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A Midnight Encounter With Ghost


Before starting I would like to make clear that this isn't my story but my papa's. The incident occurred when he wasn't married and was in initial years of job. I know about it as I had dears from him. This isn't any imagination but something that occurred for real.

It was beginning of winters during 1995 (not quite sure of year as I have just heard the incident but am sure it was winter as he told me about wearing jacket). My father is a mechanical engineer. That day due to some issues in machine he had to stay back. It was almost 11:45pm when he left the factory. He was on his scooter. He was going straight home when he saw a lady asking for lift. He thought it was quite late and unsafe for a woman to travel alone so he agreed to give lift. He asked her to sit at back.

While he was driving his eyes suddenly fell on woman's feet. He was shocked after what he witnessed. The lady's feet were upturned or we could say in direction opposite to normal human being.

He was so nervous that he turned his scooter in direction of factory and drove as fast as he could towards the factory. He finally stopped at factory gate where he was met by watchman (not to mention that the woman had disappeared as he reached there). He asked my father if he was alright. My father who was still in shock told him everything He had witnessed about the lady who asked for lift and then disappeared on scooter itself. He listened to him carefully and kept patient until my father finished his part.

The watchman then comforted him and accompanied him to the house. After this incident occurred, due to its effect my father was in bed with fever for next 3days. He still gets goosebumps when he talks about incident.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aku-97, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-10)
Dear aku-97, I would like to respond. But, as Mods said, this is not a site for discussing dream interpretations. I would have contacted you through e-mail but yours is not mentioned in your profile. So this comment, sorry Mods. If you want to, you can contact me through e-mail. It is mentioned in my profile.

Regards and respects to you.

aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Yes I have had visions of future places or incidences. They have a difference of a year or so.
Shrush (3 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-29)
Hmm that's strange but not impossible to happen
Have you experienced any similar things in your life which have similar things that you saw in visions?
Try to look even at smallest possibility as both visions looks like they are trying to tell you something or probably trying to warn about something.
Find it out, it maybe very vital
Just be safe and take care

aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-28)
What you said is true about our subconscious mind. But the problem about my dream is that I have never seen any of the lady before nor have heard of them thex were total stranger. The second lady who invited me I saw her death news 2 days after I had the dream. This is what left me confused that I saw someone on the day or day before their death in their spirit form. When I saw the cutout I first saw her address to make sure it was not my subconcious doing the trick but I had not heard of the place before let alone the visitation.
Shrush (3 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-27)
In my experiences whenever I tried to find history of any paranormal stuff, it always helped to clear most of question that came into to my mind.

Most of college (As most of cousins are in different college) I know had something paranormal going on in them and whenever I used to search history, I would come to know that most of paranormal stuff was due to suicide of student, raging, death due to gang wars etc.
So as it was regarding college I quickly suggested to search history.

Thanks for link to that story. I want to write a compilation of college experiences of my cousins but not getting enough time. Will try to write soon

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-27)
Aku, as Miracles says this ain't a dream site, my email's on my profile if you want to talk about that more. Many other members have their emails on profiles too.

Shrush, wow I'm amazed at what happened to your brother! I agree, looking into the history would be a great idea. 😊

Aku, someone wrote about a college in India last year. I don't know if this will resonate with you or not, but here's the link.
I'm not saying it's the same location or anything, just that you may find it useful in some way. I don't know. 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-27)
Tweed and aku - I'm a little late I realize, but please keep in mind we do not do dream interpretation. If you would like to continue, take it to social media, email, etc.

Thank you 😊
Shrush (3 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-27)
Tweed, Aku-

I don't know exactly what you guys are talking about but by reading your comments I think have got a faint idea about what's going on with AKu.
Well frankly I don't believe in spiritual as in India some people have just made such things a business to earn money by fooling innocent people. So, there are very very little people or maybe less than that who know true spiritual and religious things of Indian culture. (Sorry if it hurt someones sentiments but it true)

Ok coming to point now, aku you said that you saw a girl who told her story to you in your dream. See I think, this incident may have happened in past in your college. I think it tried to warn you about something. Why don't you research about history of college and try to find out if such incident had happened?

My brother had such a similar dream when he was moving to college in hostel. In that he saw about a boy who lived in hostel and had to suffer due to ragging and was brutally beat by seniors. He decided to ignore it and in about 8 months he suffered the same case. It was glad that he left the hostel and took a private flat. Maybe you experienced something like that.

Your second dream about a lady inviting you to her house- Here my suggestion is that you try to remember if you had seen such a hose or that lady before. According to my dad who is well-known psychiatrist, 90% things in people's dream are those which the people have seen before. But these are those things which your memory hasnt trapped but your subconscious mind has stored well. If you try hard, you may be able to know about that house or woman.

I would like to know more about that second dream. More details would be great

Shrush (3 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-27)
Wow excellent story aku...

Guys, the story of women mostly who is in 20s-30s appearing to be in white saree (In most cases) asking for lift is according to me the most common ghostly encounter in India.

I know several places maybe 12-13 around my city alone where such ghostly women can be spotted. There are many similar stories on YGS also. I have read a few of them. My friends also had experience with a women, almost same story as above.

Gladly I haven't encountered such women but maybe I would have someday.

These incidents maybe common but when you are in it, it is very very frightening situation to have that lady behind you

aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-26)
I don't think my dreams are a result of teenage harmones or stress as this doesn't explain the randomness of my dreams which may be twice in a fortnight or none in a year or two.
aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-26)
Thanks Tweed
Yes I am a girl. Your help is appreciable as I do think it may be about women abuse. The lady who died after a day of my visitation dream may have signalled something wrong with her as she keep insisting me to visit her home.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-26)

It could be that the dreams you're having echo your own anxieties. You're in that 'between' phase where you're preparing for adulthood. It's a stressful time, so no wonder a dream around a college would surface. I'm not saying these woman are not ghosts, and I'm not saying they are, because I really don't know. But the timing of the events strikes me being linked to uncertainty and stress.
I also get the impression these two dreams represent womens struggle both historically and presently. Without wishing to sound weird here, are you a woman? It's the internet, one can never be sure lol! Well, regardless of your gender, I can't shake the feeling these dreams, and the way they make you feel are to do with women who have been abused or are living or have lived with abuse. If they are ghosts I felt a bit out of my depth advising you because how can I help someone help a (ghost) woman from India who may be giving you messages and symbolism connected with Indian culture which I have limited knowledge of. That is, there may be something in your dreams which a person from India would identify immediately, where as a westerner like me would completely miss! I don't know if there are any cultural references in your dreams, and that's kind of the point. So any input you can get from Indian folk, would be helpful in my opinion.

It probably doesn't sound very helpful, but I must be honest, what I'm 'getting' right now is 'women's struggle'.
I don't mind helping but there are many members here from India who may offer a different perspective, among the regulars are (sorry in advance to these members as I'll likely spell your names wrong!) Shushkantar, SDS, Shrush, and many others.
If you are dealing with ghosts, they could also be religious and so having the opinions of those who know Indian culture better than me might really help. So far my westerner's perspective is telling me 'women's struggle'.

Hope this made sense.
aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-26)
I never dwelled into that possibility. Maybe you are correct cause the dream about that girl killed in college was merely a month before I started college. But I am still confused. I don't know much about people who can help cause to be truthful in India mostly either people relate it with superstition or deny it. Not many are able to relate that's why I asked your help. So could you please refer me to someone or ask your friends help. Your mother is a tarot card reader maybe you could ask her if she may help. I am 19 and I don't think here people would care to give ear to a teenager. I hope you understand.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-25)

If these women are ghosts (we must leave open the possibility these were merely dreams), if they are ghosts I feel the best way forward for you at this point would be looking into help from those knowledged within your culture. Either in the form of spiritual advisors you have locally (be it priests, gurus, whoever you feel comfortable talking with), or people on this site who are also from India and may be able to help. I say this because I have very limited knowledge of Indian culture and I feel a big part of these dreams is linked to religious beliefs and/or Indian culture in general.

Also, have you considered the possibility these women are wanting to help or warn you, not the other way around?
aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-15)
I will describe both the dreams to you. To be specific I got them last year.
In one dream I dreamt that I was back in my old home sleeping. I would like to tell you this was the same place I started experiencing visitation dreams. Back to dream I saw I was sleeping in my parents room and then a girl in her late teens came and holded my hand. As if in some kind of trance I held it and them we time travelled to her college days. She showed me how she stood against wrong and gained enemies. She was then burnt alive but it was made to look an accident. Surprisingly I felt all her emotions. After she showed me we were back to where I was. She then disappeared.
My another dream was of lady inviting me to her house. After 2 days I saw same lady's condolence message. Her spirit had some evilness that meant harm.
I am able to differentiate people from spirits. Spirits possess an aura differently. Some have goldenish tint. One thing that's common is they seem massless, they are not solid. I can tell their nature even. Not just spirits my sixth sense can sense the positivity or negativity of humans as well. Its as if their nature and activities they are involved gives away the energy they radiate.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-13)
Aku, I'm moving this to one of your stories, so you can find it better if you need to later.

The first step here would be determining if these are visitation dreams. You said you feel they are because you saw their auras. Is this something which indicates a ghost in your culture?

I ask because I've not experienced auras in my visitation dreams, but everyone is different.

Also did you see a picture of one of the women you dreamed of? You could use this as verification.

I'm willing to interpret your dreams, however I need more details. If you could describe the dreams you've been having in detail that would help.
aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
Thank you all for such a good response to my story. It enhanced my morale to share more incidences with you. I would like to request not to use slants in comments. I am sorry if I had hurt anyone. Once again thanks.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
Larkin: I agree that we all need a healthy dose of skepticism. And really, that's what this site is all about. Most here don't scream "GHOST!" at every little thing 😆 and we do consider other possibilities. But, I can say for certain that 99.99% of our membership believes in the paranormal, even if they've never experienced it.

I really don't have a problem with Hessian's comment but I am curious what attracts non-believers to our site.
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
I believe in spirits, but I also think it's responsible for people to look for all other explanations before assuming it's a haunting.

To be fair, I think it would kind of benefit people to have skeptics on here, to help you look at other alternatives before jumping to the conclusion "haunting!".

With that being said, I want to point out I do think Hessy came off as a little over the top here. But some of the comments being directed at him are kind of aggressive too.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
Hessian: We're all entitled to our opinions, and as the Comments Guidelines state, as long as they're not presented in an argumentative manner we as Mods must allow them.

But I'm curious as to why you would come on a site like this if you don't believe in ghosts? Do you really think your opinion will change our minds?
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Hessian by the way. What earth bound spirit would have a significant message for anybody? The only one I can think of is the only thing certain in life is that you live, pay taxes, and you die.
If all you are going to do is post comments like this last one. Please leave now before the mods ban you. Make sure the door doesn't hit you butt on the way out.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Are you a medical doctor? If not then can you say that after this experience aku's father was not sick with fever for days? Jump off of a scooter while it is speeding up? This would only cause the woman injury IF she were alive.
It is obvious that you are NOT a believer in the supernatural and according to you ''everything has an explanation''. Yes many things can be explained but there are many others can't be explained. Is it natural to sense/hear/see spirits? Or know something is going to happen in accurate detail before it happens then within a few days and then it happens? The answer to both questions is no so if it isn't natural it is Supernatural.
Hessian1776 (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Hello aku-97, I always like to take a more scientific approach to these supernatural matters. It seems that over the centuries things that are out of the norm are explained away as being "supernatural". As it turns out in Asian folklore, feet backwards, body facing backwards is a distinction given to the dead/ghosts. Basically, a physical representation of facing away from the world of the living. As it turns out, the feet developing backwards in the living, though not a common phenomenon does happen and probably has been happening for centuries. Before all our fancy medical sciences and such, people would most likely relegate these "freaks" of society to being demons, witches, or ghosts. In turn, these individuals could probably roam the night very freely since no on would ever dare approach them or perhaps night would be only time for them to roam since during daytime people would notice their said deformity. This would explain why people over the years only see these types of backwards feet individuals on lonely roads at night or desolate areas, etc. There is nothing supernatural here, its basically people seeing something that is not normal, but from the world of the living. The most likely reason your father fell ill for days would be due to the mental and physical breakdown a person experiences when they come across something they have been taught as a child (into adulthood) to fear or perceive as supernatural - its just shock and the resulting illness. I would say the story is spooky, but most likely not supernatural. As far as her disappearing, well she could have jumped off the bike in fear as your father sped up right? She is a living being and doesn't want to die or perhaps she realized that your father saw her feet and intended on harming her by speeding up the bike. When you are panicking you really don't take much notice of what is around you, you get tunnel vision and focus on one thing - getting the Hell out of the situation. I have no doubt your father had this experience as he retold it to you, but I think the experience, given what we know about medical anomalies and science in general these days, is not of the ghostly kind. 99.999% of ghost stories are just that, stories to entertain and get spooked over. And I will admit, some of these stories really screw with your imagination, but keep in mind its not real - no ghost has come back to tell us the specifics about the afterlife and many of the ghosts seem to interact with the world of the living just like you and I, one would think by now they would have relayed a significant message. Just my thoughts.
liza25 (1 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Hii aku

This was really scary. It was brave of your dad to ride back to the factory. Had it been me, I would have fainted on spot out of fear. By the way, such women are considered witches, as said by our elders. The first consideration is witches have legs like that lady you described.

My friend's aunt once ecountered a witch when she was pregnant. She fainted then and there on her doorstep.

Thanks for sharing your story. Its creepy indeed.

cute_princess (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
really scary...
But I don't think the woman was harmful in any sort...
I believe in the unearthly beings called 'raaj'.
Actually, I am a kashmiri and we traditionally believe that place have their own spirit. They love to test people on courage and bravery. Things like this can take place with anyone. My mother and many relatives have gone through it. Well, it becomes a different thing if you disrespect them.
My friends pregnant mother and her uncle did so in a foggy morning on a bridge and believe me they went through a horrifying accident that very moment.
Cheers cause your father didn't loose his wits at the moment. 😊
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
These is simply a spooky story... Similar kind of experience occurred with one of the person of my area... He is an Auto driver and use to drive in nights. He gave her a seat but after some when he turned towards him he saw the 'Ulta Pair' He was fainted when people found him... I can truly understand fear of your father...

Thanks for sharing:)
mayukiasano (2 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-29)
That was totally scary! Thank God, he was able to go to the watchman.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-29)
Hello aku-97! Another very creepy incident you have shared with us. The detail and description of that women refers to witch (Chudail for locals).
They actually attracts people in deserted places and guide/lead them to death. Your father was lucky to escape unharmed.


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