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The Glowing Fire Eyes


This is my third story and this happened when I was 14.

After we had moved from the old house where I heard the breathing, we moved into another house a few years after as the house we were renting in was to be sold. The new house was smaller but I liked the look of the house as it had fresh white paint on the interior and exterior and I felt it odd as the house had a name plate next to the front door which said Tara. There were only 2 bedrooms in this house and my mother had purchased an old aluminium trailer/caravan for me, which looked like it was pulled right out of the 1950s. That was to be my room out in the back yard. Mum had dug a shallow trench and ran a power cable from the house to the caravan so I could have power. I always hated being in there by myself and so far away from the rest of the family but I didn't complain. At night I would feel uneasy as the next door neighbours trees blocked out the light from the street lamps & left me in darkness.

Behind our back fence was a block of land which was just a few trees and grass. I used to see kids playing over there. Only way to get into that place was narrow sidewalks or jump the fence as it was in the middle of the block surrounded by houses.

At that stage of my life I had severe anxiety and depression and started to cut myself with a razor. The reason I did this was the pain I felt in my heart was numbed for a short time while I cut my arm and feel the sting, then watch the blood drip off my arm.

One night I was sitting up in bed when all of a sudden I felt compelled to look out the window next to my bed. It was past midnight but not sure the exact time. I looked where that vacant land was and I could see two red glowing lights in the distance. Which I thought was real odd as I've never seen any cars in that area. I just assumed it was someone who had parked but left their lights on. I looked away for maybe 5 seconds then looked back the lights were closer. They were not moving just stationary. I then thought maybe it was one of those kids who play there during the day playing with glow Sticks or something? I looked away again and back at the lights and they were at my back fence. I started to feel scared. I didn't know what they were but it looked like two orbs burning with red fire. They were spaced as if they were eyes! I started to freak out and cry as I thought if I broke my gaze it would be closer. I must have been staring for 2-5 minutes then I heard a noise I looked the opposite way to the eyes for a split second and when I had turned to look back the thing it was right at my caravan window! It seemed about 8ft tall but all I could see were the eyes. They just stared at me and I froze in dread. I feel this thing was just toying with me or maybe scaring me to use that fear as food?

After a while of nonstop staring I looked away and back and it was gone.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, terranigma, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

terranigma (9 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-16)
Sorry for my late reply Tweed. I can not remember what I was doing that night but I guess I was feeling depressed and having dark thoughts.

I was a very troubled teen and I agree with your statement that I attracted it.

Sorry I am so vague but it was so long ago that the details are hazy.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-07)
Hi Terranigma,

Thought I'd already read all of your experiences a while back, but I somehow managed to miss the first three. So this one is 'new' to me.

In the event you're still wondering about this strange and terrifying event in the caravan, I say you ain't alone! Many people have encountered glowing eyes, with red a pretty common description.
What intrigues me the most about your experience is the manner in which it neared closer. Wish I had an answer to how or why that happened. But for now it's got me thinking.

The way you described this seemed as if this entity was drawn in by something. Something got it's attention from the block of land into your yard and your caravan. I'm thinking it was drawn in by a mood/energy/emotion, something like that. On that night had you been cutting or thought of cutting, or otherwise gone through a rough time? Don't answer if you don't want to, it's more for your consideration. The energy coming from your caravan may have peaked this entity's curiosity enough for it to assess what was 'up' with the caravan.

Thanks for sharing all your experiences to date, hope you continue to visit the site. 😊
terranigma (9 stories) (71 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-13)
I am very sorry as it is very hard for me to describe this thing. It was so dark outside all I could see in the distance was house lights. I thought it was eight feet tall as the eyes were very high from our back fence which was about five and a half feet tall. It may have been floating I don't know? I couldn't see any body just eyes that glowed like they were on fire.

The caravan window I was looking out was very big, not sure on the exact size and the caravan was raised.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-27)
The problem with developing a standard list of definitions is this... I would get labeled as an 'expert' which in my opinion is something that cannot exisit in either field of investigation. So anything I publish would simply be my opinions and the scientific community would not except findings based on opinions alone... That means I must 'prove' my own definitions in order to validate the book and if we use the scientific method then we should not try to validate our own findings but have our findings validated by an independant source. It becomes a very twisted and conviluted path that would not be fun to 'walk'.


Ghost_adventures_fan (2 stories) (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-26)
Rook, you seem like an extremely knowledgable person, mabye you could try and conduct research into similarities between Paranormal & Extraterrestrial encounters, I would also be intruiged with something like this

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-26)

This is one of those times I wish there was a book of STANDARD DEFINITIONS for research into not only the paranormal but extraterestrial beings...

A being from the spirit realm could be considered an alien to the physical world while an actual extraterestrial would have a physical body but by definition can be called alien as well.

I wonder if its possible... Or if someone has already done it... Developed a standard definitions book for both of these fields? If standard definitions could be agreed upon then maybe research into both could be taken more seriously.


Ghost_adventures_fan (2 stories) (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-25)

I can see were you're coming from but this "alien" could not be a physical being at all, because this is from another plannet, our laws of Physics don't apply to it and it could possibly feed on Negative Emotions, although slim.
terranigma (9 stories) (71 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-21)
Thank you all for reading my stories & I appreciate & am taking all suggestions into account. It brings me some peace of mind that I am able to tell my stories.

As for the description of the thing I saw all I could see was glowing eyes or orbs that were on fire. They burnt bright red. That night was particularly dark not sure if it was cloud cover or a new moon but I could not see anything else on the thing.

As I saw it from the distance & as it appeared closer & closer the eyes seemed to be very high off the ground. Could have been tall or I was thinking maybe floating?

I am very sorry I can not describe much else but the feeling of dread was so intense I've never felt anything else like it (apart from my later experiences I have yet to publish)

As for my mental state of mind I still suffer from depression & have bad anxiety but I try and look at the bright side of life & try to live my life with love in my heart.

Thank you again all & I wish you all a merry Christmas.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
Yeah, bouncing off Rook, the possibility of an animal or someone trying to scare you seems fairly high.

I am also curious. Most windows on trailers are not 8 feet high, but closer to five, like Rook said. Did you see any details about height/build that would come in handy?
TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
Dear Terranigma, nice to read your story. I agree with Rookdygin here... It might probably be an animal. I do not think there is any paranormal entity involved in your experience. Possibly an animal could have hopped into that place.
but I m sorry to know about your depressed state of mind. I hope you are alright now. Just remember, God is with us always and trust in him. Be happy and flush away all the worries and depressions., you will be the most happiest person for you.
God bless & take care 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
If this was a physical being... Like an alien... Then it would need physical nurishment and not just the energy that we give off when we are afraid... It may be possible to collect or capture that energy but to feed off of it...nah, I don't buy that.

I have a question for the OP... The windows on this caravan were what, about 5 feet off the ground? But these red firey eyes on this 8 foot tall... Thing were looking directly into the window? Was it bent over... Or maybe crouching? If you could see if it was bending over or crouching can you describe it in more detail?

There are too many animals who's eyes reflect red at night... Not to mention it may have been someone trying to scare you... I do not doubt this happened but with it being a one time experience and not many more details other than the eyes its hard to tell just what happened.

Start a Journal... Keep track of any and all strange happenings... Then review them and see if there is a common thread or if they are just 'on time' things. You can include a search into property records just to see the history of the area.


NuckChorris (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
If you have ever heard of Reptilians who are a negative alien species I strongly believe that is what you have seen. They feed off of fear and I used to have one at my old house but it never hurt me but seemed to hang out near my shed and flee super quickly like teleportation when we near it. My dad when he was young used to see those glowing red eyes, it would growl if he didn't look or speak to it then storm out of his room with massive footsteps into the living room and disappear. I never got that close to one but my dad said that if you were to see or here it again to tell it to "go away". Hopefully this is just a one off for your sake.
tawa (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
Wow, sounds scary. I'm no expert when it comes to the paranormal but I wonder if it was maybe something to do with all the negative emotions you were feeling at the time. I've been through very similar and that's when I started experiencing things. I know some spirits like to feed off negative emotions. Maybe it's something like that? I don't really know

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