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Fourth - The Guardians


My grandaunt Elo (Lola Elo) and her sister (Lola Encia) were "Espiritistas". They can summon, banish, interact and bind spirits. It is in the family's tradition to bind the so-called "Guardians" to each newborn. These guardians are meant to protect, test, and strengthen the person they are bound to. The elements and the behavior of the spirit is also dependent on the person's, so basically, the person and the guardian influence each other.

In my generation (these are ALL according to my mom, who WAS a skeptic), all 7 of us (me and 6 of my cousins) were given guardians on our baptismal day. My mom was a skeptic, so she didn't believe these stuff, but to satisfy an elder's wish, she agreed. The guardian bound to me became active on my first year.

Often times, my mother told me that I would just disappear from my crib and she'll find me under the sink, in the bathroom, or whenever it rains I'll be at the roof in the rain, "baby-talking" with something she can't see. She said that after that she is starting to believe... But is still making up reasons on how weird things are happening.

When I turned 3 my parents set up a small play pen for me in their bedroom. This one time my mom was washing the dishes in the kitchen, and I was left playing alone in the pen. Then she said that she'll suddenly feel a little pinch in her leg, thinking that it was just her imagination she would just ignore it. But as she ignored it, it became a tap in the shoulder, and that's when she got creeped out. So, she went to the bedroom to check on me and she found me tucked in my crib sleeping. Then she said that's the first time she spoke to the guardian and asked it if it could just let her take care of me. But everything was just silent. But when she got down to the kitchen, her unfinished dishes were all cleaned up. She then freaked out and took me to my grandaunt, asking her to take guardian-thingy of me. She said the guardian wasn't ready, so my mom had to wait... But eventually, through my mom persistence, my grandaunt unbounded the spirit from me.

Ok, here's what I think... When I heard this story I kinda' got pissed at my mom. I mean the spirit was helping her take care of me and wasn't hurting anyone. So, I didn't think it was a bad thing to have it around. Also, as a side not, it would have been so cool to have had it until now. I'm a christian, but hearing that story from my mom, got me intrigued about Wicca... Because I think they have a way to summon spirits... I was just wondering if I can summon back my guardian... Wicca is a bit scary though, so I'm reading more...

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lovebugs16 (5 stories) (43 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-07)
I'm also from the Philippines. Jen, our nanny who's been working for us for like more than 5 years now have experienced the same thing, though the spirit was not as "badass" as the spirit that was being narrated in this story. She also reffers it as a guardian but she's not from a family of "wiccan" espiritistas and likes. Her mother would leave her in her crib to do the laundry when she was little. When her mother came to checked on her she was gone from the crib. Her mother got panicked, yelled at the neighborhood to ask if anyone had seen her daughter. She was also puzzled cause she was doing the laundry just a few feet away from the crib since the crib was placed beside their front door. After a few minutes she found jen, again was sound asleep in her crib. Everyone was shocked and said that her daughter had a "guardian". I still found your story hard to believe, but I don't know. There are things in our culture that are left unknown:)
lovebugs16 (5 stories) (43 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-07)
I'm also from the Philippines. Jen, our nanny who's been working for us for like more than 5 years now have experienced the same thing, though the spirit was not as "badass" as the spirit that was being narrated in this story. She also reffers it as a guardian but she's not from a family of "wiccan" espiritistas and likes. Her mother would leave her in her crib to do the laundry when she was little. When her mother came to checked on her she was gone from the crib. Her mother got panicked, yelled at the neighborhood to ask if anyone had seen her daughter. She was also puzzled cause she was doing the laundry just a few feet away from the crib since the crib was placed beside their front door. After a few minutes she found jen, again was sound asleep in her crib. Everyone was shocked and said that her daughter had a "guardian". She n
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
I have one thing to add: just because people don't believe the story, doesn't mean it isn't true.

Some of my family members, friends, and members on this site, don't want to believe in me or that what I've experienced has happened. But that doesn't make it any less real.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
Sply - I need a sec to address val, clarence and Charlotte.

First clarence - thank you for sharing your experience with the Espiritistas. That was very informative 😊

Val - your comment to Charlotte was correct.

Charlotte - there are definitely stories on here that as mods, we may not necessarily believe, but we have no valid reason not to publish them except our gut instinct. Unfortunately, we can't reject them for that reason. There are stories we have rejected because they are obviously, at least to us, too unbelievable or completely made-up. And, as we've said numerous times, we know there are members who make it their mission to see if they can get a fictious story published. We publish those stories, even as we are rolling our eyes as we publish them.

Just because it ends up here doesn't mean we believe it, it just means we have no "valid" reason to reject it. There are guidelines we have to adhere to.

And sometimes we reject stories that are true, because they aren't written in a way that helps us understand what really happened. That, more than anything, makes me feel bad. To know that there are b*llsh*t stories that we have to publish because we have such accomplished liars (sorry, storytellers) on this site who think they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes, and yet there are people who have real experiences, with no one to turn to that we have to reject because they don't know how to tell their experiences and they seem like they are made up.

I'm sorry for venting like this, but it's been a long time coming and this seems like the time to do it.

Sply - this in no way means that I don't believe in your story. I think that maybe somewhere down the years some of the facts may have gotten lost, or not remembered exactly right. Maybe as the stories were retold, they spared you some of the details. I don't know. What I do know is this, when my son was a baby, he was "lifted" out of his crib. There was no one in my bedroom where his crib was. Here he came toddling down the hallway into the living room, huge happy smile on his face because he was out. Freaked both my daughter and me out. It was impossible for him to have climbed out. Yet he was out. As val said, maybe it was another spirit.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
I know that spirits can do an awful lot of strange things, but for the life of me I can not think of any reason as to why one would put you under a sink, or take you out in the rain. Especially not one that is suppose to be your Guardian. Is it not possible that another spirit was at play here?
Clarence's definition of an Espiritista, comes awfully close to that of a Mambosa (Voodoo Priestess). (Excellent post btw, Clarence. Very informative.)
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
Charlotte, this is just so you will know, the moderators/editors of this site do not gauge the believability of any story published. That is up to the individual reader to determine. I'm not sure what goes on before it ends up in their hands, but I remember being told that they are not allowed to go by their own feeling of whether or not a story is true or a work of fiction. Submitting a 'true' story works a bit like the honor system. You say it happened so... Type thing. If I misunderstood any of this, I'm sure either Granny or Miracles will be around to correct me. 😉
clarencetuvera (7 stories) (41 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
I'm from the Philippines myself, and have met a woman from a family of "Espiritistas." I believe the three nearest Western words or concepts to refer to them would be: Shaman, a Voodoo Witchdoctor (not Wiccans) and a Gypsy Trans-Medium.

But those three words don't even come close to what an Espiritista truly is. An Espiritista is able to: (1) tap into the unseen world to bargain with powerful spirits: the spirits will allow the Espiritista to access and make use of its power, and in exchange the spirits will, well, sort of feed on the Espiritista's energy, leaving him/her weak for days. With that power, the Espiritista (2) can heal all sorts of diseases, (3) read or discern spiritual roots of a person's streak of bad luck, and even (4) send off powerful hexes.

My friend who is from a family of Espiritistas claimed to have witnessed how her own father was able to heal people using his own saliva (Yuck.) I found it hard to believe, but I didn't say so out of respect.

I met my friend at a Christian gathering, and apparently she had been a recent convert (for lack of a better term.) After counseling, she agreed to undergo water baptism. Knowing her background, the Minister asked her to renounce her former involvement in the Espiritista Craft, and to surrender whatever amulets, prayer booklets or other implements that she may have. My friend willingly complied, and these items were gathered to be burned.

I can only recount what I saw during the burning, and I must say that I didn't actually understand what I was seeing or experiencing. But when the items were lightened, and they began to burn, the smoke that rose out of them was exceptionally thick and dark. And as my friend walked away from it, the smoke followed her - it moved against the wind - but eventually, it dissipated.

During my friend's baptism, which was done in a private pool at a Church member's house, the minute she was dunked into the water, something started to "bleed" out of her. By this I have in my mind a fabric that "bleeds," say a red-colored new shirt that bleeds off color when its washed for the first time, thus turning the wash water red. That's how it was like: something bluish bled off, temporarily turning the water around her murky, before dissipating (again.)

The minute she went out of the pool, she started vomiting, and then after a while, she stopped.

Curiously, her relatives back home called an hour later demanding to know what she had done. From what she told us, she had not told anyone among her relatives of her decision to become a Christian, and so how they knew, or even suspected that she had made a decision to leave their fold is beyond her.

That is the extent of my exposure to an Espiritista. I hope you get the idea. But from what I understand, the spirits being tapped here are not ghosts (spirits of the deceased) but of another kind. Supposedly, these spirits are very powerful, and I doubt if they can be ordered to wash dishes. They are not the kind of spirits one would want to trivially deal with. Prudence is advised.
AARisTHEbest (3 stories) (56 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Right guys, you were not there you don't know what happened. I believe this story. The founders on this website wouldn't of published it if you didn't believe it. You are just mean people who needs a life.

Rant over,
Charlotte 😁
Nathaniel (37 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
My wife's mother claims that a spirit, or spirits, used to take her from the living room to her crib, and sometimes pass her from one to another. Many people saw this, according to her. She doesn't lie, but I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure this happened. However, they never put her in any danger.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Wicca isn't about summoning spirits, so if that's what you're after Wicca will disappoint. It also isn't "scary." There are a lot of books on the market using the word Wicca in the title to drum up sales that have nothing to do with Wicca. If you're serious in a desire to learn about it, there are resources, but you're going to have to wade through some nonsense to get to the valid information.
It really doesn't make sense that if you want to summon spirits (why anyone would want to is beyond me) that you don't go learn your family tradition.
SplyZe0315 (4 stories) (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
-lady-glow- Nobody's trying to fool anyone here. As far as the environment is concerned this is a place where you can tell paranormal or unexplainable stuff (anything outside the norms). That's why I posted it, because it is an experience which nobody can explain or has actually seen or happen, with the exception of the one who encountered or experienced it.

-sds- I understand, but physical influences has often been reported, though most of them are either hurtful or scary. I don't think this experience is different, poltergeists... Possesions... Physical influences (scratches, bruises...). Plus, these encounters didn't happen all at once. They were all on different occasions. But as I've said... I shared it as it is kinda' out of the norms.

-Femaelstrom- I tried it, but my grandaunt said my mom will get pissed. And my mom has certain characteristics for her to be scared off.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
This narration, I don't believe that it could happen so physically taking a child from the crib to roof on a rainy day and the child doing the talking and the dishes being washed and cleaned when mother was with the child.

Too much hard to believe. Too much of stuff that makes me feel like seeing a ghost movie doing such things in my own language, Tamil.

No disrespects or offence meant but still very difficult to accept this narrative.

With regards and respects.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-15)
Who are you trying to fool? 😠 You were a baby and a spirit would take you from the crib and then put you on the more unexpected places like under the sink, the bathroom... Or on THE ROOF on rainy days? Really? 🤔
Yeah, right! Your guardian spirit was sure taking good care of you, I hope he didn't take you to the roof top during a typhoon.

I'm sorry but this one is super-duper-hard to believe.
Femaelstrom (1 stories) (56 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-15)
Why not just go back to the family who bound you initially? Simpler, and SAFER.

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