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Real Ghost Stories

Vacation House


If you have read my other story (Never Really Gone) then you already know about the kitchen. This time I'll be sharing some odd encounters that took place in the living room and guest room. This will be a bit lengthy, because I want to avoid posting multiple stories.

Just to make things clear: In 1998, my parents bought a house in the Philippines. They only used it as a vacation house, because we were still living in California. We have a housekeeper that watches over the house whenever we're gone. It wasn't until 2010 that my parents decided to retire and live in the Philippines for good, and I went with them to attend college.


Sometimes I like to lie on the floor on my stomach while reading a good book or surfing the net. The cold tile floor is usually my best friend during the hot weather (which is basically every day).

One night, I was on the living room floor downstairs with my laptop, and one of my little dogs curled up next to me. While I was reading an article on my laptop I felt warmness near my ear, and just like any other normal pet owner, I talk to my dogs. "Stop, that feels gross you fluffy creeper", I said without averting my eyes from the laptop. A few seconds later, I felt a warm blow in my ear that actually made strands of my hair move. So, I finally looked away from the computer, but discovered that my dog wasn't next to me anymore. I was so engrossed in the computer that I didn't realize that my dog went upstairs to my parents' bedroom (I forgot what a ninja he was). I was the only person downstairs that night, because everyone else was watching a movie upstairs.

I told our housekeeper about what happened and she was surprised. She said that the same thing happened to her while she was sitting on the stairs, and while washing dishes.

Out of all of the rooms in the house, for some reason I only get sleep paralysis when I take naps in the living room. Take note that I get it at least 5 times in a row. For example: I'm taking a nap then get sleep paralysis, I make an effort to get out of it, wake up for a few seconds, go back to sleep, and then immediately experience the same thing over again. Whenever this happens too many times in a row, I give up and move somewhere else, then it stops. Maybe this is an after-effect of sleep paralysis, but sometimes when I come out of it, I would see small person's shadow (maybe a child), or hear voices that halt the moment I wake up. This never happens in any other place or room in the house. Whenever I decide against using the air conditioner (to save electricity), the living room happens to be the coolest area in the house.


(These events didn't happen to me, but to my goddaughter and niece)

Goddaughter's Experience (2006): Antonette

Antonette (currently 13 y.o.) was five years old at the time. She was staying with her mom (our housekeeper) and grandmother while they watched over our vacation house. We were still living in California at that time. One afternoon, her mom was outside watering the garden while she was upstairs with her grandmother. While her grandmother was doing chores in the upstairs family room, Antonette wandered off to the guest room.

The guest room has two doors: One that leads to the family room, and one that leads to the balcony. She came out from the guest room crying and screaming. Her grandmother rushed to her side and brought her downstairs to see her mom. When they asked Antonette what was wrong, she was speechless and continued to cry. Eventually, she calmed down but refused to go back upstairs with her mom. When her mom asked why she said, "I don't like the scary balcony man." When asked what the scary man looked like she said, "He has one eye closed, dirty clothes, a big hat, no shoes, and he was calling me."

They assumed that it was just her imagination, and decided not to make a big deal out of it. I found out about this event when I moved to that house in 2010.


Niece's experience (2013): Joy

(This happened after moving to the Philippines.) My parents went on a trip to Hong Kong, so I took the opportunity to have my cousin and her four year old daughter (Joy) over. It was too late for them to go home, so I let them sleepover and stay in the guest room.

The next morning, my cousin complained that she wasn't able to sleep properly, because Joy kept talking about the man in the window.

(There's a big window right next to the door that leads out to the balcony, so you can see the balcony through the window.) When my cousin asked about the man, she described him as: tall, dark, only one eye, a hat, and has scary face. Wide-eyed, the housekeeper and I exchanged looks. I told my cousin that my goddaughter saw something similar seven years ago.

Our neighborhood used be a farmland and field surrounded by tall grass before any houses were built. Based on what the kids were describing, it seemed like the man had the typical farmer appearance: dirty clothes (from farming), a wide-brimmed hat, dark skin from working out in the sun a lot, and bare feet.

Cousins' Experience (2014): Twins

There was another time when when my 4 year old twin cousins came over. It was All Souls Day (November 2, 2014), and a few of our family went straight to our house after visiting the cemetery.

Everyone was outside playing cards while the kids stayed in the upstairs family room. From the family room couch you can see the guest room to the left and the master bedroom to the right.

There were six of us upstairs: 4 kids, and two adults (including me), all in the family room. It was around 9:00 pm, and we were just watching the twins play on the floor in front of us. One of the twins looked up from her doll and stared at the open guest room door. She threw the doll and came running to me, burying her face in my chest. I asked her what was wrong, but all she did was frantically nod her head and started crying. Then in between sobs she said "He's scary, Close the door!" When I looked toward the guest room all I saw was darkness. The other twin started crying too and ran to her nanny.

At this point, I was scared and didn't even want to get up the go near the guest room. So I called out to the housekeeper downstairs and asked if she could come upstairs. A few moments later, we all heard someone walk up the stairs and was anticipating the housekeeper's appearance, but no one came. I called out to the housekeeper again and she responded, but her voice was coming from outside. She said that she was busy serving the guests and would come up later. We were all afraid to move and just sat there waiting for someone to come up. Finally, someone came up and closed all the doors and we all decided to just hang out downstairs.

I've never seen the man in the balcony, but I know I've felt a presence whenever I took naps in the guest room. I also realized that it's usually little kids who actually "see" things around the house.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, iambec, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

migelito23 (32 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-03)
Hello iambec I read your story about that creepy balcony man, its true that children sees ghosts even as adults can't see them. Thank god you didn't see that ugly ghost you will never want to enter the guest room. When you have visit in your vacation make sure to close the door of the guest room so children will not go in there. Ps can send me pictures if you can of that balcony when that ghost appears. Thank you. Real spooky story but I liked it, it sound real.
iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
Sam222. No worries, I understand your curiosity. I recently moved back to California and your question about tiles made me realize that I thought about the same thing when I visited the Philippines as a child. I was so used to having carpet everywhere, but then you start to appreciate tiles in a hot climate.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
Oh wow that makes sense, oppsie,...I live in United sates in the state of Maine; which isn't all that warm we are just getting over a brutal winter, it's April and there is still like almost three feet of snow (but the roads are clear). And the only rooms my the house that are tiled are the bathroom and the kitchen for obvious reasons.
Sorry for not realizing the tile floor thing, like I said I live In a cold state and that stuff doesn't come right to my mind. Thanks for getting back to me,
iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
Miracles51031. Oh wow that's interesting, I never knew that 😲
iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
Sam222. Hi thanks for reading 😊 Nope no mistake, unlike U.S. Houses, Philippine homes usually have tile or wood floors.
It's not really common to have carpet because of a few reasons:
1. We live in a tropical climate (like Hawaii) so carpet would be too hot.
2. A lot of peeoople can't afford a vacuum cleaner
3. I haven't really seen a company that installs carpet
4. Whether we like it or not there will always be cockroaches, house lizards, and mice crawling around the house leaving droppings everywhere even if you lived in a house big or small they deal with this.

Yeah, you're definitely right it is scary, and I guess it is just little kiidss because that balcony is my dad's favorite smoking area. He would be there from early morning, and even really late at night but he never sees anything.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
sam - I'm not going to answer for iambec on the homes in the Philippines but I will let you know that many people in the States choose tile over wood and carpet.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
iambec, is there a mistake or are living rooms normally tiled in the Philippines? Because every living room I have ever been in and seen is either usually carpet or wood. Sorry for asking that question, I'm just curious.
I think there is something different about your living room, not a difference you can see, but one that's there but not visible, if you know what I mean.
And On the Balcony, - yup I myself wouldn't even go near the balcony, that man sounds terrifying. And when I read your nephews experience; I was wide eyed too, and my mouth dropped open.
After reading that last experience in the story, I thought, wow that man must like scaring kids, I wonder why? (Seriuosly)
Thanks for sharing another story, I loved it, as a matter of fact I love all your stories. 😊
naughtyghost (4 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-31)
Nice story And creepy also... Thank god you didn't saw the man in balcony... Share us more stories... Your stories are scary!... 😊
MitoTakatori (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
[at] iambec, haha. Thanks for the answer. Well, whether you are a HE or a SHE, or even in between, your stories are really the ones that give me a scare. 😁
iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
Mito Takatori. I am a HE... I think? Lol just kidding I'm a girl 😊 I definitely have a lot more stories but I need to find the time to carefully write them.
MitoTakatori (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
Another thing, I have read all your stories, and can't tell whether you are a He or She. Can you clarify? And the way you tell all those stories really amuses me. Please share more ghost stories. Thanks!
MitoTakatori (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
Oh. I see. I thought that it was located in Manila. I had some stories to tell too, but never got the time to write them here. Thanks for the reply and for sharing your experiences!
iambec (9 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
Mito Takatori. Hi! I'd rather not mention the exact name of the University since one of my stories took place in it, but it is somewhere in Pampanga. I don't go there anymore though I went back to California. Thank for reading, it really is creepy knowing that there's something in my house. Although I am aware that there a numerous spirits there but only a few like to "play around" sometimes lol 😊
MitoTakatori (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
By the way, on of your stories, you mentioned you have studied at a university here in the Philippines. May I ask what university? Thanks!
MitoTakatori (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
Hi. Those are really creepy experiences! Even though the accounts are not directly experienced by you, just knowing that there are scary stuff in your own house is sure to be creepy!

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