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Encounter With Unknown


I am sharing this story which I had experience in the past when I was at my academic years. I must conclude that I live (and still living) in a 3 story ancestral house which is almost 90 years old and has recently renovated and is situated in the holy city of Varanasi where life and death co-exist in peace.

As I had mentioned above at that time I was at my academic years, so, I was as other teenagers had pretty busy and hectic schedule. I use to wake up early in the morning somewhere around 4:00 am to log up fresh water for daily purpose because we lived in the first floor where we don't have the facility of running water. I had to assemble a water pump so that water could easily be filled.

I was pretty close to my mother as compared to father. We are three brothers and I am the younger one amongst them. My mother often shares her experiences of unknown entities and paranormal activities which she had experienced in this house from us. She always told us that we should not go alone especially in the roof top, down story and in the corridors alone in the late evening and in the early morning.

She always accompanies me when I assemble water pump in the morning as both of my brothers used to wake up late.

One day, she got ill, I decided not to disturb her and I tried to go through the schedule of early morning alone, since it was very early in the morning, in the down story it was dark and I always felt uneasy whenever I reached to that place where the tap was, suddenly,

I saw a dark creature (seems to be a creature of a female) standing not far from me may be the distance would be 10 to 15 feet from the staircase from where I was standing. I did not able to see her face as she was standing from her back in front of me.

I didn't have any haunted or paranormal experienced before but I remember what my mother told to me regarding the place at which I was standing currently along with the corridor and roof top of not getting especially when alone.

When I saw that creature, I was almost half-dead. I was holding a heavy water pump in my hand. I once thought of throwing it and ran as quickly as can but throwing could damaged it and at that time we were not that financially strong to afford a new one, I immediately drop down the idea of throwing it. I ran with the whole assembly with all of my power and cantering the name of the holy goddess 'Maa kali' (since I belongs to a Bengali family where we worships goddess Kali) to save me from that entity.

I immediately inform my mother regarding my experience, she was very angry for my courageous step of not taking any elder person with me. She immediately goes in the pooja place took some holy Ganga jal with him and goes in the down story along with me and my aunty and told me to show that place where I had seen that entity.

I pointed that place where I had seen that standing her back in front of me. She along with my aunty started sprinkled holy Ganga jal with some mantras. That morning we went to the nearest Maa kali temple where the priest of that temple gave a bracelet entitled it with some holy mantras and also told us not to unwearied it at any case.

After that shivering experience, I never riches to the warned places of mine ancestral house again until now when I am 28 years old currently and still following the same rutein. My mother has grown older and she now days often does not able to accompany me, I still feel uneasy going that place alone. But I had a pet dog now which accompanies me during that time but I really want to say that the dog too neither helps me fighting my fears as he always starts shouting whenever he sees unknown or unexplainable objects. Though, the dog helps me getting alert.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushantkar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-07)
Hello WiniPu4! First of all thanks for the advice. As far as the periodic blessing and cleansing is concern, it had been done by a local priest on regular time intervals. Most of the spirits which I along with my family members had encountered with is spirits of our dead relatives. But there are few ghosts which always seeks footholds so that they could cause maximum damage to our family members. I have fortunately figured out one such spirit who had threaten and cause damage is a ghost of my elder aunt!
Yes it may sound wearied but it is true. She didn't liked my mother and when she is no more in flesh and blood, she tries to disturbed us so that we don't have peaceful life.

WiniPu4 (207 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-07)
Hello again, Sushantkar!

I have heard that for some entities, blessings and prayers must be done periodically to maintain the effectiveness. If you partake in any particular faith, have you thought of consulting a clergy member to see if they might have a method to expel or get the entity to move on? It may be a kindness to assist one that is stuck here. If you are not being harmed or too bothered by it, then periodic blessings and trying to coexist might be the most peaceful option.
There is a member here named Rookdygin that has a home self-cleansing method that many others have found helpful. It is posted under "About me":


Kind Regards,
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-09)
Hi Sushant, why don't you conduct a puja once and for all to throw out those malevolent spirits? The Kali temple in Kolkata or Kamakhya in Guwahati are known to be very powerful. Strong and evil spells and entities are broken by the deities there.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-26)
Dear Sushant,
Since English is not your native language, I am trying to make it easier.
First, I quote myself from the comment made on 30/07/2014:
""Please clarify this doubt of mine;
In your story 'Attack by Ghost', you stated,"On December 28th 1997, the time would have been in between 3:30 to 4:00pm (approximate), I had just returned from my college." So even if it was your 1st year in college, you had to be around 16-18 years old.Right?
In this story of yours, you summarize by saying,"when I am 28 years old currently".
Thus, if I am not wrong, you are saying that you have aged only about 10-12 years in the past 16-17 years period!""

Now I beg pardon of all, other than sushantkar, who may want to read further, but I am roughly translating the quote above:

Bhai Sushanto. Tomar 'Attack by ghost' golpe tumi likhechho je tumi college jete tokhon, 1997-ey.tahole dhore neowa jaay je tomar boyosh shei shomoy kom kore dhorleo 16 theke 18 bochhorer modhye chhiloi.
Taar por,'Encounter with unknown' maane ei golpotay tumi bolchho je tomar boyosh aekhon 28 bochhor.
Tahole tomar nijer lekha thekei eta jana jaay je tomar boyosh ei 1997-2014, ei 16-17 bochhorer modhye berechhe matro 10-12 bochhor!
Ektu bujhiye dao je amar kichhu bhool holo naaki?

Mods, I would understand if you decide to delete this comment, but please let me know. A little note under one of my stories would do the trick.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-24)
Hi Sceptic! Hi Sceptic! First of all I apologize for the delayed reply. Let me clear the doubts one by one.
In my second published experience 'Attack by Ghost' where I had written in a sentence' Almost 12 years has passed'; which I think had created the age related miscalculations; in that sentence it should be written 2 years instead of 12. I at that time was perusing graduations and now I am in the masters. I had noticed it when you notified me by your comment
Secondly, I am not avoiding queries/request by anyone. I had not logged on to my posts for more then 2 weeks or so as I was involved in reading recent posts published by other members of this website.
I hope you all would pardon me for my mis writing.
Please reply if any further doubts

With best regards & respect to you ❤
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-16)
Dear sushantkar,
The way you have been avoiding the queries/requests about your own posts, although you seem to find ample time to entertain others, is raising suspicion as to the veracity of your experiences.
Need I say more 🤔 😐 🤔

Dldr (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-15)
Hey Sushant, even I have the same doubt as sceptic about the mis calculation of your age.
[at] sceptic...awsome observation
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-12)
Dear Sushant,
Since you are having a fun time scrutinizing other's experiences and also criticising their life choices, I would also implore you to find time & address my still unanswered bewilderment at your so called miscalculations or mis-"summarizations" 🤔

This is me being very respectful and polite 😐

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-05)
Dear Sushant,
Thanks for replying, but...

I don't understand what you needed to, and weren't able to summarise 😐?
I've never known anybody who needs to summarise his age
Neither have I seen anyone forgetting his college years 🤔

I hope you'll be able to successfully clear my doubts.

Btw, vote-downs don't hurt me, so you don't need to apologise. Thanks for your concern though.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-04)
Hi Septic-Ari! Kindly don't take it otherwise. It was my very first post so I didn't able to summarize the data properly. I would sincerely apologize if 'thumbs down hearts you'. Please pardon for delayed replay. 😳.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-04)
Wow!That is reassuring 😜

I didn't get an answer but I received a thumb down 😆

No worries.

I see Mr Sushant Kar, the O/P, going around commenting and replying to others but avoiding this very post. It has been 3/4 days now.
I am still waiting for a reply though, and thumbs down won't deter me.

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-31)
Dear SushantKar,
Please clarify this doubt of mine;
In your story 'Attack by Ghost', you stated,"On December 28th 1997, the time would have been in between 3:30 to 4:00pm (approximate), I had just returned from my college." So even if it was your 1st year in college, you had to be around 16-18 years old.Right?
In this story of yours, you summarize by saying,"when I am 28 years old currently".
Thus, if I am not wrong, you are saying that you have aged only about 10-12 years in the past 16-17 years period! Or am I gravely mistaken/misinformed?
Do I owe you an apology?

Do reply.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-30)
Hello SDS, My ancestral house is a 3 story building. We live in 1st floor. Yes, we are seeing that entity when my grandmothers use to be a young lady. Though it had never harmed anyone in our family. After cleaning that place from holy mantras my aunt had settled an idol of shiva. But still my brothers, mother and aunt had seen that entity. 😢
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-30)
Hello sushantkar, you said that this has happened when you were in teens and you said that your brothers and mother also saw some apparitions. And that it has not been seen since last 9 months or so. That means, you people were seeing this apparition or entity for several years now. You said that you are living in an ancestral house for several years now but in your other story, you said that it is an apartment. Which is true? It is an ancestral house or an apartment. Just want to know.

About cleansing. Cleansing helps to ward off negative energies or entities. But it has to be done continuously for some time to have the desired effects.

Coming your experience, it is quite difficult to comment further without any inputs like the experiences of others.

Regards and respects to you.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-29)
Hi, sushatkar... Same happened in my house after the griha pravesh puja the entity was not gone and my mom was suffered from one witch... Thanks for your reply... 😁
elnoraemily (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-28)
I need to do some research before really commenting on this (the city and area), but creepy/interesting account!
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-28)
Hi WiniPu4... I live in a house which is almost 90 years old and where most of our family member had experienced/encountered paranormal entities. So I don't think that blessings or worship that place could have any effect. It can sustain them for a short time but after that will again show their presence. ❤
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-28)
Hi Sheetal! Ya, a puja was arranged by my mother but it doesn't left any positive effect. After that experienced I and both of my brothers even my mother seen that entity in the forthcoming months.
Though, we have not seen her from last 9 months or so.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-28)
hi sushantkar... Thanks for your reply... Do you again faced her or not? Any puja and ritual you have done in the home to get rid of this spirits?
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-28)
Hi Sheetal! First of all thanks for reading the experience uploaded by me. Yes, you are right, the house in which I am current living is build-up on a place which was used to be a graveyard which was due to some reason destroyed by the British government to build up residential colonies a long time ago (authorities says that the colony established in the mid 1900s).
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-28)
hi, sushantkar pretty scary story... It's good that you didn't harm by that entity. I am very curious to know that your mom also saw the same shadow as you seen? Your house has some strange mystery? Please revert...
Thanks for sharing...
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-25)
You must have been very frightened. Have you thought about having your mother or auntie bless the space every week or month? It might help to contain the activity and may also give you peace of mind.
Blessings ❤
allisonbeckert23 (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-25)
It was very good to have support from your community and family in that experience. Have you ever seen it again?

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