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Real Ghost Stories

The Notorious Doctor G


It was July 2012 and my fiancé and I were counting down the hours until our trip to Mauritius. Having arrived 2 hours early (as is protocol for all International flights) we decided to pass time at a coffee shop in the airport and use the free wifi to check our mails one last time. I checked in on Facebook so that all my friends could enviously see that I was about to leave. A notification appeared informing me of a friend's birthday. It was someone that I hadn't seen or spoken to in over 2 years. His status update was that he would be offline for 4 months as he was trekking from Alaska, across Northern Canada to the Bering Sea with an his old hiking partner.

A flamboyant surgeon with an adventurous spirit, Dr G was always up to something interesting and always turning up in places that you'd least expect him. We had met 3 years prior at the hospital we worked in and had sparked up a brief yet memorable friendship until he emigrated to England in 2010. Tall, with curly brown locks and clear blue eyes, he was a warm and compassionate soul if I ever met one. Excited for my first romantic trip away with my fiancé I logged off Facebook and carried on chatting about our own adventure to come.

We flew directly out of Durban and landed at Sir Seewoosagar Ramgoolam International Airport on the Southeast of the island. Beaming with smiles, we boarded the coach that was to take us to our resort in Grand Baie in the far North. It was late afternoon, darkness fell quickly and it was a long drive through endless fields of sugarcane. Looking out the bus window my excitedness was quelled with an eerie feeling.

Mauritius far exceeded our expectations. The resort in Grand Baie was exquisite. A french style white washed building, it had perhaps only 5 floors, each flat with its own balcony overlooking the beach. A thatched roof bar and dining area encircled the swimming pool, studded with white potted love palms and wooden lie-lows.

Our first couple of days revolved around the resort (most importantly the buffet table), swimming, sailing and snorkeling. In the afternoons we would walk into the town of Grand Baie along the narrow main street ridden by noisy buses and breathing in exhaust fumes, to arrive at the beautiful waterfront, the bay scattered with luxury yachts and jet skis in contrast to the golden beach littered with stray dogs and beggars. We were curious about one or two grand old manor houses that stood empty in the prime location of such an overpopulated island, wondering what could have happened for the locals to abandon them.

About midway through the week we booked an excursion to spend a day on a smaller island named Ille des deux Cocos, a marine sanctuary in the Southeast. Being avid scuba divers and marine enthusiasts, we were really looking forward to it.

Strangely, I didn't sleep well that night, waking up around 1am and not being able to return to slumber. Nothing was bothering me and I was tired but after an hour or so still wide awake. So as not to disturb my fiancé, I opened the glass sliding door and went out onto the balcony to listen to some music with my earphones in. Settling down into a padded wicker chair I put my feet up on a cane footstool. The evening was picturesque. The sky was clear and starlit. The air was still and cool. My mind drifted to my friend and I wondered if he was enjoying sleeping out under the stars in the wilderness every night. Singing along to the lyrics of American Pie by Don McLean and squinting my eyes to find the Southern Cross, I was suddenly enveloped with a terrible icy feeling. It felt as though I was falling off the balcony, I even got that feeling in the pit of my stomach, such as when one drives down a steep hill too fast.

The feeling of impending doom disappeared as quickly as it had come. I was left startled and terrified. Just then my fiancé came out onto the balcony and asked me what was the matter. I told him my experience and he himself didn't know why he woke up exactly then.

The following day was incredible on the little island. We snorkeled between the shallow coral, saw a pair of cuttlefish and were even bitten on the arms by a territorial blue triggerfish, much to our amusement. After the lunch buffet we walked around the island and ventured to the old Governor's Moroccan-style holiday house. One of the country's oldest and most historic buildings, which the locals believe to be haunted. Apart from its isolated location and proximity to the rough sea, we only felt peace and tranquility there. Still the feeling from the night before lingered with me.

The days passed smoothly and we were very sad to leave the following Sunday. The flight back to Durban was uneventful.

The next day, Monday, I was back at work at the hospital when the Theatre Matron broke the sad news to me that our marvelous friend Dr G had died a few days before. He had lost his balance and slipped off a cliff in the Canadian wilderness. The time he fell coincided with the time I experienced that terrible feeling, even though we were practically on opposite sides of the world. I verified this online as it had even made the news in Alaska, Canada and South Africa. It took the US coastguard 2 days to locate and retrieve his body a few kilometers from where he fell.

A week later I woke up, having fallen asleep on the couch watching TV when I felt a presence in the lounge. As I opened my eyes I saw him as clear as day standing in front of me. He said that he understood everything and then disappeared.

A truly humbling experience.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sistermary, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
All I can say is that I read the link and it was a beautiful story and I have tears in my eyes.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
notjustme - thank you for the link 😊 I had never read that one and am glad to have had the chance 😊
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
Miracles51031- Thanks for trying to help find the story but here is the one I was talking about.

Have a read! It's very fascinating to me. Thanks again!
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
Sonal12 - NP! Have a read and share a comment there and we can discuss it there lol
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
Wow... Poor man. At least he died doing what he loved? When my previous boyfriends ex committed suicide, I woke with the words in my mind, clear as day " a powerful medicine woman has passed " with a really graphic vision of a beautiful white python lying still in death. I felt a strong female presence in the room and I woke my ex lad. He didn't feel anything... But we found out later that was close to the time that she passed. I feel that spirits come to the people they loved and were connected to like a lighthouse in the dark sea. I'm sorry for your loss. It's lovely that he found you in those final moments. Perhaps your presence, your aerial, as such, finding his signal... Maybe it gave him comfort.
sonal12 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
[at] notjustme hhaaahaha omgg! That's a hell lot of workk! Thank you soo very much!
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-10)
SONAL12! I found it! I literally went through every story in family/relative visits PHEW! It's called "THE LONE TREE AND A GHOST WITH A MESSSAGE"'s saved in my account now 😆
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-10)
sonal12 - aw man it's killing me now! Lol whyyyy oh whyy didn't I save it. It was probably when I didn't know how to use the site yet haha
sonal12 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-10)
[at] notjustme - I tried looking up for a similar story... Found none lol! I'd love to read the story if I do find it!:)
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-09)
Great account sistermary! Another SA poster going into my favorites and can't wait to read more from you!
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-09)

Hey there! You got bit by a fish and you tell it like it was nothing?! You crazy Durbanite lol

Sorry to hear about your friend. Would it it be safe to say he died while doing something he loved? I don't want to sound insensitive.

Sounds like he visited you one last time before departing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
Sistermary: thank you for the link.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
sistermary - you are very welcome 😊 As much as I hate reading sad experiences, I have to admit I liked it. Sounds horrible to say it that way, but I hope you understand what I mean.
sistermary (4 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
To Miracles51031, thanks, your comments have been very helpful.
Yes, my fiancé did get to meet Dr G once when we bumped into him one night & although briefly introduced, Dr G made quite an impression on him, as he did many people!
My fiancé is a skeptic of all things paranormal but he is also the one person that confirms my experience that night.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
sorry I realized geeta's is also about a suicide, but the one I'm talking about is about a girl who took her own life then came to her friend in her dreams and they met on a cliff. The spirit was also in a beautiful golden shimmery gown. She also calimed that when spirits feel good they look good, and not scary... If anyone knows this I would appreciate it. I really loved the story and found it very knowledgible.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
sonal12 - thanks for the suggestion, however it was not from geeta50. But I did save her tooo now! Thanks lol... But the story I'm talking about is about a suicide victim and she meets her friend on a cliff...anyone?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
notjustme - if this is indeed the story you are looking for, as sonal (and I) believe, here is the link to geetha50's story. This way you can save it as a favorite 😊 It's also one of mine😊

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
sistermary - thank you for providing the link, it should help alleviate any doubt about your story. Unfortunately, there are people who have submitted the most believable experiences and they end up being total bs.

I'm also sorry about the loss of your friend Dr. G. The picture I found of him, he looked like an amazingly warm-hearted person. ❤ 😊 He appears to have enjoyed life to the fullest.

There is not one doubt in my mind that you could have felt his fall. Did your fiance also know him? It intrigues me that your fiance also experienced something when Dr. G fell. Then again, it could have been the connection between you and your fiance, and your emotions during that are what woke him.

As for his visit to you, blessed is how I would feel, as well as humbled. Maybe he had questions about the afterlife and all was revealed.

Thank you for sharing your story with us 😊
sistermary (4 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
sistermary (4 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
To lady-glow, apologies for my error, he was hiking from the US Canadian border across Alaska to the Bering sea.
You are also right, he certainly died doing what he enjoyed doing the most. He was a part time doctor and full time adventurer!
sonal12 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
[at] notjustme - I think you are referring to geeta50... Who has a similar experience!
And it really does amaze me sistermary... Incidents like these are really humbling!
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
Sistermary- extremely well narrated! Fascinating when I read about stories like this and can't help but wonder why it is that certain people get to see these spirits even though they haven't spoken in a while. I remember reading one on here similiar to this and I regret not saving it. But the spirit in it also came to a friend who she hasn't seen or spoken to in over 3-5 years. Her friend asked her why she came to her out of everybody and she said it was because she was "open" interesting... Anyway, thanks for sharing!-NotJustMe 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
Wow! You sure have a wonderful way to tell a story.

But there is something I do not understand about this story and is the need for your friend to travel from Alaska and across Northern Canada to get to the Bearing Sea if, after all Alaska is BESIDE this sea and traveling across Canada would take him to the OPPOSITE direction. Perhaps he was going to the Hudson Bay?🤔

Would you mind to post the link to the news about this tragic event? I'm in that age of forgetfulness and do not remember what was in the news this morning, much less what happened last year! 😐

Your friend died doing what he liked the most, may he rest in peace.

Thanks for sharing.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
I enjoyed this narrative very much, even though I am sorry about the loss of your friend.
What your friend told you when he appeared to you reminded me of something my mother use to tell me. Before we are born, we know the secrets of the cosmos, we are one with the universe. That little indentation just under our noses, is where an angel laid his finger forever sealing those secrets deep within, until we leave this plain and then we remember all. Maybe there is some truth to that. Perhaps when we move on, everything makes sense. From the comparatively small events of our lives to the how and why of the universe.
Thank you for sharing this.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
sistermary, you definitely have a way of telling your stories. I can literally imagine it being myself in your shoes. When your friend came to you, what did he mean by he understood everything? I'm sure you both had a very close friendship if he was to let you know he had passed away. And deepest sympathies for your loss.
sistermary (4 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
Hi HappySpirit and RedWolf. Dr G was an incredibly religious man, so much in fact, that he was quick to dismiss ghosts or any of the other content covered on this site. Perhaps he realized that after death its not the black and white world of heaven and hell like he believed. Having said that, he was a great guy and the world is a far sadder place without him.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
You are a great story teller. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I too am wondering what he meant when he said he understood everything. The meaning of life, how tenuous life is and can happen to anyone, or if when it is your time to die nothing can interfere to stop death? Just curious.
HappySpirit (187 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
You're a wonderful storyteller, sistermary. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Do you know to what Dr. G. Was referring when he said he understood everything? The nature of life? Why he died?

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