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Turn It Off


Among my circle of friends and family, July has got to be the month with the most birthdays (I am a July baby myself). Last July 21st something odd happened.

It was late morning and everyone was gone except my niece and I. My niece was upstairs, while I was downstairs making sure my nephew turned the television off in the living room before he left. Once everything was in order, I proceeded to the front room to do schoolwork. I was about ten minutes into my work when the television suddenly turned on. Initially, I thought that my niece came down to watch television, but I would've seen her come down since I was near the stairs. When I called out to her she was still upstairs. So I headed back to the living room to turn off the TV. I was sure that I turned the cable box and the TV off, so I shrugged it off thinking that is was some kind of electrical issue of some sort (and that TV's sometimes turn on by themselves?).

Later that day, I began making dinner before my family came home (I'm living with my sister and her family at the moment). I usually watch Netflix movies on my iPad while waiting for the food to cook. While letting the food simmer, I sat down at a table across from my niece who was on the computer. I was halfway through the movie when I had to continue cooking, leaving my iPad on the table. I've developed the habit of closing all running apps on my iPad before doing anything else, so I did just that and headed back to the kitchen. A few moments later, my niece called out "Your movie is playing!" I told her that I stopped the movie and exited out; that it was not possible for it to play again. I asked her to turn it off again and close the app. This time I made sure that the iPad was within my sight while cooking in case it was my niece playing tricks on me. Another moment later, she said that my movie was playing again, and it was. I finally decided to see for myself, and saw that a completely different movie was playing; one that I never watched before or even opened. This puzzled me, and know for a fact that my niece didn't do it, since I changed my password to prevent her from messing with my iPad.

That night my mom from the Philippines called. We chatted on the phone for a while, then she mentioned that it was her deceased brother's birthday, and that my dad's brother who was suffering from the late stages of prostate cancer has been in a coma for a while (he passed away the next morning).

Maybe it was all a coincidence, maybe not. Weird thing is, it happens every year. Like I mentioned in one of my other stories, I always experience weird things on deceased people's birthdays and death anniversaries, but I am usually unaware of these occasions until after I relay my experiences to my mom. I've gotten so used to it that it doesn't really unnerve me anymore.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, iambec, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-10)
Zander. 😊 I know it's not a unique experience but, I'm glad to know that there is someone else that experiences the same things as well 😊 I think it's quite an honor to be visited by relatives who are long gone. I mean of all the people in your family they choose you (unless they have something against you lol)
Zander (7 stories) (150 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-09)
Iambec~ thank you. Wow... What you have said really resonates with me. People will come to mind very strongly and only later I will learn that it is/was the anniversary of their death or their birthday. I was fascinated to hear that you experience something like this too.
iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-07)
Tweed. That makes sense 😁 it's better than thinking that they're stuck here wandering around aimlessly. Thanks!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-06)
Hi Iambec,

A lot of people feel that ghosts cross over to the spirit realm/heaven type place, whichever you call it, and can cross back to our physical realm whenever they choose, to check in on loved ones and sometimes communicate with them. I believe this to be true. It's great you can feel your Great Grandparents presence. 😊
iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-06)
Hecate. That's very interesting. I always wonder what life after death is like. Is there really heaven or do we just... Hang around? Your story is a good example, I experience the same thing with my great grandparents who I never really got to spend time with yet I experience stuff on their birthdays every year. They've been gone for over 15 years. So, Let's say"heaven" is real, do they just have the freedom to visit their loved ones on earth once in a while, or have they just been wandering around us all these years. Truly mysterious.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-06)
iambec, my Dad used to contact some of us each year on the anniversary of his death. It has been over 20 years now and we don't get the anniversary messages. Now, he let's us know he is around when family gets together. I think it is different for different entities what is important to them. Thanks for sharing.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-05)
Hi iambec, quite interesting account and you say that these things happen on the birth or death anniversaries of your passed on relatives. I go with Miracles on this and I feel that there might be some kind of message or might be the pictures that they liked to make you understand or remind you that it is their birth or death anniversary.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.


P.S: Mircles, I tried to vote for you. But, I am not able to. Why? Just asked. Regards and respects to you too.

iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-05)
Miracles51031. That's a good question. I didn't really think about paying attention to what was playing at the time. I just know that whatever was on wasn't what I was watching since I was watching anime that was in japanese, and the show playing was in english
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-05)
iambec - just a thought as I was reading this. Did the movie (s) mean anything to you, or could they have meant anything to your uncles? I'm just wondering if there could have been a message in the movies?

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