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Real Ghost Stories

The Horrifying Anklet Lady


this is my first time here writing about my experience. As I am a constant reader over here, and love reading other people's stories, I thought I should share some of mine as well. For now, I'm going to share my first ever paranormal experience. It's dramatic but it's 100% true. Stay tuned for more stories.

So, me and my family live abroad and we went back to Azad Kashmir (Pakistan) after 3-4 years for our summer vacation. All our relatives live there, so we were very excited and looking forward to the vacation.

My family and the rest of my dad's side, we all live in our grandma's house, it's a huge family. We live in a 4-storey bungalow, all the family has occupied the ground floor and the 1st floor, the upper storeys are under construction so no one stays there yet, we often go to the terrace at night to look at stars and have a small chitchat.

P.S. A long time ago, when my mum got married into this house my grandma told my mum that there's a presence in this house which does no harm to anyone and it has been here since it was built in the 70s.

Sometimes, while everybody was asleep. Me, my siblings and cousins used to sit late night and play games and talk about a lot of stuff. We used to sleep late around 12-2 am. One night we were all sitting and having fun and talking, but that night my uncle told us to go to the room early and sleep as they could hear us talk and laugh and they couldn't sleep. It was around 11pm at night, we all just went to our rooms to sleep. Now I remember I was the last one to go to my room and everybody else was asleep. I used to sleep with my mum and siblings in this huge room on the 1st storey. So, after my cousins went to sleep, I came up and locked our door and went to bed.

I was tossing and turning a lot for an hour or two, there are stairs attached to my room's wall for the second storey, and suddenly I heard someone who was apparently wearing anklets, coming down the stairs. As I mentioned I was the last person to come to my room, then who was this?

The sound stopped for a few minutes and now that person was walking beside my room! I was the last person to come back to my room, then who was this?

That person started walking near my bed and now I could clearly hear the sound of the anklet, it stopped literally near my ear, I could feel the presence standing above me. The presence started walking again, but this time it just went inside this wall behind my bed. There was no window and no door, just a wall, the sound of the anklet faded.

I was shivering trembling so much that I dare not open my eyes for even a second to see who it was. I kept reading the Quran and I didn't realize it when I fell asleep.

Next day when I woke up, I instantly told my mum about this incident and she just took me to my grandma right away. My grandma told me not to talk about this a lot and that we all should be aware of the presence of a woman that has been residing in this bungalow since the beginning, she's a wanderer no harm to anyone.

I was scared to death, that night all my uncles and aunties started sharing their experiences with the women in this house.

It was a crazy night and now I'm traumatized by the sounds of anklets, I wear soundless anklets.

This was my first experience and there were a lot of incidents connected to this one. Please let me know if you want to know more. Thank you.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tiger-Tia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

00786 (3 stories) (9 posts)
3 years ago (2022-07-18)
Please write more stories. I really enjoyed reading your story:)
Tiger-Tia (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-16)
[at] DarkDaisy_13 yes, even though she meant no harm, I was terrified that night and now I'm paranoid by anklets sounds forever.
DarkDaisy_13 (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-10)
Oml this must have been terrifying. I gotta say I'd possibly just be scared to figure out about this woman! But she meant no harm (besides the experiences I deal with), so that's good right? But still have to admit that after that night I would be scared to death.
Tiger-Tia (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-10-27)
[at] Alenasiouxlee thank you so much for reading and supporting me. Yes, I'm making time to write more of my experiences. Stay tuned
Tiger-Tia (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-10-27)
[at] TheSweetDevil23 no problem, I'm glad you are curious and want to more. We believe this spirit was living in a tree that is in the middle of our courtyard and is attached to our house as well.
For now, I heard there's only one entity and yes she does give signs of being around in the daytime as well.
Alenasiouxlee (4 posts)
3 years ago (2021-10-10)
Tiger Tia 🐅!
Please write more stories I throughly enjoyed reading about the woman (spirit) with the anklet.
TheSweetDevil23 (6 stories) (49 posts)
3 years ago (2021-10-10)
Tiger-Tia Please write more if you got some other experiences to tell us. I think I am not wrong to assume that on behalf of other YGS readers that we all would like to read your posts. Also, since you mentioned the presence of the female entity in the house for a long time, is it likely that she maybe died or lived a part of her life in that piece of land before your grandparents had moved to that place and started residing over there?
But then I believe that not everything can be found out about such a paranormal entity when it has been going on for such a long time. I have few questions though going in in my mind right now. Is it just one entity or there are more than one spirit lurking around in the corners of the home? And if its only her, then does she gives any signs of her presence during daytime? Or she only comes out at night scaring the daylights of the family members?...I am sorry for asking so many questions, but I am so curious. Your post had left silly questions in my mind...
Tiger-Tia (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-28)
JoJorocks my life changed after this incident. Yes I might have had more then a few encounters after this one. Please do let me know if you want to read more stories. Thanks
Tiger-Tia (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-28)
[at] TheSweetDevil23 its my grandmas house, whenever we go back to pakistan we stay there, yes its quite scary sometimes at night
JoJorocks (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-27)
Based on what you stated, your relatives told you that this is a female ghost. Did you have a second encounter with this entity? If so, how will you describe her besides her anklets.
TheSweetDevil23 (6 stories) (49 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-27)
Do you still go to this haunted native home of yours? It was eerie though. I felt a shiver along my spine when you said you felt the presence of the woman near your ear. 😳
Tiger-Tia (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-27)
rajine... Yes, that women has been living in my grandmas house for so many years. 😲
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-25)
Hi Tiger_Tia

Sounds like you have a resident ghost that has long since passed on and remains in the house.
Tiger-Tia (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-24)
lady-glow, yes I was reciting some duas and prayers eyes closed 😢
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-23)
What the... What?!?!?

"I was shivering trembling so much that I dare not open my eyes for even a second to see who it was. I kept reading the Quran"

Were you reading from a mental image in your head, or your eyelids are transparent?
Or, perhaps, you meant to say that you were reciting some prayers/verses you know by memory?

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