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Tantalize Me


For those who have read my stories "Here When Needed" knows I had a boyfriend who passed in 2008. During those times it was extremely difficult for me to cope and I was basically a wreck for a year. In that year I went out a lot, met lots of people I can't remember now, and drank a lot. It is also during this year I met a good friend, we will call him Tallon.

I met Tallon through a friend (Jen) and to this day we have only seen each other about 4-5 times. First day we met was at a lounge. That night was just four of us, myself, two girls and Tallon. We had some drinks and we all danced, and that was that. We got each other's contact and would message here and there the simple friendly conversations. Second time we went out was to lunch just him and I. I remember he mostly just listened to me talk and was very compassionate. Next time we met was probably at a bar again. Through out the time I knew Tallon he has openly told me things like he was attracted to me since the first day but didn't want to pursue it because I was very lost and out of it. This is something I have always respected about him and we remained friends. He would harmlessly joke with me sometimes a year or two after we met, but was never serious or physical, nor did I ever take it offensively. Even after I moved to another city we kept in touch. He was one of those rare friends that we didn't have to see, but felt very close and could confide in each other about the day or about something more serious. One thing you should know is his real name does start with a T, and we both used to go on this silly site and his nickname for things would always be Tantalizing "T". That used to be a lot of fun for us, going on this site and commenting off each other or just jibberishing. It was our little secret and it was funny. We also shared pets in common and he would tell me about his bird all the time.

Fast forward, last year I was at work one morning and talking to a customer about my late ex boyfriend, when suddenly a piece of pewter flew off my counter. This piece is for engraving so it's not really light. Both the customer and I heard the cling-clang sound and I went to look for it. I picked it up and looked at her and she said "Did that just...?, oh he's still here...", with a smile. This customer is also spiritual so she was automatically on board. I smiled and said "must be!". Now, none of us actually saw it with our eyes, but we both heard it and we were not leaning on that part of the room, we were also the only ones in the shop.

Ten minutes after she left, I got a text message from Jen that read, "Have you heard about Tallon? He drowned last night, he's gone." My heart stopped. I couldn't understand. I called her immediately and demanded answers. Just thinking about him now is still surreal and still hurts. She informed me he was swimming with friends at a lake and somehow he never came back up. Right away I knew that was Tallon saying "Hello, and goodbye" to me at my work. We had just spoken days before he passed, and he even said he would visit one day or when I go home we would hang out. I'm so remorseful I never saw Tallon more, but at least I had the privilege of knowing him and sharing many great conversations with him. I'm also deeply touched he came by to let me know he was there.

I pray to him all the time, wishing him the best and telling him to rest peacefully. I hope he will pay me another visit soon, my "tantalizing" friend <3

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, notjustme, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-17)
Allesgute154 - Thank you for reading. It is a a great mix of emotions I get when Tallon sends me signs. Both sad and grafeful, mostly the good. At least I know he's still himself and he's ok.
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-09)
You're lucky to have had a friend reaching out to you from beyond. Stay blessed.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-07-26)
Real friendship is rare. You're lucky to have found one. I'm sorry you lost his physical, but you know you will always have him.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
Allisonbeckert23 - Yes, I knew that he knew that I would know! LOL even though it was a really upsetting day, but once I thought about how he gave me a sign, the feeling was indescribable! Just knowing my friend would carry out his agreement in visiting me even in afterlife, the gratitude I do have him is so great and touching. ❤
allisonbeckert23 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
The gratitude for his friendship is wonderfully strong in your experience. I'm sure he knew you would take the experience and know what it meant. Stay strong!
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
thecurious125 - thanks for your kind comment. I believe so too.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
Thanks BJJ and mimierkki. Yes friendship is just as hard to find as a relationship in my opinion. Both takes effort to maintain and we definitely had that even though most of it was over phone 😊
thecurious125 (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
Very sorry for your loss. His friendship will forever remain with you.
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
Meant to say "don't". Obviously even a sip of wine makes it impossible for me to write: (
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
Sad and sweet, like JuuJuu said. It's a good thing you got to know him. Don'n worry about anything.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
Very sad, but very sweet. I like that the two of you had such a deep and lasting friendship.

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