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Myrtles Plantation Tour


I have always been interested in ghosts. I don't think I have ever seen one but it was not from a lack of trying. That's probably a good thing because I get spooked easily, but for some reason I insist on doing things to try to scare myself.

Growing up I heard lots of stories about a Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana called The Myrtles. As a child all I heard all about the ghost stories. As an adult I am also interested in the history of this place. I had been to the house a few times in passing and had taken pictures but what I really wanted to do was stay the night in this house. It is a bed and breakfast so it's not hard to spend the night there but they do book rooms months in advance to stay in the house.

Well, last year my wish was granted when I got a birthday present from my boyfriend. It was a gift certificate for me to stay one night at The Myrtles Plantation. He only had one stipulation. He was not staying with me. His quote was, "I don't know if I believe in ghost or not and I don't plan on finding out."

That was fine with me because I had several friends who were interested in going with me. I called a friend of mine from out of town and asked her if she would meet me at the house for a night. I called the next day to book the room and there next opening was 6 months away so I booked it and waited.

Now I could speed all day telling you about the history of The Myrtles Plantation, between the history tour, the ghost tour and what I have read on line, but there is just too much information. You can Google it and find all sort of information. To start we had a hard time getting into our room. The key would not turn to open the door. My friend went to go get the guy working that day and as they came up the stairs the door decided to open.

We had a great time that night. We took the history tour during the day and the ghost tour at night. We stayed up late and walked the grounds at night. We heard several noises, some could later be explained and some could not. The reason for my story is to show a picture I captured while I was there and to get some of your input on it. I had several pictures with orbs in places there was nothing shiny and no water around. We got pictures that part of the photo was blurry but not all of it.

What I want people to help me with is a picture I took at night. I see a face in this picture clear as day and most people I talk to have said the same thing. A few people say they see nothing, but I don't see how. I am going to attach the picture with the face then a picture taken during the day from about the same place. I also have a picture with the face I see cropped out. You can see the edge of the bridge for comparison.

Myrtles Plantation 1
Myrtles Plantation 2
Myrtles Plantation 3

I am just wondering if there is something there or if its my overactive imagination.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Missy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-03)
Lilsistagurl, I believe it!
I can't wait to go back.
Maybe I will get some better pictuers
LilSistagurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-02)
Im from Church Point, Louisiana! Iv'e visited the myrtles and my cousin works there and he seen a dark figure while cleaning up
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-16)
Well there is a definitive anthropomorphic look to the 'face'. But have you taken the time to try and align the camera as close as you could to the original night time shot to the daytime?

There were lights on, and it could've easily have been reflections and light play.
Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-25)

Yes, the third picture is the second one blown up. The face is on the left side of the second picture, I just thought it would be esaier for others to see if I croped it.

I still can't wait to go back.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
Hi Did You seen third picture? Just wonder cause It look like a face a big one.
Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-24)

I hope your Ok after a fall like that. I don't know what I would do if I was touched while there. I still have not been back and its been over a year, but I will one day. I hope your next experiance is a better one. Please post a story about your stay and add your picture to it. I would love to see it.
missiannelliott (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-13)

Your pictures have made my heart skip a beat! My friend and I stayed at the plantation last night. When I was coming off of the bridge at this very spot, I was pushed once so that my body was turned towards the water to the left of the last post then pushed again to where I lay face down with finger tips touching the water, I was not scared at the time cause my friend was laughin at the me but the more time went on the more this occurance bothered me. I am going to ER tomorrow morning as we think I have fractured my foot in the fall. When I spoke to the guide about this he said I must of angered one of the ghosts, cause they never try to hurt someone unless they are provoked. Well actually about an hour before this we were taking pics of the front of the house and captured images in the last window of the ladies parlor. I snuck onto the porch to get a better look, heard something, got scared and ran off. Well as you know the porch is off limits. Well as I have done some reserch since returning home this image in my picture was probably ms. Sterlin and the spot where I heard the noise is exactly where her son in law was shot and died on the porch. I may be taking a big leap but someone pushed me for some reason... Let me know what you think...

MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-06)
I have viewed these pic and I have to say that when I looked at them on my old computer CRT screen the face is not visible, but at work, when I looked again on a newer LCD screen, I could see the faces. I also noticed this on other pictures from other sites too, so if you don't see the "faces" it might be your computer screen that is the problem. I have heard that LCD screen are better and I guess this proves it.

One thing we learned from our ghost hunting adventures that it is best to have several pics taken in a row to look for differences. It makes it better to compare what is there or not there. Also it is human nature to look for faces in everything we see and I can tell you that every pattern I see, if I look hard enough I will find a face (2 eyes, nose and Mouth)
Matter of fact one pic I took of a window on an old train car has what looks like a full size man but it is really only the dirt, stains and old glass anomonlies that made the "man". I will try to post the pic for you to see.
Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-06)

No, I don't know where I could take them to have them looked at.
TheUnknown (1 stories) (192 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-02)
Its a long time I haven't typed a comment, the red face everyones been talking about in picture 2 and 3.The face seems to be sad or grinning at you Missy.

At least you didn't get into the shack at the back at the Myrtles Plantation, it says that the lamp on the table moves slowly towards the wall. I got that information from The Ghost Hunter's show.

If you did bring a temperature camera, you will see a spectre's temperature at the stairs.

History:There was a man shot at the heart in the garden in the 17th century, near the 18th century. He walked into the house and walked upstairs until the 17th step of the stair. He must have survived the shot at the heart for a long time...
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-01)
yes I see the picture in #2 and #3 as well, kind of amazing I must say. Did you ever check into seeing more about the photots taken?
Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-17)

I would not even know where to go to have someone look at it. Any suggestions?
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-15)
Well Missy, I see the same face in #2 as I see in #3. This tells me that either the ghost isn`t camera shy or it`s a reflection off the water or a case of matrixing. If it were me and I wanted to be sure I would have it checked by experts.

FUNNYLAUGH (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-15)
i can see a red face in your picture, it is very big! It is to the left of the tree!
why not try giving it a name like scarlet tree, because its face is red and its under a tree!
take more pictures of it and study them, GOOD LUCK! ❤ ❤ ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-09)
Hello again, Missy.
I am not a photo expert, but I have been staring at these photo's for a while and to me it appears that there is a face present. I am having difficulties in placing why, however. I see the explanation about the water, but from looking at the first photo it does not look to me like a reflection would come from this vantage point. Also, the face is practically crystal clear. No distortion, no shadowy, watery look to it, no foggy sides to it. Thank you.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-09)
I, too, see the face in the third picture. It seems like there could be a face in the second but not sure. I have read a lot on the Myrtle's Plantation and would love to stay there one night and go on the tour. There are many other places I would like to stay the night at and/or tour but unfortunately cannot do right now because I have little ones to care for and I don't like leaving them, not even for one whole night. I'm one of those mother's who are driven crazy by their children only to want to get away for some peace of mind but the minute I'm gone I miss them. One of these days in the future I will be going to these places. One place that I will be going to soon is St. Augustine since it's only about four hours away from me. I cannot wait! ~Thanks for sharing your story. ~Shelby ❤ 😊
Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-04)

Yes they do have cell service there.
They do have phones just not in the rooms.
There are also outlets in the rooms so I guess you could bring a radio but you could not play it loud because everyone in the house could here it. They have a ghost tour Friday and Saturday nights so if you are intreasted you could go on a tour without haveing to stay the night.
hannahbmarie101 (4 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-04)
that is really cool! I live in louisiana 😲 also and have wanted to stay at the myrtles. I didn't know that they didn't have tv's or anything... Does it have cell service? 😕
JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-04)
I can see two faces, both of which look like reflections from light on water.
Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)

I just walked around taking random pictures while there. I took around 200 I think.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
There is an 'image' that is in picture two that is also in picture 3. Is it of the object, but at a different distance? What made you take a picture right there?
rose (9 stories) (92 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Missy I see two faces in the second picture. Analyze it, I see two faces of the same image.
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Missy, Why don't you bring the photo somewhere to have it analyzed? Maybe a professional could give you some information on just what it might be. Just a thought.
Missy (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Thank you for the comments.
I'm sure its just my mind wanting to see a face, but its still the first picture I show people from my tirp. I have sent in another story, its a little bit about the house and I have some pictures with it that have some Orbs in them. I can not wait to go back, the next time might just be a tour and not an overnight stay, but I just like walking the grounds there. Its peacefull. 😁
ozone_baby (2 stories) (28 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
I can see a face, however, if you compare it to the size of the tree and the house, it would have been a VERY large apparation.
Please don't think I am trying to debunk you. I am just thinking it could be the play of light. I would love to think it was real, and it is spooky.
Good job making it through the night without leaving! I'm not sure if I could!
Ozone ❤
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
I also can see a face. It kind of reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe! Thanks for the story and the photos, Missy.
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
I certainly see a face. However, I often see faces in clouds and cellestial constellations, as well. You can see faces in Rorschach inkblot tests, too. This is most likely a gestalt image within the mind of the beholder.

I think the reluctant key is the most interesting part of your story.

Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Dear Missy,

Thanks for bringing attention to Myrtles, a known ghostly place and destination for many of us readers here. It has certainly been on my list of places to visit. As for the photos, I can see the face, but I am not one who has abilities in this area. I would have to go there and basically "feel" the area out for myself. Only you know what you saw, experienced and photographed.

Thanks, Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Missy I have heard a lot about the Myrtles and one day hope to make it there. I do see the face in your picture. But I am not sure if it is paranormal in nature or if it is the mind trying to make sense from chaos. The human mind tried to take patterns and turn them in recognizable objects like faces. Not saying that what you captured isn't paranormal just another possiblity. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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