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A Visit To An Old Plantation


Back in 1978 while visiting my then fiance who lived in New Orleans, my traveling companion and I decided to drive out to some of the plantations in the countryside while my fiance was at work. We ended up at a Plantation located roughly halfway between the city and Baton Rouge. It was a lovely stately old place situated adjacent to the Mississippi, its banks contained by a high earthen levee. This property had a beautiful stone stairway built into the mound, that lead to the top of it. Because we were limited on time we decided to forgo the walk up to the top of the levee and made a dash to the house to catch the tour that was about to start.

Being the last ones to arrive, we were at the tail end of the group of about 15 people. I was so fascinated with the building, the history and the stories that came with it, I was oblivious to any emotions or vibrations that the place may have been projecting. On the second floor we passed from room to room, the furniture and living areas neatly roped off for viewing, but no touching. Every room was connected to each other through a doorway, not much privacy in this place!

We had just passed though one of the ladies boudoirs, and being the last in line, we were standing in the doorway waiting for the group to move forward. Suddenly, the closet door of a huge armoire adjacent to the doorway swung open and smacked me in the back. I had just finished telling my friend that the fully attired dress makers form by the window creeped me out. Momentarily shocked, I stared at my friend who was open mouthed and bug-eyed for she had been facing me and had seen it swing open, on its own! Our "what the?" reaction kicked in and we peeked into the closet, the hangers were swinging back and forth!

Needless to say, we pushed forward through the group (some started grumbling but we didn't care) and stayed in the middle of the pack until the end of the tour. We said a quick thank you to the tour operator at the end and headed back to our car and drove away.

Once on the main road we started jabbering, like it was now ok to talk, going over and over what happened. We came to the conclusion that I had offended SOMEONE with my comment. By the time we got home we were exhausted.

The rest of our stay was uneventful, no spirits, even though we ate a haunted restaurant. Personally, I think the whole lovely city is full of spirits!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, otteer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Yeah, Oak Alley is iconic. Glad you enjoyed your trip down in the old south. It is very pretty, just gets hot as hell in the summer.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Omg Agua that is the most beautiful place I have ever seen, but no, it was not Nottaway. I'm pretty sure it was Oak Alley, some of the furnishings are ringing a bell as is the dining room fan over the table. It wasn't as developed then as it is now, but the tree's and some of the views look familiar and again, the furnishings. In fact one of the amoires in one of the tourist pictures looks like the one we looked at, although it is not in the same spot. I'm sure things get rearranged over 38 years lol. The furnishings were not as grand as Nottaway's beautiful but a little more primitive. I found out the restaurant I "ate", er ate at is now gone, it was called Dunbars in the garden district, it was in a private home and had dinner sittings only. It was too cool.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
I wish I could remember the name of it, I have heard so many names of plantations since then, and have seen so many tv shows featuring real plantations, I'm just not sure. I will Google it later and see if it rings a bell.

Lol...seems like my typo tells that I "ate" a haunted restaurant...
permramaan (1 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
where ever it be. Its better to have our mouth shut than to offend someone (or something)
Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Otheer, I have to ask: was it Nottaway plantation? The description seems to fit.

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