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Unknown Entities In Our New House Pt. 2


I am back after almost a month since my last posting. I have been trying to write another experience I have been having in my new house and was having some difficulty putting it into words. Well this is part 2 of my previous story.

The past few weeks since my last posting, I have been a little afraid to be alone in my house. I will say this has never happened to me before, but I was in my bathroom at the time drying my hair and I was pushed into my door. My fiance thought that I had fallen and he came running asking if I was okay. I had told him I didn't fall, I also didn't necessarily fall into the door either. I said I was pushed. Of course, he didn't believe me since there was no one else in the room with me.

After I was finished in the bathroom, it was around 9:30pm, I went to my bedroom to lay down and watch some TV before I would fall asleep. My fiance came in 5 minutes after me and we watched TV together for about two hours. We usually set it on a sleep timer so it'll shut off automatically. We had fallen asleep around 11:30ish I would say. A little while later, approximately 3 hours later, I had woken up because I heard a banging noise in our living room which is right along side our bedroom. We also have an alarm system that talks if a door opens so I know no one was in our house. I did not want to move from the bed, as I was sort of frozen with fear.

I was just sitting up a little bit on my pillow and all of a sudden I saw a dark shadow, darker than the room come directly over me, I did not know what to do. All I know is that I could not move. After it floated over me for about a minute that felt like forever, it moved towards the foot of the bed. I was able to move at this time.

As I was sort of fascinated by it, I grabbed my phone to turn on the screen to see if I could see anything. I had waved my phone slowly towards the end of my bed and I saw what seemed to shaped itself into a small child, looked back at me and said "Hide, he's coming for you".

At this point I freaked out and turned on all the lights, waking up my fiance and, of course, once again he did not believe me and said I was having a bad dream. This was not a dream, I am sure of it.

I am not sure what to make of this as now this entity is resorting to pushing at least me. Not sure what to do from here. Concerned:/

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, brighteyez, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-07)
Many thanks tweed, I have just carried out the procedure described in the link. Hopefully I got it right. I guess I'll know one way or another soon enough
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-07)
haha 2nd1st, visualisation techniques work wonders. I do this daily on myself and home. It all boils down to intent. No matter if you're working an elaborate method, like Rook's, or a more discrete method, intent is the key ingredient.

Pretty sure most here have their own 'personal shields' in place. A personal shield is done through visualisation. There's probably other methods, but this is the most popular. You can do it before you get up in the morning, any time you wish. I think it's best done in a quiet place. It doesn't have to take very long, a minute or 30 seconds, just so long as you maintain a strong intent.

Goodness me I just went searching for some info to link you and the amount of role playing websites that come up for this topic is quite disappointing. Not to mention the air headed articles, jeesh. Never mind. This person seems based in common sense
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-07)
References to spirit removal procedures such as the one a few posts down all seem to be quite involved and are not subtle. Are there any recommended such methods that can be deployed rapidly and sufficiently stealthily that someone else living in the home is unlikely to notice them, especially if they might think one absolutely bonkers if they became aware of it?
brighteyez (9 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-06)
Tweed thank you so much for the info, I will definitely read it and take the cleansing method into consideration. The house I am currently living in was built in the 1950's, I live out east in Suffolk County, Long Island, I know a lot of people say Suffolk County many years ago was mostly farmland but I seem to think its possible something happened on or near my property. The neighborhood has some old construction homes, while some have renovated to a more modern look.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-06)
Hi Brighteyez,

Sorry you're going through this. Your story reminded me vaguely of another person's experience involving child apparitions and a much larger 'evil' entity. Her experience was a once off never to be repeated. But I thought the similarities might be worth mentioning. I don't know, maybe there's a such thing as an evil entity who ropes kids into goodness knows what. This story is called "From Dream to Reality", it's in my favourites list. Normally I'd link you the story but I decided against this because I don't want to feed your fear. I know going through a bad haunt the last thing you need is hearing scary deets from others! So perhaps a better approach would be to read her experience out of interest, once things have calmed down at your place.😊

Not sure if anyone's said this before on your previous submissions, but if you haven't already, check out Rook's cleansing method. Especially recommended for new tenants, it's a great idea to flush out any lingering negativity when you move into a new house.
Just out of interest is the house you're in new, old, somewhere in between? Also how new/old is the neighbourhood?

Also I recommend keeping a journal of what happens, you may notice a pattern emerge.

Hang in there, it will get better! Feel free to let off steam on YGS, it helps to talk about these things, even if it's just to random people on the interwebs. 😊
brighteyez (9 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-04)
Kmjturner thank you for sharing your story with me. It definetly is quite disturbing and very similar to what happened to me except I didn't feel anyone touching me. Did that ever happen to you again?
brighteyez (9 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-04)
Thank you DandK for writing, When I saw the child I couldn't really make out the face, I just knew it was a small child probably around the age of 6 or 7. From my previous stories since I just moved in my new house with my fiance, after a few weeks of moving in I would just feel strange in the house if I was home alone, if I would go in my backyard while it was dark, my yard is. 3 of an acre so its a decent size, but where I feel most uncomfortable is in my basement when I am doing laundry I want to get the heck of of there as soon as possible and my basement has an outside entrance with the doors that you pull open. I didn't feel threatened by the child, maybe that he was just checking on us, but when I heard what he had said freaked me out to high heaven. Since this happened, I haven't physically seen anything. I will say last night I had to get something from my basement, and I noticed my lights were not on so I turned them on, and the motion light was very dim and I could not see anything near the basement door so I had to get my phone to use the flashlight app on there, and once I got into my basement I felt someone standing at the top of the stairs but I didn't see anyone, I quickly grabbed what I needed and jetted out of here. I wonder if this negative entity I feel is lurking outside in my basement and yard.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-03)
Kmjturner, your experience is also disturbing! Have you had anything similar since then? Or seen any other shadow people?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-03)
Brighteyez, your story is quite disturbing to me. I don't have anything I can offer by way of help. Just questions and thoughts about this. First, any information on what the child looked like or was it still a dark figure? Any feelings from the child form like fear or panic?

My thoughts on this, given his warning, is that perhaps the child form is a spirit that is trapped by a mean, domineering entity in the house. Maybe he was trying to hide from it as well and passed the warning on to you.

Alternatively, have you had any other experiences since then? Anything that might make this warning clearer?

Thanks for sharing your story!

Kmjturner (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-03)
Had a similar experience many years ago. Was sleeping on the couch while my husband was upstairs. I started to see what looked like midgets... Maybe like children size, so I wasn't too scared. More curious because I could not believe what I was seeing. Then something very dark was on top of me trying to pull my legs apart. I could not move and was just saying to myself..."get up". I was finally able to break free and jump to my feet. I looked at the chair, the couch...nothing. I wondered if I dreamt it so, I layed back on the couch... Looking at the chair. They appeared again...midgets...watching me. Then the dark figure once again tried to rape me. Again, I was frozen but kept saying, "get up... Get up". I jumped to my feet, this time running up the stairs and crawled next to my husband. To this day, I cannot understand or rationalize what happened. I have theories but if it was sleep paralysis... How come I was able to test it and get away? I think because the midgets were child like in size... Much like a toddler... I was not afraid. They were like a lure I think. There were several of them. Like apparitions but getting more detailed as I focused in and stared back. Until I was attacked by a very large, strong dark figure... Then I panicked. I wonder if anyone ever experienced anything similar.

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