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Billy Was Here


Growing up, my family moved around a lot, and my dad would come in and out of our lives. I used to think it was because my daddy kept hurting mommy. It wasn't until recently while I was visiting home for the holidays that I found out the real reason why we moved so consistently.

Before I delve into the revelation, my history needs to be discussed. It's important for you to know that from my childhood, to present day, I have been exposed to paranormal occurrences on a fairly regular basis. When I say paranormal occurrences, I'm referring to visual, physical and verbal contact with what I believe to be spirits or a variety of entities from the paranormal realm. I rarely speak about these happenings with anyone - especially not my family - for fear of being deemed crazy.

I want to discuss a particular spirit who has been - for lack of a better word - haunting me for as long as I can remember. I have seen this man dozens of times throughout my life and I didn't understand why he was following me. He appears to be mid-forties, Caucasian, dressed casually, and wearing a red baseball cap. In no way does he look particularly menacing; however, he still scares the shiat out of me.

Recently, I moved into a house with two of my best friends and things have been getting a little strange around here. My roommates have been complaining about loud noises, misplaced items, and closing/opening doors. A few weeks ago, I was out of town visiting friends for a couple days. During my visit, I kept receiving text messages from both roommates who were detailing some creepy events that were taking place in our house. When I returned from my trip, they told me that they kept finding my belongings sprawled throughout the house, and they could hear a man saying "Billy" at random intervals. Guess what folks, my name is Billy. At that point, I was feeling very uneasy.

Fast forward to my visit home for the holidays. It's Christmas Eve, I'm with my mom, brother and sister, and we are playing games, drinking wine, and catching up. I decide to tell them about what has been happening at my house. As I'm talking, I'm getting drunker, and I decided to tell them all of my paranormal experiences. As I'm talking about the man who I referenced above, I commented on his appearance and when I mentioned the red hat, my Mom shot my older sister a knowing, yet concerned, look. Seeing that I caught the silent exchange between the two of them, my Mom starts explaining the reason behind the look.

She told me that she knew the man who I described, and that his name was Billy, and he was a friend of hers. He died of a heart attack, but I was too young to remember him. She also told me that he wore a red baseball hat all of the time, and that is how she knew who I was referring to in my story. She then went on to say that he had been following her, and that is why we moved around all of the time. Eventually, she realized her efforts were futile, and that moving wasn't helping. Apparently my sister had seen him from time to time.

I'm writing this story in hopes that some of you can help me understand why this is happening to me in particular. As far as I am aware, I have never held any personal ties to Billy. I'm starting to question whether or not that my mom's relationship with Billy was more romantic rather than friendly; otherwise, what interest does he have in following us. Is there anything I can do to make it stop?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Chatham_Mann2012, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

tdmeyer (1 stories) (10 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-16)
From another story, there was someone who had a little girl attached to her. They went to a neraby paranormal group and was seemed to end up helping the girl cross over. Maybe billy is trying to tell you something? Maybe you can get someone to see what he wants and see if you can see if he will cross over? Good luck, keep us posted on what you do!
xlauraloux (20 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
Oh dear it doesn't sound like he was someone that she liked when alive let alone when a ghost, you are more patient than me I would of nagged and nagged but that's mainly because I'm nosey and like too know everything lol

I hope your mom can speak to you about it when you do visit it might also help her deal with some things and put billy to rest x
Chatham_Mann2012 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
lauralou these are all questions that have been running through my head. I planned on asking mom, but she wanted to drop the subject and talk about happier things. I'm visiting home next week, and I will be bringing this up again, and I will most definitely be asking more questions. Thanks:) I'll keep you posted
xlauraloux (20 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Hi Chatham Mann

Your story is very interesting to read but leaves me wondering a few things...

Apart from what you have said your mom has told you is there anything else she has told you about him?

Maybe you should ask your mom what he was like when he was alive was he a nice guy or was he someone she was afraid of?

You said you moved lots of times and the reason being was so your mom could get away from him, is this because she was afraid of his ghost or did she feel threatened by him because of what he was like when alive? My thoughts are if he was nice and was so devoted to follow where your family went then maybe he was just trying to protect you guys?

Did your mom know him before you was born? Is there something that happened that would bond you and him seeing as he has followed you on your own to a place your mom is not living at? As it seems strange that he would follow you if there was no bond apart from the fact he was a friend of your mom?

I hope none of these questions offend you but I know if it was me I would want to ask these questions.

Simie (4 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Dear Chatham_Mann2012,
In Sri Lanka we do 'pirith chanting' to send away spirits from us. If you can meet a buddhist monk he'll tell you what to do. He'll give you a piece of thread to be tied in your hand and you won't be troubled by any spirits again. And your mom will be safe too. When you do that the spirit can't enter your house.
Chatham_Mann2012 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Thanks Swim, I'll try that. I mean, he has never done anything wrong to me, or harmed me. It's more or less an anxiety thing. Anticipating the next time I am going to see him honestly terrifies me.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
You know the guy just seems like a concerned spirit friend, which can sometimes be a good friend to have. But the thing about moving your things around... Maybe you could just talk to him about not being pushy, but keep the relationship. I've discovered, when you ask them to leave, they leave for good. Which is sometimes sad.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
LOL THANK YOU, I've been giving you points all day as well, for some reason it is letting me 😆 😆 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
ifi - I've been trying to give you points all day and it won't let me but here's your +1 LOL 😆
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
You could have very well been named after him, just my opinion.

Miracles and WishNot... Yeah not afraid to cross lines here 😆
Chatham_Mann2012 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
I actually did consider the possibility that I was named after him. As far as my family history goes, there is no one else I could have been named after. Mom claims I was named after Billy the Kid. Thanks for your advice and thought everyone. The next time that I see him, I'll try communicating, and see if that works. In the past, I've been to paralyzed with fear to say anything.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
I just wasn't going to go out and say it. Thought that might be a line best not to cross. I figured someone would...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
ifi - I had considered that the o/p was named after Billy, but also thought how common the name William is and that it could have been a family member our o/p was named after 😕
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
It's odd that you were most likely named after him and I can see how you could draw the conclusion they were lovers because of that, but that is something you would have to ask her.
Again on the Miracles train, I would ask him to stop bothering you or do a cleansing.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
I have similar questions to Miracles. I also agree with Miracles on how to get rid of him, if that is what you wish.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
Chatham_Mann2012- Oh gosh,...umm first off welcome to TGS. Well, maybe there is more of a connection between the two of you. Maybe... He feels drawn to you.

There is verification in that your mother and sister has seen him as well. And I am going to leave it with that.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
Chatham_Mann2012 - mmmkay, before jumping to conclusions about your mom and Billy, did you consider that maybe she and Billy had just been close friends, nothing romantic to the relationship? I am female and have two very close male friends. And there is nothing romatic going on with either of them. I'm assuming you have no intention of asking your mom why she named you Billy?

As for why he's following you, it sounds as if he may just watching out for your family, especially since your sister has seen him too.

If you want to get rid of him, my advice (and others will probably disagree) is talk to him. Tell him his presence is bothering you. Be polite about, though, not aggressive or antagonistic. Being nice goes a long way with non-living as well as with living people.

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