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Unsettling Experiences In My New Home


I and my siblings recently moved in permanently with my mum and I've noticed some strange things in the house. I get the feeling of being watched especially in my room and I always feel unsafe in my closet that aside, about 2 weeks ago my dad was having a nap in mum's room (he came to spend a month with us because he lives separate)

I was standing by the fruit bowl in the kitchen and from there I can see a part of mum's room and so could see dad. So I'm there deciding what fruit to pick and for some reason I look straight up and I see a kind of shadow standing right beside my dad, almost as if it was looking down at him while he slept. I dismiss it thinking its my sister and take my attention back to the fruits when it suddenly clicked that my sister was sleeping in her room. I looked back and the shadow wasn't there anymore.

I raced to check on dad thinking someone broke in or something and he was fine. Fast forward to last week, I dropped a cup on the table to pour some drink in and from the corner of my eye I saw my cup slide about 6 or 7 inches away from where I placed it. I've never seen anything like that before and I was scared. Other than that I've felt cold spots, heard my name being called even when I'm the only one at home, and lots of my stuff have gotten missing and end up somewhere I'd never imagine it to be.

Now as for the first experience I checked every window and door and everything was as it should be. It took only about 2 seconds for me to realize it couldn't be my sister and look back at the shadow only to see it gone. And I assumed it was my sister because I could make out a female shape. I've had paranormal experiences happen to me as I'm what you'd call a sensitive. But these past weeks have been quite strange and unsettling.

Any insight or comment is welcomed.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ladymoira, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ozzi12 (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-07)
hey just remeber a ghost won't hurt you unless you have annoyed it or diturbed it. Maybe the house that you moved into was haunted by someone and the ghost got disturbed
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-02)
Thanks for your kind words. I know other people have been through worse, makes you wish the world was a better place...
Wishful thinking huh... I know.thanks!
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-02)
Thanks,dad's much better that's more than I can say for everything else.
Downofpower (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-21)
Hi how about if you and your family leave that house or you leave the home alone. Or attack this sipirt/demon in name of juses kick it out
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-21)
Lady, about all I can say on if you need help but are unsure if you should post it: 1) if it's something you think may be unacceptable or outside the guidelines, you can email any of the mods and ask. I believe most if not all have their emails on their profiles. They will keep it confidential, I'm sure. 2) it is permissible to directly ask a particular member (post) if you may email them, if you feel they can be of assistance. Or just email them if it is provided on their profile. I hope that is of some help. I just want you to know, that no matter what the problem is, you aren't alone. Someone else has been there before.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-21)
Valkricry:I'll do just that, and he is in his late 50's.
I also have something unexplainable happen to me recently that I need help with don't know if I should post it.I'm driven to ask you don't ask me why please. Thanks 😕
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-21)
Elnoraemily: I see your point and I actually thought about it. My mum is an RN and she checks him. My dad can be a bit stubborn but I'll convince him to see a doctor. I worry for him which is why I'm not ruling anything out be it physical or spiritual.I'll be keeping an eye out for anything amiss. Thanks
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Lady, I chime in on having dad see his doctor. If he's on medication for diabetes, it could need adjusting. Even if it was just being controlled by diet, it never hurts to have it checked on.
Stress can play havoc with one's mental and physical health too.
How old is your dad, if I may ask?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)

Diabetes can make you tired all of the time. Since you mentioned that he does have it, that could be the root of his sleep problems lately. Since he is falling asleep and waking up quickly, he could be falling into the beginning of REM (dream) sleep and waking out of it too suddenly. This could be why he is feeling or seeing things when waking up- his mind has still not caught up with his body yet.

High blood pressure and low blood pressure can also both have an effect on the mind. They can cause visual and auditory hallucinations.

I would suggest your father go to a doctor as soon as possible and make sure no medications need to be adjusted, for his own good. It's best to make sure the physical to where it should be before trying to reach into paranormal causes. I hope he is doing well.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
He has never had a sleeping disorder. And I say sleeping spells because I don't know what else to call it. He never naps in the afternoon except if he is very tired so its strange he slept at work and in the afternoon for that matter and even more strange is that this has happened only recently and thrice. But Il ask him if he's been having trouble sleeping when he gets back.thanks!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
If your father is falling asleep like that, it may be a good idea for him to visit his doctor. It's possible he has a sleep disorder, narcolepsy comes to mind. I'm not dismissing the idea of paranormal events, but paranormal and mundane exist side by side. It's always a good idea to be sure there are no health concerns to worry about.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Sam222: its comforting to know I'm not the only one that's gone through this. And I'm glad you got rid of yours, hopefully I can get rid of whatever it is.thaks!
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Notjustme:I'm not going to freak out but if I have to personally wrestle this thing believe me I will. Nothing is going to hurt my father as long as I'm alive, hell he hasn't walked down the isle with me yet.I've had experiences with spirits but nothing of this strange nature. So it has me worried.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Thank you buthaya: I'm beginning to lean towards this shadow spirit being malevolent... This morning out of the blue dad says to me that he's been having something strange happen to him at work. He said he has this sleeping spells where he sleeps for about 10 minutes and when he wakes up he feels something touch him. Its happened three times, the last one he said he saw "a dark shadow dart away with lightning speed from his side" in his own words... Like it was standing beside him all the time he dozed off. I almost had an asthma attack when he told me this...
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
I use to have stuff like that happen to me with shadows (though never standing over me or anyone) they are scary but they never seemed to be harmful, nor did they seem harmful in your experience, but I got rid of my so I don't have to worry about them anymore. As for the cup, that is just freaky, a few times in the passed I swear I've seen things move on their own like that, but ofcourse ther was no other witnesses, so I don't know. The reason It could have been what Notjustme said, but like he also said that's is a long distance.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
I was kind of stirring in the direction that Buthaya mentioned about a person being sick and seeing things. I believe that when a person near death, a passed loved one will come for them to help them cross over. BUT! Do not freak out! I do NOT think this in your father's case, because he doesn't sound near death. However, since you don't know if this entity is good or not, a cleansing wouldn't hurt (in my opinion)
buthaya (8 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
I am bit alarmed about your comment on your father talks about this ghost or whatever. I had trouble at my house too. I have already posted few stories about them. While I looked for a way to get rid of those spirits I visited many experts on paranormal. Sometimes stayed with them for a while or went with them for few cases.

I don't know anything about spirit guides. But I do know it is not a good thing for a sick person to keep talking about someone that only he can see. This spirit could be someone your dad knew or loved your dad and after that person passed away he or she comes after their loved ones. We call such spirits "Pretha" (hungry ghosts) in Buddhism.

I advise to do a cleansing soon. I have seen spirit of some peoples own dead mom, dad or someone related follows their own son or daughter and refuse to leave without his or her soul comes with them from the few exorcisms I got permission to see.

Do a cleansing soon. I like to have no spirit at all than a good one or a bad one at my place.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
[at] ifihadyoux: sometimes its hard to put in words what you are trying to explain. Picture me standing by the bowl, my eyes down thinking which fruit is healthier for me and I look up straight up into the room see a figure beside dad and dismiss it believing it to be my sister now my eyes go back to the fruits when it dawns on me that my sister is actually sleeping. I had checked on her earlier. So I look back up asap and nothing... No shadow, no figure, nothing at all.that's when I run to check on him. All this happened in about seconds... Hope this makes some sense.
And funny you should mention a spirit guide because he talks about seeing and feeling the presence of a woman sometimes. We all joke about it saying he has an invisible admirer.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
Been having troubles logging in then remembered I blocked out cookies lol. So [at] notjustme: yes I know that trick my dad taught me when I was young. Thought it was magic lol but I assure you there was no water on the table and the cup wasn't wet either. I know because I checked.
And thinking about it, yes my dad has been ill.he's dealing with diabetes and high blood pressure right now and a lot of stress does this have anything to do with this?
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
Was there any water on the counter when you poured the drink? That could cause the cup to slide. I only say this because when I was younger I used to trick (or try) my dad lol. But 6-7 inches is quite long of a distance. By any chance is your father ill?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
Kinda was thrown off by you explaining one thing and then making it seem like a television show where it cuts to another scene or flashback...

However, it could have been a spirit guide of someone watching over him. Realistically speaking did you check to see if there was a shadow of some sort playing tricks on you? Didn't you say this was in your peripheral vision?

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