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The Sound Of Anklets


This experience extends over course of years. It will be long so excuse the length. When I was 12 years old I heard the sound of anklets coming from the street next to the room I was sleeping in. It was late night near about 3am and my mom was sleeping next to me. It scared me so I tried to wake my mom up. As I was trying to wake my mom, the sound of anklets stopped and my mom woke up. But something was wrong because my mom woke up suddenly like she was pulled up and her eyes were closed. I shook her and she pushed me back and slept. She didn't open her eyes the whole time this happened. It was enough to scare me to not wake her up again so I slept quietly. I still remember clearly it happened. In morning I asked her why she pushed me and she didn't remember anything. Maybe she was sleepwalking or something but it was scary for me at that age.

Fast forward to when I was in tenth standard. I was preparing for my exams and I often used to study late nights. I used to study in the same room which faced the street. Next to that room was my mom's bedroom. I closed the door of her bedroom so lights from my room won't disturb her sleep. During these nights, I again started to hear the sound of anklets. This time I noted they had a specific pattern each night. It sounded like someone walking back and forth on the same street three times before stopping. It was distracting me from my study at that time to hear that sound so I decided to face my fears and get over it. I was positively sure it was something reasonably explainable so I thought let's see it for myself and get over with the fear. The sound always was heard between 2:30 am to 4am.

Next time when I heard the sound again I got up and stood behind the door waiting for sound to come closer. As it approached the door, I immediately opened it and as soon as I did, the sound stopped. I got out and saw nobody was there. I looked for cricket or any insect making the sound but didn't see any there. So I came in and closed the door and as soon as I closed it the sound started again. I thought, "it must be some insect which reacted to the light coming from my room when I opened the door", so I switched off the light and slowly opened the door. Again as I opened it, it stopped. I closed the door and it started again. This irritated me. I switched on the lights, opened the door and started studying with the door open.

After 20 minutes or so I started having a feeling like someone was watching me and had goosebumps. It felt kind of evil, I don't know why. I decided I can't concentrate like this so I closed the door, switched off lights and went to sleep but I wasn't able to sleep and after some ten or fifteen minutes I heard that sound of anklets again. But this time something was different and it scared the hell out of me. Because this time it wasn't coming from the street outside. It was coming from my room...

I gave up studying at night for some time but the sound continued although randomly not always. Around the same time I began to have nightmares which still continue.

A few months ago I heard the sound of anklets from the stairs leading to the upper floor in my home. Upper floor has a hallway, a kitchen and my brothers room. After some time of hearing the anklet sound from the stairs I heard the loud sound of some utensil being thrown. It was 2:30 am and I didn't want to go and investigate this time so I slept and asked about it in the morning to my brother. He said he got up to use bathroom and heard sounds from kitchen like someone was cooking. He went in and nobody was there. So he went to sleep. And then he heard the sound of a utensil being thrown. He got up to check and saw the pressure cooker thrown across the kitchen.

Next time I heard the sound of anklets, it was from the small passageway that lies behind mom's bedroom. This passageway lies between mom's bedroom and our tenants' bedroom on other side. A few days afterwards our tenant lady said her daughters (she has two daughters) are hearing the sound of anklets from the passageway. I felt relieved after hearing this as I wasn't the only one hearing it. Also I never told them about my experience so they know nothing about it.

I still hear it sometimes. Also my grandmother told me once that before I was born, she was attending a wedding that was near the corner of the street (one I heard the sound of anklets from) and there's a tree there. She said during wedding, everyone heard a loud scream there originating from the tree. All of the people present heard it and went to look for the source but found none. That tree still stands there and it's the exact point where the sound goes and then turns around back. Don't know if both incidents are related except for the place.

That's all to it until now. Sorry if I bored you but I wanted to relate it as it happened.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, snowflakes211, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

VivekThekote (1 stories) (105 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-13)
Hi Snow Flakes, Your name reminds me of winter snow. Your story was spine tingling you should recite Hanuman Chalisa Daily also have Gods Locket around your neck and Have GOD HANUMAN Photo at door. God Bless All ❤
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
Just reading the debate. As far as I understand it, a residual haunting is simply an imprint on the ether of usually intense emotion, usually negative. It's like a film that can be viewed in particular circumstances by certain individuals.
I have studied the paranormal, spiritualism, hauntings etc. All my life and I have never read or heard of residual hauntings becoming intelligent. They are completely separate things.
Thanks Mack.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
You're Welcome, Snowflakes. Let me know how it works for you. 😊
snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
Valkricry, wow! That sounds like a good technique. I am excited to try it out. It will be like killing the negativity with the positive thoughts within us. Thank you very much.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
Morning, Snowflake,
As I said previously, you really want to try and understand the nightmare, the 'why' you're having it. Is there a basis for it in reality: stress, something currently in the news /happening near you, things of that nature? If you can identify the cause, you can control the situation easier. Before I forget to mention it, you might want to look into LUCID DREAMING, to learn how to alter those bad dreams that sneak up on you. What I'll tell you here is more or less a 'quick fix' for recurring nightmares. I've used it since I was a child of about 10/11 years old, and it hasn't failed me yet. Around 2010 I learned that some therapists were incorporating just about the same technique to help their clients end nightmares. Took a bit of searching but you can find Scientific American's article here:
I want you to recall that nightmare in as much detail as possible, preferably at some point during the day, so that you don't influence your sleep. Now, imagine that same dream but with an alternate scenario - the way you want it to go. In this scenario you can banish that evil being. Some folks record that alternate scenario.
When going to bed I want you to relax. I envision a powerful white healing light bathing my body, surrounding and protecting me from all harm, while it removes all negativity and toxins from me. Similar to Rook's "Shield' he talks about on his profile. If it makes you feel good you can even say a prayer. Then playback that alternate scenario we talked about, before going to sleep. It might take a bit of practice/time but when/if that nightmare starts this 'master dream' of yours should kick in, allowing you to control the dream. The thing is you want that alternate scenario in your head as you drift off if at all possible. Hopefully this will be of help to you.
snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-21)
Valkricry that's a really good advice. And a sensible one. Your knowledge is welcome. I am open to new ideas and listen to all of them. You never know which one can come handy and when
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-21)
It may help you to really examine or dissect your dream, if you will. Can you see any details? Like how the child is dressed? It could help define a time period. Is the dream in color or black and white? How often do you have this nightmare? If you haven't you might start a journal. Keep note of how your day went, how you felt prior to sleeping, if you ate anything (and what it was), etc. Then record what you dreamt that night. It might help you establish a pattern. Seriously, if my sister eats pickles after 6, she has the most violent dreams. With me it's watching the evening news. I know it sounds crazy, but true.
You might also learn to control your dreams. It takes practice but you can do it. With recurring nightmares it's actually a bit simpler to control then the ones that sneak up on you. If you wish, I'll share what I know about it. But I don't want to clutter up your thread with unwanted advise.
snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-21)
Liza25 I still live there. And the sound and disturbances continue but randomly. Not always.
And sushantkar that's pretty interesting information you shared.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
To Lady-Glow- According to our Hindu rituals and practices, total 36 kinds or Ornamental/ jewellery is worn by Goddess.

The ornament known Ghungru in Hindi, which is known as Anklets in English. It is widely believed that by wearing this, one's energy is not wasted but re-vibrated back to one's own body. As forth putted by Sheetal, it is generally made up of Silver.

Why Silver? Well, according to our Hindu sculptures, Manuscripts documents, each part of human body is divided into two parts - Upper and lower level. In the lower part (i.e. Below naval) they used all silver made items, wherein in the upper portion they used Gold made ornaments.

Hope that would help 😊

liza25 (1 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
That is extremely pathetic what you said about your sister's baby boy. This thing is truly evil. Do you still live there? If yes, then what about these sounds and disturbances? These still continue? 😐
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Hello, Snowflakes,
I have been reading the posts addressing your well written, detailed event. I am so glad the term anklet was addressed. Some of what you wrote would have frightened me when I was young.
I have been friends with a woman that is from India, although living in the US. She has gifted me with different pieces of jewelry, that she got on return trips. I own a lovely silver anklet.
There is no way I could advise you better than several of the long term, well known, advisers have done. The knowledge these people have is very impressive.
Your sensitivity will bring you to more events, please continue to tell us when this happens, and know that we, the readers, will look forward to your writing.

Finally: Goggzy, This web site has an advanced way for you to proof and re-read before posting. We all make mistakes, but often these are caught on Preview. Think... Before you hit the button!
😁 Jan
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)

They have went through a name change to Ulster in May I never realised this at the time. Ulster being bigger than Donegal is the only reason I can think of a name change.
snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Valkricry, about the nightmares. I have only once told a priest about them and he looked disturbed to hear it. He gave me some thread, I wore it. Doesn't really work for me. I think it works better if I pray myself.
I don't feel the presence in my nightmares is one of a victim. On the other hand it feels totally powerful and controlling. It appears sometimes In human form, sometimes invisible presence yet powerful enough to convey it's intentions that is to harm the small girl. I go through absolute terror to see that and feel like how can the kid be removed from this presence. It's like a torture. Even if the presence is one of victim why would it want me to go through all that pain so many times which it went through. I don't understand that idea of sharing.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Sounds to me like Goggzy just didn't express himself very well. There is no cases of residual turned intelligent haunting, more likely a case of mistaken identity. (Or would that be mistaken entity?) Hmmm... I don't think that is so rare though.
Odd though, I did a search for Donegal Paranormal and no investigation group came up under that name. Perhaps they've disbanded?
snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Rookydygin, to think about it now, I didn't get the evil feeling until I interfered with its routine. Even when I was twelve years old, trouble started only when I Woke mom up. Later it started when I left the door open. Until than I didn't feel evil but after it, yes I felt a very threatening evil feeling like someone is watching me with pure hatred.
As for the scream originating from tree it may or may not be related to the sound of anklets. My grandmother said the scream was heard coming from the tree and it happened when they were bringing raw meat to cook near the tree. (at that time weddings happened in open grounds and food was cooked in open too by burning woods) yes, it could easily be a human screaming. I hope it was. My grandmother isn't alive now. Else I would have asked her why she thinks the voice wasn't human. Only witness can help specify that
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Hey Rook and Goggzy - if you want to continue this conversation, do you care to move it to one of your stories, Rook?
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)

It was a group in Ireland that I have done some work with called donegal paranormal, it was on there own website, when I saw it, I haven't seen anything about this in a year though.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)

This is why documentaion is an investigators BEST FREIND. The longer investigators record information the easier to tell if a haunting is truly residual energy on a play back loop OR an intelligent spirit 'repeating' familure motions until it 'feels' it has been noticed and begins to interact with us becasue its 'routine' has been interupted.

So, is there a link or a book you can reference I enjoy research and would like to look into the case you mention more.


Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)

As you have stated sometimes a intelligent spirit will come and act like the residual this is one way to explain what I was saying but the case I was talking about was caught on camara by investigators in Ireland where at the same time 13 nights in a row the same sounds of footsteps starting and ending in the same place, later on in day 13 after a group of people were quite freaked out they saw the same spirit that was caught on day 12 (they caught the spirit twice day 4 and 12) throw stuff and slam a door, lots of groups have tried to prove that this is fake videos but no one has yet proven that it is.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
On the topic of residual turned intelligent, (I meant to bring this up in my previous comment), I once encountered a residual energy. At least I thought I did. After some conversation took place about the residual energy (at around the time of evening that it occurred), the next time I encountered the spirit she stopped and looked at me! Thus leading me to conclude she wasn't residual at all. This situation has since proved itself to be an actual ghost. So I wonder if, in the case of residual turned intelligent, it's merely a case of mistaking one for the other.
Also I strongly feel that residual energy is not the actual ghost and that the actual ghost (s) seldom have much to do with, or no knowledge of their residual playback.
Side note: Wouldn't it suck? I'd hate for a portion of my life to be playing back somewhere, urgh, three cheers for privacy control!
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Intriguing story, and kudos for attempting to investigate it! However what concerns me are the nightmares you mention in comments. Have you sought help with those? Sometimes spirits try to communicate through our dreams. Perhaps this particular entity is not evil, but angry and looking for the person who murdered her child/children. You might try researching from that aspect. The relationship between your nightmare and the loss of your sister's baby (I'm so sorry to hear of that!) may/or may not have a correlation.
I do not know your religious affiliation or if you even attend church, but have you gone to a priest with this? Or spoken with your family? Perhaps you can find some relief there. Many of our Indian friends on this site have written about pujas and special threads received from priests giving them peace. Redwolf mentions Rook's cleansing/protection shield, which you can find here:
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)

Question: Do you always get the 'something wicked this way comes feeling' when you hear the 'anklets'?

The reason I ask is becasue, with the details you have provided at least, it sounds as if you 'hear' the anklets before feeling the presence of a spirit... The 'sound' my be your 'inner self' giving you warning that a spirit is present. (Does that make sense?) What I am trying to say is you are not hearing a spirit wearing an anklet but you are 'hearing' an anklet becasue a spirit is near you and your subconscious (sp?) is letting you know one is around.

As far as it feeling 'evil' you do not mention that feeling every time you hear the sound, which (to me anyway) sounds as if you may have 'sensed' different spirits.

The scream the wedding party heard... I do not think is related to your experiences BUT may have been a disproving realitive.

As for things happening in 3's or at 3am being 'demonic' I have one question...

What does that make the Holy Trinity? The Devil and Demons can and do 'mock' Heavenly Father but come on when did the number 3 come to indicate a 'mocking' of something Holy was taking place?

A shield may be just the thing you need... You can pray and ask for one or you can find a method, ritual that suits your needs (my profile has been referenced for example 😁)

Now pardon me a moment...


Show me the LINKS... Or at least name your reference material. I would LOVE to research residual turned inteligent hauntings.

It is MY OPINION that this cannot happen... HOWEVER an inteligent spirit taking advantage of residual energy to encourge someone inviting it in... This I can beleive.

As RedWolf has stated a residual haunting (haunting may be the wrong term to use) is simply 'recorded events' that 'play back' when there is enough energy to trigger them to do so. Sometimes we only see/hear a tiny part of what was recorded... A 'BURST' playback if you will, other times the entire event will be wintnessed, it all depends on the amount of energy availible.

If an individual (s) experincing a residual situation begin to focus on it... Their energy can build up and attract an intelligent spirit who will, at first anyway, act like the residual... But as attention is focused on it, it will use the energy to 'interact' with those involved. Thus is SEEMS the residual 'haunting' has become 'intelligent'...does that make sense?

If you have a link, or can provide the names of books that I can read that would be great.


Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Snowflakes, wow no I was not the slightest bit bored and I LOVE long detailed accounts! Well done to you for trying to get to the bottom of the sound too!
There's a few stories on here, one from a few months back, involving the sound of anklets. Like you, it happened to this person in the middle of the night.
In both yours and the other experience it seemed an intelligent haunt.
Bit of an odd question here, you don't need to answer it, it's more for your consideration. The scream heard years ago at that wedding, was that wedding an arranged marriage? If so, perhaps the scream was one of a disapproving ghost, particularly a female ghost. There's something about walking around at the same time and watching you study which feels somehow protective to me. As if she's on patrol. She probably came into your room simply because she knew you knew she was there. I feel this woman enjoys watching over people in the neighourhood in a protective capacity.

Thanks for sharing. Take care.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)

There has been a misunderstanding here as what I meant was at the start this seemed residual then it seems intelligent it may have been intelligent all this time just that it has been feeding of her fear. There has been documented cases of residual hauntings becoming intelligent when the spirit relises it is dead, this is very rare though.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
I thought you belonged to a paranormal group. Now how can that be if you think that a residual haunting became an intelligent one. As you should well know a residual haunting is like a film on a loop. Residuals do the same thing at the same time every day without deviation. An intelligent haunting is one which the spirit (s) moves about freely. Snowflakes stated that she has heard the jangling of anklets between 2:30 and 4 A.M... Now we all know there are several types of intelligent spirits. Those who are Earth bound because they can't find the light for some reason, possibly because they died before their time, spirits who have unfinished business, protective spirits, family spirits that can travel between realms of Heaven and Earth and back, vengeful spirits, malevolent spirits and demons. Snowflakes spirit seems to be a malevolent spirit that was just waiting for someone to leave a door open as if in an invitation. You of all people should know this. If you are not the person that I am thinking about who says they belong to a paranormal group then I apologize, but if you are then shame on you for not knowing these things.
Snowflakes I recommend that you go to Rookdygins profile page and look for his Cleansing/Shielding method, many members have used it and say it works wonderfully. You will probably need to do this more than once. If you have a Welcome mat get rid of it and put a plain old regular door mat. Also for goodness sake NEVER leave a door open for spirits to enter when they want.
I'm sorry this is so long, but I hope you learned your lesson.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Hello, Snowflake... Really a scary story I am just wonder why you all heard screaming voice from tree... Really frightening... I think there is a some demonic spirit is presence in the tree... May I know the Tree species...

Hello, Lady Glow: Anklets are mostly made from silver metal, there are many scientific reason attached to this the mostly said is that Silver metal helps to absorb positive energy from the earth, other one is it helps to keep you stay away from obesity. I always wear anklet not so like the ancient one but the thin anklet is always in my feet.

For those who do not know what anklet is please click the link, Snowflakes is talking about this anklet

snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Sorry that word is "payal". Typing error. Pagal means mad 😆
I think people in past used to wear heavy anklets. Nowadays it's declining
snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Lady-glow anklets are very common in india. They are also called pagal here. Some rajasthani women wear heavy anklets of silver as costume jewellery. It's kind of part of culture here.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Mic_cur102: keep in mind that this site includes members from many countries whit different beliefs and religions. Even if your advice could work for a christian person it would be meaningless for someone whose religion is not Christianity, which might be the case considering the fact that the OP is from India.

Snowflakes: I have read several stories about the sound of anklets and more than once I have wonder what it would happen if the person hearing them went out in the middle of the night looking for the source of the sound; you did it and found nothing -that's creepy!

Is there a reason why Indian women wear anklets, other than just like jewelry?
I love the way Indian women dress!
Mic_cur102 (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Pray and give your life to Jesus. I am positively sure that you will never hear the sounds again. I don't believe in ghost but I believe in demons and Angels. Whatever is making that noise will tremble with fear once they see you.

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