirits now, but it did my first two times (this little girl and the man in the basement). I went to sleep an hour later.

I want to fast forward to a couple weeks from that event. I had to sleep on the floor in the sitting room. I had family members over, and I gave up my room for my uncle. The living room, where the tv is located, had other family members next to me. The sitting room just has furniture, that nobody ever sits on (yeah, I know, it's a woman thing I guess). I'm the only one in there sleeping also. Oh yeah, I still had to sleep on the floor, my mom doesn't play. I can hear her words now, "Don't sit on that furniture, and leave the pillows alone".

So, I'm laying down on my back, in a deep sleep. Then the next thing I know, I'm waking up, gasping for air. I shot up right away, and seconds after I wake up, I hear 2 kids giggle and run away. The exact same thing happened the next night. I wasn't scared, I just knew it was some kids playing around and showing some love towards me.

I would always catch the shape of a child and many more spirits in front of me or beside me. It wasn't like a shadow, it was more like those fumes you see over a fire. It would have a mix of white orbs as well. I would feel my arm being stroked or my hand being held, when I left it hanging over the arm-rest. My ears would make that popping noise also. I still experience this same stuff at my new house now. I want to share one more experience with these children, so please, don't change the channel (I mean webpage).

This happened a couple months after. I gave up my room again, but it was only one family member over, so I slept on the couch in the living room. I was sleeping on my back, and then I woke up with pressure on my chest, followed by two little feet smacking the wooden floor, with a little girl giggling and running away. I actually let out a little "ah!", from feeling her jumping on and off my chest. I just shook my head and went back to sleep.

I don't think they're evil, I just think they're lost. I don't know who the other child is. I still feel and see their presence. I've told them to move on and go to the light, but they're attached to me. I have experiences of different spirits that I will share later.

Thank you for your time.

JS aka Brandon

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jesus_soldier, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
The troops can finally come home now.


JS aka Brandon

P.S. - Did you see all the states that supported marijuana? When I used to smoke, it never that close, haha.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-06)
President Obama wins again. A black president for a 2nd term? I think I have hope for America.

JS aka Brandon
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-04)
rstahley: I'm sorry for my late response, but i'm glad you enjoyed my story. That passage with Jesus makes me think about the 'ghost' subject also! He never did say they didn't exist. I think about the spiritual world a lot, and it's no way I can fully understand what's going on. Thank you for reading though.

JS aka Brandon 😊
rstahley (3 stories) (102 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-19)
First of all, I really enjoyed your story. I think that it's sweet. Also, I also am a Christian. I do believe in ghosts (obviously, since I belong to this site and have posted stories) but I struggle with it too. I mean, as a Christian, I feel that I should think that someone dies and goes to Heaven or Hell... No one should still be here. However, I also believe that there are things that maybe I don't know, only God knows. I always think about the story in the Bible when Jesus walks on water. His disciples think that he's a ghost. Jesus tells them that he's not a ghost... But he never says, "There's no such thing" or "why would you believe in ghosts?" It makes me think that if Jesus' own personal friends and followers believed in ghosts, then maybe the Bible does support that there are indeed ghosts. I understand, however, that this does not aid the evil vs. Good discussion. I don't really want to go into that since I don't have anything to add to it.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-04)
I was merely providing you with the same benefit you afford others. A literal interpretation of the written word. Your written word to be precise. And of course, my interpretation.
Just checking to see if it "squared up" with your life and how you live it. I was sure you wouldn't mind.
Pardon the interruption. You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled broadcast.

Jav 😊

~no canned worms here, they have been recalled regarding issues of freshness. Apparently, they had outlived their shelf life~
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-04)
Scbsd: Hm, that was a good answer, and yeah, it will be a very difficult road. I'm prepared for the battles to come though. Thank you for the answer.

JS aka Brandon 😊
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
Javelina, again I ask, why are you even talking to me?

I have nothing to say to you.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
Okay okay okay... This is just getting better by the day.
Your answer (and once again it comes days after the question was actually posed) as to why you use the Bible, something which obviously carries no weight with you, as the basis of your argument is to compare this discussion to a debate on Constitutional law because how can you debate Constitutional law without the Constitution? Now, I can see how you have put some thought into the matter, and that answer might have proven valid, but for one tiny little thing you have neglected to include from your original and secondary comments made here. You say you are not trying to open up, as you put it, "canned worms". You also repeated that statement as a way, I am guessing, of hammering the idea home. You just wanted to know if how JS lives and what he believes in "squared up" with what you think a Christian should live and believe.
You seem confused. On the one hand you are saying you don't want to start any arguments, drama, etc. On the other you are saying you refer to the Bible, the contents of which you have no belief in, because how can you have the argument without it?
So in truth, all you really want is the argument to go forward?
Seems to me, all these contradictions do is open up more "canned worms".

Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
Jesus_soldier--"I'm curious what you see me as now, concerning my walk with Jesus. Do you think am no longer an strict follower, because I believe the spiritual world have humans walking around?"

I have it on your word that you are a strict follower of a Being that you believe is the living son of God and Man. I also have it on your word that you are not a strict follower of a literal interpretation of everything in the Bible.

My opinion on this, and it is only my opinion, is that you have a difficult path to walk, as you are going to have to constantly decide for yourself what you do or do not believe in the Bible without the stabilizing keel of complete acceptance to keep your self upright in difficult times. I would think that it would be easier to discard the Book in its entirety (or accept it in equal measure), but I respect your right to chose what you believe, and can understand why you would make the choice that you have made.

There are parts of the Bible that in my opinion are extremely difficult to reconcile with the idea of a loving, moral God, but it can be terrifying to just let go of the railing and cast oneself adrift with no faith at all.

Kardagen--" You do not believe the bible, yet you are using it for your arguments. Is there more reason behind this?"

The reason behind this is because Jesus_soldier and I were talking about Biblical interpretations of the sort of events that are described in his story here, and so it makes the most sense to participate in the discussion with a sufficient grasp of the material in the Bible, and to discuss the events from that angle.

Sort of how if we were talking Constitutional Law, it would be appropriate to argue one's position by referring to the US Constitution, even if one did not value the validity of the document.
Hunter_11 (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
I think they are innocent spirits.
That are 'stuck' here.
Why don't you try to talk with them?
& get more info. About them. 😁 😁
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
JS: I like your answer. Contradictory as it maybe to my own thoughts, I believe it to be a truth as you see it. The holy spirit you say? A beacon of light, sheding haven over the lost children. Maybe it is as simple as that. They have found a safe place, and have no reason to move on,. I say simple, but it is anything but that. You may not like the haunts, even in ignoring them, I say you are attached to them, in the way, that you don't relize you would miss them if they were gone, this is not a bad thing, nor is it selfish, but, if what I believe through reading your posts to be true. Fills a part of your life, albeit subconsious as it may be.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
Kardagen: Good questions, I actually wanted to block off any sort of spiritual contact a couple years ago. I got tired of the random... 'haunts' I guess I will say. I used to even ignore the activity at this house, well, atleast try to. I find it hard to say i'm attached to them.

I feel like I protect them from bad spirits, because I have the Holy Spirit inside me, which makes me not fear the dark side, so it's an honest feeling that they may find comfort and safety with me. That's something I just thought about a few weeks ago.

JS aka Brandon
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
[at] jav, of course. I am still waiting for that email, by the by, you said there was much to speak of. I look forward to hearing from you.
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
JS, thank you, for the green light. A question, you feel you protect them from bad spirits?. Is this, an honest feeling, or how you want to feel. Or rather, how you would like to believe the situation?. They followed you? I only ask. Because they, may not be attached to you, but you to them. A sort of. How to say. This is hypothetically speaking. Because you feel you are protecting them. Weather a True feeling, (from out side, un0adultered by your own feelings) or your own, desire. They could be staying because of that. I.e. A girlfriend who pretends to be afraid, so her boyfriend feels he is supporting, or protecting her. This is pure speculation of course.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
[at] kardagen,
I will gladly discuss the issue offsite if you like. As far as this subject and this thread are concerned, I am done.

Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
Granny: My other big sister! 😊 It's like a family get together tonight. Thank you for putting the brakes on until I got back. It's alright for them to continue.

JS aka Brandon ❤ 😁
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
Kardagen: Yes, my experiences with the supernatural did help me understand a lot more. I think this little girl or these children find comfort and safety around me. I believe that I protect them from bad spirits. She/They followed me from my old house, so it's either that or something a lot more deeper.

It's ok to proceed, because i'm curious where this conversation will go.

JS aka Brandon 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
I'd also like to ask that this conversation remain closed until Jesus_Soldier gives his permission for it to continue... Thanks guys!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
"Auld Lang Syne" translated to English: "old long since"...Hmmm...Sometimes, meanings are "lost" in the translation...Jus' sayin' 😊
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
[at] jav
May I ask where this can of worms is?, other then what transpired between you and Scbsd, and the confusion between you and JS, I've yet to see this can of worms. Agreed Scbsd, stated his side with a bit more, "matter-of-fact" than most like around here. But it was still a honest straight forward discussion that had' even reached what appeared to be a conclusion. Perchance I missed it?. Or am just not looking for it there by not seeing it. I have quiet enjoyed my conversation with Scbsd. And hope he to continue it, with JS's permission?
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
JS as I am here, and I haven't been in a long time, it is a good opportunity to spin gears I haven't in a while. Might I ask as to, your statement, that you used to feel it was black and white, but you no longer do I presume, this was affected by your experiences?. I apologize that I don't have your exact quote in front of me at this time. May I ask, what do you "want" to believe? In regard to these girls. Or, children as the case may be. As to why they attach to you?
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
Kardagen: It's ok, don't worry about it. I knew this story would get different views, that's why I explained it in my introduction.

JS aka Brandon
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
[at] Scbsd,
From these quotes (taken from your own comment)

"I wasn't trying to open any canned worms or otherwise stir things up with my question.

I asked, because up until that time, I was under the impression that Jesus_Soldier was a strict follower of a faith based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, and I wanted to see how that faith squared up with what was going on in this story."

~Thank you for proving me right again. Funny how you can't see your own words for the can of worms you keep opening.

Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
Scbsd: I know you and my big sister (Jav) have a long history, but watch your tone towards her. It's no reason to curse at her, she didn't curse at you.

I'm curious what you see me as now, concerning my walk with Jesus. Do you think am no longer an strict follower, because I believe the spiritual world have humans walking around?

JS aka Brandon
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
Scbsd: Many apologizes, I did see that comment, but still fail to see the connection between it and your how to say... Allow me to switch gears. What I meant to say was if you "don't believe the bible" how can you,. (regardless of JS's conviction) fall back on it as your resource for an argument. Is what I was asking. As for my self, you are correct. I don't believe "parts" of the bible are true or not, altered yes, true in its entirety hardly. A very well written book for its time. Defiantly. I aspire to be able to write a book that captivates, and enslaves its readers thousands of years after I have rotted away to dust. Of course I speak of my own belief, in no way do I press this on any one else.
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
Kardegan-- (about the Bible) "I personally cannot look at something literally, when to, me, it has obviously been altered."

Then how do you know what parts of the Bible to believe and what parts to discard? The way I see it, you either accept it as-is, or you discard the whole thing. I don't see how one can believe in something so important as a book of instructions about how to live your life and what to believe as regards your immortal soul if you are going to come to your own conclusions about what it actually says. If that's the case, then why not come up with your own theology?

Kardegan--"Another question, if I may? You do not believe the bible, yet you are using it for your arguments. Is there more reason behind this? Or did I miss it in the comments..."

I think you might have missed it in the comments. Here's what I said about it...

"I wasn't trying to open any canned worms or otherwise stir things up with my question.

I asked, because up until that time, I was under the impression that Jesus_Soldier was a strict follower of a faith based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, and I wanted to see how that faith squared up with what was going on in this story."
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
i would like to apologize to JS, all I would have said about your stories has already been said, my condolences for high-jacking your story. Many apologizes.
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
Scbsd: Appreciated, I have personally wondered about that direct line of thinking. I do recall where it states you go to rest until awoken. I personally cannot look at something literally, when to, me, it has obviously been altered. Such is the difficulty of oral traditions, you never hear the same thing twice. A child of deceit. Interesting. Another question, if I may? You do not believe the bible, yet you are using it for your arguments. Is there more reason behind this? Or did I miss it in the comments...
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
kryodrache--"For example, the original bible never said anything about discrimination against women. The oldest versions actually say to -respect- women."

That's news to me. Could you please provide reference to your sources?
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
Kardegan, in order to discuss the validity of the Bible, one has to accept that the Bible in it's present form is as close to the original as is possible.

If one begins to question where or what was changed then it all becomes a slippery slope and none of it can be considered solid.

I don't think any of it is solid. HOWEVER, I am, in this series of comments, going with the school of thought that interprets the Bible literally, and if you read and interpret the Bible literally, then all people who die slumber until that day when the trumpet of the resurrection shall sound and awaken all of the sleeping souls, at which point they shall be judged and dealt with accordingly.

You ask--"Would every single, breathing person in the world, be the children of Satan?"

According to the Bible, yes, if a person lies or commits deception and has not received the salvation of the Son of God, then they are counted among the children of Satan, the Father of All Lies.

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