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Khan's Return - My Horse's Love


After reading stories on this site for nearly two years, I thought it was time to join up and write down a few experiences of my own for you to hopefully enjoy. It's been a while since I have written things like this down so I hope you won't have too many hassles reading and hopefully enjoying what I have to offer. Thank you in advance.

This story is long and I'm sorry if it is a bit much for a first one, but it's how it has to go.

In 2001, I had been living in the USA for nearly 4 years (born in UK and raised in France). I bought a farm in North Carolina not far from Asheville. I had been living in Atlanta, GA, but the move was needed as my asthma and the city air don't get along very well. After moving into the countryside I decided to purchase a horse or two to ride and maybe show when I wasn't working, as I had been around horses all my life and now had somewhere nice to have one live with me again.

In July that year online I came across a Performance Horse Sale only two hours away from where I lived so I ordered a catalog. When I got it, I signed up for a sale tenure and circled a couple of interesting hopeful buys in the catalog and went along on the day. I was very excited to maybe have a horse in my life again after a break of nearly 5 yrs.

Needless to say it was a good thing I took a hired horse float with me on the day as I found an amazing horse who would become a very special part of my life. Sadly, though, for not as long as I could have wished to have him. That day I came home with a beautiful bright Bay 17hh American Saddlebred Gelding called Lone Flagg Ghengis Khan... Khan for short. He was stunningly handsome, long mane and tail as Saddlebred's have, a tiny white star on his head and two socks on his hind legs. He was already a Champion 5 Gaited Show Horse and Champion Advanced Dressage, but was very quiet and gentle, so much so even small children could ride him unaided. He was a very gentle giant. And at 15 years old he was at a good age for his level of training and experience. I was very lucky.

For the next 7 yrs, on and off most weekends during the show weekend when I wasn't working, Khan and I would be at Shows or Dressage Events. He was so well behaved and loved the attention he would get. Judges loved him as he didn't play up or try to bite them in the line up as many horses did. He didn't try to kick when they had to run their hands over him to check out his conformation. And he loved all their attention. Combined with his natural style and movement, Khan and I won a lot of classes and never finished out of top 3 in others. And he won Grand Champion Gelding no less than 8 times in those seven years. We have so many great photos.

But sadly all good things must come to an end. Khan was retired after his arthritis got too bad in his hind legs as gaited horses often do at age 22 years (old for a horse) after the last of the summer season shows in August 2008. It was sad, but when you see pain in a horse's eyes, you know it's time to go home to the farm and spend the days left resting, growing fat on grass and looking after the other 3 horses we had since acquired. He loved his retirement. And besides the odd light hack out under saddle around the farm, Khan had little to do but be a very handsome paddock ornament.

The winter coming was cold and hard on Khan. And despite being put on Bute for his pain, he had days that he could barely cope. And at the end of November it was decided with 2 top vets' advice, it would be kinder to put Khan to sleep. So, after a big breakfast and a last peppermint treat (he loved those so much) and a last groom, Khan was laid to rest on the 12th of November, 2008 just after 11am, and was buried under the apple trees in his paddock he spent all his home time here with us in. He was buried whole in his favourite rug and halter with a bundle of his favourite lucerne hay and a bag of peppermints. A small stone with his name marks his place.

I thought I would never get over the loss of my best pal. And months later I was still grieving. I would visit his grave and talk to him and place fresh flowers. The other horses missed him too. You would often see them going near the place we buried him with their heads down low and sad. But I didn't think I would ever see him or hear from him again until I passed over myself. And how wrong could I be... I should have known better than that with my gift. And having seen and spoken to many spirits before... That Khan wouldn't try to let me know he was ok.

The first thing was hearing him... I was in the barn feeding and grooming the other horses and getting one ready for a ride when I heard this whinnying coming from outside... All our living horses were in the barn and I could see them all. None of them was making any vocal noises... It happened three more times in quick closeness in time. The other horses looked startled for a second or two. Then they started to whinny back, like horses do when they are friends with whoever the horse is who whinnies first. I went outside the barn thinking a friend of mine who lived nearby with her horses might be riding up on her horse. But no one was around. Outside I heard the noise twice more... It was coming from the area of the apple trees... And that's when the second thing happened. Something I still can't believe to this day. I saw Khan... Looking as real as life and he walked out of the apple trees and when he saw me he took off galloping towards me and the paddock gate the way he always did when he was alive and saw me coming over to see him when he was out in the yard. As he galloped towards me, he looked as real as any living horse. For a few seconds I couldn't believe my eyes. As he got closer he started to fade and disappeared just before he reached the gate. I heard one more whinny than nothing.

I believe he came back to say he was ok. And that he was still around and loved us. I miss him so much but I'm glad he no longer is in pain or suffers... And once and a while I still see him there checking on us... Always in the grove of his trees. Just for a few seconds... Miss you Lone Flagg Ghengis Khan... Khan, my special boy. Always loved and resting in peace. We will meet and ride again my friend... Until then race across the heavens with the other great horses. And remember I love you. R.I.P Khan (1986 - 2008). No better horse one could ever want for to touch my heart. Sleep well.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MsWrestlersGhost, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-09)
Dirtcreature, I'm aware how a lot of people are about fabricating thing's. But it still sucks lol I just hate how so many people make it so hard to trust anyone. There's so many real experiences out there, and I hate how some rather just make one up.
DirtCreature (guest)
7 years ago (2017-02-08)
[at] Twilight, like I mentioned to Tweed people who want to tell stories will do so if they think they can get away with it. It happens on other forums besides paranormal ones; it happens on trauma sites and other forms of experience sharing. People have even lied about rape on multiple occasions for their own sick prerogatives. It's up to the YGS community to keep a keen eye and be skeptical of stories. Another tip I think is to not get too attached to any stories on here...:) But I think it's a pretty good community with the posters we have on here like biblio, brokentree, olddude, etc.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-08)
Oh wow! Thank you lady glow for answering my question about this op. She was very good at writing such a realistic story. It's just a shame that apparently that's all it is, just a "story". Obviously she was guilty over lying, if she never responded back to this. I hate how people like this have to make the people that do tell the truth, and have witnessed the paranormal stuff at first hand, not be able to come to this site, and believe everything they read. Now I'm left to wonder how many other's are just written by another "story" teller 😢
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-01-24)
granny - since this is the story that raised the red "Flagg" for me 😉, I just want to say thank you for pointing those things out. See what I miss on the ride home? All the fun LOL

You've covered just about everything and if you did forget something, well, I'm sure MsWG thinks she got away with it. We'll let her think it, okay? 😉 Thing is, we know better 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-01-24)
There is no "Lone Flagg Ghengis Khan"...This name is derived as a mash up... While Googling this horse's name, you'll find a link to Wiki telling about the riderless horse used for presidential funeral processions... The "LONE" horse, draped with a "FLAG"; and the tradition of said horse having begun with one "GENGHIS KHAN"...

Blankie #2, flung
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-23)
MsWG - you're welcome. With as much detailed information as you've given in your stories, I'd hate for our members to think any of the information was untrue if it can't be substantiated.
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-23)
Thankyou for bringing this to my attention. I have contacted the ASHA site manger and asked about why their is no records on Khan's showing results as well as all his photo's. Having rung the number on the site.
The site manager can understand photos being changed but not lost all together. And he has no idea why the show records are missing.

He told me he will be looking into it. And will let me know what's going on, and will put the information back up as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-22)
MsWG - thank you for the offer, I truly appreciate it. I am as surprised as you about the pictures being changed, but what I find even more odd is that I can find links to other champion horses listed on the ASHA that go back to the 90s. Wonder why they wouldn't have any record of Khan? I know pictures can be changed, but didn't realize championship records would disappear like that 😕
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-22)
I was suprised to find you couldn't find any of Khan's photos. He used to have a number of them on the American Saddlebred Horse Society Website... I found out that they had taken them down as they replace them every 4yrs. I'm annoyed as hell. As you can guess.

Im trying to currently set up my facebook page. I did have one that I had to shut down to to harrassment of former wrestling fans who didn't like the fact I stood up to controversy issues about sexism in our sport. Unfortunatly I ruffled a few feathers.

I will have my new facebook page up soon and there will be a tribute to my lost pets on there and Khan will have a lot of his pics online.

If you really want some pics. I could try to email you some or sms you them in the next couple of weeks when I get them sorted out for the website as I only want to post the very special ones. And I have 6 photo albums full. If you want to but please don't give them to anyone else unless you let me know first please... I don't want them getting in the wrong hands.

I don't mind sharing them with you.

Kind Regards,
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-21)
MsWG - okay, I have a confession to make 😳 When I read this story, I googled Lone Flagg Ghengis Khan because I was so overwhelmed with needing to know what Khan looked like.

I searched and searched, even spelled Genghis differently trying to find some record of him somewhere because I thought surely with him having already been a champion before you bought him and then winning Grand Champion Gelding 8 times while he was yours, there would be something.

What am I doing wrong? I can't find anything 😕 I would love to see pictures of him ❤
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
You are so welcome my friend. From one pet lover to another. Take care. Trix. 😉
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
Thankyou too for your kindness... Man, am going to have make sure I issue "tissue warnings" in the future... Or we will all be up to our chins in pools of tears... And I can't swim very

I really appreciate what you said... The kindness and support of people on here doed help ease the pain of lose that I still feel often because Khan and I had a very close bond and friendship... I cry many a tear still because I miss him so much still... So its this kindness here from all of you too that makes it a bit easier.

Thankyou so much also for your kindness and heart warming words... Loosing a pet is like loosing a member of your family, and best friend in one. Animals give us so much of themselves and ask so very little in return only some food/water and a bit of love once and a while.

Once they have a hold of your heart and get their little paws/claws/feathers/hooves stuck right in there... They are always in there... Even long after they have left our world... I still cry about my childhood dog, 2 cats and my first pony for heaven's sake... They all passed on over 20yrs ago... 18yrs for the pony. But still... I remember them all like I last saw them only a few minutes ago before coming inside to rest at the end of the day. All pets are still alive as long as you have them in your heart... And all mine, living and passed on still and always will be in mine.

By the way... Read your profile page... Love that photo tribute for your gorgeous dog on the page... He looked so handsome and those beautiful blue eyes you could just get lost in... I too am so sorry for your loss... He looks like one very special boy.

Thankyou Again Everyone,
Kind Regards and Good Prayers too all,
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
Oh my gosh MswrestlersGhost... Thanks for sharing this deep experience with us. I just couldn't stand strong...I'm crying along with all of the rest as well. To lose a pet that was part of your life and like a family member to you is not easy. To me it's was like losing a part of my life when I lost my animals one by one. You are so blessed to have seen your beautiful boy again within the spirit world my friend. Take care my friend and sorry for your lost-it's never easy. 😭
Dreamerxx (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
Your story is so sad and heartwarming at the same time and like everyone else its brought a tear to my eyes, I'm happy that he has come back to keep you happy and I know your going to be together forever ❤
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
Azhar, Geetha50, Happy Spirit and Huendchen:
Thankyou all so much for all your kind words and I am very sorry I made you all so sad and cry... Next time I will issue a *tissue warning* if it is like this story and needs one.
I am very lucky to have had Khan and the special bond we had... It obviously transends life itself... Maybe the saying "A pet is for life" is a little out dated... In this case and so many others I have read about on here "A pet is forever" would be a better statement. Makes us pet owners only a little more happy to know our pets no matter what animal they are. Are always going to be there for us...

And waiting for us on the other side for when its our time to go and meet our maker.

Oh and Geetha... I have answered your email too. Thanks.

Kind Regards,
azhar (3 stories) (20 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
This was absolutely beautiful.

Yes, it was sad also, sad enough to make one cry, provided one knows to appreciate the company of our four-legged faithful friends and knows how painful it is to loose them, but still, the 'happy ending' gave it a long-lasting, sweet touch that finally brought a smile - moistened with some tears ❤
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-13)
First of all, sorry for your loss. It's never easy to lose someone you cared about, four - legged or otherwise.

I think you made a lot of people cry todayMsWrestlersGhost, including me. I have always loved animals, in particular horses. I never personally had them as pets but my friend's grandparents own a horse farm and I would visit with my friend ever so often during the spring and summer. You tend to make a special bond with the horses that are hard to break. I think that goes with all the animals that we have come to love.

As for putting him to sleep, that is the hardest thing to do and see. I volunteer at the Toronto Humane Society and I had the bad luck of putting down some of the sick dogs and cats. It broke my heart to see the vet take a life BUT I rather see them at peace in heaven than here on this earth in pain.

As mentioned already, your story is another prove that your loved ones will always be there to protect and love you even if they are not alive and they don't have to be two - legged either. Khan will be there for you when your time comes and you will be overjoyed to see him again.
HappySpirit (187 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-13)
What a wonderful story, both sad and joyous. I love hearing of our animal friends' continued existence after death. Your tribute to this fine creature was very touching. Gallop on, Khan.
huendchen (49 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-13)
You should have put a "tissue box will be needed" warning at the start of the story. Wow. That was so lovely. If only I could experience this kind of affirmation for myself. As it stands, I just have to hope and believe that the people and animals I love that have passed are still out there somewhere. Thank you.
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
Thankyou so much. I'm glad you enjoyed my story.

That last choice for any pet owner is always the most painful. And you always think the pet is going to hate you for it after. But it is just a kinder thing when there is no more good in their lives for them.

As heartbreaking as it is.
I am lucky to have had Khan as long as I did. And I'm so glad that one day we will be together again.

Pets become like family and family is the best thing you'll have in life. I think I'm so lucky he was part of mine.

Thanks again for reading. And enjoying my narrative... I was a bit rusty on writing so I wrote it all down on paper first.

Sorry I made you cry too.

Thankyou to for your kind words and for enjoying the story.

I'm so sorry to hear about your pigeon Shujah. He must have been special as birds always are.

And to have to see him be taken right there in front of you, it has to hurt the most.

Im sure he is still around watching you too. Maybe if you keep a close eye out he might show up once and a while to remind you he cares about you too.

Thankyou to you both again.
Kind Regards,
Alaviya (2 stories) (15 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
Oh my god how I understand you I cried today... I lost my favourite pigeon on last Sunday he sat 20 feet above me and I watched helplessly as a cat took him away I went in to hysterics when I lost him I have 13 pigeons now but he was my special bird I called him Shujah Arabic for brave... How I miss him but now I have realised I don't feel his absence he is with me only I can't c him
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
Oh my! MsWrestlers Ghost, you had me in tears too! I have a very soft spot for animals, especially dogs, cats and horses.

What a horrible decision to have to make; to 'put-down' your beloved, beautiful boy! I know the feeling... It is like 'murdering' one of your family! But, you have to be cruel, to be kind... That doesn't lessen the pain though! I know exactly what it feels like; I have reluctantly made that decision myself, a few times in my life.

I am sure Khan will be waiting for you, on the other side, and your reunion will be filled with joy.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful narrative.
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
Thankyou for your kindness... Horses sure are special animals. Once one wins your heart... Its won for life. He was a very special boy.
Im glad you like the story. I will be writing down and posting some more soon I hope... Works kind of crazy right now.
By the way love your stories... Your on my fav. Posters list. Look forward to any more stories you might have too.

Thankyou also for reading and enjoying the story.
Having to make that last choice for a special friend is always so heartbreaking. I think that's why Khan showed himself to me the first time. To let me know he wasn't upset at me. And shows himself still now to let me know he's still here for me and loves me like I love him still.
Really love your stories and have favourited you too... I'm glad you call your extra's "ghosties" too... I thought I was the only one.

For both of you: Sorry for making you both cry and run for the tissues.

Kind Regards,
Ms Wrestlers Ghost.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
MsWrestlersGhost: What a wonderful story!...I know from experience how hard it is to make the decision to put down a furry family member 😢...I'm glad you get to see him once in a while...

Geez, I don't even know what else to say...'Scuse me while I grab a tissue 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
MsWrestlersGhost - what a beautiful story 😊 I have a definite soft spot for horses. Don't have any of my own, but Lord I love 'em.

Although you need no confirmation, I do believe our pets are able to return to us in spirit. Anyway, your story brought me to tears and I want to thank you for sharing it with us.
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
Thankyou Lady-glow:
It does make your heart swell with happiness to know it isn't just our human loved ones waiting for us on the other side when we pass. I'm glad too. Though I miss family members who have passed, especially my dad Francois and my grandpa's Ignacius and Louie. But to know my pasted on beloved pets will be there too makes me even more happy to go on to the next life when I pass on.
Thanks and Kind Regards,
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
😭 What a lovely story!
I'm glad you had a chance to see Khan again, it makes it easier and less scary to think about passing away when we have the certainty that a good friend will be waiting for us on the other side.

Thank you for sharing.

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