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I have a ten year old daughter who has been hearing and seeing things for quite some time now. When she was eight she had finally told me and her dad everything she had and has been experiencing. Some have been dark and others just seeking help. For the last twelve months everything has been well, her experiences have calmed down a lot.

About a week ago Alayna and I were in the living room. Alayna was laying on the love seat when she felt some burning on her right wrist. I looked at it and it was three scratches. I could tell in her eyes she was worried so I played it off as one of the cats accidentally did it and she didn't realize it. Although she was adamant that it wasn't, and I knew it too. She even said she was worried that something is back.

Yesterday I was laying on the couch and felt burning on my right wrist, I noticed I had one scratch. It was about an inch and a half long. I said something and Alayna was very curious to check it out. I blew it off and about fifteen minutes later I told Alayna I was going to work on her room. I could tell something was bothering her because she acted afraid because I was going to leave her by herself in the living room. She wouldn't tell me so she wrote it own, because she does not like to speak of it. These are her exact words: "A lady scratched you cause yesterday when you were sleeping, I was on the love seat watching Netflix and I heard a lady said I'll get her just watch. But I thought she was talking about me cause they never get you. But when I got off the love seat, when I heard that, I got dizzy but that's normal for me cause I got up fast."

Alayna's past experiences have been here at the apartment, our previous house, my childhood home, and my parents' new house. At my parents' new home she has seen a father and daughter in the bathroom and they both said "Hi" to her. She hears her name a lot here at the apartment and at my parents' house. But never has heard anything to hurt herself or others. I could go on and on.

Some experiences are scary some are not. Those that aren't, she has almost cried because she says they want help but she doesn't know how to help them.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ashuff, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-27)
Before 'chalking up' the upside down cross as being Satanic one should know the story of Saint Peter...

Traditionally Simon Peter, beleiver and one of the Orignal Disciples of Christ refused to denounce Him and when he was sentenced to crucifixion he requested he be hung upside down because he was unworthy of dieing like Christ. So the upside down cross has come to represent St. Peter in the Roman Catholic tradition.

That being said I have to admit that an Inverted Crucifix may be used to represent a subversion of what Christ has come to represent to so many. So please, please understand the symbology you are refering to.

For those who do not understand the difference between a Cross and a Crucifix, its simple... A Crucifix depicts the body of Christ hanging on a Cross... A Cross is just a plain cross.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-25)
A very simple question has been asked... Why would any positive spirit scrach someone? The simple answer is this... After trying to be seen or heard and not being noticed suddenly there is an individual (s) that do but they act react out of fear (which is understandable) and this frustrates the spirit so they 'lash out'...Haven't you done something like that... Or at least thought about it?

We understand so little about ghostsspiritsnon-human entities that I feel NO ONE can call themselves an expert... People who focus on all hauntings they investigate as demonic in origin have already closed their minds to it being anything but a demon. Please correct me if I am wrong but has Lorraine investigated any hauntings that involved anything but a demonic presence? If so I have not heard of any... If there are is it possible to get a reference or title or maybe even a link so I can read them for myself?


valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
Has anyone ever stopped to realize that scratches often appear in threes not from any supernatural/demonic reason but from a anatomical reason? Look at your hand, notice the index, middle, and ring fingers are the closest in length. Now claw your hand, as if you are going to scratch something or someone. Note how the tips of those mentioned three fingers are almost in alignment with each other in length. Even death does not change this. So if an angry ghost scratches you - odds are you'll have 3 scratches.
The biggest difference between demons and an angry or bad spirit is that demons were never human. From this account, I gather that this is a not nice spirit rather than anything 'demonic'.
Ashuff, I'm happy to hear you'll get a cleansing done. Bare in mind though, it might take more than once for the spirit to move on permanently. You might ask the people that you have come, where they got their 'training' at, possibly they may know of someone locally, who could help guide your daughter in how to use her ability and aid the ones asking for help. It sounds like she is very sensitive.
Rookdygin, has an excellent home cleansing/shielding method on his profile. You might look at that. Many on here have used it and swear by it.
Please keep us posted.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
Vanessa, a lot of our members (myself included) don't believe everything paranormal is evil or demonic. You're not going to win much respect by insisting everyone is wrong and you're right. You obviously believe you're right, but you know what? We believe we're right, too. The most mature thing to do in this sort of situation is agree to disagree, not beat a dead horse.
VanessaNixon_x3 (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
One more thing, I don't care how this negitive spirit has presented itself or if it was as a jealous woman, don't be fooled-both good and bad spirits can present themselves as anything they would like to be in order for positive spirits to not cause fear and its extreay common with demons or negitive spirit, if that word sits better with you, will basically fool you for you to pay attention and allow them in... For example; when somebody uses the ouija board, it's obviously they may not be talking to who they believe to be talking too and the demon will say they are anybody for that person to open the door and allow them in. They are negitive and belong to satan who is the king of all lies and isn't to be believed for one second. I will pray for you and your daughter and you sound like a very loving mother. God bless!
VanessaNixon_x3 (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
And I personally know Laurene Warren and have spent a great amount of time with her, whatever you think she is "lacking" she makes up for with years of experience and has worked countless cases and should be nothing but respected. I am here trying to help this scared mother and daughter, I do not care to debate what you guys think of my comments and opinion and would like for the author to decide for herself.
VanessaNixon_x3 (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
I apologize for my auto correct! Negative spirits* the satanic symbol of the upside down cross*
VanessaNixon_x3 (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
Why would any positive spirit scratch her? And it is far from a myth. It is a holy number, yes. But that is exactly why negotiable spirits use this number- mockingly. It is like the data tic symbol of the upside down cross, it's mocking the cross. Also, no positive spirit would have the daughter scared and say things such as "ill get her" and as for planting a seed, her and her daughter are scared and on this website asking for help so I'm assuming the seed of being in danger is already present. I am not trying to cause any fear, for I know fear and recognition is exactly what this thing wants. And having there be a child in the house, naturally I would make this as urgent as possible on there behalf, because 1. No child should be afraid in there own home and 2. We all know children are more susceptible to spiritual activity. Regardless of what anyone thinks I would greatly recommend a house cleansing/blessing. I don't mean any harm here, I just know first hand what these things can do and have spent a great amount of years studying this type of activity.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-23)
I agree with elnora... When did the number three... Whether it be knocks...bells...or even scraches become demonic? 3 is the nummber of many things... 5 is right out... One may not stop at 2 unless thou proceedith to 3.

My real point is I have never found any research that truly seems to support that theory. Before you point towards someone like the Warrens... Or other selfproclaimed demonologist please realize I have read their theories and find them 'lacking'...not everything that goes bump in the night is a demon... They may not all be nice... But they are not all bad either. In some cases they may not be at all that is where research and debunking come into play.


elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-23)

Be careful labeling everything paranormal as demonic. That only starts paranoia instead of being objective to this experience. The daughter is this experience identified a jealous female spirit.

Also, the three scratches, ect, is a myth started by pop culture and perpetuated over time by people who believe it. Three is a number used to idenifty angels. It makes little sense for a demon to use a angelic number. Be careful telling people that they are in danger when all the facts are not known.
VanessaNixon_x3 (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-23)
You are dealing with a demon and need to seek help immediately, the symbolic three scratches is what makes me sure it is a demon because three is the number of mocking the holy trinity. Since you were playing it down like it was nothing to worry about the don took you as a threat and harmed you as we'll. Bless the house, you can do it yourself or have a priest go do it of you don't truly believe in this sort of stuff or else it may not work. Do not pay attention to this thing as much as possible and try to not be a seed for it feeds off your fear and negotiate emotions, all demons do, like the Freddy Kruger movies and do NOT challenge it I'm anyway! Please have your house blessed; you are in great danger!
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
Wow, I'm really glad to hear that you have looked at and honestly ruled out childhood schizophrenia. Truly, it sounds authentic, what she is experiencing, it's just that a thorough and fearless inventory and process of elimination is crucial when it's a child. It's good that she can talk to you and that you take her seriously.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
Wow, what a horrid experience to have as your first. The obvious question with this lady is do you know about the houses history. She clearly dies in some sort of accident, or at least in a violent way, I think I would make it top priority to try and get rid of her as she seems to be aggressive and focusses physically on yourself and your husband.

There are people on this site who can help you with ways to move her on, I'm sure they will give advise soon. Good luck & again, keep us posted 😊
ashuff (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
I absolutely will take the advice. My husband and I are looking into getting a cleansing done. If she isn't comfortable to do something I won't encourage anything. In the past it was just always continuous with these experiences. It was so bad that I had to take her to therapy and a social worker from the school along with the vice principal came to my house for a visit. Luckily all three believed she is a sensitive not schizophrenic. Because one major sign of it is hearing voices telling you to hurt others or yourself, and she hasn't ever had that. It all stopped for a while when she told them all to leave her alone and that she is scared. But now it is just every so often. But with this Lady here we are going to get the cleansing done. I really would like to know what kind of help is out there for her to learn and accept this?
ashuff (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
My daughter hasn't spoken to her or seen it. This is the first female that she has heard of that has threatened anyone. She has seen other females that were wanting help. She almost cried one time because she said she didn't know how to help, she felt so bad. She has also had some bad dark entities experiences as well. She doesn't like to speak of these things. I can always tell if something happened because of the way she acts and she will distance herself from everyone. About a year and a half ago she communicated with a spirit. I was there and there was no way she was faking it. She had came to me and said she heard footsteps behind her in the hallway and can still feel the presence. She said she felt ok to communicate and it wasn't bad. When she would ask it questions to get answers it was as if she was not in reality, if you know what I mean. She just stared into the hallway without blinking. She said it was as if there were many stars fighting around. She asked how many are there and it said two by moving in the pattern of the number two. And the one she was speaking to was a male. She asked what it wanted and he said help. She then jumped back and said the stars pushed her bedroom door open and closed it. Her room is right across from the the room where we were in. But I never seen it move, so I am assuming she was seeing into the other side. She is ten now and still is scared of the bad and the good. But I always try to tell her there are good spirits and they are just wanting help. With this Lady, she thought it was speaking about her because I never get bothered. A few days ago she heard her again but couldn't understand what she said. A little bit after that I heard really loud continuous scratching sounds right next to me on the couch. My husband however has had two experiences with a female. He is a tough guy and it scared him to death. He seen her face and body. Her left side of the jaw was torn up and her legs were mangled. She blew on his face and touched his forehead. This was his first ever paranormal experience. I am wondering if it is the same Lady.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
ashuff, Your daughter does seem to be taking this pretty well. I second Griff on the cleansing of the home. Your daughter may be a medium or sensitive to these entities. Which explains how she can see and hear them. And again I second Griff, don't encourage her to talk with them because it could cause more problems with them. Especially if there scratching you which is physical and never is a good thing. I hope you take Griffs advice it could help.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-02)
Hi ashuff, welcome to YGS.

Wow, your little girl experiences a lot, and she sounds very mature in her dealings with it. I think it is clear to see this 'lady' is not so nice. Has your daughter ever spoken or seen her? I personally don't think its a great idea to attempt to communicate, it could only encourage and make things worse. My initial suggestion is to try and cleanse your home and move this spirit on.

I do wonder however who this spirit was talking to when your daughter heard her say 'I'll get her, you watch'...

Please keep us updated. 😊

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