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Beloved Pet Dove Visits After 3 Years


I am a doctor and work in an elementary school. Recently as I was climbing the inside steps of the school I unexpectedly felt a bird land on my right shoulder. Even though I could feel the bird and the breeze from that of flapping wings, I could not see one. I knew this bird was Francis, a pet Ring-Neck Turtle Dove that I had for 24 years. He died in September of 2009.

Beloved Pet Dove Visits After 3 Years

All of it was extraordinary but the really peculiar thing about this visit was that I saw nothing, but only felt Fran land and sit on my shoulder. Also very odd was that I knew instinctively that it was Francis who visited me; it was his presence and without any consideration I automatically knew it was him. The experience came completely out of the blue and I hadn't been thinking of him at all. I don't know when he actually left my shoulder either. It was not frightening at all.

I purchased Francis as a chick when I was in college and he witnessed much of my life. On one or two occasions I took him to school with me to share with the students. He was a people lover and was very friendly. While most of his time was spent in a cage, he was occasionally allowed to fly around the house or bathe in the sink. When our son was a baby, Fran would fly to the crib and watch him. He liked to be around us. After a summer of ill health he died while he rested on my chest.

In 1995 I had a similar sensation and visit from a friend when he died while traveling abroad. All of it is very cool and I wanted to share my experience here. I think the deeper meaning may be that our pets, friends, and family maintain consciousness that lives on after they die. They are with us and continue to love us. I am delighted to have had these two experiences.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Brian, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Dreamerxx (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-21)
What a lovely story Brian its so nice to know that you have such a strong bond with Francis that he came back to let you know he's still with you and loves you 😊 I lost my cat (babes) last November and it was a hard loss and even though she slept in my daughters room she visited me when I was in bed and I felt her walking up my bed and I said to her Babes and I felt her no more I was sad that me calling her name made her go I still felt happy that she came to me 😊
rockangel13 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-21)
Wow that was a really touching story. I'm deeply moved by the fact that Francis is dead, but he'll always reside in you mind forever, right? I've never actually had any experience myself 😭, so I always read the ones of those who've had them. Anyway, that was a wonderful story.
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
Brian- Welcome to the site and I am really moved by your story. Whatever you have described is very very natural and I believe it was the spirit of the bird (and your friend) who visited you. I really feel for Fran seeing the pic. How innocent and lovely! Please take care. Hope both Fran and your friend are at Peace now.
Brian (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
Hi Lady-Glow,
Thanks for the welcome and for referring me to your story. Tom was and is a great kitty and Coo-coo too a terrific dove. Coo-coo's disappearance will always be a mystery and I appreciate your sharing. We have a big gray rescue cat named Zeus who is much like your Tom. He snores, purrs, has white feet, green eyes, and snuggles up to us on our bed and sofa. Maybe he has some Russian Blue in him.

I am sorry about your Coo-coo and Tom but there are silver linings.

Interestingly, perhaps more than one of your visits with Tom have occurred when you were in twilight sleep; that spot between slumber and wakefulness. That is one of the conditions or scenarios when loved ones try to connect with us... Or we with them. I think that consciousness continues forever after people and pets are physically gone. I also think that if we are in tune with this concept, perhaps we are more apt to witness them in dreams or awake, or to see signs of them that "coincidence" cannot account for. Neat that Coo-coo visually showed up.

I too found this site after my visit with Fran. I wanted to see if others had similar experiences and there are many, especially with cats and dogs. All of it is intriguing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
Welcome to YGS.
Isn't it amazing when pets come after their passing and let us know that there is something more to life than the time we walk on this earth?

I had a pet dove just like Francis,it's name was Coo-coo, I got to think that he was in love with me because he used to follow me all over the place cooing and dancing to my feet, and he knew all of my shoes and would dance to them wherever I had left them, but never to my sister's shoes.
One day Coo-coo disapered to never be seen again, I do not know what happened to him, but one morning I looked though the kitchen window and saw him seating in his cage, what was strange since the cage had been empty hanging on the wall for a long time, but just to be sure I went to check if Coo-coo was back... I found the cage not only empty, but its door was against the wall.

I thought it had been just my imagination what made me "see" my dove, but time and life gave me another chance to encounter a beloved pet after its passing, as you can read on my story "Tom, my brave cat".
I guess they come to say "Hi" and to let us know that they, too, think about us.

Thank you for sharing.
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
Thankyou for your kind comments on Khan's story... He was a very special boy... Very smart and so very gentle and kind. I was and see myself still so lucky to have had him for as long as I did.
Maybe Francis will come to you again in visible ways... The first could have been just to check on you and he didn't want to frighten or upset you too much... I hope he does come to you again. And you can see him even if it is only for a few seconds. We are so lucky that animals choose to be friends with us... Cause really if they didn't want to they wouldnt.

You sound like you have a special gift for caring and healing. Animals know that and see it in you. So that when they are sick or injured... They come to you because they feel you will help them. I think that's fantastic. Do what you can for them... And the animals will always be there for you when you need them.
Keep up the good work.

Kind Regards,
HappySpirit (187 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-18)
Thanks for sharing this story - most of the animals who I've read about that come back for a visit are dogs, cats or horses - mammals - so wonderful to hear about other creatures who let us know they're still around!
Brian (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-18)
Hi MsWrestlersGhost,
Thanks for you message and directing me to your story. Khan sounds like remarkable creature then... And even now. When you mentioned the Peppermint Treat I was reminded that Fran enjoyed red licorice... Red Vines. He would eat that stuff for as long as I would tear off small pieces for him.

While you are able to see Khan on occasion true as life, my one encounter with Fran was invisible. Yet I knew just as sure as my name that it was him. This knowledge was immediate and certain and I didn't even question who it could be. To visually see him would be extra-extrordinary.

Here is another interesting piece I have noted. For the last 25 years or so animals are attracted to me. Wild or domestic they mysteriously come to my door or across my path. In many instances they are hurt and in some need of care. I try to help them, most of the time with success. All of this is intriguing to me including your Khan experiences and I appreciate your sharing them. I too understand that these creatures and their spirits or consciousness remain with us. I also feel that they are here to help us. All pretty neat in my estimation.
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-18)
It is brilliant that your lovely ring-necked dove Francis visited you after he passed away.

He probably came to visit you to let you know he misses you and is still around you. You had him fom the time he was a little chick until he died at age 24. Of course he knew that he was special. And saw himself as a part of your family. And he loved you.

Pets are just as important as our human family members... He knew you saw him as being so very special... I know pet birds are smarter than a lot of people give them credit for.

Im sure Francis just wanted to make sure you knew he's still around for you and keeping his eye on you. He misses you.

I know how you feel... Check out the story about my horse whom I still see and hear all the time when I'm home still... And he died in nearly 4yrs ago. (Read: Khan's Return: My Horses Love).

My heart goes out to you... Just remember he is still there for you always.

Kind Regards,

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