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More Happenings


I wrote 2 stories a while ago about a not so friendly spirit who has been following me. If you want to read it, just look through my profile and you'll find them. As for this, i'm going to tell you guys a another happening which has happened recently.

2 days ago, I was sitting playing computer games (usual nerdy night in for me), and as usual, the spirit was there in my vision, always.

The usual whispering speech with the children came about, but this time its voice was different, it was almost as if it was speaking with 4 voices, like in the movies.

It said "Daar los dii sos, Zu'u brehnok ahrk until los nid hi vis dreh do nii."

Which translates into "This is the my blood I shed, and there is nothing you can do about it."

With this being said, I started to bleed from my nose, eyes and started to cough up blood. This happened for about 5 mins, until a large white wolf came into view outside my window. This surprised me even more, as I live just on the outskirts of London, no wolf would ever get this far into a city.

After seeing the wolf, I collapsed, and came too a couple of moments later. When I woke up, I felt fine, the blood had stopped and the voice was no longer there.

The spirit was still there, always in my eye line, but this time something else had joined it, a white wolf.

As I was playing with friends over skype, I went back on and heard them calling out my name. They had heard the mic go static and then the 4 voices scream. This was strange to me, as I had never heard them scream. I then told them the rest of the story, and they where worried as good friends should be.

Last night, one of those friends called me, (also the friend who was mentioned in the last story). They had done some research into the white wolf that had appeared. (it is still there in my vision, same as the other spirit, but never in the same place as each other)

He said that it is most likely a guardian spirit, as it came when you most needed it, and it helped you get past the bleeding.

So I've been looking around for some good reading material on guardian spirits, if you guys have any websites or books to recommend, it would be much appreciated.

From reading other stories on this site, I've always seen to be warned by all spirits, good or bad, as the good ones can always turn ugly.

I just want to ask what you guys think? Should I be aware of this new spirit? What should I do?

As a guardian spirit is something new to me entirely, any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys!

- Jake

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jake141, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-02)
Hello again. I'm reading over old stories, and came across this. I regret having not been around during this. To the OP, I hope you found a good solution. I think Val was on the right track here. I think I intimated before that sometimes spirits will use other languages to communicate, so it makes perfect sense to me that dragon tongue may have been their way. And she points out the whole thing with Klingon. Jeez, it's so true that actually about ~10 years ago, there were psych positions on the west coast opening up for people fluent in Klingon! Professionally!

Nowaways, I wouldn't be shocked if there are positions open for people fluent in Dothraki. I made some jest about Drowish (which I was a little more fluent in, in my younger years). In the end, I maintain that one should not commune with the dead in any language but their own native tongue. I really seriously hope you figured everything out. The blood does not cause me to doubt anything. My body has a weird habit of nosebleeds during menses, and that's not including every detail because I'm avoiding TMI. In my experience, doctors are mostly unconcerned. Volume matters more than exit point, I think. It's not that they don't care. I've been monitored and put on IVs and such. If it weren't for my high levels of iron &/ heme, I'd probably need more transfusions. Anyway. Sorry you dealt with all this doubt. Hope things have improved in your life.
CASPR2015 (2 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-17)
Hello Jake. My name is Christina, and I believe I can help you. I am a Celtic Eclectic Wiccan and paranormal researcher. If you are still looking for advice on this, seeking answers or help, feel free to email me, and we can discuss in a more private setting.
thecoolawsghost (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-04)
Dear Miracles,

As I told in my comment before that it has already been happened to me and as for the story I can't post it because the submitting page is blocked saying there are many stories being published so I have to wait until it opens
rynne (70 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-03)
Just stopped reading at bleeding info. Sentence and scrolled down to read comments to see if anyone else felt this to be a bit off. Glad more than several felt it was way off. Not going to read the wolf part, not curious at all... Why? Smh...
The_Dark_Knight (2 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-03)
I was about to comment on these stories but I believe satellite and valkricry have both put this all into perspective. Excellent post by both of you. Thecoolawsghost- Like miracles, I would also like to know how you obtained this information. I would recommend reading the book "The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts" if you would like some information on what these "guardians" really are.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-03)
thecoolawsghost - would you mind sharing how you know this information?
thecoolawsghost (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-03)
Jake you are very lucky and unlucky both at the same time. There are many type of evil spirits and many type of guardian angels the wolf that you see is actually a spirit of one of your relative or friend that died due to an accident and loved you lot and that person thought of you in his/her last moment which made the person a very powerful guardian angel who would protect you at times of severe distress. Now the mannequin is the person who hated you lot and cursed or abused you at his/her last moment so we need to know both the good and bad people if you have any idea who they might be and I really believe you because the happened to me and is happening to me right now and I have two guardians so I am safe my best friend and my grandmother.

Regards, thecoolawsghost
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-03)
thank you granny and val for the wonderful info. I found it very entertaining 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
Curiouser and curiouser. There's much here that just isn't adding up for me. For one thing, if I were to start bleeding from my eyes and nose, and coughing up blood for even 2 minutes, let alone 5, I would've been seeking medical help not going back to skype with my pals. Bare minimum, I would have been seriously freaking. No doctor I know of would have made you wait for an appointment but would have had you in the ER pronto. Because, barring an accident, these are symptoms of hemorrhagic fever. Now, bare with me here, as samtillie pointed out, there should have been evidence of your blood loss. Did you see this? Or was the bleeding somehow an inflicted hallucination by this spirit you always see?
Although Skyrim (Skyrim is an action role-playing video game, for those who don't know) does not have a white wolf, it does have a powerful white werewolf. It also has the faceless mannequins you've spoken of, and the dragon language. In fact, every element you've mentioned has a connection with this game. (7 shrinks huh? And not one picked up on this? Or were you not honest with any of them? Because any psychologist, or psychiatrist would have had a field day with this stuff.)
When I was younger there was this show called Star Trek, and people became avid fans of a warrior race called the Klingons, whom had their own language. This language caught on among 'Trekkies', with the hard core ones speaking and writing in Klingon. Gads you could even buy a book to help you speak Klingon proper, and translate phrases. To get to the point (Yes! I do have a point!) for some folks it became an obsession. Not being mean, but I think that's what could be at the core of all this. Your obsession with this game. Try laying off the game for awhile and see if you don't find some relief.
Remember this: svabol yth ocuir lae okh, sounds hefoc wharacic ekess voga daseki

*what we see as real, sounds like lies to another ears
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
I would also just like to state that to see 7 psychiatrists in 4 months period does just not happen with a click of a finger, unless you are paying privately and 7 psychiatrists is abit extreme. To see 1 or 7 psychiatrists means you have a suspected or have been diagnosed with a mental illness/disorder. I feel there is something else going on here but paranormal. With no offense intended there has been many stories submitted on this site and it is very apparent to people with experience and knowledge that the authors seem to have an underlying mental illness and are mistaking their symptoms for reality. Once again I state with no offence, I am just stating my thoughts which helpful to someone...maybe! Or maybe not 🤔
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
I think benefit of the doubt is sometimes required when reading some peoples stories on here. However I do agree that bleeding from your eyes, nose and coughing up blood is a very serious issue and would not happening unless you have experienced some kind of trauma and especially as it continued for about 5 minutes. If you were physically bleeding for this long you would have evidence of blood on your skin, clothes etc. Did you use any thing to clean the blood away? Where was the blood you coughed up? Etc. As for the seeing a wolf, wolves were killed off in England in the 1880's. I agree with Rook maybe it was a dream or daydream.
xeba2011 (5 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
Ha ha. No worries. It was for grammar and spelling. I'm trying my best to correct it, but english is my second language so I'm struggling a bit.

Thanx for the advice, I wasn't aware that there are sister sites, I will keep that in mind.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
xeba - sorry about leaving off the "x" in your name. Just copied it from Jake's comment. Should have paid a lot more attention.

Definitely, if your experience is that important, whatever the reason for your story being rejected, take the advice. Resubmit if it you feel you can get the help/assistance/advice here. But don't forget, or in case you aren't aware, we also have 2 sister sites that may be able to help. One is a psychics & medium site and the other is a spirituality site.

I don't know if either of those would be able to offer you the help you are looking for, but you can always submit your story there as well, if you feel it would fit.
xeba2011 (5 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
Hi miracle51031

No I don't know Jake personally and yes I posted a story about my OWN personal experience. Unfortunately my story was declined. I'm going to try to correct it as it is very important to me
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
Jake - really, just really? You sound like my 12 year old 😆 And for the record, I have read your stories, like a good moderator. I'm not an administrator or an owner, just a mod. And just because I haven't commented on them, doesn't mean I haven't read them 😉 Also, apparently you have a different opinion of ghost stories than Granny and I, as well as many others. And that's okay. Differences of opinions are what make us unique.

However, after reading your comments in response to what some of us have said, I have to question whether or not you pay attention to what you read, which leads me back to my original opinion. This isn't the site for you.

I never said you were banned. I don't have the authority to do that. The only authority I have, or Granny or BadJuuJuu, is to determine whether or not your stories are true ghost experiences. And since I feel that these are not, anymore stories submitted like this will be rejected. Nothing was said about being banned.

And unless you know Eba2011 personally, I'm not sure how you interpreted that she was going to "post up stories of what has happened to" you. Her comment stated the intent to submit a personal experience, not your experiences.

Again, this makes me think you either deliberately misinterpret things that are said, or you just don't understand. Either way, it makes me question your experiences.
xeba2011 (5 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)

Would you mind sharing what the wiccan's thoughts were. I'd be interested to know
xeba2011 (5 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)

To zzsgranny: I posted my first experience yesterday, I must admit it was bit long and i'm waiting for it to be available on the site.

I really do hope that somebody on this site will be able to give me insite as to what I might have experienced. It's been bothering me constantly for some time.

My partner told me yesterday again that I should question my own sanity when I told him I'm posting my story on this site.

To jake141: Again I'm really sorry for what you have experienced. I do hope you find a way to move forward from it with no harm to yourself
Jake141 (3 stories) (27 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
Really guys?
Just, really?

I've been in and out of hospital and through 7 psychiatrists over the last 4 months because of these happenings. NONE of them where able to explain why I was seeing these things. Only a local Wiccan was able to truly say what it is that is following me.

If you really could be bothered to read my past stories, like a good moderator, admin or owner would do. You would know why it speaks the way it does. So, before making a stupid decision, please do a intelligent thing and do some research.
And tbh, these 3 stories (read together) are far more believable than anything you have put on this site.

Again, all the same to you that was said to Miracles.

I understand that it may not be a paranormal experience that is happening, but from several doctors and even more psychiatrists view, there is nothing mentally or physically wrong with me, so until proven otherwise, I believe this is a paranormal experience. And trust me, i've done everything to prove that it isn't an experience of the supernatural.

Thank you for actually understanding, and having a more open mind about what I think has happened. I'm glad i've inspired you to register, and please post up stories of what has happened to me.
And don't be put off by the sarcasm being posted here, this site is usually good with helping with people who need it.

As for my 'Ban', there is no need, I've lost all respect for this site, its owners and admins, and most of the people on here.
Trust me, you won't be hearing from me again.

- Jake
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)

Yes they are. My fav Dr. Who Tom Baker carried them in one of his jacket pockets as Dr. Who... Those along with the scarf that seemed to go on for miles and miles.

As far as the O/P's insistence that all three of these 'stories' are real... I have no doubt they experienced something... But more likely a dream or a day dream rather than anything paranormal... I can understand the 'fear' of those maniquines (sp) though... But that is no different than someone being scared of's not paranormal its psychological... Thanks for 'playing'.


valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
Rook - Jelly Baby? We have Jelly Bellies - a type of jelly bean. Is that similar?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
xeba2011: We currently have 13, 899 published stories on this site. That's not to say that all are legitimate. We come here to share our experiences with others of like mind and belief. Throw video games and dragon language into the mix and the BS Blankie will be tossed EVERY time. This isn't a site for testing an audience, practicing our writing skills, or playing out fantasies.

If you have an experience you're willing to share or need help with, we're more than willing to listen and offer help where and when we can.

Stuff like this is ruining the integrity of this site and its membership.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
Jake141 - okay, I think you've reached the end on our site. As another member recently asked, this is a ghost stories site. Not a site about dragons or a gaming site for your entertainment.

I'm sure somewhere out there is a site more fitted for you, so please do not submit anymore stories... Under this profile name... Or any other. Unless you have a legitimate ghost story experience, we will reject them if they continue in this vein.

I would like to say I'm sorry and mean it, but I can't. We reject dozens of stories weekly that make us second-guess ourselves and some of them we wish we could publish, but due to the guidelines we can't. And here you pull dragon language in the comments section, after your story has been published. Not going to happen anymore.
xeba2011 (5 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
Hi Jake141

I have been following this site for quite a few months and have been debating publishing my own story, but I never got around to registering until I read your story today. I have never felt so passionate to register until I read your experience. I feel hurt that you are receiving such 'sarcastic' feedback to your experience especially here. I can't say that you are telling the truth (which I believe you are) or not because only you will know that for sure, but I still expected more from the experienced posters on this site. I wish I had advice to give you, but I don't. All I can really say is that I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that you don't come to any serious harm from this entity.

Best of luck to you

Jake141 (3 stories) (27 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
Guys, this is a serious story, If you had read my previous story, all would have been explained about that language, please, before saying anything else, go and read it.

And I have had a appointment with a doctor, and they can find nothing wrong with me, and if it where to happen again I am to return there.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-30)
Love you Granny...

And here I was thinking I had found the newest Dr. Who Villain...

The Dragon speaking Faceless Mannequins of Woodwold... On Earth to bring back exotic trees to help continue the species due to a population explosion...

Sorry couldn't help myself... I read the other 'stories' then this one got published...

Wow, just wow...

Jelly Baby anyone?


Bennett776 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-30)
Well, in the highly unlikley situation that the blood and "draggon" lanuage was true... The fact that there is no wild wolves in the UK is a massive issue to this story... The closest you will get to a wolf is at London Zoo mate! And if you aint there you have seen a domesticated huskie or malamute but I don't even believe you saw that...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-30)
Jake: Really. Dragon language. Making your eyes bleed. Huh.

Pebbles_Keeper (1 stories) (35 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-30)
Hi Jake 141.
I am confused about the language too.
Do you mean you understood the words as they were spoken to you.
If so how? That sounds a very obscure language. Like something from a H.P Lovecraft story.
If not, then after the bleeding and passing out, we are to believe you remembered every word, knew how to spell them and then managed to translate it?
Sorry but it does all sound a bit far fetched!

Best wishes all the same.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-30)
I agree with BJJ. Had I been bleeding from eyes and coughing up blood for 5 minutes, a white wolf would be the last of my worries.

Also, what language is this "Daar los dii sos, Zu'u brehnok ahrk until los nid hi vis dreh do nii."?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-30)
Sweetie, if you're not just yanking our chain with this story you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. Coughing up blood and passing out is serious.

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