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Dead Houseboy


This happened way back 2010. We used to have a houseboy named Zaldy. He's my mom's father side uncle. He came home too late one night, and made my mom too mad. She asked Zaldy to pack his things, and go out of the house, not to return anymore. Zaldy is mad. We have a resthouse in Olongapo which Juliet, Zaldy's Sister, is taking care of. My mom ordered her not to let Zaldy in the house, and even in one of the vacant apartments we own. We found out that Zaldy sought refuge in one of his co-Iglesia ni Cristo's house. Zaldy died 3 days after due to a car accident.

Here goes the scary story:

At around 2:30 am, I was talking on the land line downstairs, just wearing my boxers. Upstairs are my parents in the Master's, my sisters in their room, and my 76 year old grandma who is too weak, and cannot walk anymore, with 2 care givers. They're all sleeping. My grandma is on a hospital bed with an opening at the right-side, foot end. A chair is blocking the opening, with 2 pillows and the TV remote. Her shoes, are under the bed.

2:45, the 2 care givers screamed, which alarmed me. Halfway the stairs, I saw my grandma, going down, right hand holding the railings, and the left hand, is as if someone is helping her go down. (it was Zaldy who's taking care of her before). I thought everything is fine, then I went back to the phone.

2:47, I felt a cold gust of wind at my back

2:49, the dogs are howling like hell. The girl I was talking with on the phone told me to check on the dogs, they're howling differently. I said, it's nothing.

2:55, the maids sleeping on the quarters are running up, crying, screaming and terrified.

3:00, my mom woke up crying, saying she saw Zaldy walk up to their room.

Could that be Him? Or what?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nemesis0006, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

lovebugs16 (5 stories) (43 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-10)
okay? So uhm. Yes it's hard to believe. I mean, seriously? Something's going on every 2 minutes? And you didn't even ask your grandmother about what happened? You didn't even freaked out. Okay I'm not judging if this story is real but having a lot of inconsistensies makes your story unbelievable And I just can't help but to think that you were just trying to boast your wealth for having 2 maids and 2 caregivers and a houseboy. Hmm
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-12)
I think this discussion is over because the original poster has not come back to explain himself and I don't think s/he is planing on doing that.
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-12)
"The point of it", is to determine if we in fact, have missed something that wasn't originally included in the story. I hardly see where asking questions, and waiting for clarification, is rude.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-12)

The point is the O/P says he saw his Grandmother, who can not walk on her own, WALKING down the stairs assisted by an INVISIBLE spirit/entity...and they calmly went back to their phone conversation without reacting to this fact.

Makes the entire 'story' hard to believe, so we asked questions about it in order to figure out just what the O/P was saying and to give them a chance to provide more details to help validate their 'story'. If that is RUDE the please excuse us as that was not our intention.


boni (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-11)
"if you have read well, I stated that "as is someone was helping her out"

It was Zaldy's job before he died to take care of my grandma"

Although other pointed this out, I will too/ I don't respect you telling me I did not read well. I'm concerned that you saw your weak grandmother walking down the stairs with an invisible person helping her at 2:45 am. You also never answer other question but rather refer back to your own nonsensical story.

[at] angelus_crudus
I don't feel anyone was rude here but rather questioned the tons of inconsistencies in his story.
angelus_crudus (3 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-11)
People can be so rude on this site... What's the point of it?
Narella (guest)
12 years ago (2013-02-11)
Hmm,an unseen being is helping your grandmother down the stairs and you don't react? This pitiful attempt to fool us is actually kind of sad.
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-11)
I don't get the timeline of events. Can you explain what exactly do the howling dogs, and the maids have to do with this? Also, did you ask your grandmother about it? She was the one involved after all. What did she say about who it was, and the events that lead her to be completely healed, and able to get up and walk down the stairs, assisted?
SebastianRaynes73 (2 stories) (31 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-11)
Sorry. I don't buy this. There is too many inconsistancies and things that just plain don't make sence. I know I'm new on here and I'm still getting a handle in my ghost seeing sences. But seriously there is a lot of things that don't add up flush and square as my late Dad used to say when something someone said when they were talking. This poster and his "Houseboy" story don't fit right. Sadly I have to say one thing. Can anyone say b**ls**t? If it looks like s**t and smells like s**t, it is usually s**t!
I seriously don't buy it. This part or part II, I have posted on the other part also.

Why isn't the story poster actually answering our questions? Admission of guilt cause they know the smart ones on here caught him/her out! I won't take any credit as I'm very new on here, and others have been doing this a lot, lot longer. But clearly they see straight through the bullsquirt.

Thankyou for helping me out people with your great input. I'm learning alot, fast. I appreciate it all of you.

Thankyou all,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-11)

You did indeed say that "as is someone was helping her out"

So you know she can't walk on her own... You see her coming down the stairs "as is someone was helping her" yet you didn't actually see anybody with her and you calmly kept talking on the phone? Your exact words were...

"I saw my grandma, going down, right hand holding the railings, and the left hand, is as if someone is helping her go down. (it was Zaldy who's taking care of her before). I thought everything is fine, then I went back to the phone."

With all do respect, I'm not buying this one...Sorry.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-10)
Yeah but if it seemed "as is someone was helping her out" and you don't see anything wouldn't (1) be scared that something is there and (2) go instantly to help your grandmother because she is weak and the helpers are of no use because they are screaming?

I would like to know the rest of the answers to boni's questions like why your parents' didn't wake up when the maids were screaming and the dogs were howling like hell? Those things would have woken up the whole house.
nemesis0006 (2 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-10)
if you have read well, I stated that "as is someone was helping her out"

It was Zaldy's job before he died to take care of my grandma
boni (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-08)
No offense, but do you check the time every few seconds to always know what time it is. Also is your mother a super heavy sleeper to not wake-up because the dogs are howling and the care-givers screaming.

". Halfway the stairs, I saw my grandma, going down, right hand holding the railings, and the left hand, is as if someone is helping her go down."
"76 year old grandma who is too weak, and cannot walk anymore"

If your grandma is too weak to walk, why would you not be phased when your grandma, assumably, stumbles down the stairs.

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