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Ghost Of Native Americans?


I've wanted to share this story for quite some time. My first experience happened over twenty years ago. I was driving down the highway, and there was a point where a person could turn onto another road, leading to the right. There was a field there, at the intersection of the highway I was on, and the road to the right. As I was driving, I noticed something to my right, and turned quickly to look. I couldn't understand what I was seeing at first.

There were at least fifteen to twenty people standing in this field. There appeared to be people of all ages, from very young, to very old. They were dressed in old-fashioned clothes. The women had shawls over their heads, and wore long dresses. All of these people were looking at me, and the only way I can describe their expressions is to say that they all looked angry and upset. All of this took place in no more than a second or two, since I was driving, yet I can still remember the details of that evening. My husband and his father were in a car directly behind me, and when we reached our destination a few minutes later, I asked them who all of those people were. They hadn't seen anyone, but I saw them, plain as day.

I later found out that Native Americans lived there a long time ago, and had a very rough time. I plan to research this further.

My second major experience was about fifteen or so years ago. I was mowing the grass out in front of our house, and all of a sudden, I could literally feel the air change around me. It had been a warm, sunny day, and suddenly it felt a bit cooler, and was overcast.

I looked over to my right, and I saw (plain as day) a man mowing the grass in my yard. This man was using an old-fashioned push lawnmower, and appeared to be wearing chinos and plain white tank top. He was mostly bald, and seemed to be in his fifties. As in my other experience, this man was looking right at me. I wasn't frightened whatsoever, but he had this look on his face as if he was thinking "what are you doing here"? This experience also only lasted a second or two, but it remains clear and fresh in my mind.

I don't know what I've seen, or why I would see these things. I know for sure that the people in my experiences could see me too, as they were all looking directly at me. And I know for sure that I am telling the truth. I didn't ask for these experiences, but in a strange way I am honored that I had them. Does that make sense? I don't know, but I know I have no logical explanation for any of it. It just happened.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-31)
I am much further north. My experiance happened at a place called Rocky Glenn (renamed Waterfall Glenn) up by Argonne National Labortory, in Lemont.
They probably thought, as you whizzed by in your car, "What the HECK is THAT!?" or maybe they thought you were a demon. Hey...there's that 'future' time bump (from their end) that SDS was trying to get me to see! 😲
Kelmil44 (1 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-30)
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. Thank you all for reading my post! Yes, I'm as sure as I can be that these people were not Mennonites or Amish, and they were not from this time. To Val, this happened in Southern Illinois, on Route 3, near a place called Sand Ridge. Do you know of it? My husband and I were also discussing string theory, and that sort of thing, (which I'm not 100% clear on, lol), and about two planes converging, sort of a time warp or something. I just don't know how to explain it, but I knew that, at that moment, I was seeing a different time. And I know that they saw me, and I wonder what they were thinking?
I had another incident last year, but this time was able to stop it. I don't know why I chose to stop it, but it just felt odd this time. I was walking down the street, and when I got in front of this group of homes, the homes began to disappear, and I saw fields. Just waving grass. That one was pretty obvious though, because there would have been fields there at some point. Still, for some reason I was uncomfortable and no sooner than it started, I told myself to stop, and things were back to normal.
Thanks again for reading my post, really appreciate the input:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-27)
I am quite willing to discuss this also. My email is also on my profile. But you will need to dumb-down you're explinations 😊
You start and I'll follow, ok?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-27)
Dear valkricry, I think we shall discuss this separately. I am quite into quantum physics and we shall, if you want, discuss it separately through e-mail and my mail id is available in my profile. I got your point and I would clarify it separately.

Regards and respects to you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-26)
Interesting theory, Pjod. Sortof makes you sit back and go hmmmmmmm doesn't it?
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-26)
To be fair, there are many accounts of people experiencing human looking "aliens" in futuristic vehicles (ufo's) -are these folks catching a glimpse of time distortion?
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-26)
Still, SDS, when was the last time you heard a ghost story featuring someone in futuristic dress? Godel's theory is flawed for a simple reason. He states
That:"If you walk towards north pole, you end up going to south pole after a point of time. Similarly, if you go into past, after a point in time, you go towards future." Well true and not true. Science claims time is a straight line. The earth is round. So even if you walk in a 'straight line', you are actually walking part of a circle's segment an arc, and if done long enough you will end up where you started. With a straight line the two ends never meet. Of course he could have just picked a poor example.
With the planes theory, each plane has it's own timeline. Think of it as an onion, all these layers stacked on top of each other. However if you look close, the layers are seperated by a very thin skin, and in some places that skin is missing. Where that skin is missing the layers actually touch. If I understand it right,that's where 'timelines' would converge. IE seeing someone in 1800's dress, who seems to also see us and looks surprised. Now weirdly enough, is that 'ghostie' not seeing a 'ghost' from the future in their opinion? Hmmmm... Perplexing no?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-26)
Hello Kelmil44, I agree with valkricry. It could be that we somehow have the planes bump together. And Valkricry, there is a theory by physicist Kurt Godel, who has stated that cyclic model of the time, which states like this. If you walk towards north pole, you end up going to south pole after a point of time. Similarly, if you go into past, after a point in time, you go towards future. But quite a complex theory.

As far as the experience is concerned, it might be that you were sensitive and you happened to view their plane.

Regards and respects to you.

DelzLdy (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-25)
I am so glad to read your story! I've had this happen to me on 3 different occasions and always it was as if they saw me as well (except for the last time, when it involved a player-piano, not humans).
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-25)
Good questions Zack...but, if the other people in the car did not see the "Mennonites" and she only saw the person pushing the mower or a second or two, it points more to the theories valkricry mentions. Leaning towards different plains thing and you have the ability to "open" up the door between them. What ever it was, it's thought provocative, thank you so much for sharing!
Zack84 (8 stories) (32 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-25)
My first thought on reading your post was that you saw a congregation of orthodox Mennonites or perhaps Amish. Both groups dress just as you described, wearing plain, sometimes old style clothing and the women wearing shawls over their heads.

When you saw this gentleman using a push mower was it a "saw him, looked away and he was gone" kind of situation? Push mowers are still relatively common and you can still buy them, they run about $99. Maybe it's a quirky neighbor?
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-24)
Kelmil, I am from Illinois too. What area did these events take place? I only ask because I had a similiar experience with "Indians" and wonder if they may be connected.
A Spiritualist friend of mine says that spirits and the living exist on different planes and sometimes the planes converge. The result is we appear in 'their' plane and vice versa. So quite often they are as surprised to see us as we are them. Another theory that I've been told, but am totally unsure of, is a 'time bump'. Where the present and past sometimes brush each other, and we momentarily view each other's existance. I don't know - the latter explination leaves me wanting. If time can 'bump' into the past, shouldn't we then also 'brush' against the future now and then?
Either way, these were cool experiances.

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