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Real Ghost Stories

The Other Twin


I was 17 years old, it was 5:00 pm and the bus just dropped me off. I had an extremely long day at school. I was alone at my house, and went to go stretch out on my bed. I remember just tossing myself on the bed and I faced the wall. I closed my eyes for a quick second. My friend used to go visit me periodically, and would always let herself in. I felt someone sit on the corner of my bed; I assumed it was my friend. I said, " can't scare me." When I turned to look, there was a girl that looked identical to me, she had long black hair, pale skin, wearing a white shirt, jeans and she looked at me with her wicked eyes, devilish grin and was twirling a knife slowly in her hand. I suddenly turned towards the wall frightened and covered my face! When I turned to look again, the girl no longer sat on my bed. I never experienced any paranormal activities living in this house, but we moved from that place approximately a year or two after that, I told my friend about that one on one experience. I later fooled myself to believe that it was just a figment of my imagination, I have not seen her again since that day.

During 2001, Mom and I later moved into this small house, which was located at the end of an alley. One afternoon, my Tia (Aunt) went by my job. By her glares and attitude, I can tell she was a bit agitated with me. I asked her what was wrong. She told me with high tone, "Why didn't you open the door, when I went by your house?" I asked her, "When"? She said, "At 9:00, I saw you looking out the window". I told her, "Tia, I've been working since 7:00, I have not been home since". I can tell by the look on her face, that she did not believe me. So I got my supervisor out of his office, and asked him in front of her, "...what time did I come in this morning?" He said, "You came in at 7:00". My Tia said, "Mija (my daughter), there was this girl in your kitchen window, with straight long black hair, just like you. I swear, I thought it was you." I can tell by her expression that she was surprised to know that it was not I in the house staring back at her.

That same summer, my middle sister came to visit from out of town. My mom went to my Tia's house to take care of my grandparents down the street. My mom told my sister that I should be arriving at 11pm from work and that I usually come in through the back door. My sister told me her husband was lying down in my bedroom after a long road trip; she was accommodating herself in my bedroom, as she heard the back door open and shut, she figured it was me. She stood up, and said, "... Are you here?" She heard no answer. She walked into the living room and saw this girl walk into the kitchen, towards my mom's bedroom. My sister called my name several times, but no answer, then said, "...quit trying to scare me, I already saw you" and followed the girl into my mom's bedroom. My sister looked in the bedroom and didn't see a thing, then walked into the bathroom. Nobody was in there either. She came to the conclusion that they were the only people in the house. She was terrified, and woke her husband up.

I was so anxious to get home; I entered through the back door as usual. They both looked at me and gave me this strange stare. I jokingly said, "What? It looks like you just saw a ghost". She told me about her experience; I then asked her what the girl looked like, and she told me, "Like you".

During September 2012, I find myself far away from a place called, "Home". I figured these "childish experiences" were doomed and my so called "twin" no longer followed me. I find myself with roommates for the time being and one morning my roommate told me, "I had the weirdest experience. I felt someone sit on my bed, I figured it was you. I asked you, "...Que tenes" Y nadie contesto. (What's wrong? And nobody answered) I got scared, this girl lay next to me, and she was a saddened soul. I was running my fingers through her dark, black hair, calming her down. I could feel her lying next to me"

I told her about my previous experience with my "twin" and she told me, "Tell your ghosts to stop following me." Hopefully she does.

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BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
1 year ago (2023-08-22)
Its been years that a family, friend or I have seen "My Other Twin". The last time happened to be was when I deployed in Kuwait. My roommate happened to see it.

Well fast forward to last night or should I say this morning. My daughter came to my room and said, "Mom, I just seen a ghost". I turned and told her, do you want me to sleep in your room? She said, yeah. She is 14 and a bit melodramatic. I grabbed my phone and blanket and fell back asleep in her room. No questions asked.

This morning, I told her that her ghost was probably a shadow that formed when a car passed by. She said, "no, it wasn't a shadow mom. She looked like a person. She had your skin tone and had long black hair. She was wearing a pink dress. She was not walking, but floating from the restroom to River's (dog's) room. She looked a lot like you".

I texted my sister this morning about it. She come over right after work to explain to my daughter that she had seen her too.
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-14)
I've never seen that movie, I am not that brave to watch them.

It's not a pleasant thing to have around.
beautifuleden (2 stories) (66 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-01)
wow, someone actually -1'd my traumatic experience? Nice...
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-28)
But at least Dark Alessa (of Silent Hill) doesn't twirl a knife. He-he!🤔
beautifuleden (2 stories) (66 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-26)
[at] JennZ and RedWolf: Not everyone is able to react when they are in danger. I had a terrifying experience 12 years ago (not with Ghosts, but with excuses for living human beings), and I was unfortunately paralised with fear and unable to make a sound or a movement or fight back in any way, had I been able to, things would have probably turned out much better than they did 😢
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
Yeah, she definitely wasn't pleasantly sitting there. Other than that happening, no death or bad luck followed that.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
A doppleganger (German origin) literally means 'double walker'. It's a ghostly double or counterpart of a living person. Some believe that seeing one is a warning of disaster or death. While seen by friends or relatives it means bad luck, illness or danger. In your case, I wouldn't say yours was 'pleasantly sitting there', since she was looking at you "...with her wicked eyes, devilish grin and was twirling a knife". To me that is not 'pleasant', it's menacing and flippin' scary. But, dopplegangers aren't known to be harmful, just warning.
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
valkricry-I wouldn't know what to do if someone was in my house other than spirits. You can't kill ghosts, I think that is what scared me the most. It pleasantly sat there. RedWolf decribed this as doppelganger. I need to look up that word, never heard it before. I just hope, I never see her again. I shouldn't have said that was 'my twin' on the separate occasions, I didn't see the ghost that my sister and aunt saw in that same house. I just know that they were freaked out that a girl that looked like me was in my house. As for my roommate, she was scared at first, but then not so much at the end.

I bet just staring at that intruder in your house was a fright. That is good that nothing happened to you, and I hope that intruder never tries to do that again. Hope he learned his lesson. Being Sweet scares the beejesus out of some people.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
Ahhhh! Thank you, Bittersweet. I knew it had to be something like that when it came to the Spanish. That's why I asked about the dialect. I'm fascinated by languages, how they can be the same yet so different, even within the same country. Sometimes even American slang can toss me for a loop 😊!
The not screaming... Well some people just aren't screamers. Every one reacts differently. Once, when I was home alone, there was an intruder in my living room. We both stopped dead in our tracks and stared at each other for what was probably the longest second in history. I am a small woman, not even 5 feet tall and this was a large burly man. I opened my mouth and what comes out? A scream? A demand for what the heck he was doing there? Ummmm - no. In a very stern, no nonsense tone I said, "May I help you?" WTH? What kind of response is that to a home invasion? But, I think it caught him off gaurd, because he turned and ran out. Afterwards, the fear caught up with me, and I shook for quite a bit over what could have happened. My point is, until we actually experience something ourselves we can't be sure how we'll react. But, honestly, in the case of what you described? Whether someone could hear me or not, I think I'd 1) scream my head off, and 2) wet the bed at the very least. That had to be so scary...
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
Que tienes is slang in Texas. For instance, we call a foot, Pata or a fork, Trenche. People around my home town would kind of know what I am talking about. We speak a whole different language. My friend is from Mexico, but moved to Texas when she was young.

I was seventeen, nobody in the house. Nobody would have heard me screaming. I hit a deer once and my windshield was cracked completely, I was driving 60 mph on the highway. I didn't scream at that moment either.
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
She was an arm length away, sitting in the corner of my bed. For a split second, I automatically assumed she was going to stab me with the knife. And I covered my face, telling myself, She is not there. I am not sure why I didn't just get up and run out of there.

As for my Spanish. My friend is from Mexico and I am from Texas. I speak Spanglish (Spanish and English combined) to her. I spell like a third grader, when it comes to my Spanish.

I have not seen the movie Silent Hill, I don't think I would want to watch it if it reminds you of a scene. That is creepy.
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
As I read the very first encounter I was imagining you as Alessa and the other you as Dark Alessa with black lips of Silent Hill. It's creepy though I find it funny that you just turned around while someone is sitting on your bed and twirling a knife. 😕 I mean, you should've at least pray whatever your religion is. This is exactly why I have arnis laying beside me while sleeping. 😁
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
I agree with JennZ also. I don't know of anyone who would just "turned towards the wall frightened and covered my face", when seeing someone with a knife, sitting on their bed. Even a child would at least scream, or attempt to hide under the covers.
I do have a question though - what dialect of Spanish is that? "¿Que tenes?" is what you have? What's wrong? Could be 3 possibilities that I know of;
¿Qué pasa?, ¿Qué tiene de malo? Or ¿Qué es incorrecto?
It's just the phrasing and spelling you use are new to me.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-23)
I agree with JennZ. Someone that looks like you twirling a knife and all you do is cover your face and turn to your wall?
What you describe is a doppelganger but I never heard of one confronting the person they look like with a knife no less. Nor have I heard of one showing itself to family members in your house. I have NO idea what that is. It doesn't even sound possible.
Anyone else?
JennZ (72 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-23)
Uh, so you just stayed in bed and covered your face when there is "someone" sitting on your bed holding a knife? I don't care ghost or not, I'm sure as hell not going to just lay there...

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