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Another Haunted Music Box


My father bought a music box for my mother 20 years ago. He was on a business trip to Denver, Colorado, and bought one for her and one for me for Christmas. Her's is a blue Merlin style magician that plays "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera. My mother was never a Phantom fan, and she never wound or played the music box. It sat on a shelf hung on the far wall of the living room, away from general traffic.

Thirteen years ago, it was about Thanksgiving time, the whole family was home. My brother was home from the Navy, my husband and I and our oldest son, and new one month old. My parents had divorced the year after he bought the box, so he was the only one not there, although he came by later to see my brother.

My mother, brother and oldest son were in the kitchen, my husband was back in a bedroom and I was sitting on the couch with the baby in the living room about 15 feet from the music box. Suddenly it started playing. I thought it was a spring that had been wound too tight and just let loose, so I put the baby in his carrier, and walked over and picked up the figure. The music box workings are in a clear plastic box in the base. The key wasn't moving, the drum wasn't moving and the spring was completely slack. The song played, even with it in my hand, for three full minutes and then stopped.

We all thought it was very strange, but shrugged it off.

My mother passed away in October 2011.

Last year, at Christmas, actually on Christmas Eve, it went off again. We were all in the kitchen at least 20 feet away from it. This time my brother walked over to pick it up and brought it over for all of us to see it wasn't moving. It played a little longer, and then I got frustrated with it, looked up at the ceiling and said "WHAT!" It immediately stopped. Play time was 2 minutes and 3 seconds, not the full 3 minutes the first time was.

Yesterday, I pulled into my driveway, my husband holding the music box in the front door, greeted me. It started playing exactly 3 minutes before I pulled into the driveway and stopped as my car pulled to a stop in front of the garage, again, no movement from the music box mechanical workings, and I've taken the figure apart to see if there was an electronic component that might be causing it, but the figure is hollow, with no electronics.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kelley, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Kelley (1 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-30)
To answer about the music, it plays the music box music not the soundtrack. Also barometric pressure is not a factor either.
Kelley (1 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-30)
Update - it happened again today around 5pm ran for 3 minutes. It is on a shelf almost 7 feet off the floor, no one was near it. Husband and I were sitting on the couch and son was on the loveseat. We had no disturbances going on, and it just started, ran the 3 minutes and stopped - on another note, the mechanism has stopped working entirely by winding, the spring is completely loose and there is no way to turn the drum manually, and yet... It has gone off again.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-17)

Many thanks for your reply. So it seems 'harbinger' can be ruled out as it does not seem to have played just before any 'one' type of event.

It seem we are left with three very curious incidents...

One final question... Did the music that was playing sound like 'music box music' or was it the actual 'show tune'?


Kelley (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-17)

You got the timeline exactly right. The first time the only 'event' I can think of was the birth of my second son a month prior to the first spontaneous playing, the second time was our first Christmas after my mother passed away, and the third, I can't think of anything except I just started a new job that is turning out to be my 'dream' job. As for how long the music played each time. I have a heart condition that requires me to check my heart rate on a regular basis so I'm always looking for a second hand on a clock. As soon as it started playing the first time I looked at the clock, I guess it's a habit for me to time things (I'm a little OCD). The first and second time used the exact same clock to time how long the music played.

The third time, the box has been moved to my house (yes it is still the same box my father bought my mother in 1992), my husband timed it as he and my two sons were the ones who witnessed/responded to the third happening.
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
I'm just going to wait for an update on this one. I'm so confused at this point. Hope the questions get answered.
curiousDevu (10 stories) (45 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
I agree with [at] rook, the time period concerning the events confused me too and am glad he brought it up. Apart from that, the story is well written and the box playing by itself on Christmas, ('11 right?) might have been sort of a message from your mother, keep us posteed if anything else happens.
Devyani 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)

I went back a re-read your submission and that has made me want to ask this...

The music box in question was bought 20 years ago... Nothing happened for 7 years... Then it played... It played for exactly 3 minutes... This is based on your statements...

"My father bought a music box for my mother 20 years ago."

Followed by this one...

"Thirteen years ago, it was about Thanksgiving time..."

So to make sure we understand... 20 years ago... This would have been 1992... The music box was bought...

13 years ago... This would be 1999 or 7 years after the music box was purchased... It randomly plays... It plays for exactly 3 minutes...

Then in 2011 (Oct 2011) your Mother passes away (Sorry for your loss). This is 12 years after the music box played on its own...2011-1999=12...I do not see what her passing has to do with the music box playing way, way back in 1999... Or are there details missing?

It then 'played again' at Christmas of that same year (2011) this time it played for exactly 2 minutes and 3 seconds because you stated...

"I got frustrated with it, looked up at the ceiling and said "WHAT!" It immediately stopped."

Did anything 'happen' with-in the family... Anything weird?

Lastly you shared this...

"Yesterday, I pulled into my driveway, my husband holding the music box in the front door, greeted me. It started playing exactly 3 minutes before I pulled into the driveway and stopped as my car pulled to a stop in front of the garage..."

Again...has anything odd happened?

I admit its strange that this music box seems to have played 3 times at completely random times... And from what you have shared these are the only times it has played... But there seems to be no connection with any special/important or even odd events in your Families life... At least I see no evidence that indicates that from what you have shared with us.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
Ummm not to seem rude but I have a question... Who was running the stopwatch during these 'events'? Just how is it you know exactly how long the song played each time?

Again I do not mean to be rude but your statements leave no room for 'doubt' concerning the length of time the music box played and I just wonder how you know the exact length of time the music played.


zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Having an extensive collection of music boxes, I find this story fascinating. Not sure about some of the times it goes off because I do know that sometimes mine go off by themselves but I do think your mom was giving you a sign the last time; to let you know that she still peeks in once in awhile. I have a somewhat similar story that I think I will submit.

Good luck, zeta.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Hm, my first thought was maybe vibration had started the components moving to start the music, but you should have seen the components moving if that was the cause. And picking it up should have stopped the vibration and the noise...
I dunno. I'm not mechanically inclined, and the only idea I have for a logical explanation doesn't seem to fit. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can give a logical explanation but I'm puzzled.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Kelley - I'm just wondering if you think the music box has the power of premonitions or something. I don't mean that in a smart*ss way at all. And is the music box your husband was holding your mom's or the one your dad bought for you?

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