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Shadow Visits


One summer evening, mid-June 2007, I was out on the back deck with my husband. The sun was down but it was still light enough to see just fine. We were relaxing a bit after some yard work and hubby got up, crossed halfway across the deck to grab a cigarette. From my point of view, he was crossing right to left.

As I looked up at him, I saw a shadow moving left to right all the way down the side of the garage. It seemed about midway up the wall and when it passed the point where there was a deck post in my line of sight, it disappeared behind it, just the way it would look if I saw a person walking by. I watched it travel along the wall, it wasn't zipping along nor was it moving particularly slow. I'd say maybe faster than a man would walk. I had enough time to notice that it didn't seem the size of a man, not as tall, and I could see the shadow all the way to the ground. It also moved in a smooth motion. When I noticed it and as I watched it, I had the strangest feeling of fear. I kind of felt my heart race a little and then it took me a moment to calm down. This was a different experience from other encounters I have had, before and since that incident.

I've seen a lot of shadowy figures and heard movement when no one was there. I very often see shadows in my hallway outside of the living room. This happens day or night, whether I'm home alone or not. I will see a shadow pass the doorway and sometimes it seems as if it stops just down the hall and stays for a moment, like it's watching me. Other times I'll see a shadow standing at the doorway of the living room, just standing. When I look directly at it most of the time it's gone but, now and then I see it go off down the hall. I've also seen a shadow cross inside the doorway to my reading room, which is at the end of the same hall.

Similarly, I've heard floors creaking as if someone is walking through the dining room and kitchen. My kids have heard walking in the basement, while they've been in the room. One incident in particular, the first time I really gave it any thought, (I mean, after all, houses settle and floors creak), was during a quiet afternoon. My kids were at school and hubby was out, doing what hubbies do. I was reading in the living room, enjoying the book and the quiet equally, and I heard walking through the dining room and through the kitchen, which leads to the hall and living room. I thought my husband was home but, we have an alarm system that does 3 peeping sounds when the door is opened and closed and I hadn't heard that sound, which was unusual. I thought I must have been really absorbed in my book not to have heard it. I wondered what he was doing in the kitchen so quietly, I didn't hear the water run or the fridge open. I expected him to pop his head around the door to say 'hi' as he usually does when he comes in. After a couple of minutes, curiosity got the better of me and I went to see what he was doing, but there wasn't anyone in the room. I was so sure that he had come home that I walked through the kitchen and dining room, to the back door and opened it to see if the van was in the driveway. When I opened the door, the alarm made its usual 3 peeps and the van wasn't in the driveway. Then 3 more peeps when I closed the door. The sounds I had heard were exactly like someone walking from the back door, through to the living room, even though no one was there.

I've got some more to share when I can get the time to sit down and write! Thanks for reading my story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Bellissima, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

FreeSpirit (2 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-15)
I enjoyed your story. I too have seen the shadows. I hope to read more of your stories when I have time
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-18)
Hi whitebuffalo. My hubby wasn't aware of the shadow, he was sort of facing away. Since I was looking at him, I happened to see the shadow. It was behind him, sort of like they crossed paths but the shadow was 10(or so) feet behind him. He was between the shadow and myself. I didn't feel afraid for him, it was like being startled I suppose. A quick feeling of fear. The shadow didn't have the same 'feel' to it as the ones I've seen in my house, it felt like a stranger to me. I have seen things in my backyard before but not close to me, always when I've been looking out the window. Thanks for taking the time to comment, your opinions are always valued.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-08)
Hello Bellissima. Nicely written story. Was your husband aware of the shadow that was so close to him? I am wondering (and I may be repeating someone else's comments, sorry, I have not read through them yet) if the fear you were feeling was for his safety. If I read it correctly, they should have crossed paths.
Don't you just cringe at the sounds in empty houses sometimes? Well, maybe you don't, but I sure do. Thank you for sharing your story.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-28)
Hi Siddarth. Thanks for the comments and I'm glad you enjoyed it. At first I used to contribute everything that happened in my house to my Brother-in Law, Uncle Rocky. I have a few stories about him on this site. Since some other more irregular things started happening I've started to think that maybe there is someone else living in our house (or maybe we live in their house!) I do feel like the shadows in my house are those of my brother-in-law, since he seems to kind of keep an eye us, peeking around corners and such. The shadow outside had a different feel to it. Not menacing or intimidating, just different. Thanks for reading and enjoying my story!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-28)
Hi, again, Athena! I'm always glad to try to clarify, if I possibly can. It's hard to try to relay things from my point of view and translate them into something that might make sense to a reader. I tried to do it, but did I succeed? Now you've posed a toughie! Was he there to be close to both of us? I don't know, it seemed so accidental and I didn't feel 'he' (for the sake of ease) paid any special attention to either one of us. Uncle Rocky? I can't say that either. I'm sure he's been spying plenty when we haven't taken any special notice. I didn't feel any special attention from the shadow. It was as if I just happened to notice him on his way by. Gary didn't see him at all, so if he was trying to get our attentions, he didn't do a very good job. As for just being close to us, I would think he'd have wanted us to see him or even been coming our way, that's all I can think of along those lines. Back to Uncle Rocky, when I've seen or felt him around, I've never had any type of fright or any strong feelings at all. It's like things were just that way and shouldn't be any different. The feelings seemed natural. Along the way, in my stories, I've come to think that not everything has been caused by Rocky (that's why I don't call them Uncle Rocky stories anymore!). Maybe we've moved into someone else's territory. If that's the case, then I don't think they mind the company because we've never had any problems. Since the shadow was moving away from us, it didn't seem to be wanting to get near us or to particularly get away from us either. It just seemed like I saw it by accident. I think I had the fright because it was outside my house and that was something I really didn't expect. I was seeing something in new territory and I didn't expect it at all. I hope you get some answers from my little rant! Like I said, hard to explain! Thanks for your curiosity, I'm glad to try and answer anything you ask!
siddharth (4 stories) (37 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-28)
Hi bellissima. Your experience is very mysterious. I think the shadows you see or that you saw could be the shadow of someones soul or it can be a kind of prank etc. But I'm sure that it was a soul of someone who might have died there, who himself is invisible but his shadow can be seen. By the way, it was a cryptic story that I've really enjoyed !
-Siddharth ❀
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-27)
Hi Bell! Thanks for all the description, it is soo nice you took the time to explain that! Thank you! I hope I can ask you a couple more questions? I am sooo nosy! I get the being wasn't trying to get your attention. I think you are very psychic which is why you saw this. I am curious if the being was there to be close to you both? If so, was this Uncle Rocky, a family member? I hate to ask so many questions and wish that I had something better to offer. I find your account so interesting 😊
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-21)
Hi Athena! You are so sweet! Thanks for the compliments and the vote of confidence. The shadow wasn't following my husband, he was moving from my right to left and the shadow was moving from my left to right. Also, my husband only moved about 4 feet across the deck, going left, but the shadow went the entire length of the garage which is about 15 feet, going right. The shadow was behind him in my line of vision, like he was between me and the shadow but the shadow didn't pass behind him. (I don't know if that makes any sense to you.) When I looked up at my husband he was already at the point he was trying to get to on the deck, just stooping over to grab his cigs. That's when I saw the shadow move along the wall, as if it had just started its movement across the length of the wall. I don't really think it was trying to get my attention, maybe it's possible, but it just seemed kind of accidental (?) I hope I haven't made things any more confusing to understand! Okay, I've rambled. Thanks for reading the story and all of the comments! 😊
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-20)
Bell, Your story gave me shivers. I'm so certain when I read your accounts that you are telling the complete truth, and that is one of the reason you are my one of my Favorite posters. Also, makes the stories more scary!
Was the shadow following your husband? Was it in front or behind him?
All very strange!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-20)
Hi Shane and lian! Thanks for reading my story and commenting! Lian, I think I'm too goofy to be scared! Actually, nothing really scary has happened (knock woodπŸ˜‰), but the shadow outside did give me a fright for a minute. Also, I think I'm kind of used to these things after all this time - I bet there's a lot of things I don't even notice anymore. 😊
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-19)
Ah some time to start reading the stories again and whoes should be the first but my friend Bell. Another excellent story Bell, I was a little lost at first then went back and re-read it and now I am tracking. Thanks once again for sharing your experiences with us.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
lian01 (3 stories) (65 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-19)
Hello Bell! You're like a great big book of ghost stories! It must be exciting and scarey living in your house... Both emotions which would cause me to wet myself!
Seriously, as I always say, another wicked story. I, like you, thought that these things could be attributed to Rocky. But with so many things going on, I think you may be living with more than one ghosty! Keep the stories coming, and well done you for not running like a little girl from your house! I bloody well would! πŸ˜†
Prettiest_Girl_in_the_Morgue (2 stories) (15 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-19)
Hi Bellisima, feel free to shorten the name, I don't mind 😊 Just thinking... Maybe the shadow was frightening because it was so close to where your husband was... And I'm assuming he was unaware of it being there? Gonna have a wee read through your other stories xXx
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Hi Mustang, hi Prettiest_Girl (who's name I really like! But it's too long!) Mustang, you really said it all! I don't know why I had the fear. It kind of took me a minute to settle down after I saw it but it may very well have been just a regular scare, you know, not expecting anything. I truly didn't get any bad vibes from it, nothing threatening at all. I haven't been scared or startled by the shadows that keep me company in my house, they are just there. My family feels the same way, they're just there and nothing to fear from them. Prettiest_Girl_ In_The_Morgue (I'd like to call you Pretty Girl if you think it's okay?) Anyway, I agree with you, it must not have any evil intentions because you were comfortable enough to think it was your fella. I haven't ever been creeped out by the shadows in my house, (I have a few other stories on this site, when you read them you'll see why!) but for whatever reason, the guy outside gave me a scare for a minute. I think Mustang is pretty close when she wonders if it just gave me a start because I wasn't expecting it. Besides, they're only shadows! Thanks so much for reading my story and commenting to me. 😊
Prettiest_Girl_in_the_Morgue (2 stories) (15 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Hi Bellisima! I get the feeling that it wasn't an evil spirit... I think these things can just be very creepy...

I haven't had many of these experiences but they always make me shudder... A while ago I was in my flat alone and out of the corner of my eye I saw something very tall and dark coming towards me at just a normal pace... My boyfriend is about 6 foot tall, and usually always wears black so for a split second I thought it was him and even said 'oh hi honey'.

Then it dawned on me I was alone, when I looked up there was no-one there... I put it down to just my imagination but it really gave me the creeps... But somehow I know there was nothing evil about it because I mistook it for my boyfriend and I'm sure I would have instantly felt different if it had been something more sinister...
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Hi Bellissima! When I first started reading your story I thought it probably was an animal or something else you didn't see casting a shadow as they went by but then you said it struck fear in you and then stated that you have been seeing shadows throughout your house going by or watching you. I say you are either living with a ghost or it is probably your guide watching over you. Everyone has one. You are probably one of the ones that is more perceptive. I know what you mean when you say looking at it directly makes it go away or it disappears. I see things in my peripheal vision all the time zipping by, as you would call it, but when I turn to look, of course, it's gone. I also have that alarm in my home with the beeping when windows or doors are open. I've had the same things happen to me with it sounding like someone was home in the other room moving around only to be shocked that when you get to that room, IT'S EMPTY! WEIRD! Well, ghosts and spirits are around us ALL OF THE TIME! It's just most of the time we don't see or notice them. They do not JUST come out at night as most people think. They just choose to get our attention at night being as that's when everything quiets down and they can cross over from their dimension easier and get our attention. How much attention do you think a ghost or spirit would get during a work day or a day when your house is filled with chaos? Now, I'm not saying that a Poltergeist couldn't get your attention during the day because they can be more noisy than you and your family! πŸ˜†The only thing I wonder is why that shadow outside cast fear in you? Do you think it just startled you and it felt like fear? Do you feel any fear with the shadows in your house? Thanks for sharing your experience. ~Shelby ❀ 😊
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Hi, evilblackwidow9! I think my family, my house or myself have attracted a somebody. There is nothing threatening about any of the experiences, the shadow across the garage scared me but I didn't feel anything menacing about it. We have a lot of things happening in this house. At first I was attributing everything that was happening to my brother-in-law, Rocky, but as of late I'm beginning to think maybe we're sharing our home with someone other than just Rocky. A 'just as friendly' somebody else. And I still think Rocky is hanging around too! 😊
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Hi Annie! My footstep sounds weren't loud or banging, just like somebody walking at a regular pace in sock feet. Now, if I had been in your situation😨that would be a whole other story, that would definitely be scary! I'm glad it wasn't that way for me! 😊
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Hi Kim, what I meant was, the shadow moving along the garage wall wasn't moving super fast but faster than a man would walk. I meant to convey that it was not moving slowly -'it wasn't zipping along NOR was it moving particularly slow. Sorry if it confused you.
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
You might have a spiritual being attached to you right now. Sometimes when they attach to you, they want sometime from you like, they want you to listen or worst(if it is an evil being). I would not provoke it, if at all possible until you find out what it wants or it can get ugly.

Blessed Be Ye
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
Kim, Maybe it was moving in the way that it wanted Bell to see it? I don't know. Hmm. I guess when seeing something paranormal, our eyes see things in a different light.

Bell, as for the footsteps: I hear them in my house on a daily basis. Just the other day I heard very loud footsteps upstairs (I was home alone!) then, which was a first for me, very loud footsteps coming down the stairs. I, in all honesty, almost ran out of the house! But I held my ground. I was in the middle of baking cookies and I didn't want to burn them! 😁 After the loud steps down the staircase, it just...stopped. Just a note to let you know that, I hear what you hear! Ha.

Keep on writing about your home. I love reading about your adventures.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
I am confused, how did the shadow seem to move faster than a man would but be moving in slow motion? I am not saying it did not happen that way, I am just a bit confused.

God Bless!

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