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Trickster In The Cemetery


Hey there, I'm a third year University student in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Growing up I have always had an extra ability to sense abnormalities when I walked into a house or a room. I would often see what I believe to be spirits of some sort, however they seemed non aggressive. For 18 years of my life I have never experienced anything like what I'm about to relay.

I lived in a residence called Chatham for 2 years of my University life, and it was a house tradition to go out once a week to use the Ouija board at the local cemetery. The cemetery was literally directly across the road from Chatham. A regular group of us would always go out and would take turns contacting the spirits. I always noticed that whenever I entered the cemetery, I would get this heavy weight feeling on my chest, and as soon as I left the cemetery, the weight would be lifted.

One night I was in the lounge studying and my group of friends came in, and asked me to go out and use the board with them. My response was that I had to finish up this assignment, and that I would meet them there in 20 minutes. 20 minutes passes by and I start walking to the cemetery, mind you I have never walked into a cemetery by myself. It was 3 am, supposedly witching or Devil's hour, not sure which, and I entered the graveyard trying to find my friends. Mind you this cemetery is by far the scariest cemetery I have ever seen, it's on a steep elevation, and the deeper you go in, the older the gravestones.

I remember the farthest I have ever gone in was to a dirt road. I saw what looked to be a cell phone light waving in the pitch black, as if to signal me over to its location. I followed it thinking it to be my 4 friends. I got to the spot and there was absolutely no one there. At first I was confused, but then I heard the unmistakable laugh of my best friend Hamish, and I looked to the direction of the noise and there were 3 cell phone lights waving deeper in. I continue to venture into the deepest I have ever been in this cemetery.

I get to a crossroad (which apparently hold highly significant spiritual reference) and I look to my right. Towering above me there is a massive war memorial for our fallen soldiers. There are rows upon rows of white crosses, and I start to get a really bad feeling. I look to my left and see 3 figures huddled around a gravestone. I start power walking towards the figures thinking it to be my friends huddled around the Ouija Board.

Instead what I walked towards were 3 figures that vanished with a twist in the air... At that point I realized that there was something in the cemetery that had tricked me that night, and that had known everything about me and my friends. I instantly turned on my heel and ran out of there, I had never been so terrified in my life. I got back inside Chatham and found my friends in one of their rooms, they could see the panic and hysteria on my face and they asked me what was wrong. I told them what I had done, and they nearly died from fear, because none of them even bothered to go to the graveyard that night without me... So something or someone knew who we were, and could mimic my friends voices. Any suggestions on what that could have been?


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Chatham_Mann2012, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Chatham_Mann2012 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
Oh and one more thing! To those of you who were asking why I didn't call or text my friends, it was simply because I did not own a cell phone at this time. I literally walked into a graveyard with nothing but my dorm keys on me. I would also like to address that this group of friends were absolutely not the type of people who would play a prank in a graveyard. Back then, we considered ourselves to be very respectful when meeting up to use the Ouija board... Looking back, I now know how naive, and incredibly disrespectful we were actually being, by using a Ouija Board in a graveyard in the first place.
Chatham_Mann2012 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
Wow, I can't believe the buzz that this post had generated. I apologize for my silence in the discussion. The truth of the matter is, when I had made this post, I didn't expect to get any reaction. For me, it was an outlet to share my experience, and to get it off of my chest, as it was weighing heavily on me. I couldn't really talk to my friends because I knew they wouldn't be able to comprehend what I had experienced, so I felt compelled to post this in a spot where I thought I might receive the slightest bit of advice. I never thought I would receive all of this awesome advice, and education in the supernatural world. Thanks a lot everyone. I will also let you know that I did actually go back and apologize, and I did not set foot in that graveyard ever again. 😆
bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
11 years ago (2013-01-30)
fantastic story... Now this is the standard I want with all of the stories on here... Gone straight into my favourites list... But I see the auther has'nt commented on any of the comments... Mmm
Indigo (263 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-14)
Lol thanks guys! Off the road now with a local job, engaged to the police officer and getting married next summer! Jav, I need a good old fashioned haunted bar to get hitched in! Now ill try to keep up with the rook lol!
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-14)

Welcome back!

Where in the world were you? Everyone missed your wacky comments! 😆 😆 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-14)
You old truck driven, ghost chasin', crazy old broad!


Jav 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-14)

Welcome back! Please don't try to catch up... Just try to keep up. LoL


Indigo (263 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-14)
I'm baaaaacccckkkkkk! Lol trying to catch up on a years worth of stuff...
But i'll chalk this one up to youth, dark, too many movies/m night shyamalan movies and fog...
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
I'm not going to even getting in the argument that's going on here. But I will tell you this much. Everyone has their own opinion and let's just leave it at that.


Like Granny said, please go with your friends and say sorry for what you did.

Also, I have question for you. Why in the world, didn't your friends tell you that they decided not to go? Also, Why didn't you call them before you left? Could have saved you the trouble. But then again, I think it was meant to teach you a lesson. Please be careful next time.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to go to my link and get on a roll over that title? I mean it, I already had a list going in my head. And you know what happens once I start doing that. To tell you the truth, I don't know if I can hold it back any longer. I may just go there by myself and let it all out anyway... Hmmm.
'Glory Hole'
Oh no! There's no humor there!


Yeah, I know it would disappear, but it would be funny first. 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Oh my Mod!...Can we please get back to the original story?...There's a link posted earlier by Jave where this can continue until you guys are blue in the face... Please go there, or the comments will start disappearing 😊...Thanks!
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Pjod- While I'm certainly guilty of shredding the english language in times of... Well let's just leave it at that. I have OCD, so I have to re-read everything I'm about to post, twice. It's an odd issue, but one that I have come to be ok with, after seeing some of what's posted here. Lol 😉
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
I'm happy to see "Couldn't care less" vs the common "Could care less" -which, in a way, states that one does in fact "care"...what with all the talk of "bastardizing the english language" in this thread, you proved that some of the locals here do take care before hitting the submit button. 😊
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
BTW-Just wanted to let the trolls know that taking away Karma points, has ZERO affect on me. Most people here couldn't care less about them anyway. It only let's me know when you are hanging about, thanks for the heads up. Carry on. 😆
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
LOL Well thank you kindly Jav, and I return that sentiment in a troll proof bag, right back at you. 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
You know what MizMiMI? I have been wanting to tell you this for quite some time now, and I don't want this opportinuty to go by again.
Lady, You kick A$$! And you have given me a good share of the best belly laughs I have had around here.
Keep on truckin woman!

Jav 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Well, that's all I needed to hear to confirm my suspicions about your presence here, I was just discussing with a friend why the debates here are actually good for business, as opposed to thinking they drive potential members off. And what do you know? You are the perfect example.
~ You are brand new to the membership roles
~ You posted nothing for us to read of yours
~ Biding your time during the debate that occurred on this thread, you waited to make your 'actual' appearance, not your previous comments, until I showed up. Here's a hint for you, it isn't 'fighting' with me that gets peoples attention, but losing to me certainly will.
~ From that point on it's been quite obvious you were looking to re-light the flames and get this party moving again. Only now it would be all about you!
(Yes, I do analyze things. Get past it or I will stop)

Yes, you have done your research, haven't you? Tell me, did you also get permission from the site Administrator to plug your book? They do allow it, but the courtesy comes from your end first. No one likes a sneak attack. Luckily, at good old YGS, we have Troll Alerts. Careful you don't get put on that list.


Now I'm bored, happy?
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
I have included all of my true stories in a book that was just submitted to my publishing house, and have included others experiences inside. Does this mean I can come in and troll about, all the while peddling my expertise and knowledge like it was freely asked for? No, because as an author you should have more class and tact then that.
The only issue I take with you, is one in which you are biting the proverbial hand that feeds you. You want book sales, you want fans, you want the glory and fame which comes from penning an excellent account, yet you treat everyone like they are beneath you. I come here because I can be around like minded people, who won't pat me on the head and send me around the bush, when I know what I experienced. My advice to you would be to back off the sarcasm and snotty insinuations, stop name dropping, and stop promoting your book on this site. I have had just about enough of you patting yourself on the back. Good Day
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
My wife is working on a novel (fiction) nothing paranormal, not her thing- Any advice I can pass on to her, as far as the right contacts to get published?
Exorcistfan79 (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Jav - just as an aside, you have not once answered my responses when questions... I asked you where I had mocked your occupation... Utter silence.

With all due respect, are you comparing a full length novel to a short blog on a ghost website? I am sure most publishers would take issue with that. Before you jump on me again, that is not to say there are not good writers on this site. The law of averages states there bloody well should be.

Finally, was that another threat I received...? 'We like it here... So don't make fun?' How can that be right when you and your friend Lou have been making fun of me all along? Lou even admits to 'jokes at my expense'. Are you telling me there is a rule for you two and a rule for the rest of us?

Utterly confused by this. Can you confirm if this is website is governed by a dictatorship then? I am utterly gobsmacked that you are allowed to poke fun at me yet I have been warned against 'fun'...
Exorcistfan79 (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)

Veiled attempts? Sorry I have lost you... Please confirm the name of the books they have written and I will be happy to buy them. Seriously. I am always interested in reading new authors, particularly of the 'dark nature'. My second book is nearly complete and should be out in spring of next year, which is a paranormal book which I was referring to earlier.
Thanks for the info

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Ex Ex Ex,
Veiled attempts are one thing. But as Judge Judy has remarked "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining".
You want to see some good s*%#? Go read some of Lou's stuff. Or something by old_dude, Troyarn, Aussiedaz, or hundreds of others I don't want to offend by not mentioning names. That is some creepy and eerie stuff. And they all reside here, in this lovely place we call YGS. We like it here, so careful you don't make fun.


All jokes aside, read those guy's work, then tell me you aren't impressed.
Exorcistfan79 (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Jav Jav Jav

I am merely commenting on the fact that you think that us 'innocent' 'green' Brits do not know what a Glory Hole is... That is what I was alluding to; other than that, I'll fire you a free copy over if you want, out of the utmost respect, as I have stated previously, no offence was intended.

With regards to complaining of occupations, Lou felt the need to mock my book title assuming I did not even know what my own book was about. Quite obviously I did, I have worked extremely hard to do what I do, I have not shown any disrespect to anyone who has not shown the same to me. Check my posts Jav... Have I insulted your occupation? Have I insulted you? No - I just questioned what gave you and the rest to be fair, any right to pour scorn over anothers thoughts, which I have seen on here and it has just happened to me; simply because I stuck my neck out for Jerry and questioned why people were jumping on him re: the 3am thing. To add to this, I merely stated I was surprised that Rook had never heard of this and it appeared that people got insulted by this?! Crazy! Each to their own I guess.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Now, before you break your arm patting your self on the back, you have gone on about being an author to folks who don't know your work. We have a few posters on this site that many of us begged to write a book. There are some very good stories/experiences here and I am getting a little tired of folks like you coming in here, as new as you are to the membership roles, and outright complaining about the quality of the writing, the grammar, and now their occupations. You may think many of these stories posted on this site are infantile teenage attention getters. And for some, we do agree. However, I see you haven't taken the time to read some of the work that any of our better AUTHORS have posted and post comments there. Why is that? Is there no professional courtesy left at all?
No one came here looking to fight with you, yet you persist in responding as if that were the case. No one has made fun of your writing. I've never read your work, so no critique from me. Now you are attempting to bring on another round of bickering?
With each post you come closer to living under the bridge.
You want humor? Take it over to the link I left you, I'll give you humor!

cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Thanks E-fan, I will do that. I'm so interested to know what he was like. He projects such a rough and tough guy personality. I guess after playing Jason so many times it kind of sticks with you. 😆
Exorcistfan79 (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Cosmogal - I have met Kane too - awesome guy! Gunnar Hansen was pretty cool too. Drop me a mail if you like, I'd be happy to give you the full stories! 😁
Exorcistfan79 (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Pjod - I applaud you for at least not reverting to infantile insults made all the more amusing as I never thought a door handle seller would feel so acutely superior to an author to try and mock them. You just could not make it up.

Back to your point though, it is just as I was referring to earlier. Who knows what the truth is... Really? That is why it makes me laugh when people refer their 'problems' to the likes of Jav Akorah and because I question this, Lou who happens to have sold Jav the latest line in door handles at a knock down price, feels the need to defends Jav's honour? Hehehe. As I said earlier, this site is going right down the pan.

Jav and Rook I always had time for, they were at least trying to help people. I just get a little twitchy when the school yard bullies arrive, trying to pour scorn over any point anyone else tries to make that the 'popular harum' don't agree with.

I have watched many paranormal investigations, live and on tv, I have studied the books and read the reports... Never once did I read or witness that Jav or Rook were there. Lou, is always there, selling door knobs and gloating as he/she does so. He is just too darn witty to take on but there you go, the level of intellect speaks volumes, I mean, Einstein, Stephen Hawkins and even Aristotle often sold door bells in their spare time, so why should Lou not follow in the other genius' footsteps?

Jav / Rook - Peace, I mean it. No offence was ever intended and like I, I don't get the impression you are really that bothered or offended anyway. Lou, Peace - you are an amazing soor knob seller, the best around and everything you say is hilarious.

Can we revert back to the Ghost talk now? 😁
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Exorcistfan, I clicked on the link to your bog and after reading your description of "Glory Hole" it is obvious that the title was not meant to be funny. It actually made my skin crawl. So as a Horror/SciFi author that is a good thing for you. 😆 😉 I also saw that you met Robert Englund! That is beyond awesome. I would love to meet him, and Kane Hodder. In my opinion Kane was the best actor who played Jason Vorhees. 😁
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
"Glory Hole" -a term also used in "Mining" -when miners dig into an area rich in gold. Learned this bit of info watching Gold Rush on Discovery Channel. 😁
Efan, Your books written and or read, aside- some folks have a great interest in furthering this subject out of the realm of taboo, taken more seriously. I understand why a fiction writer would embrace the 3am time, as it makes for a good story. You must understand why some may feel a bit passionate about "misinformation" -All one needs to do is take a look at any "collection" of pesonal experiences starting from the mid/late 90's, and work your way up the years. You would find that the 3am phenomena starts to become popular at the turn of the century. Perhaps there is something "real" about the timing? Who can say for sure?
Exorcistfan79 (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Ok Ok...

Second book is based on paranormal... Not GH... Clue was in 'new' book.

I don't understand the hunmour...sorry. I guess it is funny that you guys thought I had been published and did not know the context of my title. I guess that could be counted as amusing, but the problem with that, is you assumed incorrectly. So I guess the joke is on you guys.

Lou - you sell door handles, well I guess I wish I was as successful as you. One could say you must know a lot of the trade being a knob yourself but it is just too plain easy.

Having fun at my expense? Hehehe still not getting it. Bait...jav? Explain? You see, all I am getting is poor little digs that do little than show you up as exactly as I said previously. I questioned you and you return to attempt to bully or mock or however you wish to distinguish it.

You are both attempting to prove yourselves it appears anyway, so well done! Lou, I hope you sell so many knobs there is an outcry and people are locked in their houses unable to free themselves due to the demand. Jav, whatever you do, I am sure it is engaging and people all around you think of you as the second Bill Hicks. Please check my previous post which you both have neglected to comment on. It's getting dark here now and the witching hour looms LOL

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