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Real Ghost Stories

Little White Spots


Today is October 17, 2007. This morning we all slept in. It was weird because my alarm was set but neither my husband or I heard it go off and it wasn't going off when we woke up. That might not be so odd, I guess it happens.

The weird thing was since we were all up at the same time, we all had to use the bathroom at the same time. Since my husband gives my oldest son a ride to high school and he's supposed to start earlier than my youngest (being in grade school), I really had to let them use the bathroom first so they could get going. Well, I couldn't wait so I ran to the upstairs bathroom. Everybody hates it because it's always cold in there, but this morning I could not wait, I had to go up.

I was up there doing my business on this cloudy October morning when I looked down and saw this little white light moving around by my foot. I thought to myself, just sort of casually, "that was strange..." When I looked at it again I saw the same light, like a little spot-light, moving around by my foot in a sort of figure 8 pattern, it was like someone with a shaky hand was moving the light.

This time it caught my attention much more. I watched it for a little bit and wondered where it was coming from. I looked up at the window but it is covered with a heavy drape, no sunlight could get through it at all. Then when I looked at the window, I realized there was no sunshine at all. It was a cloudy, overcast morning.

When I looked back, the light was gone. I couldn't find any type of explanation for it. I have told a lot of different experiences in my 'Uncle Rocky' stories, some are like this. This was the same type of weird, out of the blue stuff that I have attributed to him. At this point, I have begun to wonder if it has all been him. This is right up his alley though - fooling with the clock (remember neither my husband nor I heard the alarm go off and it seems he's fooled with the clock before).

This was just one of those things that I just can't explain. Thanks for taking the time to read my story, I hope you enjoyed it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Bellissima, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-27)
Hi Bellissima,
I wonder, too, if this is Uncle Rocky. My morning sabbatical is usually performed in a kind of sleep fog and I do not seem to be alert enough to let my body parts talk to my brain. Of course, that is something completely different. I just may have flipped out instead of calmly sitting there checking out the light. Morning visits are not good for me. 😆
Thank you for sharing this.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-01)
Oops, confluence of ley lines? Energy center? Vortex... All of those expressions would fit what I am meaning
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-01)
Hi Bell Thanks for the story! There is such a pattern of alarm clocks acting wierd and other electrical activity I really feel that your house must be on a ley line. Maybe that's were Uncle Rocky gets some of his energy from. I was curious if it was more then one light? Just a random thought here: Its interesting that it was in a figure eight, the symbol of infinity. Looping around your foot this way is saying, A)"At your feet" or B)"Walking with you" C)?
But who? Do these ideas feel right for the situation? If not throw 'em out. Take Good Care of yourself, I send you lots of care and positive feelings 😁
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
Hi lian01! I, for one, have missed you and I'm glad you're back! Thanks for the comment and the kind words. I'm looking forward to reading some more of your opinions and comments now that you've come back to us! 😊
lian01 (3 stories) (65 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-28)
Hello Bell! Another great story, I don't know how you manage to stay in your house, I'd run a mile! It does sound very possible that you actually saw an orb, which is cool because most people don't ever see them apart from photo's and videos etc.
You know I always love your stories and I totally believe every single one you post.

I've been away for a while... Probably to some people's liking... But I'm back again! 😉
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
I figured you probably had a handle on it, but threw that out there anyway. This is intersting to me because I remember another poster talking about a cat-like creature on her bed that moved its head in a figure eight pattern in a supposed attempt to hypnotize the person.

I'm always looking for patterns.

Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Dear Bellissima,

Happy to be of chamber pot service, as I would love to see a smile upon your lovely face than a frown any day. This goes for all YGS readers and members. No matter what happens in the course of your day, before you lay your beautiful heads down upon your pillows, find one thing that made you smile. Now, go to sleep with that smile. 😊

Your YGS, cracked up chamber pot, Abby 😊 ❤
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Dear 4u_allie,

I think your comment may be meant for Bellissiama and not myself (Abby)?

"Abby, this sounds like an Orb of a gaurdian who knows you. Don't be afraid of it. It won't do you any harm. I have those everywhere in my college dorm..."

Alex, I think you are talking about this being Bellisima's orb and guide.

Blessings, Abby
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Hi Abby, Ohiowatha, Annie and Mustang! Thanks for the comments! First, Abby I like your idea - you crack me up! I was too interested in the light to think of anything like that on the spot (maybe I should say, on the 'pot'!). Lucky for the ghosties!😆 Ohiowatha, I don't think it was anything in my eye or a floater, although I understand what you mean. It was moving in a small figure 8 sort of shape that was maybe 6 inches long and 2 inches across and just moving fairly steady and sort of shaky. I've got one of those little flaws on my left eyeball, I think it is called a floater, but I can never look directly at it because every time I move my eye, it moves too, just out of my line of sight. When I first noticed the little light, I didn't think anything of it and I looked away. Then I realized that it was pretty odd and I looked back, right at it and it was still just moving in the same shape. As I was looking at it, it just sort of disappeared. Thanks for offering a possible explanation, I agree with trying to find a solid reason for things but I couldn't come up with one. It wasn't like anything I've seen before. There are a lot of unusual things that have been happening since we moved into this house! 😉 Annie, I had never thought much about the bathroom being cold, it's always been like that. I haven't had anything else like that happen since and never before this, either. I've never seen anything like it but I'll definitely let you know if I do! 😊 Mustang, I didn't know whether to call this an orb or what! I always thought orbs were sort of opaque but this was a concentrated little spotlight type of thing. I also didn't think orbs moved in any sort of steady pattern but just sort of floated, or streaked in some cases, around randomly. This was a definite pattern, although not perfectly the same with every 8 shaped movement. I don't know a whole lot about orbs, I've seen a lot of pictures and read about them(a lot of it on this site), but I didn't get that sort of impression of it. I just don't know. Thanks, everyone, for all of the great comments and for reading my story, it's much appreciated!
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Ohiowatha, I think that could be possible having "floaters" in your eyes but as for my own personal experience the white orbs were moving at a pretty fast pace unlike when you usually have "floaters" they move around more slowly, like, well, floating.=) It's possible though, that's why I don't give too much credit for any kind of orbs, they are to easy to debunk or dismiss as something else, no real solid proof. 😊 ❤-Shelby
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Not to discredit your story or anything, just providing an alternate idea. Is it possible this was just an optical effect? Sometimes, I think I see things out of the corner of my eye, but it ends up just being bacteria on my retina. Could it be something like that, perhaps?

Thanks for the story!
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Hi Alex. This happened to me when I was around 24 years old, I'm "33" now. It wasn't my house either, thank god! That house could be demolished for all I know. It was a pretty rickety, old wood-framed house. 😊 Shelby
4u_allie (7 stories) (42 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Hmm... The girl ghost probably made you go out of your body because she figured it was to protect you and also to communicate with you. LOL, you have a ghost girlfriend. But have you felt a cold spot of the ghost? Maybe it's still their?
4u_allie (7 stories) (42 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Shelby, you should use an EVP to record the voice of the girl behind your house. Abby, this sounds like an Orb of a gaurdian who knows you. Don't be afraid of it. It won't do you any harm. I have those everywhere in my college dorm.
Alex. 😉
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Hi Bell, I liked your story. It reminded me of when I was about 24-25 years old. I was at a friends house and I was using the bathroom that was towards the back of the house. This house was an old wood framed house. Anyway, when I was sitting on the toilet I started seeing these tiny little orbs flying around in the shower that was right across from where I was sitting(the shower curtain was open). I kept looking at them to try and see what they were and rationalize it but then I screamed for my friend to come rescue me. =)

I've heard voices in this house, mostly a female voice talking to I don't know who(towards the back of the house where the bathroom I saw the orbs in) but when I would go to see who or what it was thinking it may be a neighbor, the voice would stop and there wasn't anyone outside. It happened often. My friend's dog would bark at the walls when there wasn't anything visible. One time my friend and I were up late and we went to get a drink in the kitchen. My friend and I were talking and I started cracking ice for the drinks and I felt and heard someone say,"SHHHHH", right behind me. Well I grabbed my drink and took off out of the kitchen and hopped in the bed.

Anyway, I guess my fingers couldn't quit typing. Hope to hear more stories. 😊-Shelby ❤
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Hi Bell, Strange how the other rooms are warm and the bathroom is cold. Maybe something you could investigate? Seen anymore little white lights lately? Keep us posted! 😁
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Dear Bellissima,

Yeah, Shane has a way of bringing out the best in a situation and making light hearted humor out of it which I enjoy. In this case, I can understand how the light white spots were a scare for you when they happened, but I am glad you lived to tell about it and with your modesty intact. Of all the places to be haunted, in the bathroom. This may sound unlady like, but being human I would have passed gas and left the white light spots to stew in my own gassy juices. Doubt they would bother any human again! P.U.! Ha! Ha! 😆

Yes, let's hope for no more bathroom hauntings. Can't wait until your next story.

Thanks and Blessings, Abby ❤
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Hi, Abby! No scare there and I didn't think it was particularly funny until Shane started it! He's got a way of bringing out the goofy! Thanks for reading my story and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll get some more submitted soon, unfortunately (maybe I should say 'fortunately') there aren't any more bathroom stories (not yet, anyway! Knock wood!)! 😆
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
Dear Bellissima,

Once again, thank you for another story, perhaps a bit of a scare, but also a bit of bathroom humor. It almost sounds like it could have been Rocky? :)

Blessings, Abby
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-24)
Hi, Annie! I don't have any explanation for the cold bathroom. It's always been cold in there so I guess I've never given it any thought. It's between our bedroom and the spare room and both of those rooms are always warm, (?)I don't know! It really couldn't have been light from outside because the heavy curtain was closed and it was really overcast and rainy. The bathroom door was closed but even so, it was on the opposite side of me from the little light that I saw and my body would have been blocking any light that came in through there. I couldn't figure this out!
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-24)
Great story as usual, Bell. My first thought was something shining in through your window, but I guess that's out of the question. I'm also wondering, why is it always so cold in that bathroom? Have you ever figured that out? And, I hear you about the first thing in the morning! 😁 Please, keep us posted on anymore unusual activity.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-24)
Hey, Shane! Glad you had a chuckle but, I wasn't kidding - you'd run too! I guess you are right, a ghost would definitely be a perfect secret admirer! After all, who would he tell! And what could I do if I started getting mysterious pinches in unmentionable places! I'd look pretty silly dancing around all by myself holding my bottom! 😆
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-24)
You got me laughing my back side off with that one! But think about it, wouldn't a ghost make the perfect secret admirer? 😉Oh, and thank you for the kind words in the other post! Much appreciated as always.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-24)
Hi Shane. I don't know what was going on but it was really weird. I must let you know that he wouldn't be my admirer for long if he saw me first thing in the morning like that and especially doing something as unflattering as using the potty! He'd pack and run! 😆
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-24)
Bell, another interesting story. So what do you think it could have been? I was thinking you had a secret admirer ghost. Of course that would be a bit redundant would it not? A ghost with a crush, who would know? LOL Thanks for the story. Looking forward to the next.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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