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How Do I Get Rid Of Black Magic That's Been Done On My Body?


I've been hearing noises in my ears, like there's something inside my body. I've felt parts of my body twitch and am actually hearing voices in my ears that disagree with me. Someone placed a spell or something on me. I've done some searching online and read into this type of thing and I read its black magic of some sort, a spell that's been placed on me (or on an object I touched and can't get rid of at the moment).

I've also had dreams that were basically messages from demons, which I think are living inside my body. I tried praying, I'm not sure if it helped, but recently I underwent a demonic attack which was basically something pounding inside both my ears when I was half asleep. Its hard to explain, but I DID go through sleep paralysis randomnly. I read online about getting a black magician to reverse this stuff for you, but this is stuff going on inside my body. I'm CONSTANTLY hearing noises inside my ears all day and DO NOT TELL ME THIS IS SOME PSYCHIATRIC BULLCRAP BECAUSE ITS NOT. I'VE TAKEN MEDICATION FOR THIS GARBAGE AND IT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING. The sounds I hear are unnatural, again like something spiritual is inside my body taking effect, like a spell. Its pretty much some kind of demon possession.

I want to find help but don't know where to look. And I don't believe or think praying to God is going to help because let's face it, I read things in the Bible like "an undeserved curse does not land." "Undeserved?" Well it looks like God pretty much thinks I deserved this! Why would God help me? This actually makes me know there is a God because of how supernatural and witchcraft this crap actually is, mostly the noises and voices. What exactly would praying to the same person that allowed and wanted for this to happen to me in my life actually do for me? I was actually wondering if looking for a healer or black magician or psychic would actually reverse this or help, but I've read online that only makes this type of thing worse (demons getting stronger, more demons to deal with...) What I'm looking for is something that actually helps. I'm actually probably going to look for some psychic or healer to help, but I'm afraid it will only make it worse. Does anyone know anything about getting rid of witchcraft?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Anon20, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Catherine211 (1 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-08)
hey whatever u are saying is absolutely correct. I Myself have experienced this black magic and I was a victim of it. I Tell you how I was able to remove it.
1. I am a hindu religion. But it doesn't matter which religion u belong to. Just pray to god and say that spirits which are troubling me just move out from my body. You can fold your hands in prayer position and say to god to relieve u from your miseries. And please have faith in god. Because this black magic can't be removed without gods help. There is no other way.
2. Be mind strong person.
3. Just try to remove the negative thoughts and kick them out of your mind. When you kick them strongly, they will not appear again. These psychic attacks are a part of black magic itself. They create negativity in the mind. So it should be removed.
Just cut the" cords of attachment " from the person who sends you negativity. Cords are thin invisible wires which gets connected intentionally or unintentionally to people whom we talk, like our friends, parents, relatives etc. But they are not aware.
But in black magic, the black magic practitioner have control over them to control their victims. These cords drain our energy if they are not cut. So they should be removed.
1. Visualise black thin wires coming out of your whole body.
2. Imagine a SWORD in your hand and you are cutting the cords or the black wires.
3. When they are cut, imagine the remnants being falling down on the ground.
For more information you can search on google "CUTTING CORD TECHNIQUES".
Please do this exercise daily so that you could benefit. I myself have tried it. It is a wonderful way to get relieved from black magic.

Before sleeping, just think positive for 5 minutes. Don't have any negative thought during that time. TAKE 10 LONG DEEP BREATHS. Then you can sleep. The spirits may try to trouble you because it happened with me also. They were twitching on my legs.
But please don't focus, have faith in god.
*Before sleeping u can keep a glass of water beside your bed so that the negativity gets dissolved into it during the whole night. It won't trouble you.
The next day, discard the water. Everyday you can repeat this for best results.
* You can also keep bowl of salts in corners of every room and discard the salt after 3-4 hours. Salt absorbs negative energies.
I would be glad to help you.
Pinka (5 stories) (25 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-02)
Hi Anon20,

Im sorry for what you are going through. I Agree with what you've said about God! He just couldn't be happier with the dinosaurs and had to create us!

Anyway I am from sri Lanka. Once I went through something similar to you. I started hearing voices in my head which was a whisper and it bothered me a lot. Then I started to get pains, Specially my calf, back, shoulders and forehead. I couldn't sleep. I became very aggressive because I was sleepless and tired. I couldn't concentrate and had to quit my job! My life became a living hell.

So my boyfriend took me to one of these people who do rituals to cure people from supernatural whatever you called sicknesses. (I had medical checkups and turned out I am FINE!)

As soon as I walked to the "Dewalea" that's what they call that place. The lady there said that my dead grand mother is attached to me. She's trying to communicate with me (Explains the whispers) and she rub and massage my body every night out of love she has for me (Explains the physical pain).

The lady "Maniyo" told me since she is a good spirit it has no intention to harm me. But she (My dead granny) doesn't know because of her presence around me, i'm suffering mentally and physically. Because of her whatever good that comes to be get blocked (Explains why I quit my job and had a rough time) So the "Maniyo said that she need to do a ritual to send my granny away. So she conducted some rituals, Cutting lime, prayers, and we had to offer food and fruits. I have to wear this thread with a metal attached to it so spirits can't come near me. Soon after that the whispers stooped and there was no physical pain. I started to work again and going on.

As per "Maniyo" someone who wants to hurt you can put a spirit, demon on you unless it's already attached to you. My case it just happened. In your case it could be just a stupid demon saw you and decided to bother you OR a nutcase who hates you want you to suffer.

Therefore, my best advise is find out what happened to you, might be a good spirit or bad you never know and who did it to you and get help and get rid of it. Because taking more time to resolve the issue will eventually lead you to your downfall. Come to Sri Lanka i'm more than happy to take you to the dewalae:) That lady really saved my life. I heard whispers that's why I thought I should share this with you. Hope I've shed some light on you.

I don't believe in god either coz if he was real people shouldn't be suffering at all. Why he wants to make us suffer, the things he created? I don't understand! If he was real world would be a better place. And yes! People who have faith on God might tell you first you need to believe in God to get his help. That's really selfish of God. I've seen devoted people who are unable to afford for a good meal. And again, to believers, I respect your beliefs. I'm just not buying it!

ANON Get help SOON!
ghostseeker9 (1 stories) (10 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-09)
Always believe God is with you. Have faith. If you are trying to break a spell, try to find the object that is cursing you. If you don't find anything, I have a prayer that might work.
"In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I rebuke all spells, hexes, curses voodoo practices, witchcraft, satanic rituals, incantations, evil wishes, and fasting prayers, not of the Lord that have been sent my way, or have passed down the generational bloodline. I take authority over all of them and ommand that they go back where they came from and be replaced with a blessing. I ask forgivness for and renounce all negative inner vows that I have made and ask you, Lord Jesus, to release me from any bondage they may have held me. I claim your shed blood over all aspects of my life and relationships, and ask you to wash away and cleanse me from all impurities in your name, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen"
If this doesn't work, email me at
Men-Of-Letters [at] outlook.com.
JudyGore (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
Anon. I am an atheist. I also don't believe much in prayers, but they do work on people when they have problems. I believe us humans really need something to go with us spiritually. Maybe you cannot believe in what they call god, but always believe in your inner self. That's the best religion we can get. Try to be happy. Try to be peaceful. Tell yourself you're stronger than any of the people you hear from your ears. Try to sleep earlier. Try to stay on bright places. Talk to a lot of people. You're the only one who can save your self. Always try to find inner peace with you, that would shake them negatives off. If possible, just ignore them. Have a list of something which you would like to do, and do them when ever possible. I live in a country where you can find a witch doctor anywhere and they can really help a lot, but you're from canada and things are different there 😐
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-15)
In fact, mulling it over a bit, Sros, I think nearly everything you've experienced could be explained by the caffeine consumption.

Symptoms of caffeine overdose include confusion, convulsions (seizures), hallucinations, irregular heartbeat, and sleeping trouble. And though it may not be mentioned in the following link, also ringing of the ears.


Google all these symptoms in connection with caffeine if you don't believe me. Best of luck!
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-15)
Sros, that experience can be explained easily by science. It is not uncommon for soda cans or bottles to spontaneously burst open and fizz onto tables and floors. If they become too hot or too cold, or if the air pressure changes in combination along with the temperature, that can be enough. Think about how if people didn't wear pressurized suits in space, they'd explode, or if they didn't wear pressurized suits in the great depths of the ocean, they'd implode. It sounds like that happened to the materials of your soda can, and the energy was strong enough to knock the can over but not destroy the can itself.

You could say that "so much has happened, it can't all be a coincidence!" but what I'd like to point out that it sounds like a lot of the things that you've experienced are rather unrelated, and you choose to see a spiritual cause for them.

Well, other than the fact that you apparently had way too much caffeine. Gee, I wonder if that might have been a cause for the seizures? 🤔
Sros (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-13)
Maybe your right. I'm not going to doubt what you say is not true. I used to be a caffeine addict. Lets say a coffee immediately followed by a red bull and over 2 liters of coke cola would be my average consumption a day. To get to the point, one night I slept with a can of cola nearly 3 feet from the edge of my bed... It was place on a wooden table that's leveled with my bed and it was unopened. Around 3 am I heard a sizzling noise, like the sound of soda buzzing. I immediate lying turned on the lights to see a puddle of soda spilled right next to me on my bed. The can however fell on the floor, 3 feet away from my bed. It was close to the leg of the chair. How can my mental state have cause this? This was not a hallucination. My family saw the stains. It was not a splash, it was a circular puddle like some one just poured it in that one concentrated area beside my head. Thank you for your concerns. I have had much less hauntings after moving out that house. I'm also a very happy person now and nightmares are rare even though I'm still able to tell whether I'm dreaming or not.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
Sros, I read your long reply. I'm sorry everything has been rough for you. I have little doubt that depression contributed to your problems. Studies have shown that depressed individuals are more likely to suffer from sleep disturbances. They are also more likely to have very vivid dreams or be able to control their dreams. (Such as realize that a seemingly real situation is actually a dream and choose to wake up.) Further, anyone suffering such sleep disturbances could suffer from many other issues, such as visual and auditory hallucinations. As for a seizure, that can still have a perfectly scientific explanation. Just because something doesn't run in someone's family doesn't mean they can't have it. I'm the only person in my family that I know of who has had skin cancer. Only two people in the rest of my known family have had cancer of any kind.

The ringing of the ears and the sensing of movement say to be you could be suffering from electrolyte-imbalance, causing vertigo. I strongly suggest you see a doctor. When a person is already suffering from regular health ailments and is half-asleep and half awake, those ailments may be misinterpreted by the brain. Ringing and imbalance could be interpreted on occasion as voices and forced movement.

And it only makes sense that along with your depression, these instances become worse. The more depressed you get, the more concerned, anxious, vulnerable, and paranoid you become. That means you're more likely to jump to highly negative conclusions rather than look at the whole.

I say this with genuine concern, especially since I've been in similar shoes. If you chalk up your experiences to something biological, they should lessen in intensity and frequency. Further, if you see a doctor, you may be able to get to the root of the problem.

I'm not saying that there isn't any spiritual activity going on at all, but I do greatly suspect that your experiences are rooted in the physiological. Take care. ❤
Sros (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-11)
Hey Anon, I have created an account just for you. When I was 22, I went through a crisis in my life. The woman I thought I loved hurted me so bad that I stopped believing in God, because he did not answer when I prayed. I had thought of suicide, made deals with the devil. Surprisingly, I got what I wanted in bad ways. Thats when I started getting nightmares. I started hearing things, seeing things. I was losing sleep, to the point where it affected my work. When I read your experiences, it seems you were writing the same exact experience I went through. I went to the Buddhist temple to be blessed which did not help. I was even tepted to record my own sleep but I was to terrified to see what I would catch on camera. I have been dragged 1 feet towards the bottom of my bed while I was awake when I was in the state known as sleep paralysis. My eyes were wide open, I couldn't speak. It didn't feel as if some one grabbed me but more like I was on a laying on a treadmill being glided. I didn't snap out of a dream, I just got up, with the room exactly in the same arrangement. I also heard bee's buzzing in my ear, a million conversation going on at once, and loud ringing when I was finally brave enough to tell the entity to leave me alone. My father and mother believed it was a curse. Thier from Cambodia, where curse and black magic are real. I believe I let a demon in me somehow. It started getting better when I moved out the house I was being haunted in. I started talking to my friends again. I started asking the higher being for forgiveness. I don't believe in God nor do I believe in Buddha. I do believe in a higher being. He does answer through good people and things you might not be aware of. However I must warn you that demons and evil entity's respond even faster. They will let you know they are there. My advice to you is to find something that will make you happy. I was being attack when I was depressed, when I felt I had no reason to live. When I surrounded myself with joy, the entity slowly faded. I still feel like its there when I get angry, like its waiting for me to call it again. I actually had a bad dream during those times I experienced all the hauntings where I was walking through an unfamiliar tunnel. I had the feeling I was unwelcome as I walked deeper into the tunnel. Finally after walking for 5 minutes or so, I came across a shadow like figure laying to the side of the abandoned tunnel. As I got closer I realized it was a corpse. I was confused. I finally realized I was in a dream. Thats when someone grabbed me from the back and tossed me to the side. I woke up with the upper half of my body no longer on the bed sweating and frightened realizing someone just threw me out my own dream. I have also realize that the entity gets aggressive when you realize your dreaming. Most people are not aware when they are asleep and dreaming but when something evils haunts you so much you become much more aware of what is reality and what is not. Sounds crazy I know but I'm 27 now and I remember it like it was yesterday. So being so terrified, I drove to my sister house to sleep and explained to her what had happened. I layed on the couch and I ended up waking up in my sister's arm. Tears running down her eyes because she said I was in a seizure and I was faintly calling her name. No one in my family has a history of seziure. All of this happened which offcourse I don't recall at all. I just remember waking up. If it was a mental problem, it doesn't explain how I almost lost my hand, how I lost my car,, and how I almost lost my life all in the same year. Not only I saw how bad it was, all my friends agreed something was wrong. And no, I don't do drugs, illegal or prescribed. I do not see psychiatrist. What I experienced were not shadows. It was not a feeling of being watched or something I thought I saw. It is real, and it is terrifying. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. My advice to you is to surround yourself with happiness. I'm here if you need some one to talk to. I understand its hard to talk about it because people will iether think your lying, or you have mental issues. Sorry about my English I am not the best and I am typing from a phone. Stay strong, and if you do find something that works, be sure to let me know.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
A friend of mine who went undiagnosed with mental illness equated finding the right doctor to going shopping. Keep shopping.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
Following this thread and feeling a huge reality check for taking this so lightly...humbled. I'm beginning to see a connection also, in your thread reply Anon... I thoroughly and compassionately and yes, respectfully agree, to see a psychiatrist. I think honestly that protection spells and talismans and hexes are very powerful and because the mind is so powerful, manifestation itself is so powerful, in most situations it is all that is required for a shift in consciousness. Sometimes it isn't. I sense this is one of those times. I say this with softness Anon... It was the part about you visiting the store too often and being obsessed with the glasses that made me think this is biochemical and not energetic... There is absolutely no shame in getting medical help. I took antidepressants when I was postnatally depressed. It had nothing to do with being cursed but it certainly feels like it when you are in that headspace. It helped. Get help. Much love. I'm really glad that people on here are vigilant and caring enough to see what's going on. Oh man, I'm such a fix it with bush flower essences flake sometimes.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
Anon, simple question; do you still have the glasses you believe are 'cursed'? I also wonder if you can understand what these voices are saying?
Of course I too think you should see another doctor. Meds are not one size fits all. What works for one, might not for another. Sometimes adjustments need to be made, or a totally different prescription is needed.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-24)

Lets try something... We give you the type of advice you seem to be looking so hard for AND you go speak to A DIFFERNT DOCTOR... Get a second opinion... Possibly be proscribed something that can help and by using BOTH METHODS you 'kick this thing'...Sound reasonable? Because I sure would hate to be unreasonable with an individual who KNOWS they have been cursed.

So please try this in COMBINATION with seeing a Doctor...

I KNOW IT FOCUSES ON A 'HOUSE/HOME' but you can do this for (on) yourself it SHOULD (no promises, no absolutes) break the hold of any negitive energies/entities or curses you may or MAY NOT BE experiencing. Yes, take the time... Do it over a period of three days. When it refers to 'sweeping' things out of the house... Simply clear your thoughts... Focus on POSITIVE THINGS. If you need help converting this method to use on yourself then please feel free to ask, I'll answer right here as promptly as I can.

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it expanding...it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)



zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
Anon20: So, the lady said you were irking her, and somehow, out of that statement you think she wanted to have a relationship with you? And in what position was the "Arabian" working? People come and go in the workforce every day, and there is such a thing as "temporary" employment especially in clerical/secretarial positions. Just because you haven't seen her since doesn't mean she put a curse on you. C'mon! What LOGICAL reason would she have?

As far as I can see, you have two choices:
1. Take control of the situation and follow the advice heretofore given
2. Continue on with the belief that you're cursed until you make yourself so sick you're beyond help.

Choose wisely.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
Anon20, I sympathize with your plight. I believe that the previous medications you've been given have not worked, but that doesn't mean that your situation is not caused by something physiological. I have a dear friend with schizophrenia who spent 10 years of her life lost, confused, paranoid, depressed, and scared because she went from doctor to doctor to doctor who diagnosed her with various things and put her on stupid medications that made her feel "empty" (her words). When one doctor fails to address your medical problem, it's important for you to see another.

I'm also wondering if you have anyone to support you in this. Are your parents or any other family members helping you to find a resolution? Or are you trying to figure this out all on your own?

Further, I do think it's only slightly feasible that something spiritual is going on, but so far I have read nothing that causes me to believe you've been cursed. Rook is right about the three-fold law. There are many protection spells you can cast, but like the others said, you have to believe in what you do. If you believe you are cursed, what do you believe will fix it? What is your faith? If you don't believe in any god, then you have to believe in your own inner strength, which means that the solution has to come from inside of you.

None of us can help you. Only you, and any doctors or spiritual practitioners you truly trust, can help you.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
Anon20 - what kind of help are you looking for? You seem to have tried everything, yet nothing you have tried has helped. You don't want to try any of the advice any of us have given you. You seem to be determined to keep this "curse" for whatever reason.

The more you believe in something, the stronger its hold on you. Why don't you try NOT believing you are cursed for awhile and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe things might be better.
Anon20 (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-24)
[at] zzsgranny I did do something. Basically I was visiting the store too much. I might have had an obsession over my glasses and the store lady told me I was "urking" her. I could tell she was pretty upset over the frequent visits, and she might have wanted to befriend me because of it, but I didn't follow or basically I didn't think it would have been appropriate since she was older than me. The reason why I think it might have been the arabian is because I never saw her working there again, plus she was basically new. I don't go to that store anymore though after what had happened. People that keep suggesting I see a doctor, I've already seen one and different psychiatrists, and they diagnosed me, gave me some medications to take, and I was taking them for a while until it was plainly obvious they weren't going to do anything. I especially stopped taking the one that helps people sleep because I still got the dreams, and sometimes I was experiencing spiritual attacks in my sleep, so I stopped taking it in fear of the medication keeping me asleep while these attacks happened. Searching online does let you find stuff though, I've read about a few people who experienced the same thing and even was able to message some of them, one of them told me he was putting a team together that consisted of a shaman and other spiritual people. But I don't think a shaman can do anything because of what I read in that forum thread I posted on here about that person calling a shaman to do something from a distance for him and nothing happened. I found this person's site: http://www.mkprojects.com/ where she claims she can send "vibrational healing" to other people and she mentioned stuff like black tourmaline is supposed to push these things out of your body, and I actually bought small rocks of it online and in a metaphysical store, but I don't think they did anything. I threw the rocks away and bought a black tournaline bracelet I found on alibaba because that's all they had for black tourmaline and was the biggest thing I could find. It doesn't do anything either. I'm thinking of throwing it away as well. So basically I might buy her service, but I don't want to get scammed and I read different reviews about her, none of them were good. They were complaints for different reasons. I also kept find some site by someone named Peter Michael when I searched for help, and no reviews for him were found. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I really don't think psychics are going to help, because people say they make these kinds of problems worse.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
Rook,zzsgranny, and miracles are all correct. Annon please listen to our advice, people on here are here to help, there is no gain for us, just to sincerely and genuinely try to give you the knowledgable information we all have. We all have a mix of experience and knowledge, we are trying to help you, guide you in the right direction. Reading Rooks message below "Please DO NOT let yourself slip away into delusion" has really touched me, he is right, don't let this get the better of you, contact your doctor asap and please keep us informed, we really do want to know how you are ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)

I HAVE experienced it, FIRST HAND (an experience I have chosen NOT to share for personal reasons) and I'm here to tell you... GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR! If (BIG IF) someone at this eyeglass company is into Black Magic, If someone who has a grudge against you knows that fact and IF this someone paid the individual to curse you there might...MIGHT...be a chance you got cursed... To many if's...the more details you provide the more this seems to be some type of re-lapse and you need to see your Doctor.

Paranoid delusions and 'voices' are not good... And perhaps the medication did make you feel 'foggy' so what at least you were not accusing the optometrist of cursing you, for no reason at all.

We all want to help you, we all believe you when you say you are experiencing something... And the MAJORITY of us, with all our combined experience, are saying the same thing... GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR! Talk to them about the way the meds made you feel and get the dosage adjusted... Please DO NOT let yourself slip away into delusion.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
Okay, I just happen to have 2 cents in my pocket I've saved for such an occasion.

Anon20: I would really like to hear your answer to Miracles question, "Have you done something to cause someone to want to curse you?" If not, then there's no logical reason for someone to curse you. If there's no reason for the curse, there is no curse and you need assistance that no one on the freaking internet is qualified to give you.

Nobody here is telling you that you're crazy. But the best advice you've been given so far is from those who are telling you to rule out the medical, mundane, or psychiatric causes FIRST. Go back to your doctor and open up to them. There may be a different medication that will help you. Trying only one medication and giving up is a recipe for disaster. I know it's not what you want to hear, but our members aren't going to give advice that they wouldn't follow themselves.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
I agree with Miracles', you need help, you won't find it on the Internet! I am not being inconsiderate, I am being firm with you for a reason. You are not cursed and I am sure nobody has done anything to a pair of glasses, if so, then every customer that pissed that particular person off would be cursed. Go to your doctors, speak to your family. Your behaviour must not have gone unnoticed. You need help asap, stopping messing about on the net, ring your doctors and make an appointment. I believe that what you are experiencing is real but you are not cursed. Someone in your family must have noticed your behaviour, you would not be able to hide it. Instead of deluding about demons, curses, do the right thing for yourself. If you are experiencing effected sleep and other hallucinations you must be exhausted. Hallucinations are exactly what they are. Have you tried Rooks method of ridding negative energy? For the last time, get help from your doctor to rule it out. The most realistic suggestions you have been given but you are taking no action! Dont spend your time researching being cursed and looking for fake people to help you on weird sites.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
Anon20 - I'm really trying to understand, truly I am. I guess I'm still a little confused, even after your explanations.

You bought something, glasses, from what I assume to be a vision store, right? And because you "think" you pissed one of the women off, she DEFINITELY did something to the glasses. But then again, it might have been the other new employee who is "Arabian", but you're not sure. Look, I'm not trying to be unsympathetic here, and I believe you believe something is going on. But I think paranoia among other things might have a lot to do with it.

I wish you the best in getting the help you need, regardless of where the help comes from ❤
Anon20 (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
santille I stopped taking the medication and my psychiatrist allowed it. This is very real and there's no logical argument to make about witchcraft and curses put on people. You just haven't experienced it. My advice is anyone who has an item they care about, don't trust it into the hands of other people. Some people out there practice black magic or whatever this is will do all sorts of crap to whatever you give them if it has your hair or dna on it. The glasses I gave to this person to have her place some new lenses in was given to me with the new lenses, but they were demon infested or something. She or someone she works with did something to them.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-22)
Whoever treated you will not make a report about your medical condition and disclose it to a priest or anyone of that nature who asked for it. Stop looking on the internet for a cure or someone who can help you. To me everything you are saying is stating you have had a relapse in your medical condition. Delusions are abnormal thoughts and thoughts of paranoia. Your seriously need help but the medical kind. You are not "crazy" you are possibly ill. Looking/searching on the internet and speaking to other people is fueling your thoughts of being cursed!
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-22)
Hi Annon thanks for answering my questions. Your relatively new out of hospital. Sorry for all the questions but did you just stop taking your medication yourself or under the supervision of a consultant, etc? Plus using alcohol whilst taking medication disrupts the effectiveness of the medication working. Did you tell the staff in the hospital you were still experiencing hallucinations whilst taking the medication? Plus as well as medication you should have received some psychological therapy. I still urge you to go to your doctor asap due to your previous history. Try every avenue of help but try the doctors first, why you haven't been already I do not understand, this is classed as a medical emergency. If you feel you have a curse on you undertake Rooks methods of ridding negative energy, he is very experienced and I feel the best person on here to give you sound information that will help. Please, please, please visit you doctor. Have you discussed this with anyone in your family?
Anon20 (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-22)
[at] samtillie I've been sent to a hospital months ago and got out afterwards, and yes I have stopped taking the medication. I found it does nothing for me and probably numbs my mind. The sounds have still been in my ears regardless of taking any medication to stop it. I even tried drinking alcohol and found it didn't help either.
JeunaBella I have read the Bible partially to get rid of this thing since I understand its a demon of some sort and read about Jesus casting demons out. I used to read the Bible sometimes before this happened and actually had some faith in God and Jesus, but I lost it before my problem started because of worldly things I guess. I basically bought an object from someone at a store that sells eyeglasses and she DEFINITELY did something to it. I think I pissed her off, but there was another new employer working that that seemed to be Arabian, so it might have been her. I'm not sure. Anyways as soon as I brought the object home I felt heat radiating in different places of my body, and soon I was harassed and disturbed in my sleep on the night that same day. I don't remember when the voices and sounds started, but I moved the object away from me (it was a pair of glasses.) What I did was I gave the glasses to the store owner to fix up, because I trusted that place since I bought the glasses from there as well as nearly all the glasses I have ever worn throughout the years. I didn't expect something like this to happen and knew nothing about cursed objects. I did find one person who said he was hearing voices online and chatted with him about it. He was a 14 year old boy that told me he "got rid of it" and when I asked how, he asked me if I knew what Magick is. He then told me his family and friends practiced it (white magic) and recommended I see a priest first or look for a white witch. I searched online and read about a white witch in my area, but doing more research read this person is a scammer. I remember I heard the radio one day afterwards about a catholic church that practices exorcism and tried to make an appointment, but the priest said I have to take classes at the place first and then get my psychiatrist to approve I'm not crazy OR get a psych evalauation from their psychiatrists, and I'm sure it won't be a problem since what is happening to me is something I read demons are known for doing to people, and the noises in my ears are supernatural as well as the voices I keep hearing and annoying, disturbing dreams I keep getting. I would try this guy but I read from that forum post I posted from that person that hes already seen a priest and the priest couldn't do anything about it. I actually even went to the city to a catholic church that had holy water and used some on myself, but felt no effects. I tried contacting this person that "got rid of it" again and he first asked me how I got his email, then stopped responding to my messages. Justin_Nokkie you may be right about white witches helping people with this type of problem, I'm not sure about psychics, but I don't think its a good idea. Isn't all uses of magic from the devil? Doesn't he basically just want the worst for me?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-21)
(Climbing on Soap Box)

HELLO...Ordained Priest here... And teacher and former Witch... Lets get things into perspective here... This is YGS a site where people post their strange and unexplainable (at least to them) EXPERIENCES looking for help/advice). I post that in caps as I prefer to call them that... Stories can imply fiction... An EXPERIENCE is (I hope) a Factual telling of something that happened, or is happening, to the individual sharing it.

I wondered about this 'experience' as it seems more along the lines for the Sister site... But seeing as it was posted here I was going to let it run its course... Until it started getting HEAVY into religion/religious beliefs. Every member here either has one... Or not as that is something personal for everyone...

If... IF... This is a case of Black Magic and or a curse there are many different ways of getting rid of it... And they do not... DO NOT require a Clergy member from any Faith... Unless the O/P wants to seek one out... But bewere Faith Healers and Preachers can take your money as quickly as a phony psychic.

Some of the non-Christian remidies have suggested methods that you use a method that will send the negitive energy ' back where it came from'...at one time I would have done something like that... Then I thought about something... Wiccans call it the 3 fold law... Basically what ever energy you put out will come back on you 3 fold... So someone sends negative energy to me. Negitive to me... Negative from me (back to its.'source') does not equal something POSITIVE, at least not in my book.

Go to the park... Take off your shoes... If your religious say a prayer... Walk in the grass and picture the negitive energy draining out of your body through your feet and into the ground (again you can insert prayers to whomever to push the negitive out of/away from your body. Then picture the sun filling you with positive energy (or pray for some). If you prefer... Take a walk... In the rain and let the rain wash away the negitive and cover you with positive energy... Again you can pray as you do so... If that's your thing. HECK it may be as simple as going out and doing a good deed. Something...ANYTHING...to change the energy around you.

SO...I hope the O/P has found something useful here... But can we please not TELL someone that the only fix is something RELIGIOUS. All the psychic energy stuff that has been dismissed may help...it's an energy we are all connected by/with...The basic teaching of every RELIGION in the world are basically the same... Love thy neighbor, be generous to those in need, harm no one... Everyone's path is different... Do not try and force yours upon someone else. Please do not forget any of the medical advice... EVERYTHING natural/physical/mental has to be ruled out before Magic/Spirits/the Paranormal can be considered. Thank You.

(Climbs off soap box)


pratekya (29 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-21)
God doesn't necessarily want people to suffer. And yes God is omnipotent, which begs the question 'why would he allow this to happen to me?'. You seem to be asking why does God blame you enough to allow this to happen to you. The answer for this is that God allows free will and only creates miracles rarely, because if miracles were frequent then cause and effect would start to break down, and after that broke down then morality - our moral or immoral choices - would become meaningless.
Let me illustrate with an example - let's assume God made miracles common. Maybe on demand. Then God would become a means to an end - a joke on You Tube as people shot each other with guns, prayed for healing, and quickly did it again ad nauseum. After dying some day from old age (would he die?), one of the shooters could say to God something like 'there was nothing wrong with what I was doing because I knew no harm would come to him' and he would be right. However, in the real world that we live in, shooting someone is a grievous sin because it has real world consequences, and it seems to reason that God wants to have a set of physical laws (and biological & chemical) in place so that real choices have real consequences. So you see, miracles are necessarily rare, and just because God is good and something terrible is happening to you doesn't necessarily mean he wants that to happen to you. Most likely he doesn't (I don't know for sure by the way!). Miracles are rare, but prayer and getting help (and admitting that you are a sinner like everyone else is, and like I am) are your weapons against this.
All of the psychic 'positive energy' advice isn't going to work against something like this. You need to find a pastor or a priest (yes, preferably a Christian) who can call on the power of God to help you. The situation may also involve mental illness - I say that with absolutely no disrespect intended; honestly I feel bad for you and hope you get some help.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-21)
Belief is powerful. They say that's how the pointing of the bone rite worked in tribal society. If a person believed themselves cursed, they as good as were. Reminds me of something a sister said awhile back " When most people's light bulb flickers or dims, they're like, time to change the bulb... Me? I'm, like, get the salt " Cracked me up. So true. Not making light of this Anon, not at all, just pointing out that putting power into believing you are cursed is like charging an object with intent. And that object is yourself. Seems to be that the overwhelming response on here is for you to rule out mental illness... I reckon, do everything. A protection spell combined with a doctor, perhaps revisiting the idea of medication... I'm not implying that you're mentally ill, that would be a grand assumption based on a paragraph that you've posted. I'm pointing out that things can have more than one point of origin. I had a close sister who was bipolar and a gifted psychic. They're not mutually exclusive situations. The point is, the bi polar, unchecked, wrecked her life, and made her very vulnerable astrally and psychically... Hope this helps.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-04-21)
Anon20 - obviously you are convinced there is a curse on you. Is there a reason you believe this, other than the physical reasons and the research you have done?

Have you done something to cause someone to want to curse you? Do you know someone who is capable of doing this, or someone who would seek out someone to place a curse on you? Not everyone can place a curse on someone, regardless of what people are led to believe.

This sort of reminds me of when people diagnose themselves on webmd and end up convincing themselves they have a disease. Sometimes conducting research on the net just creates more confusion and fear than it helps.

The mind is a powerful thing. If you are convinced you are cursed...well, I guess you just might be after all. Whether there was an actual curse cast or not.

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