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The One And Only Time I Tried An Ouija Board


My brother went to Toys "R" Us and bought a Ouija board. At first I thought we shouldn't bother it because it may be evil, but they talked me into it.

That night it was me, my brother and 3 other people. We set up the board, placed a coin on it and said a prayer before we started. These are the questions and answers from that night.

Question: "Is anyone here?" The answer was, "Yes."

My brother asked, "Are you a relative of mine?" Answer "No"

"Do you know my grandpaw?" Answer "yes"

"Can I talk to him?" Answer "No"

"What is your name?" Answer "D-J"

"How old are you?" Answer "4-5"

"How long ago did you die?" Answer "5-2"

"Did you die in a car accident?" Answer "No"

"Did you have a heart attack?" Answer "No"

"Did you die in a violent way?" Answer "yes"

"Did you get murdered?" Answer "yes". My brother then says, "I'm sorry to hear that, DJ"

After that we say goodbye and sit around for a while talking before we do it again.

My brother asking all the questions again. "Are you still there Dj?" Answer "yes"

"Do you watch after me?" Answer "yes"

"Are you my guardian angel?" Answer "No"

"Do you watch after my little sisters, Ashley and Tyler?" Answer "yes"

(My brother then thanks Dj)

It gets quiet and after a few minutes he asks, "Is this still Dj?" Answer "No"

"Who is this?" Answer "E"

"what is your first name?" Answer "E"

"Are you a good spirit?" Answer "No"

"Are you bad?" Answer "Yes"

"Can we speak to Dj now?" Answer "Yes"

"Are you here Dj?" Answer "Yes"

"Can you hurt us?" Answer "Yes"

"Is this still Dj?" Answer "No"

"Is this E?" Answer "yes"

"We'd like to ask Dj a question, are you there Dj?" Answer "yes" "Ashley heard someone whisper in her ear, was that you?" Answer "yes"

"Were you trying to tell her something?" Answer "No"

"Did she overhear a conversation?" Answer "yes"

"Was it a conversation between you and E?" Answer "Yes"

"Can you tell us one of our dogs names?" Answer " D-I-X-I-E" (2 dogs Dixie and Hank)

"Do you like our dogs?"Answer "yes"

The last question my brother asked it was, "Do you know who I am?"

Answer "W-E A-L-L D-O"

We got scared said goodbye and didn't use it again. The next morning my brother and his girlfriend woke up to a scream in their bathroom. We soon after moved out and left the Ouija board on top of the refrigerator faced down because neither one of us wanted to take it with us.

Two years later we were unpacking boxes at our new house and guess what was on top of the box? The Ouija board. I held it, amazed, but threw it away. I then had a miscarriage (might be completely irrelevant, but still very upsetting).

Since then I have not experienced anything paranormal and am very thankful for that.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, YouAreMySunshine, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
och I'm always late with comments but anyway what I have read on tarot cards the death card means something new or rebirth of something or new beggining.

Ouija... I was reading stories about them not so long ago and seen that they sell them in toy shops in america but not the uk, I thought our would sell the same stuff as the usa so I got curious and typed in usa store and seen that they had 2 ouija boards one of the descriptions of the boards said the planchette needed batterys but the other board didn't and thought why would the planchetter need batterys

But anyways I used a (homemade) board about 5 years ago and I can still remember some of the conversations quite well... I think stuff like this sort of stays with you
cutiepie6411 (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-14)
That was crazy... At first my brother's name was DJ but he isn't dead he still is with me and I thank god for that... But I am sorry for your miscarriage...

That means thanks for sharing your experience with an ouija board... 😁 😁
Britt9511 (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-23)
Hello I Know How That Feels I Have Done It Before I Thought It Was Just A Game And Come To Find Out Its Not. Later On In Life I Came To Find Out I Can Do Things That Most People Cant Do But Sometimes Its Good And Sometimes Its Scary.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
Sunshine, that is odd that the board found its way into a box if neither of you put it in. I suppose there was no way for it to have fallen in unnoticed? 😕 Creepy thought: perhaps it meant to go with your brother, not realizing you were going to different locations?
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
PPS - When ghost hunting, I also carry crystal white agate and amethyst as well. I have these little charm bags, basically, which are meant to defend against harm. And I've yet to see a ghost. *sadface* Maybe someday.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
PS - It is often said in various mythos that silver prevents the intrusion from bad spirits or fae. Personally, I carry a silver spoon in my purse wherever I go. It's a somewhat silly little superstition, but I'm merely tipping my hat to my Gaelic ancestors.:)
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
This website is so dangerous. I come here to read stories and relax before I go to bed and tell myself I won't comment. But this story caused me to want to share a little story.

When I was younger, I was a practicing Wiccan. One of my friends deviated a bit from the path of Wicca and tapped into the darker arts on occasion. Anyway, she inherited a previously used, well-loved set of Tarot cards. According to her ideology, it's actually better to purchase your own Tarot cards brand new. (According to my own ideology, it's better to inherent them, which I did, and they have never presented a problem.)

She used her Tarot cards, and they kept spelling out death and other terrible things, and bad things would happen. She became incredibly paranoid about the cards and ripped them up at our middle school and threw them in the trash.

Months later, she found the deck under her bed.

I witnessed her destroy the deck, but never saw the reappeared deck, so I don't really know if she was pulling my tail. But I've seen some crazy things in my day so I don't know if I entirely doubt her.

She was also the only person I ever crafted a Ouija board with so we could have some fun. No harm came from our Ouija board -- just a silly fun story. But I guess that's probably my influence or something, because I've never had a bad experience with any of these things and tend to be rather skeptical about them. (I also was rather fastidious about protective spells ahead of time, of course.)

I still wonder sometimes about that seemingly haunted Tarot deck of hers and what happened to it. I may ask her at some point.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-20)

That link is as much of an advertisment as it is informational... They published the information that they hope will make people by their talking boards.

It still has some good information but one must consider the source and motive of the information provided.

Thanks for sharing the Link.


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-20)
Oh rook I mean ALL this stuff (unless all the stuff on this site is what you thought I was talking about):
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-20)
Oh and Sam...

You ask who is going to remember all of 'that stuff'?

Anyone who is serious about the topic... This is not a GAME with little used rules you can forget... This is interaction with the Spirit World and not to be taken lightly.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-20)

Thanks for the link...

Now about what it said... The 'rule' about silver makes sense to me but 30 plus years ago when I was introduced to and taught about Talking Boards it is not one I learned about, this may have been due to my instructor and her beleifs however.

The rule about never mentioning GOD when using a Ouija Board makes zero sense to me... The Board itself is a TOOL, neither Good nor Bad and the Spirits contacted have to do with the Focus... Or lack thereof... Of those using it. I could even get religious about this one but this is not the place for that.


If you are 100% certian that you left it behind then found it in a box could mean there was a temporary attachment to yourself or your brother... The fact you were able to get rid of it shows it was a short lived attachment.

I am glad you shared this experience with us and I am happy you have not had more.


ashar123 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-03-20)
I read somewhere that if you are very emotional or get afraid soon, you shouldn't try to contact the spirits. I think you wouldn't have done it.

Thank God you are safe.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-20)
Yes rook you are correct, I have carefully researched the ouija board a a bit, and you know; who's really going to remember a ALL that stuff? That's why I think it isn't safe to use an ouija board.

YouAreMySunshine- thank you for getting back to me, yes I understand about leaving it now. I guess you learned a good lesson in my opinion. 😁
YouAreMySunshine (2 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-19)
Those are the questions and answers I remember. But we stuck with mainly 'yes' 'no' questions to keep it simple. Even though everyone I wad with knew some of those answers we took it very seriously and at certain times it would move so fast our fingers would slip off since we only had 2 finger tips on it. Another thing my brother and I were the only ones living there at that time he asked if I wanted to take it (I was moving in with someone else, he was moving by himself) but I was too scared to and he was just as scared. We left it flipped upside down on the refrigerator right before we walked out the door for the last time.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-03-19)
Sunshine, I agree with the others that your miscarriage is unrelated to the Ouija experience. Dreadfully sorry about it though.
I'm leaning towards the Ouija moving with you as having a natural explanation of some type. I say this because when you threw it away, it stayed gone. Think about it; if it had enough power to pack itself into a box, wouldn't it stand to reason it would also have enough to come back?
I'm right with Miracles on being surprised that after a few years you can still recall the questions with their answers. That's some memory you have!

Rook, you might find this interesting:
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-19)

If someone is truly making one from scratch there are many different options on how to 'tune' a Board. Solstice's are popular days to complete them and an individual can insert a crystal into the planchette (pointer) and let's not forget that the choice of wood can effect the board as well.


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-19)
Thank you rook I will definatly take a look at that, (I know they sell them at target and Walmart too), and Id also like to point out that over years some people have just got the impression that it was just a coin that needed to be placed on the board when it does have to be silver to do what it's supposed to. (It's kind of like how the interpretations or wordings of things change over the years). So she may have not used a silver coin. I pretty sure that different elements (like silver), herbs, minerals, and a few other things have different effects on ouija boards depending on what your using it for (as in during the session or cleaning it, or recharging it. I've heard that you should put amethyst on the board while recharging it during the full moon or something like that.)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-19)
Thank you Sam. I had a hunch that was it but needed independant verifcation that was a possible reason...

As far as toy stores selling Ouija Boards... They have been marketed as a 'game' sense Febuary 1891 when first advertised by a Pittsburgh toy company. Here is a link to a brief history of the 'modern' mass produced toy...


For the O/P...

Is that the reason for the coin? If not then why place a coin on the board?


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-19)
first I,would like to point out how ridiculous it is that Toys "R" Us sells ouija boards. That's just ignorant, ouija boards are not toys.
I'm not 100% sure wether 52 means fifty two years ago or in the year 1952 ('52).
Now, I'm wondering: did you guys purposely choose to stick to mostly yes/no questions? Because I'd say that's smart of you to do.
Is it possible that someone else grabbes the board at the last minute and put it in a box?
Thanks for sharing your experience, and I'm very sorry to hear that you had. A miscarriage.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-19)
Rook - you may have never heard of people putting a coin on an ouija board, but some people do, it's supposed to be a silver coin, so nowadays it's uncommon because who always has a silver coin handy (though some people don't use silver). It's said that if a silver coin is placed on an ouija board: no bad spirits can come through. Hope that helps.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-03-18)
YouAreMySunshine - rook mentioned your detailed transcript of the session. Given that it was a couple of years ago, it surprises me you remember the questions and answers considering how long the session was. I'm not suggesting I don't believe you; I'd come right out and say that if I didn't 😉

I guess because the only time I ever used a Ouija board, I couldn't have told you a few weeks later the conversation.

Anyway, I agree with rook. I don't believe your miscarriage was totally unrelated.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-18)
Thank you for the detailed transcipt of this session...

A couple of things...

Why was a coin placed on the board at the begining of the session? That is a first for me.

The questions seem very generic, it seems anyone who was participating that night would have known the answers to them... The spirits names or initials were made up and the names of your dogs were known to them.

As far as leaving it behind and it showing up in the top of a box... Did you pack everything yourselves or did you have help?

I agree that your miscarriage was completely unrelated to your Ouija Board experience. I also think your experience was either a mischivious spirit messing with you by pulling information from the individuals present OR someone at the table was messing with the others.



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