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The Playful Paranormal


Being a person who is extremely afraid of paranormal activity, this moment gave me the chills. At the moment I was 12. It happened around summer of 2014 in the middle of July. My dad was at work, my mom was out shopping and my younger sister was down the street playing with the neighbors.

I called my best friend over, knowing it was a couple days after she had been back from New Jersey and I haven't seen her in a week (me and her are stuck together like glue, so to not talk for a week was just something almost unreal to us).

She agreed immediately and said her dad was dropping her off shortly. A little time passed and she was here. We hugged instantly and ran inside my house, locking the door behind us. It had been about 7-8 hours of us just hanging out and fooling around and by the time we were getting ready to set up for bed, my best friend went upstairs to brush her teeth.

By this time my sister was home dead asleep and my mom decided to go out with her friends after checking in on us and making dinner, considering it was Saturday night and my dad would be home soon from work.

I didn't think much about it because I never do. My mom would rarely be able to go out due to always working or taking care of us, like my dad, so I thought it would be good for her and nice for my best friend and I to have to house to ourselves along with my sleeping sister. At this time, my friend then called my name. "____! Can you come upstairs for a minute?" I responded with a "Sure! I'll be right up!".

I darted towards the stairs. As I got up them and into the hall to the bathroom, I looked inside and everything was untouched. Usually when she would come over, she would have her toothbrush, make up, hair brush and usual girl essentials in there. I thought it was a bit odd but shrugged it off thinking maybe she forgot to unpack or already packed it back up.

As I went to check in on my sister, considering she would sleepwalk and have nightmares from time to time, she looked like she was in a deep sleep, when she would often just wake up as soon as I stepped on the creaky floorboard in her doorway being the light sleeper she is.

Again, I just assumed she didn't get enough sleep the night before. I continued to search upstairs for my best friend, thinking she was possibly in my room because that's the only other place she could be besides my parents' room, but I knew she would never go in there.

Looking in my room, I saw nothing, not even her bag, which confused me even more. Then as I was about to check my parents' room, knowing that's the only other place she could be, I heard the door shut downstairs and her call my name.

"____! I took Baxter out for you!" (Baxter is my dog in case you're wondering). I was then at that state just beyond dumbfounded. I ran downstairs to see her taking Baxter off his leash and her taking off her coat and shoes. "What do you mean? He didn't have to go outside, and how did you get down here so quickly without me noticing?" I asked all at once.

"Huh? What are you talking about? You just asked me to take him out" she said and I rose my eyebrows at her. "That's not possible. You were just upstairs and I was up there looking for you" I stated and her face immediately turned to concern. "_____, I was never upstairs. I haven't even gone up there once."

"Then how did you think I asked you to take him out if I was upstairs looking for you?" I asked and she had a sign of fear of her face. "Because you were right in front of me asking," she said and I could tell she was scared. I asked her to be serious with me and asked her if she and my sister were playing a prank on me. She said that my sister had been downstairs the whole time on the computer.

I immediately ran downstairs to see her on the computer. I then ran back up and saw no one in the bed and it was perfectly made. At this point I almost had a panic attack. I thought I was going crazy.

My dad and mom were both home soon enough and had checked the house to make sure no one could've gotten in.

We all soon went to bed and in my dream I heard someone say my name exactly like my best friend did and it was like I was reliving the experience, like in some sort of lucid dream, but a flashback to the beginning of the day.

I woke myself up as fast as possible and saw my sister and best friend asleep in my room like they had been. I woke my best friend up and asked her if she called my name and she said that she had been asleep.

I couldn't be sure what was real and what was fake, but I knew for sure that I would most likely never understand what happened that day. If anyone has any remotely similar stories, please share with me. And if it turns out that I'm not as insane as I think I am, that would really help me out. Thank you.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, karss13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-02)
Karss13: it would be better for you to answer publicly the questions asked by the previous posters, that way the whole community would benefit from your input instead of only the person/s emailing you.
After all, you agreed to participate in the discussion at the time of submitting your story. 😊
karss13 (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-02)
Hi everyone, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to answer any comments for the longest time. I've been busy with school work and finals and I try to stay off social media as much as possible during these times.

If you have any questions about my experience (which I do admit at the time was poorly written, and I'm very sorry for any confusion) please email me at: kar.strong13 [at]

Thanks:) (again I am very sorry for my poor quality writing skills I had at the time)
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-21)
Karss, I believe you. Sometimes entities like to play with people's minds. I'm glad it didn't last longer.

Is this the only time something really weird has happened in your house? If so, it makes me think the entity came to the house with your friend. It is possible this will be the only paranormal experience you ever have.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-21)
Hi karss13, I do have some questions like what lady-glow has asked. Please do respond. There are certain parts of the narrative that are not cogent. Like you said that your sister was home dead asleep, that you did see your sister having sound sleep, your friend going upstairs and after you went, she was downstairs taking your dog out and her telling you that you have asked her to take Baxter out. These are, if we take these aspects have actually happened, too much manifestations in that house of yours. If that was what you experienced, then it must have manifested itself to others in the family as well, definitely much before. So please do respond to the queries of other posters.

But until now, even though it was two days since your narrative appeared, you haven't responded. Perhaps, it might be due to weekend. Still I hope you would come and clarify the aspects. Else, it will be too much for me, I can't speak for others, to believe.

Regards and respects to you.

BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hey miracles, I wrote a comment to your story 'strange going on in our house '...please respond...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
BloodEman - no, do not share your friend's experience. It is not a personal experience.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
Karrs-This story brings up some memories had experienced as an teen, living with my Aunt... I had these experiences of hearing her call out my name but it was never her, when I asked if she called me... This is the same house that I had seen "The Hatman"... Great story
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
sorry Lady-glow,

I wrote my comment few days after reading the story. So I have forgot some information and have asked needless questions.

Have you heard something about 'universal power' or something like that? It could be the reason for all of these...
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
That's alright lady-glow.

Yes lady-glow...
I meant that while I was reading the story, it reminded me a similar story which happened to my best friend (100% true) .

He had many bad expiriences after that but the one similar to this story is the creepiest.

So I thought that the same thing could happen to karss too.

But I think she/he wasn't that much unlucky...
Thanks for considering my comment...

I can tell you my friend's story... If you want me to... It is 100% true...

I like the way you talk to others (on this site.)
So kind...

[Miracles- this comment is a respond to Lady-glow. So please do not delete it. I won't be writing anymore unrelated comments.]
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
BloodEman: sorry, I misspelled your name changing an "E" like in elephant for a "D" like in DONUT. 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
BloodDman: Karss has established in her narrative that her parents "...checked the house to make sure no one could've gotten in."
She doesn't say anything about experiencing anything unexplained before or after that day and, most definitely, nothing that suggests her family was/is in danger at any moment.

As for your mother and your friends hearing their name called, I think everyone has a "built-in telepathic radar" that sometimes detects the thoughts of other people. Like when a mother hears her child calling her when he is not around only to learn later that the kid was in some sort of trouble at that time. Or when you think about some person and the telephone rings and the said person is calling; and many other similar things that are unexplainable but not necessarily paranormal.

Personally, I would like to know what you mean by:
" mind always tell that this ghost is not playful..."
Did you feel something while reading this story?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
BloodEman - I'm sorry but any other questions or comments not related to the o/p's story will be deleted. If you have any questions, please contact the administrator. Here is the link
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
At the end of every page there is a statement (which I have mentioned below.)

"No reproduction of any part without permission or you will be haunted"

Big joke,isn't it?
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
That makes sense...

But I like if you can explain it more kindly instead of being rude...However, 😕 I am a bit confused about this site...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
BloodEman - if you had read my comment to Red, you would have seen my answer to your question. Keep your temper, and attitude, under control. We try to discourage our members from acting like they know everything, and are confident they have the answer, when they have never experienced anything like what the member has shared. Considering we weren't there, we don't know the exact circumstances surrounding the experience. We also try to prevent people from scaring others unless there is a valid reason. You don't have a valid reason for your comment.
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)

I want to ask you that, does a person have to expirience something paranormal to comment on this site?

What if someone has a good knowledge about supernatural but hasn't expirienced any paranormal incidents?

Do you consider them as people who are not qualified to comment?

🤔 🤔
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hello Karss, Your story is pretty interesting to me. When I was reading your
Story, it reminded something my mother told. She said when she was young her name was called from the garden and after going there to find out who it was she has found nothing... And I have heard similar stories from my friends.

What happened after telling that story to your parents? Did they act normal?

Did you expirienced anything paranormal.

Regards... BloodEman
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-20)

😕 😕 Ok...I'll just read
The stories without writing any comments... 😠
chapulin1234 (guest)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hello Karss13,

English is not my first language but I think your story is very well written, 😳, as per the story itself, I have not experienced anything like that but perhaps it was a "dooppelganger"?, but I wouldn't worry too much as I have read that these are rare occurrences.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
Errr...yeah...Bloodeman. With all due respect, I feel that your comments on this story are bordering on inflammatory in the sense that you are unnecessarily creating negativity and fear where there is no real need.

I'm not sure on your belief system / philosophy but to me, spirits / ghosts/ entities were all once physically manifested on this " earth plane ", that's how they developed their individuality and personality. Just as you are developing yours, right now in this moment.

So following that logic, you will eventually have the experience where your spirit will depart your body, your body will disintegrate because the life force animating it has departed, and your consciousness will be expressing itself in the spirit world, as a "ghost".

Following on from that, we can assume that the billions of loving, caring, kind people who have passed over are now "ghosts" as well. They have no doubt advanced spiritually in that time.

Yes, there are negative entities that hang around our plane (and this site) causing mischief but they are the minority.

I would be interested in your ideas of spirituality and if you have been raised in any particular religious upbringing?


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
I know people have a right to comment on a story, but as I know nothing about sleep paralysis I don't usually comment.

I even made fun of myself on my comment on this saying I was confusing myself.

It started to sound like who's on first,what's on second, I don't know is on third, and I don't give a darn is at home plate. Then I got back on topic and serious.

This is a very unusual story. Although I am not going to say this story is made up but there are questionable or I should say incredulous so as not to insult the O/P things in this story that some people may be hurtful in their comments.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
RedWolf - thank you for your comment, but BloodEman has just as much right as any of us to comment on stories; however, s/he needs to be a little less confident that s/he knows what s/he is talking about with no experience to back the statement (s).

Having experience is helpful when offering advice, or even commenting, but so is compassion and understanding, even if we haven't experienced what the o/p is sharing.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
What was the weather like, and what phase of the moon (full,half,new)? Could it be that you had an out of body experience and not know it?
I have had "echos" for a lack of a better word where I hear my name or mom when I know my house is completely empty.
You might have thought you're friend say she was going to brush her teeth, thought your sister was asleep, and your friend could have thought you asked her to walk the dog. I'm confusing myself now.
But it could have all been time slips, which each of you have done something in the past and that night replayed?
I wouldn't worry about it if it was a one time experience.
BUT if it happens again I would tell your parents with your friend by your side to try to figure out exactly what happened. You are not going insane dear, these things happen and when they do it leaves you scratching your head.
Keep us updated. Make a journal and write down any experience that seems off or weird, even if is a dream,
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
This is the same exact response you gave the first time with the exception that you said harm instead of kill.
You've been chastised once by Miracles. Since you have never had any paranormal experiences please refrain from making any comments since you know not of what you speak.
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hello Karss, I don't think that ghost is a friendly one. It could be a harmful ghost which wants to seperate you from others and harm you.

However, my mind always tell that this ghost is not playful. Ghosts aren't playful at all. Some could, but everyone has an evil side too. So don't underestimate that this ghost is playful and safe.

What happened after telling that story to your parents? Did they act normal?

Remember to keep your eyes opened! Sometimes it could be more dangerous than you think... Or imagine

Regards... BloodEman 😊 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hi Karss,

Very interesting and baffling experience, thanks for sharing.

Wondered if you both experienced a time slip. Had your friend ever taken your dog for a walk? Is it likely that what you both heard each other say could have taken place some time in the past?

Just out of interest what was the weather like that day?

Sorry for the barrage of questions lol.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hi Karss13,

Thanks for sharing your story. It is very interesting and your good writing really gave me a great visual of your friend's expression when she got back from walking Baxter.

Would you mind telling me what you and your friend were doing right before she was going to go brush her teeth? What I'm wondering is if you had separated and were doing activities in different rooms or were somehow out of communication briefly?
If indeed there was a doppelganger for each of you, when did it show up?
Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-18)
Hi karss13,

I had a little trouble following a few points in your story. You and your friend had been hanging out for 7 or 8 hours and she went upstairs to brush her teeth. Nothing weird had happened yet and you'd been together the whole time. Then later you say she hadn't been upstairs yet.

You also say none of her belongings (make up, tooth brush, hair brush etc.) were in the bathroom. You thought maybe she hadn't unpacked yet or had already packed it back up. Wouldn't you know she hadn't unpacked yet since you'd been together the whole time? Why would she have already packed her stuff up if she was staying the night?

When you went upstairs to look for your friend you checked in on your sister who was presumably asleep in her own room as you then looked for your friend in your own room. Why would your sister then be sleeping in your room when you woke up from your dream?

I think one evening of things being a little off kilter in a house with a couple of tweens/teens is pretty par for the course!

Sonic (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-18)
Miracles, Thanks for editing my story. I've been trying to thank you. 😁
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-18)
Welcome to YGS.

I got confused about this part of your story:

"By this time my sister was home dead asleep and my mom decided to go out with her friends after checking in on us and making dinner, considering it was Saturday night and my dad would be home soon from work."

And then:
"As I went to check in on my sister, considering she would sleepwalk and have nightmares from time to time, she looked like she was in a deep sleep, when she would often just wake up as soon as I stepped on the creaky floorboard in her doorway being the light sleeper she is."

Have you asked your mother if your sister was really asleep when she came to check on you?

I assume your sister didn't have dinner with you and your friend, -would it be possible that she woke up after having a good nap, made up her bed and agreed with your friend to play a prank on you?

If you have not experienced anything similar again you should not worry, an unexplained experience doesn't make you insane.

Thanks for sharing. 😊

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