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Cemetery Scare


It was my sister's senior year of high school and I was an 8th grader. That night for an assignment my sister was required to take pictures of graves in a local cemetery and make a poem about the person who had died. The poem did not have to be true it just had to be inspired by the person's grave. So my mother, my sister, my sister's boyfriend and I all piled into my father's truck and we drove out to the cemetery just outside of town. It was around 9:00 pm and it was already pitch black and there was no moon.

If you've never been in a cemetery at night and felt what it is like, I dare you to do so. For me, just the atmosphere was creepy with the headlights being the only source of light, illuminating the graves of those who had died. At this age I had had one or two encounters with ghosts so just being in this place had a strange effect on me that made me edgy and nervous.

My sister and her boyfriend got out of the truck and started walking along the graves with my mom driving on the road that trailed through the cemetery for those who just wanted to drive through to see the graves. We got to a certain grave that was depicted as an angel standing with its arms open and looking down, seeming to open its arms waiting for an embrace. My sister was fascinated with this grave while I, still in the truck, was completely freaked out by it. In the light cast by the headlights it seemed almost alive, like it was staring at my sister waiting to grab her.

We kept driving along behind my sister and her boyfriend waiting for her to finish. Suddenly I saw a black shadow dart out from behind a grave and vanish. More appeared as we went on, darting just out of the reach of the headlights, still enough to see them but not enough to make out any features. My sister claims to have seen them too and that their faces were white like the dead with black holes for eyes and mouths. She had to finish her assignment though so we continued into the cemetery, my mother never even seeing what we did.

Suddenly I saw a black shadow press itself to my window. Its eyes were like black orbs and its mouth opened wide like a snake's would, sending out a shivering death rattle (something like what Kayoto from "The Grudge" made). The temperature in the truck dropped so fast I could see my breath two seconds after I had been telling my mom I was sweating. I didn't scream but just stared at it in horror so as not to freak out my mom and make her think I was having hallucinations.

The shadow moved away and vanished and they all disappeared. My sister never saw the one by the truck but this freaked me out so bad I had nightmares for years about it... It was a long night afterwards.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Searching_Stars, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Searching_Stars (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
I wouldn't think I imagined a death rattle like what that ghost made. And if you recall, I said the shadows had white faces with black orbs for faces and mouthes. That's how I saw them. I should have re-added that detail about the ghost on the truck cause it seems to (yes) be confusing. And I can agree with your reflection theory and your usually inaudible ghost/white noise. It seems very likely it was the cause why my mother and sister didn't see/hear it.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
So mom DID notice! (Funny how one little detail can change things, isn't it?) I do have a theory on why she may not have seen it though: you state that you "saw a black shadow press itself to my window. Its eyes were like black orbs and its mouth opened wide like a snake's would, sending out a shivering death rattle (something like what Kayoto from "The Grudge" made) ". Now I admit at first I didn't understand how on earth you could see details like eyes and mouth in a SHADOW, especially in the dark. Nor how Mom didn't hear the scream it made. Then I really thought about it. You'll need to either verify or correct me, because I could be way off. I'm thinking that the eyes and mouth were darker 'shadow' then the rest of it? Plastered against your window, it was probably only an inch or so from your face. Mom sitting in the driver's seat (truck right?) would be two or so feet away from it. Even in dim interior car light, we cast a slight reflection in glass, and being a non-believer if Mom noticed at all she probably assumed it was part of your reflection.
Now, the sound, that's trickier to explain. A sound like that, assuming it was as loud as in the movie 'Grudge', would surely have elicited some response from the others in your group. That leaves us with two choices, that I can see. 1) you imagined it, or 2) the sound was inaudible to them.
I'm sure you've seen shows like Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures, where they state they picked something up on a recording that they did not hear with the human ear. There are certain people who can hear on this level. For some it's an occasional thing. Something to do with atmosphere and magnetic fields, coupled with their energy level. Rarer are those who can hear 'voices from beyond' all the time, though they do exist. Often they're called mediums. Perhaps you experienced something in this vein.
Searching_Stars (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
When I went to my different graveyard I tried not to step on the area where people are buried. I find that disrespectful. I wasn't happy about the assignment either because of what had happened to us with my sister's assignment (different graveyard; middle of the day). I just find graveyards creepy at night because I always feel that there is a collective energy that builds there from the people who died. During the day though it actually is quite peaceful and it really makes you think about life when you see all the graves.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
I agree. For me, it's not a discomfort of graveyards, but an aversion to a teacher telling students to go to one for an assignment. I think graveyards should be respected and I find that to be disrespectful.

Spending time there thinking or to visit a loved one is much different.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
I think there is a misunderstanding from all this. I don't think members thought the graveyard assignment was untrue, but more of had difficulty accepting the fact that there was such an assignment given. I personally do not mind that people take pictures in them and what not. I agree with some members that is how you act while you are in the cemetery.

I think the people that feels most uncomfortable in such place would probably be one that sees a lot of paranormal activities, or and maybe people who have not lost anyone close. I say this because I spent a great deal of time at the cemetery every single day after my ex died, for at least 6 months, and it was the best place for me to be at that time. Some people who have not experienced losing someone close may have never had reason to step foot in a cemetery, so to feel uncomfortable in them is absolutely normal. Also, movies have a huge influence on how people perceives them.

I remember one night I really needed to go to the cemetery and I had a friend drive me. He normally has taken me there during the day and is totally fine with it. But that night as we were cruising in, he shut all the car windows and said "Notjustme, I love you and will take you here any day, but please never again at night!"
hippiesiren (8 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Just out of curiosity, what is it that makes anyone feel so uncomfortable in graveyards/cemeteries? I ask this because I spend a lot of time in these places just for the peacefulness that I feel at them. However, much like what was said in the story, many of my peers seem to feel frightened and see things that make them uncomfortable.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Just wanting to add my two cents here. I've been given assignments to go visit historical marks, and they do tours of graveyards or part of a tour has been graveyards... Some at night, some at day. I feel as long as you're not deliberately disrespecting the dead then they don't mind. I've also taken pictures of tombstones and statues at graveyards but again, did it out of wonder and curiosity, not to mock them. So the situation for assignments can happen, though few and rare in-between.
However I agree that if that thing was on the window I would have screamed bloody murder! No way would I have "considered someone else's feelings" because I would be scared poopless!
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Searching_stars - Thank you for the reply. Like Val said, whether it was disrespectful or not depends on what's going on and timing. I hope you understand no one was trying to bully you here, many stories can have pages of comments just because not everyone agrees on things and that's okay. That's the beauty of life. Thanks for clearing up some things for us, much appreciated.
Searching_Stars (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
You all kind of claim to have doubts about my story. Well, about the whole cemetery assignment thing. It is true. I still have a copy of the poems I wrote in my senior year of high school when I had to do this same assignment (thought I visited a different graveyard in the middle of the day).

As to your comments about the shadows being animals, it could be entirely true. They were very vague and fuzzy and my sister could have been seeing white on fur of animals for faces. She was very creeped out by it though. And I know you all say we should have left but she just shrugged it off because she had procrastinated until the night before to do the assignment and she HAD to get it done or she would fail it.

Now as to the ghost against my window. Yes, my mother noticed the temperature drop. She does not believe in ghosts and maybe that is why she did not see it. I honestly don't know. The reason I held in my scream is because every time I told my mother about the paranormal experiences she would think I was dreaming and wondering if I needed to go see a doctor (she thought I was having hallucinations). I didn't want to encourage her on.
Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
I think it would be a fun assignment. I have to admit that it is most likely not meant to occur at night. For me the threat of darkness coming is as scary at pitch black.

But that 's not really important. Val, as she usually does, makes a good point about the temperature...
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Perhaps disrespect, like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I don't think the teacher meant for the students to do the assignment at night. But, that is when the OP and his family went.
Cemeteries have always been thought of as sacred or hallowed ground. Yet in Victorian times, it was not uncommon to picnic in the graveyard, especially the large park like ones. They did not see this as disrespectful but a chance for the living to reconnect with the dead. As for taking pictures, personally I don't find that 'bad' either. Although, in today's digital world, I'm mildly surprised they weren't told to simply 'find' a picture on the internet. Although the absence of atmosphere would definitely effect the poems themselves.
Anyway, my take on the story...
The only thing I am having a problem with is the lack of emotion you and your sister had upon seeing these things. I'm with notjustme on that. To at least jump when startled is normal. You say the temperature in the truck dropped to the point you saw your breath, yet apparently your mom neither felt it, nor saw her own breath? Now to me that's rather odd. But then again maybe you left something out? Very curious...
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Am I the only one who thinks that assignment would be awesome?! I think it's really creative. I love cemeteries, I find a lot of beauty in them. I don't think there's anything disrespectful about the assignment at all, it's getting kids out there and using their imagination... And I would totally go at night as well, for the creep factor as well as more artistic/creepy photos. But that's just me. I wouldn't have an issue with someone using my grave for that.
I agree with the idea it could have just been regular shadows plus the hype of being in a graveyard...however, I'm kind of on the fence until the o/p responds. I find it odd the first thing you thought upon seeing a horrifying thing a your window was to act natural. Pretty sure ANY natural reaction would be to jump back and lock doors, maybe scream in terror...idk...i wasn't there though.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Thanks, Hazel.

Searching_Stars, we would love to hear your input on our questions. I promise no one is attacking you.
hazeleyes (1 stories) (34 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. There's a lot of comments I disagree with but I try my best to be open-minded and if I do go out of line I immediately apologize.
But that's enough about me. I've read everyone's comments for this post and the only one I find being "disrespectful" and "mean-spirited" is you. Like Elnora said no one has broken the comment guidelines. People have a right to their own opinions and you might disagree but you don't have to put someone down for thinking differently. If everyone had the same beliefs and opinions this world would be very boring.
And I didn't see any comments about politics and religion so no one as far as I can tell is getting religious or political, so enough already.
The OP is looking for help and advice on his/her situation so stop making yourself the center of attention. It's not about you so let's get back to trying to help the poster.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Ohioman - When you submit a story it gives you the option to disable any comments, that way you won't have to hear anyone's opinion.
Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Is the assignment disrespectful? Maybe. It certainly is weird. As teenagers, most of us would probably overreact to an assignment in such a venue. And taking a cemetery photo as night isn't the greatest idea, although it could be fun, in a scary way.

My first thought is that the shadows the OP saw were the headlights bouncing off the headstones. I can't explain the shadow at the car window.

There's just something off here.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
I am really having a hard time understanding why you are so put off with people expressing doubts. No one here has broken the comment guidelines and no one here is bullying anyone.

There have been several posters caught (see: Firehouse Ghost) lying about events. This can be found through checking the story itself (plagiarism, ect), or even something as simple as researching someone's claim. There was a girl who claimed her entire school burned down and killed many children and that it was haunted, but a simple search concluded that was not the case. It happens, sadly. When someone voices concern, they are not being mean or bullies. They are simply expressing their opinion and typically asking for a clarification or explanation.

Now, if someone came out and said: "This is stupid and you are a liar" even the people who agreed would shut that person down.
OhioMan (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
elnoraemily - Please think beyond this thread. I am talking in general on this site where many mean-spirited comments have appeared over time. "There have been many fake stories on this site." How did you know?

And who said someone made a grave a personal playground? That would be disrespectful but neither I nor anyone else suggested such a thing, unless visiting the marked grave of a formerly living person is making it a playground. Visiting the final resting place allows the dead to live on in the minds of respectful visitors. Why mark the grave, otherwise.

Wow, enough already. I am now thoroughly discouraged from posting my haunted house experiences so someone can tell me how odd the account is or "I don't want to say this was a fake story but at the same time, I find it very hard to believe."
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
I have seen nothing that is mean or disrespectful in this thread. In fact, I see apologizes for having doubts and requests for more information.
There have been many faked stories on this site and people want to be sure the poster is being truthful. That is one of the goals of this site- to be truthful. If no one had doubts, any story could get through and the entire point of the site would disappear. If anyone was out of line, a moderator would help out.

I completely disagree with your view on graves. It is a person's final resting place. Making into your personal playground is disrespectful to the family and the person who passed.
OhioMan (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
notjustme - I'm all for open discussion and I wouldn't expect everyone to agree with my perspective, which was absolutely not the point of my post. I expressed my opinion in the open discussion that I didn't see visiting the graveyard for the purpose of photographs to be disrespectful.

As I mentioned before, however, I do find it disrespectful to the poster to question the honesty of the story. Some of the comments verge on mean-spirited or attacking, which really reflects on the person commenting. This isn't a political or religious forum, after all. Some stories may even be made up, but until the day we can detect lies without fail, it's just not appropriate. This is the sole reason I have never posted after many years of reading stories.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Ohioman - This is an open discussion for those who wish to participate, and all opinions are welcomed. As far as what anyone has written here, I don't see how anyone was trying to deliberately be rude. Everyone was just simply expressing their opinion and beliefs towards the story, which is allowed. Not every story on here is going to get the feedback the writer expects, but if they chose to put it on here and are allowing comments to be made, then everyone has the right to say what they believe and not just what they think the writer WANTS to hear.

Just because people have their own opinions, doesn't make it wrong. And just because not everyone agrees, doesn't make anyone a bad person either. Afterall, "If everyone is thinking the same thing, then nobody's thinking at all"
OhioMan (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
I have been a lurker for years, and have never commented but I had to chime in on this. Disrespectful to assign a visit to a cemetery? Are you kidding me? Gravestone rubbings anyone? I have seen entire art classes at cemeteries and had assignments to do gravestone rubbings in school. One of our local cemeteries is promoted as a bird watching hotspot. I have also found it disturbing when reading comments when someone starts to doubt the veracity of the poster. Unless you have a special truth magic, knock it off. It only reflects badly on you. Not everyone writes beautifully, and sometimes the sequence is jumbled, but their stories are just as fun to read.

And by the way, I have always been welcomed to graveyards by the guardian spirits, ghosts or whatever dwells there.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
The assignment may have been weird, but I myself have taken pictures in a graveyard. I never saw a ghost, and it wasn't at night.

It was a beautiful cemetery in Inverness, Scotland. My mother-in-law (a staunch Baptist from Scotland) was showing me around and actually agreed to accompany me.

Yes I took pictures, and there are lots of things that graves can tell you - especially when you make note of the dates and do your research later. There was one particular year that came up a lot, and I wanted to know more, especially because there were so many young souls that had been buried there.

I think if it's done with respect and not thrill seeking, there is no harm. Contrary to what some may think - that ghosts reside in a cemetery - I think highly unlikely.

Just my humble opinion though. I hope the poems were respectful in any case, and thanks for sharing:)
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
I don't want to say this was a fake story but at the same time, I find it very hard to believe.

Like the other members say, I find it hard to imagine a teacher would assign such an assignment, as the cemetery is a very private place for people to grieve, or just be at peace. I know, because I am one of those people that can hang out in one for a long time to reflect or just be alone.

Then the part that your sister claimed she saw white faced things with black holes for eyes and mouth- now I can't speak for your sister, but for almost everyone that I know, would have ran as fast as their legs could carry them after seeing something like that in a cemetery at night time!

"Suddenly I saw a black shadow dart out from behind a grave and vanish. More appeared as we went on, darting just out of the reach of the headlights, still enough to see them but not enough to make out any features." - This could have been animals. I say this also because I believe entities need living energy to help them manifest themselves as well. As for cemeteries there are not much living energy so I doubt what you saw were anything paranormal.

As for the shadow that pressed against your window incident, did your mom feel the cold? And again with something like this, I would have screamed as loud as my lungs could take me, let alone have the ability to consider my mom's feelings.

There are definitely lots about this encounter that comes into question. However, that is just my 2 cents. Only you will know for sure what you saw. Thanks for sharing.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
I am with Griff. It's extremely disrespectful to assign something like that! That teacher really needs to know that their are limits.

I do have to say, most of what you write seems to be characters directly from a movie. I don't mean that to be insulting, I just have not quite made up my mind on them yet.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Searching_Stars- Well I'm with Griff on this one as well. Very valid questions.
Guess I'm going to set back on this one and wait for some explanations.

Quite the prolific writer as well.
Thanks for sharing
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Hi Searching_Stars, I find a few things from your account a little odd. Firstly, the assignment itself, quite disrespectful I feel, to encourage students to go and take pictures in graveyards...weird, but that is not yours or your sisters fault. I find it quite odd that your sister would make hard work for herself by visiting the graveyard at night, with the obviously elevated creepiness, and lack of light, would it not have been easier in the day?

I am no expert, but I believe its believed graveyards are sacred and are often protected by guardian spirits, and these are what your could have encountered. If I am wrong, someone here will be able to correct me. The image I get from your description of the 'shadows' are those of the little demon things in the film 'ghost'.

I must admit I am a little on the fence with this one, but thanks for sharing 😊

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