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Real Ghost Stories

My Love


Around the mid of February, my older sister and mom came to visit my middle sister and I from Uvalde, Texas. The person my older sister was referring to below is my ex boyfriend; whom passed away the year before this incident happened.

On February 20, 2012, my older sister says, "...I'm not feeling well; I'm going to lie down on your bed. I feel like I am going to have a seizure." I told her, "Don't lie down on my bed, and lay down here on the couch so we can see you." She lay down on my couch and suddenly started convulsing. She went into a vegetative state, not able to move, and staring up at the ceiling after the seizure was over. It was 8:15pm; she had 7 seizures within thirty minutes and would go into a vegetative state after each one. I contacted the ambulance at 9:15pm; she had two more seizures at the hospital. I was scared, my sister never had this many seizures in her life. She got released from the hospital; I drove her home and lay her down. She had another seizure once I got home. I called the hospital and they told me to pick up her prescriptions; therefore, my mom and I drove to Walgreens at 3:00am. My middle sister called me and said,"...are you almost home?" I said, "...I just got here, is everything okay?" She said, no and for me to hurry home once I got the prescription. For a moment, I thought my older sister had stayed in a vegetative state. My middle sister called me three times after that, and would not tell me anything, but to get home.

I finally arrived home; my middle sister peeked out the window, and opened the door. As I enter the room, my older sister sat up and said, "...I can see him, He is making fart noises and is crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out at me. You believe me, right...?" I felt a big thump in my heart. My middle sister looks at me and says, "Ever since you left she says he is in the room. When you left she said she saw chispitas (sparkles) and orbs in the room." My older sister looks up, giggles and says, "Can you hear him? He is making fart noises." She laughs as though she was a little kid. My older sister sits up and tells me, "I am going to pray for him." She says The Lord's Prayer and lies down. All of a sudden, she opens her eyes, and stares up at the ceiling as if she were in a vegetative state again. She points at the ceiling with her index finger, and lies back down. My middle sister had a camera and snaps a photo of what my older sister pointed at. She showed me the photo captured and I say a little tiny orb in the photograph.

A couple seconds later, my older sister starts giggling again and says, "Did someone ask him to leave?" My middle sister and I face each other and shake our head, no. She laughs and says, "Because he said he is not going anywhere". Out of nowhere my older sister tells my middle sister, "You can't take pictures. It causes seizures." My middle sister and I glanced at each other and shrug our shoulders. We looked through her documents given to her from the Hospital and it stated: flashing lights cause seizures. My older sister then sits up, forms her two hands the shape of a heart, and says to me, "He says this means love in heaven. I've never done this before; what does it mean?" She looks down at her hands and laughs; "Awe, It's a heart. Now he is showing me this rosary. It is brillando (shining) " She lies back down. She then says in a loud voice, "Your still here?! The Cardinals suck" She lays her head on the pillow, closed her eyes and says, "Okay, I'll tell her..., okay, bye." She then faces the ceiling and salutes. She lays her head on the pillow, then lifts her head once more, flicks her hand as if were a gun at the ceiling and says, "Right back at you." She went into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until afternoon.

When she awoke, my middle sister and I asked her if she remembered anything. She just remembered the seizures. We asked her if she remembered anything about my friend, and she started crying and said she remembers seeing him. She points to the ceiling where she pointed before and said, "He was standing right there. He was wearing a grey tank top and some khaki shorts." Then she reflects everything that she remembered him saying. We showed her the photos that were taken when she was going through her, "hallucination." She then looks at me and says, "He told me to tell you he loves you." I smiled and said, "I know, I love him too."

I then booked a train ticket for my older sister and mom to go back to Uvalde, Texas. As we were finishing up eating, packing away, and spending the last few moments at my apartment; we took several pictures. My niece stood up on the couch and snapped a photo of my mom, older sister, middle sister and I. My middle sister smiled and looked up at me. She shows me the picture; we see a heart orb above my middle sisters' head. I smiled and said, "He is just showing off." I lay down on my couch, just waiting for my mom to tidy up before leaving. My middle sister was still in the photo snapping mood. She then snaps a photo of me lying on the couch. There is a huge white heart orb above my head. My middle sister told me, "I'm never going to spend the night at your house again."

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BitterSweet78801, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-11)
A experience that speaks a lot about love. Despite of being creapy at some points, its heart warming too. By the way the story has a fabulous ending.

Thanks for Sharing, going to my favs 😊 😊 😊
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-13)
Hello notjustme & Qwanrin,
I apologize for not responding sooner. Notjustme, check your email. I just so happen to see it on your profile. The pictures were sent to you. My sister is doing well Qwanrin. She has not had any seizures at all, since then. I can't believe its been so long, since all that has happened. I don't have many experiences, nor recent dreams of My Love, as I used to call him. But the experiences and my previous dreams were well worth it. I love that man so much...
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-04)
Old story but great. What an amazing/emotional moment this must have been for you girls, especially you. Thank you for sharing this. Would have been an honour to see the photos, but I understand. Maybe you could blur out the faces one day! If you do change your mind, please inform us! FAVS.
Qwanrin (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-31)
It's a bitter sweet story. Sweet in that it's very loving. But what's not so sweet about this story is that the sister had so many seisures. I don't know much about ghosts and spiritual beings but what I find troubling about this is what if this ghost used the sister's energy she needed to get better? Wonderful Story and thank you for sharing.
Tuesdey (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-05)
I had a bad vibe reading this. Something is telling me that something bad is going to happen to you. Be careful. Pray.
MoonFall (1 stories) (48 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-24)

Sorry for no English translation, but just got back on the site.:) Wasn't thinking I should probably translate it for others to read... Duh me.:) Again, my apologies, but thank you, Valcricry for translating.

BitterSweet, I have to use google translate all the time. My fiance is Salvadoreño (Salvadoran) so dialect is sometimes a conflict as I'm used to Mexican and Spain Spanish.

I'm glad to know that your sister is better. You have a right to privacy so never forget that and feel you have to share every detail of your private life, especially when it involves others personal business.

Me alegro que tengo alguien con que puedo practicar mi espñol aqui.
I'm happy I have someone who I can practice my spanish with here.:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-24)
Bittersweet, thank you for trying to make things clearer. I'm still very unhappy about the treatment your sister recieved though. Shame, shame, shame on that doctor/hospital. Even if they were petite partial seizures (which is more of what they sound like with the added info) that many they should have kept her in hospital. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I wish we had a pouty face emoticon, because I followed your link and I couldn't make out the orbs too well. I so wanted to see the heart one too. But, I do appreciate the attempt at sharing, and the fact that you are trying to respect/protect your sisters' privacy.
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-24)
Jennz/Red Wolf/ Valkricry-I apologized if I confused anyone. I tried to outline the story as much as possible. My sister has been diagnosed with epilepsy before. She has never had these many seizures in a year, nor as many as she had in one day before. It's pretty sad to say, but my mother has only seen her after 'convulsing' and passing out. She never had ever mentioned my sister going into a vegetative state prior to this happening. All my mom did before was put alcohol on the tip of her nose so she can wake up.
Convulsing to me is her muscles contracting. When she first lied down on the couch, her left leg started convulsing then her entire body started to, she went into a vegetative state right after that. Not looking directly in my eyes, but only staring at the ceiling. I told my middle sister to time her seizure, and my mom told me she needed alcohol. I went to go see if my neighbors had some alcohol. When I got back to my house, my middle sister told me how many she had, and I called the ambulance. I honestly didn't think an hour flew, but it did. We didn't know at that point what was normal and what was not. When we got to the hospital my older sister complained about the headache she had. I told her, how many seizures she had and she started to freak out. She was talking to me just fine, when all of a sudden she had two seizures. At the ER, the doctor told me that they gave her some pill for epilepsy and Tylenol. They never told me what type of seizure she had. They did recommend that she see a neurologist, and they tried to get one scheduled it in San Antonio. They released us to go home approx. One in the morning.
When we got home, she had another one. I called the doctor that released us, and he said, "The only thing you can do is to make her as comfortable as you can." I was really agitated. I was agitated of not knowing what to do with her. The second one she had, I called again. Same doctor, she then said, "You can go pick up her medication at Walgreens, and give her the dose that is labeled in her prescription."
As for the pictures, my middle sister did take some photos. If you select the link on my profile it will show you more photos, other than my profile picture. I apologize that I had to blur our faces. My middle sister gets paranoid to know that her picture is on a website. I didn't ask my older sister if I can post this story, she gets iffy about stuff like that being posted about her personal information. Just hope they never find this site.

Moonfall- Mi hermana esta bien. Nunca a dicho a nadie de esta historias, nomas mi prima y los ninos de mi Hermana mas mayor. Porque mi hermanas si enojan con migo. Por eso no puse los nombre's de ellas y los fotos de ellas.

Translation: My sister is doing great. Never told anyone, other than my cousin and my older sister's children. Because my sisters would get mad at me, if I did. That is why I didn't put their names or photos of them.

My Mexican/American, and my Spanish is bad too. I speak Spanglish and it's hard for me to write in Spanish. I have to use google translate all the time, but that is my little secret...
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-24)
BTW eons ago when I took Spanish in highschool, my teacher asked me if perhaps I spoke/had taken French, as I had a French accent when attempting Spanish. This leads me to wonder if when I speak French, do I then have a Spanish accent? 😕 One time I tried to apologize at work for my accent (being a mid-western twang thing). The girl I was talking to was learning English, and she smiled sweetly and said, "But you try to make me feel like home, and your accident is very cute." 😆 Thank goodness, smiles are spoken internationally.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-24)
Oh, Redwolf - I didn't think you were offensive at all! In fact even prior to your asking I was wondering if maybe I should as a curtesy to those on the site, who might not read Spanish. I am happy to be of service! 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-24)
Thank you valkricry, I wasn't trying to be offensive I graduated High School in '79. I used to be a sbstitute teachers aide mostly in a middle school or high school a few years ago a and once in awhile I would be in a bi-lingual class. My face was red more than once when I couldn't understand what they were saying and found out they were teasing me 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-24)
Redwolf - all Moonfall said is "What a pleasant/agreeable story! I have read two of your stories! Is your sister better now? I hope so:) "
Hope that helps.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-24)
Please translate your comment. My High School Spanish was many years ago
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-23)
I'm confused here... Like Redwolf, I don't understand waiting an hour before calling for help. Secondly, I really don't understand the type of seizure you are describing, as convulsions usually result in vegetative states, but no recollection, however you say your sister remembered the seizures, which usually does not involve convulsions. Either one can happen, but the symptoms of both? 😕 I also wonder what kind of hospital, after being informed of yet another seizure after returning home, just sends you to get meds instead of sending an ambulance.
Heart shaped orbs? Now that I would love to see.
MoonFall (1 stories) (48 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-23)
¡Que agradable esta historia! Leí las dos de tus historias! Tu hermana esta mejor ahora? Espero que si.:)
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-23)
Your sister was having seizures for an hour before you called the ambulance? 7 in a half hour and 2 more at the hospital? From my knowledge of hospitals the chance that she would be discharged before a neurologist or neurosurgeon gave her a complete work up is zero. There is just too much liability especially you say that she went into a vegetative state each time.
I wish you would have attached the pictures of the heart shaped orbs that is sweet.
JennZ (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-23)
Does your sister have Epilepsy? Having that many seizures in 1 day, the doctors at the hospital should of sent her to a neurologist... I would Love to see the pictures, can you upload them? I'm sure others would like to see them too.
BitterSweet78801 (4 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-23)
Thank you, It was an unbelievable moment that I would never forget.:)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-23)
BitterSweet - what a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it with us. I don't have anything else to say, except thank you ❤

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