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Real Ghost Stories

Ghost Hunt


About 10 years ago I befriended a lovely woman, that I shall call Jade. Jade, like me was quite interested in the paranormal. Our reasons were different though as she, having lost a son was curious in life after death. I, having felt ghosts my whole life, wanted to hone my craft more. Jade had just joined a Ghost Hunter society in our state and was interested in starting her own local chapter. She was hopeful to gather a group to hunt in Eastern Washington. She was in need of a "sensitive" for her new assembly and was very interested in my abilities. I didn't consider myself that experienced, but knew I had some "ghost feeling talent" yet, needed practice.

Jade felt I should start with her house for some more practice. Since she and her family first moved in to the 1900 house there had been some activity. The activity increased after some remodeling and old pamphlets from the KKK had been found in her wall! She hoped some long dead racist was not haunting the place. Luckily, the haunting had seemed playful almost child-like in nature. She did not feel that could have been her deceased son. She (and I) felt he was too busy enjoying his time in heaven with loved ones. We didn't speak of him too much or how he passed - I never wanted to press her for any details and possibly upset her. I could see that she was still quite broken-hearted over his loss.

She lived about two hours away from me in a tiny little town. Her dark green, white trimmed house was adorable. It resembled a small Victorian cottage. It was two-story, with a gingerbread trim front porch surrounded by huge shade trees that must have been planted as the house went up. Even the lilac hedge on the side was old and had grown more into a line of lilac "trees" than a hedge. I loved this little place and wanted it for myself!

She took me on a tour of her sweet place to see if I could pick up anything. I did not pick up on a presence anyplace in the house or the usual feeling of being watched. Strangely, what I did continually "see" was what paranormal activities the family had witnessed in the past. For instance, she took me up the narrow wooden stairs to two cute bedrooms tucked under the eaves. At the top of the stairs was a funky little cupboard door built into the wall. I told her that I felt something had happened with that cupboard and baby clothes? She opened it to show me that it was now empty but a few months before it had stored many baby clothes and items. Her and her husband had been gone with the house locked up only to return to find every item in that cupboard had been tossed down and along the stairs.

I asked her if her large palm plant in the corner of her living room ever shook and she told me that yes, especially during the renovation. I also "knew" that the kitchen had been added on and a spirit at one time had been seen walking out a "back door" that was no longer there. She confirmed that yes, her husband saw a "person" walk through the back wall. I could actually see used smudge bundles around the house and knew that she had been cleansing. I felt that the renovation had stirred up a few souls but honestly seemed gone now. Hopefully the KKK pamphlet left in the wall was to hide it away at some long ago time... Though personally I think they should have burned it. Blah! Bigots!

We decided to go ahead and take a walk around the yard and garden. I just sensed old growth and beauty. I pointed out some heirloom flowers that she didn't know she had (I love to garden) and I admired the large trees and lilac hedge up close. We walked along the front of the house then I started up a side driveway that ended at the back of the house. Jayde was following me and as I got half way up the driveway, it hit me.

The pain in my chest and crippling, heart breaking emotion that overcame me still makes me cry to think of it today. My hands immediately went to my heart and I began to sob. These were overpowering sobs that I have never experienced in my life. All I could mutter was "what happened here?" I turned and Jade stood behind me also sobbing. "I'm so sorry," she choked, "sooo sorry...didn't think you would pick this up." She took a deep breath and said, "This is where Liam died." Her son. I ran to her and held her in that driveway, both of us with tears streaming. She was trying to apologize to me, but I wanted so badly to comfort HER. I couldn't tell at that point if the pain I was feeling was his physical pain at the time or her agonizing heartbreak. The poor grieving woman had to walk me shaking into the house, sat me down and gave me a beer and a cigarette. (shut it... Do not judge the emotionally wrecked psychic) She explained to me that a few years earlier Liam's baby brother was in a parked car in the driveway and it began to roll down the drive. Liam ran behind it trying to stop it and it killed him instantly. We sat and gathered our thoughts and emotions for a while. I assured her that Liam was not earthbound but the event must have left an impression there that I was not prepared to feel. I didn't know I even had the ability to feel something like that. I was shaken to the core. It took me over an hour to calm down enough for the drive home.

About a half hour into the drive home, my throat began to swell and hurt. I did not feel well at all. I pulled over to call my best friend and tell her I was on my way home and was ok. (I knew she had been worried about me and my hunting for ghosties) When she picked up and I tried to talk, I had lost my voice! Only horsey squeaks came out! It took me a few attempts to finally get her to understand that it was me and I was fine - only coming down with something. I made it home and proceeded to get so ill. It was one of the worst and only cases of bronchitis I had ever experienced. My chest burned and I could not speak for two weeks. It took a lot of antibiotics to recover.

I know now that the cause of little Liam's death was a sudden, large tear in his heart muscle. I just don't know if I was so sick from feeling his pain or the pain of his mother's loss, or if I just didn't know what I was getting into. That was going to be my last ghost hunt.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, teriland1, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
Aaaaaaaaaaugh tissue warning! D: I'm so sorry for your friend. Her beautiful son sacrificed himself to save his brother. What a wonderful little boy. The event was the most recent, and you are so connected to the people involved, it's no wonder it had such a profound effect on you. You're a good friend. I hope that you can get advice from other empaths and psychics so that one day you may want to get out in the field again. You can help a lot of people with your gift. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
Lynev, thanks so much for sharing that info!

You just answered what I've been wondering for a very long time. With all my empath friends who go through great emotional turmoil with their abilities. I often times find myself thinking and saying: "There must be a better way". What you describe is pure proof it *is* possible. I'll no doubt open up a little more to my own empath experiences going forward because of what you've shared. I'll also change my wondering to declaration: "There is a better way". 😊
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-04)
Hi, Teri:

I wholeheartedly agree with the others as far as doing some sort prayer, meditation, or ritual for protection on a regular basis since you quite obviously are an empath. It took me many years to learn why I was "feeling" these sensations. I initially started using creative visualization with prayer, envisioning a white beam of light spilling down around me and solidifying like an egg. I asked my guides, guardian angels, ancestors, or whoever are there on my behalf to intercede and accomplish this so I could interpret it without physical pain or severe symptoms. Now I do shielding daily, usually before sleep and also when needed. When I do happen to feel anxious, most often I know who it is right away. I often know when a loved one is sad, depressed, lonely, or ill. Like the others, I have learned to manage and utilize it.
I know there are those who are frightened by this sort of phenomena and choose to block it out, but I now view this as a gift and have learned to embrace what I have been given. If you choose to, you can also learn to use your skill for good without allowing it to consume you. It does take patience, consistency, and practice; but with some effort a lot of good can be accomplished without a toll on your health. There are many of us here who identify with everything you have experienced, and are here for encouragement. I do wish you all the best.

Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-03)
Teriland1, what an update! I am so impressed that you pray before difficult conversations. When balanced, I always at least try to sleep on an issue before talking about it. But I have still overreacted when I later wished I hadn't. Kudos to you.

You delivered the message. It is up to him what he does with it. I think it is VERY cool that his grandfather may have had a turn around after death. Even more cool that he sought YOU out to give the information. You must be "glowing", as I mentioned.

Tweed, (and Teriland1) being an empath... Yep. It's a kicker. I allow myself to stay a little open most of the time since I deal with so many people. This ability has helped me greatly in my teaching. Once I learned how to discern my anxiety (or whatever emotion they are having) from theirs, I learned how to help. I have between 300 and 700 students each semester. I do not interact with them all when I have a class of 450, but many. You can see why my mantra here is stay balanced and protect yourself. Its like taking vitamins. We just need these things. 😊

teriland1 (3 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-03)
haha Tweed thank you for not judging my need for a smokey:) And thank you for your support of my stories and writing. It seems to be my main creative outlet now and makes me feel better to get my thoughts out:) Hecate: update on the anxiety! Meditated, asked for help from spirit guides and protection and all be darned - yep it was a dead person. I suppose it was kind of my own "fault" for the contact... The last couple of days I have been getting ready to have a conversation with someone who's political views are polar opposite of mine. He asked to have this discussion to better understand my point of view. I agreed, but told him I needed to pray first before the conversation. (I wanted to come from a place of love and this young man has a tendency to get quite riled up) While praying I asked for guidence on the right words to use with him - to make this converstion an insightful and intelligent one. The anxiety I was feeling turned out to be one of his relatives. I feel it was a grandfather - very religious in life even perhaps a preacher. He gave me two points to touch on when I had the conversation... And he left. I feel like he felt bad for this young man's extreme views currently that he may have tought him some of these things when he was still alive. In death he discovered love and insight about the things he judged in life. I had the conversation, I touched on the points dead grampa asked me to. I did not tell the young man about my grampa visit as...well...i think it would have been way too much for him. The discussion went well. Time will tell if my information helps this young man find some peace in his convictions.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-02)
Teriland, my god what a wake up call to your own abilities! I only have moments of very slight empath experiences, I wouldn't ever welcome it any deeper than this, Eek! I know a few empaths and you guys really go through the whole gamut. Teriland, Hecate I don't know how you guys are able to live normal lives sometimes, respect!

Btw I had tears welling up in my eyes when I got to what poor, dear Liam did. Then, not a moment later, giggling at your post cigarette remark, respect to your writing skills again. 😉
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
Teriland1, it took me a little time to sort out that 'anxious' feeling. Just keep asking. But the one thing I strongly encourage is either ask for protection or stand strong when you begin and visualize yourself as extremely strong and protected, like with a psychic raincoat. I give people whatever imagery comes to mind, but it is whatever makes you feel strong. Then, ask to know more about the feelings. I just get thoughts that sometimes feel like my own, but that I would not necessarily have thought. I now trust them.

Doing a regular meditation can help. There are many free guided ones on youtube, again whatever is most comfortable for you.

In my comment below, I was thinking that 'living' humans would seek you out. You must shine very brightly on the other side of the veil. A medium described people like that, their energy shines and attracts attention, whatever valance it shines, dark or light. Stay positive and protected.

teriland1 (3 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
Strangely, I am going through something similar now Hecate. The day after I posted this story, I can feel someone trying to contact me... Feels a bit like anxiety to my body. Trying very hard to discern, asking guides for help. Though I have not been on an official ghost hunt since this... I have have had a couple of "dead people" try and give me messages. Usually after a while I can calm down and understand what the messag is. Can't do it yesterday or today... Do not feel like it is related to this story (as in any of the players in it). I sat outside on my patio under the mister (my favorite place) and tried hard to relax. No luck.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
Teriland1, what a heart wrenching story! If our bodies experience extreme stress, from whatever source, physical or paranormal, it depresses our immune system. I always get sick if I get extremely bad news. So, this event probably did make you sick. If you had known in advance that you might experience that kind of pain, you might have been able to dampen its effects on your body. Your skills/abilities seem strong. I expect people will seek you out again for more of your insights. Remember to protect yourself and you can reduce the negative effects. Physical mediums experience the emotions of the deceased in their own bodies, sometimes even the pain of how they died. If not careful, those energies/entities can project their illnesses on you, too. That is why I encourage you to protect yourself. Regular meditation with protective directives will help. Also, every time you 'feel' from the outside, and this takes time to discern - outside me or mine, have a relaxation trigger that you can use to immediately get your body ready for the incoming. I am an empath and I can now tell by the particular feeling I get that a certain tension I feel is not mine. I can now immediately ask, "What? Who? Can I help?" I hope some of this helps.

Best to you as you evolve.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
teriland1- This was a very touching story. Obviously you are gifted in areas. It would be hard to say if your experience brought on your illness. One has to wonder though.

Thanks for sharing.
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Back in the day, folks used a lot of crap to insulate their homes. When I remodeled my Grandmother's house, I found old clothes, news papers, bottles and more in the walls.

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