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Did We Talked To The Entity?


So I was having these encounters with an unknown power for a little while. For details you can read my last story. In short I was seeing some shadows, hearing voices and once something left a mark on my hand while I was sleeping. As you can imagine I was afraid as it went for a while. I did Rook's cleaning but to no use. Finally I decided to move out even I had to pay extra for two months.

Just before moving out I decided to know what was bothering me. First I did some research about the past of building. I only found out that at the time of world wars this place had buildings that were used by refugees or run away soldiers, who were murdered here as it was usual these days. There is still an abandoned building from that time just 300 meter away from this place. That building was scary enough so we always kept distance.

It was my last night in the building and there was only one other person in the apartment whose name is Max. I don't know why but I came up with the idea of communicating with the ghost or anything that was there. I believe that regardless of instrument you use for this, it is the willingness and belief of you that can produce result. And I was sure that there was something or someone roaming around. First thing came in my mind was to use a Ouija board, but I was afraid to use one after all those stories I read on internet. So I decided to use one of the android app. One that are meant to be fun and show many fancy readings on screen. The one I used was also showing some words when there was a reading on it. First I used it in my Room and the result was just normal and few random words.

After some time I went out of my room to corridor and starting pointing my phone in every direction. In one direction I got the high reading and followed it. It was leading me to Max's room. I went to his room and told him that I am having fun with this app and it is showing me a ghost in your room. First he made fun of me but later we started using app. As I was not alone on that time so I went with asking questions. In a Corner of room where reading was highest, I asked if someone is here it said 'yes'. When I asked if you are a ghost, it said 'No Children Game'. Then Max asked some questions and it replied with words like 'Murder' 'Scream' 'Grief' 'Run' 'My Home'. We assumed it was landlord's ghost. Up to that point our fun was gone and it looked pretty serious. So I asked if you can tell me your name and it said 'No'. And readings went to normal after that.

I tried to move my phone here and there, after a while I got the reading back at the same point. On the other side of the wall where we were using the phone is a bathroom, which has a door in corridor. We decided to go in the bathroom and see if the opposite side of wall also has a reading. As we moved out of room, in corridor the reading died. We went to the bathroom and as we moved to the wall, close to Max's room my phone went full beep beep. Without asking anything the phone showed word "Looking For ME" and 'Demon' 'My Home' 'Leave'. It sacred the hell out of us. I turned off my phone immediately and we went to my room. I uninstalled the app after a little while. We were scared to go to sleep so we watched movie whole night on my Laptop. The next morning I moved out.

This incident happened one week before. I am sure that I was able to communicate with this thing in that building and it is more than a ghost. Please tell me what you think.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SushilRj, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

SushilRj (4 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-11)
Thank you Rook And Donu.
I used Cleaning method two times only. Actually it did helped at first and nothing happened for 2-3 weeks and I almost forgot about it but than the swimming pool incident happened.
Anyway I am over it now.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-11)
First and foremost... How many times did you attempt to Cleans, Bless and or Shiled your Apartment? If only once, then you did not give any Method you tried ANY TIME to work. ANY method used needs time to take effect and the longer a spirit or entity has been in place the HARDER it is to change the enviroment so they will move on.

As far as GHOST APPS for Phones or Tablets...

It is argued that they have the 'basic' equipment that would allow for 'spirit detection' HOWEVER the only one I feel MIGHT work is a SPIRIT BOX... Because of the operating frequencies involved. I even have my doubts about that...

Let me explain:

Phones and Tablets operate using UHF (Measured in MHZ (1,000,000Hz) The send and receive 'messages' kind of like a two way radio... A spirit box 'scans' radio frequiences to provide 'white noise' that a spirit or entity 'may be able' use to generate words... It is my understanding that a Phone or Tablet is 'hardwired' scan frequiences at a predetermined speed and I do not think a 'SOFT WARE' App can alter the speed they scan at.

As far as them being able to detect the presence of a spirit or entity... The 'general theory' is that Spirits or Entities can be detected as a reading of EMF (electromagnectic frequency). Most EMF detectors give reading in miligauss (Hz)...Now we return to the Frequency Range of the average Cell Phone or Tablet, you know the 'gadget' that operates in the UHF range (1,000,000Hz) Again a SOFTWARE APPlication CAN NOT physicaly alter the range of Frequiencies Cell Phone or Tablets detect and operate with.

If any of the these 'APP's' were 'Hardware' additions... Something like a thumb drive OR SD card... Then MAYBE I would consider them able to 'detect ghosts, spirits or entities'. But as they stand, being just a 'soft ware' download I FEEL (Personal Opinion here) that they are only good for scareing yourself.


DonutIsBack (12 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-11)
The apps are fake and you should know that. By the way your writing is beautiful
SushilRj (4 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Please read my last story and comments on it. This story was a conclusion to happenings of almost 3 months.
SushilRj (4 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Why I tried to find an entity?
Because it was bothering me form a quite some time, and as I was moving out I just thought to find out what it is. I had a doubt in mind that if this thing is in the house or attached to me. Now its clear as I am sleeping peacefully from last one week in other city.

I will be visiting this place again to pick up some stuff, and I will try to use the app again and this time with video.
SushilRj (4 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Tweed: The app is free and I know it is stupid and I was not really hoping to capture anything, I just tried.
I didn't moved out because of this app incident, but because of my experience. It started in April and got worse in May-June. I made my mind to leave this place in July as I mentioned in my earlier story. And the experience include physical injuries, that is what made me to move out!
It was my last day at that place so I just thought to give it a try.
SushilRj (4 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Johnny: I used the app named Ghost Hunting Tool. I also think the same about the entity, might be possible that it lived there and I might have pissed it unknowingly that's why it was messing with me.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
I'm so sorry that I spelled your name wrong in my last comment.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Why would you try to find a spirit (s) when you are moving out the next day anyway. Believe me if a spirit wants you to see it, it will show itself to you.
The word Demon may mean nothing. I named one of my dogs Demon my mother in-law told her daughter who lives in Washington State. OMG I got a rather scathing e-mail telling me I HAD to change his name. She said that her husband has talked to a lot of Demons and some of them are particularly nasty. I lied and told her I named him after the dog in the movie Snow Dogs who was named Demon and her response was well that's okay then.?
I printed out the e-mails and showed them to my mother in-law and asked her what kind of drugs they were taking. She was a little indignant at first but read what her daughter wrote and she just looked at me shook her head and said she didn't know.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Sushil: I absolutely love my Ghost Radar. But, as the disclaimer says, phone apps are for entertainment purposes. And you know, that same disclaimer is on every Ouija board.

I agree that there are times when ghosts have manipulated electronics, and also in your statement that we can use just about anything to communicate with spirits. However, since using a phone app is pretty much considered useless evidence to the paranormal community I would make the following suggestion: use it/them in conjunction with other tools such as recorders, cameras, video recorders, etc. As with any type of claim, having more than one source of evidence helps to verify that claim.

Do I think you talked to the entity? I can't, at this point, say yes or no because of the lack of supporting evidence. So, in the future, try to gather as much evidence as possible from several sources.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)


I think you have been duped by a stupid app! Stupid app making stupid money for a stupid selfish company! It made you move out?! Jeesh, please let this be a lesson not to trust PHONE COMPANIES or STUPID APPS!

Now for the presence you felt. I do believe you could feel a presence and that this ghost/entity whatever it was sounded like it wasn't happy. But why and with whom it wasn't happy will remain a mystery now, 'cause you moved!
Johnny_Blart (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
I know this isn't that fake as it looks otherwise it would have been rejected. Its a bit hard to digest as there are many stupid apps on appstore.
Would you please give me details of app which you used?
If this story is true, its definitely amazing!

I am sure that the entity which you talked might be a WW2 soldier who was murdered there
SushilRj (4 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Hello Sam,
I know and as I mentioned they are meant to be fun, But I believe that if we want we can communicate with any device. If an entity can move planchette on uoijja board, it can surly interact with an electronics device.
I was sure about its presence because of the things that happened in last two months. You can have a look on my last story for details.
Thank you for your comment.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Hi, these android apps are a complete gimmick. I wouldn't put any trust in what the app revealed to you at all.

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