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Little Kid Ghost?


I am going to tell you guys another true story that happened to me in Maryland in 2011. My wife and I rented a house in Waldorf MD, I never felt right in that house. When I looked at it from the outside, it looked a little dark, even during the early afternoon. The house had wooden floors throughout the living room and kitchen. When ever I would watch TV by myself downstairs I always heard little foot steps behind me. When I turned around to see who/what it is, they stop. When I would be by myself in the house upstairs, I always felt someone watching me. When I got halfway down the stairs the feeling would stop.

My teenage daughter would tell me all the time " Daddy I think we have a ghost/presence here in the house." My wife didn't believe us.

One day I was upset with the ghost and I heard footsteps go to the edge of the living room, so I went to where I heard the steps and I said " Show yourself, I know you are there." The footsteps then went away from me and walked over to the other side of the living room. Again I said " Show yourself". Nothing happened, nothing appeared.

We lived in this house for 2 years and I never saw anything but I for sure heard things and felt things. I was always on guard at the house. I never could relax either. I read on the internet that a 5 year old girl got shot to death by a stray bullet at our house years earlier (like 1999 I think). We had a little playground thing in our back yard too. I think maybe she is the ghost at our house? Please tell me what you guys think. No jokes or smart remarks please.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, wrh1969, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-14)
Hi wrh1969

I believe that it could be the spirit of that little girl, he life ended abruptly at a young age, she's earth bound because she didn't get the chance to live her life fully.
Softie_thunder_thighs (14 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-14)
Oh... That poor child! The way she died is so sad. She deserves to rest in peace. 😢
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-14)
Given the history of the house, it's possible that the spirit of the little girl was still there, perhaps not even aware of her death.

Too bad now it's too late to help her cross over... At least for you, hopefully the people who moved into the house after you and your family vacated it, have helped her to move on.
robmkivseries70 (1 stories) (39 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-13)
On reviewing your post, I see you are not there any more.
robmkivseries70 (1 stories) (39 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-13)
I saw this in a book about a haunting in California. The people were pretty sure they has a child entity.
Take a guess as to the gender and age and put out some toys. Note the locations with pics on your phone and check for any changes.

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