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Stalker Clad In Black 2


I notice that most of my experiences happen around the evening. From the first time I saw shadow people as a child to now, I've tended to see, feel, or hear anything nearing 6pm into the wee hours of morning. One night I was sitting by myself at my laptop and felt someone touching me once more. I've become accustomed to this over time that when I am alone, the stalker will remind me of his presence. I felt someone once again whispering behind me, resting a hand on my thigh or my hand, and then laughing.

After a while I went to bed and had a dream that I was laying in bed in the early hours of the morning and saw a dark gray, sheer form appear overhead. When I propped myself up in the dream, the face started to form and I saw a young man's face perhaps late teens to early 20s. It looked like a much softer version of the Stalker. I could only see about half of his face. At first it didn't look like the face I had seen before but I am still not sure... Then again who else could it be? I am just going to assume it's him. It's face slightly resembled his but was a bit softer or happier looking. I was looking in a mirror talking to this apparition about whatever. This was in sharp contrast to the last dream of him being extremely angry over something. It was extremely peaceful. I can't remember the exact conversation. I just woke up and it was early morning.

The next night, I was in the kitchen washing dishes and felt something tickling my neck. At first I assumed some stray hairs must have fallen out of my hair bun. I felt something touching my neck once again and it honestly felt like a hand lightly grazing me but I just ignored it. I try to avoid jumping to the "it's a ghost" conclusion. But then I distinctly heard and felt someone kiss me. I turned around and saw no one there but still felt the presence. I attempted to do a cleansing recently but felt extreme pushback, however, after that I have not felt hostility from the entity whatsoever. So maybe it kind worked? Or maybe it has shifting moods, I don't know. I can't remember the entire experience but I suppose the day before of us apparently talking led to it being in a better mood.

I was talking to another user on this site about whether I have anything antique. We don't have any as far as I know but I do have this necklace from 8th grade that was given to me by my art teacher. She knew I liked old stuff being a history buff and got the necklace from her neighbor who found it in their yard. So this would be New Jersey in Essex county/Bloomfield. I am going to attempt to put the photos in here:

Stalker Clad In Black 1

I apologize if the image isn't clear enough. It's the best I could do. Including, part of the face is scratched off. It's a little tintype so it must be from the 1800s. When I first had it I thought it was a young girl with her hair parted and tied back but now that I look at it, I think it might be a young boy with his hair parted. But the entity that has appeared to me has kind of shoulder-neck length, dark hair and is perhaps in his late teens or early 20s? I am guessing early 20s but I suppose he could be slightly younger like 18 or so, which would explain why he's attached to me. He has pale skin and wears a dark suit that looks more 19th century styled. I suppose he's tall but I'm like 5 feet tall and 90 lbs. So anything that's average height is tall to me. I can insert a drawing I attempted to do from memory. It's incomplete.

Stalker Clad In Black 2

I don't remember exactly what happened first, getting the necklace (so an entity might have been attached to it) or the events. I also don't want to dump the necklace because I really like it. I don't want to throw it away and have the problem still persist. I am not really sure what to do.

This also happened in New Jersey. My mom had a phone and one time she was looking through the photos and noticed that there was a picture of a figure with a black cloak on. It frightened her to death. She doesn't have that phone anymore as it was a while ago but I still remember it vividly. I remember looking at it and wanting to pretend I never saw anything.

Just recently I had a dream and sat up in my bed and saw a pale man with a black cloak obscuring much of his face. I completely understand that this is not a dream interpretation site and that dreams are only included if they are tied to paranormal events. And because of the phone event, I believe there was more to this than being just a dream.

Because of these experiences part of me believes that the origin of this Stalker comes from my Shadow Men stories. I do think it is possible that the necklace brought this thing in but another part of me lately has been thinking that maybe this entity has existed in my life far longer. I have recorded my experiences in my other stories such as The Shadow Men of San Diego. I have include the pictures of the necklace and these stories because I think it is entirely relevant. I suppose it's possible that the Stalker and Shadow Men are separate experiences but I am not entirely sure. I've had entities in my life for a very long time. My mom has had plenty of experiences so maybe this is something that runs in the family.

My question remains though: Why have many of my experiences been dreams and followed or preceded waking experiences? Whenever I have attempted a cleansing of any kind I get headaches or pushback regardless of how much light I let in. I feel bad because I don't think I am able or strong enough to do something like that. It's to the point where I'd rather accept this ghostly guest because nothing bad has actually happened and I feel like I'm a pretty weak person. If anything else happens I'll update this. If any experience outside of the Stalker happens I can share that as well (it'd be a fresh breath of air). Thank you for reading.

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DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-03)
[at] Redwolf, I never saw your comment until now xD

Yeah I remember thinking that too. My mom thinks the complete drawing is possibly a native american man or at least part. I could see that as Natives would be assimilated into "white" American society at the time. Some would even be "forced" to cut their hair but his hair is like shoulder length so maybe he was "resistant" if the man is in fact Native. I sense this entity around me but he seems pretty silent a lot of the time. I have even tried talking out loud to it (feeling crazy while doing so) and while that has worked a little bit in the past, it seems silent most of the time. So I doubt asking out loud "hey are you native dude?" might not work.:/ Also might take the question as offensive haha.

For the longest time I've tried to figure out why an entity would associate with a little girl. But if the entity/man is in fact Native or part Native, it would explain why he would feel on my "energy" level or connected to me as some on here have noted on my experiences. I am half white and half black but "pass" as being more white looking because of my light tan skin and fine wavy hair. I've lived a lot of my life with fellow students saying "wow you look white" or "you don't look black" Umm okay... XD

So if the entity is Native, my ethnicity and cultural experience might be something he would identify with. Possibly feeling displaced. Just food for thought.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-09)

Creative name LOL. I like your drawing too. I must say that he has the features of a Native American. High cheek bones, straight nose, strong jaw. Even though it's only a half a face. I hope that helps.

DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-03)
Haha thank you so much Macknorton:)

Ugh character limit 50505050505050
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-03)
Hi Dirtcreature

I don't really have anything to add that others haven't suggested, other than: I like your drawing! It's really good! 😊


DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-03)
At Skeptic, we also do not have bad wiring. I have seen things in all my apartments and things in different locations. I have no history of mental illness or nothing. I am completely health and sleep at regular times. I do not consume caffeine outside of the rare cup of matcha green tea. Some people do see and hallucinate because of stimulants and other things in their environment but that has not happened to me.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-03)
At the Skeptic, I have had sleep paralysis before and never experienced anything. I have never seen anything while having sleep paralysis. I am completely calm and aware when that happens. The only thing I get is "huh well I can't move right now. Oh well." And it's over. And we do not have mold, no family history of any mental illnesses and barely any physical things. I am completely aware that mold and even high EMF levels can generate hallucinations But this has been going on for years. I have had more experiences than I've recorded on here. So I doubt it is just mold that has caused this.
TheSkeptic (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-03)
Have you had your house checked for mold or bad wiring. Scientific studies have shown ghost sightings to be attributed to hallucinations due to those things. Waking up to such things could be a result of sleep paralysis which is a very common medical condition that results in seeing "ghosts", "demons", "aliens" etc. Good luck to you!
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-28)
So I found sage bundles. Don't know any stores nearby but they sell it on amazon in bundles. They're pretty cheap. Thanks for all the advice. ^_^
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-27)
I tend to like different smells from plants and incense as well so I don't think I'll mind the sage. Good idea with the mint too. I'll give it a try. Yeah there could be something genetic to it, which would explain why family members can both share it.
Katroshka (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-27)
I've always felt that when it comes to seeing spirits and such it might be one of two things. The first idea would be that it's passed down through a families blood line, as I said before my deceased grandmother was said to see spirits as well but I think she thought the spirits more as faires than ghosts and while I don't entirely not believe in faires I've not had to many incidents that I would call 'magical'. But then again no one in my current family can see spirits so there's always a chance that the ability jumped a generation for my family. The second theory of mine is that the ability is something a person develops all on their own; perhaps that beleving in paranormal things at an early age can promote a person to be able to see spirits.

As for the smell of sage I wouldn't say its an awful smell, a bit odd but not awful. Some people add in a a handful of mint to the sage stick to lessen the smell which I did and it smelled decent enough. If you don't want to use sage or can't find a store that sells them near you maybe try sented incense sticks, they tend to smell much better.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-27)
That must be terrifying. I wonder, I really do why this is. Why some people have certain sensitivities and some that are stronger than others. I never used a real ouija board. I made one out of paper a couple of months ago or more just to see but never got any actual responses. But the energy in the room did feel very, very heavy. Like unbelievable. The planchet didn't move but everything felt different. I became cynical about ouija boards because of companies turning it into a toy and many people lying or embellishing their stories. But it did feel heavy in the room.

I will make sure to do that. What does sage smell like? Is it strong?
Katroshka (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-26)
I can hardly ever hear spirits, in fact I've only been able to twice in my whole life. Every once and a while I'll see the man in black mouthing words at me but I've never been able to really hear what he's saying. One time my friend lent me her ouija board (a board to communicate with the dead) and after I got the first response to my question 'who are you?' It frightened me so much I ended the session and threw the board in my closet and had my friend come over to take the board back (by the way; never use a oujia board, it's very dangerous and can let other spirits into your home in a worst case scenario) after my friend left I heard a female voice say 'help'. There was one time I slept upstairs in my mothers room when the mans presence was very strong one night. When I woke up I was downstairs on the floor next to the couch with scratches all over my upper lip and coller bone. If your going to smudge your home make sure to also smudge yourself, you just need to waft it around your body. Also I recommend you do this when there's no one else in your house just so you won't look crazy to your family (my brothers still tease me about it)
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-26)
I am not religious either so I will take that advice. Thank you. I should locate where to buy sage. I've never burned it before. Lol don't worry I'm a nerd too. Also yeeees! Legolas is so beautiful. He's been aggressive before in my sleep (Stalker Clad in Black 1). And when I first took real notice of him in New Jersey, he was shaking me awake and screaming at me. I've felt an extreme heaviness in the atmosphere of my room like he's annoyed. Although he doesn't seem to react too much to the fact that I have a boyfriend. Perhaps it's because my boyfriend is living and stronger than me, he's not easy to manipulate or bother. Because when he comes over, I don't sense the stalker as having a strong presence. Perhaps he's retreating. He will sometimes stand behind me when I'm enjoying me time (drawing, etc) and I can feel him leaning against me. I sometimes get mad and tell him to go away but he doesn't seem to care. Other times I just let it happen.

Oh wow! You're definitely really sensitive to this. I am not too much of a seer. I only ever see him in my dreams. The last time I saw an apparition was of a young victorian girl for a brief second in New Jersey when I was younger and this other guy next to my bed in New Jersey as well. I can hear and feel pretty much. I totally get that, it's so strange to feel it, the slight weight of a hand or even strange vibrations. Sometimes when I'm laying in bed, I feel those same vibrations gliding down my back as if someone is stroking my back. I have even felt him pat my head and comb his fingers through my hair. I have mentioned I love both of those things so I guess he was listening at the time when I mentioned it to someone in my home... O.o

Your experiences are amazing though!
Katroshka (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-26)
I should probably also add that the other spirits in my house have been acting up as well lately. The other 3 spirits consist of an older man (an African-American gentleman in his late 40's; he lookes to be from the early 1800s) a girl in her sleeping gown (long brown hair, always looks very hesitant and nervous. In her early 20's. Probably from mid 1800s) and finally the little boy (barely looks 12 and might be from the 1920's) whenever the man in the black coat comes into the room and another spirit is also in the room they all look at him like their pleasantly suprised; when the little boy see's him he goes up to him and just stands next to him. One time I came home from school to find them all in the main room looking at each other and then they turned to look at me. It shocked me so much to see them all in the same room at the same time that I ran outside and went to my neighborhood park. I swang alone for a few minutes (in order to explain this and make sense I was sitting on the very last swing with four other swings next to me) I was all alone in the park staring at the small pond near the slides and when I turned to look to my left I saw all the empty swings wrapped around the metal pipe that the swings hang from. There was no breeze to wrap the swings over the metal pipe and even if there was it wouldn't be strong enough to do that, there was absolutely no one else at the park and even if there was I would've heard and saw anyone.
Katroshka (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-26)
Have you thought about cleansing your house with sage perhaps? I'm not much of a religious person so I don't tend to pray but when I smudged (it's a Native American practice to help calm spirits) my own home about a year ago the scratches stopped for at least 6 months and he stopped laying with me in my bed as frequently as he had before. When the effects of the sage started to decline and he began to become more appearant in my life once again he didn't seem too angry, just a bit weary. When I ignored him for a day though he reacted extremely violently and left a ton of scratch marks on my wrist to the point where they looked like self inflicted scratches. No one else in my family can see ghosts (although I'm told that my dead grandmother could) last night when I was sitting on the sofa next to my mother I turned to her and saw him resting his hands on her shoulders as he stared at me; when I asked my mother if she felt strange she looked confused and said she felt fine, just a bit cold. Whenever he touches me though I instantly feel the weight of his hands and odd tingling sensations. Later that night we watched Lord of The Rings (God, I'm such a nerd) and when Legolas (AKA Orlando Bloom) came into a scene I told my mother jokingly that Orlando Bloom was my husband (yes, you can laugh at my patheticness) and barely 30 seconds later all the lights flickered violently and I saw him slumped over in a corner near the tv frowning at me. You said that the spirit that follows you can be agressive at times so how do you usually respond when he gets agressive?
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-26)
After publishing this story, when I would sense him, I would get stressed out about it and tell it to go away but doing that, I think feeds into it. It makes the energy of your home more negative and aggressive. Whatever this is, ghost, shadow man, etc. Being stressed out doesn't make it better. I think you show strength to these things when you act with confidence. Continue to pray or cleanse, whatever it is that works for you, visualize white light around you and throughout your space, just try to not get neurotic. I don't think one should (IF they want an entity out of their life) communicate in a sense that's inviting it in, but try to be civil but forceful. But if you do want it in your life, I agree you should be kind and understanding.:)
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-26)
Thank you for sharing with me, Katroshka:) Your story does feel a little similar to mine. The thing is, I don't know when mine came into my life. I am not sure if it started in New Jersey or in San Diego or if those events are separate. But I am starting to think it started for me as a child, but in order to communicate with me, it has decided to appear as a gentleman instead of a scary shadow haha.

Tweed ruled out the object attachment thing. I agree that most objects that people own, aren't what's causing whatever issues they are having. Unless for example, the object was extremely important to the person who died and they suffered trauma when they died... But just owning an antique lamp or necklace won't simply draw something in. But I did have a theory that some hauntings/followings may happen because the entity in question doesn't want to be alone and wants company, finds the person has similar energy and even personality. It's just an idea I had. But I don't know how to explain entities that do what has happened to you, such as the scratching or how my stalker has seemed aggressive at times...

It's not that I want this entity in my life, but if it's reason for being around me is that it wants the company, I feel bad for trying to push it away. I am not dead so I don't know what happens on the other side but I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few ghosts can suffer from loneliness, especially with being deceased for so long. But I do agree with you, I'd rather be nice and civil when it approaches me then to be scared or mean. If I sense his presence or he attempts to be communicative, I be nice, reserved, but nice nonetheless. I've hardly gotten anywhere when I've gotten hysterical about it, it just makes it worse. Considering how long this haunting has been in my life, there will be no quick way to make it leave or do anything. Things do take time. ^_^
Katroshka (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-25)
I have a situation somewhat similar to this. For the past few years I've been getting faint scratch marks all over my body, this wouldn't be too frightening if I had pets or nails but I lack both of these things so its a bit scary. There's four ghosts in my house but only one of them has followed me for all of my life (My family moves around a lot because we're a military family) I first saw him when I was about 5, I was sitting in front of a large open window in my house as my dad prepared me for school. My dad left for a moment and then the ghost appeared in the window. He had dark curly hair and brown eyes, he might have been latino but I'm not entirely sure. He wore a black coat and looked extremely depressed/slightly curious. He looked relatively young;maybe 18 or so. He disappeared when my dad came back into the room but my dad believed me to some extent when I told him what happened. Ever since then he's followed me every place I've moved to (even when I moved overseas to Germany) as a blurry shadow, always following me just out of reach. People thought I was just an imaginative kid but as I've gotten older people just think I'm flat out insane when I talk to people about it. Over 11 years have gone by and his presence has begun to change from a shadow in the background to a blurry image of himself, staring at me from close distance. I wouldn't mind him so much if he was like every other ghost I've seen, quiet and inquisitive, but at night when I fully turn off the light (I'm deathly afraid of the dark so I only turn off the light when I need to and I always have my night light on) he lies in bed beside me and it scares me so much I have to cry out for one of my siblings to come and help me but as soon as I cry for help his presence disappears. Recently I've gotten scratches on my lips (extremely thin and they heal fast, always on the small part between my upper lip and nose) and on my upper thighs. For the past few months I felt hands groping my shoulders and hips. Usually when I politely but forcefully tell him to back off he does. If you really want to keep this spirit within your life I would recommend talking when you feel its presence and explaining what you feel about it being in your life; you probably won't get an immediate response but the spirit will probably listen to what you have to say. I hope sharing my story and advice will help you, best of luck!
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
Oh my god. I don't remember if I mentioned this. But lights flicker in my house when I'm alone. Only when I am in any room alone. And apparently that's a sign of a poltergeist. I've heard pots move when I'm in the living room after cooking buuut, perhaps they are just settling so I am not 100% sure about this but thought it was worth mentioning... Because I don't know if an object settles simply resting on the stove.

People debate though whether polts are just created by the person in question or if it is a trouble entity but I wouldn't know so...
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
Thank you for the advice Tweed. That is true. I assumed for a while that the hooded shadows and the dapper guy were separate events/entities and that perhaps it was brought in by the necklace. My necklace sits in my jewelry box in my bedroom so I'll just leave it there unless I'm given a concrete reason to dispose of it.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
I don't mind at all and thank you:) Believing in the paranormal since I was a child, it's very easy to feel isolated especially if people don't believe you or think you're a liar. So finding this site was a really good thing, even if just to simply share with others.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
BlackCat, this is just my opinion here and I know many here will disagree.

In my opinion parting with or destroying a loved object is incredibly foolish. The concept of attachment (though I believe it is real) is mostly superstition created by misinformation and misplaced fear. So far there's been absolutely no evidence that the necklace is linked with this entity at all. It was suggested by other members as a means of ruling out possibilities. But I feel this line of inquiry was inspired only by the fashion worn by the entity. It was a very valid, understandable, line of inquiry but one that, I feel, lead nowhere.
In any case objects can be cleansed of attachments and negative energies.
Also, just something I've noticed, when an object has a negative energy or attachment it gives off a loud and clear message. To date this necklace hasn't given off any bad vibes. It would be naive to fear it based on age alone.

I'm surrounded by antiques and just generally old stuff, never had any problems. Object attachments are very rare in my opinion and I've never come across a valid encounter where an attachment to an object reacts in this erratic manner. Haunted objects are more singular and consistent in their overall behaviour and especially their 'vibes'.

Keep the necklace, ditch the fear is my advice. 😉
Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
Ahoy, BlackCatAttack.

Tweed beat me to the nail with her bigger hammer. Whatever it is you're doing, it's working; since you've told your boyfriend about it, why not have him help you with the cleansing? There is no shame in feeling weak, or asking for help; realizing that you need help and are willing to ask for it is a good show of character I find lacking nowadays. I don't know if you think this'll be of much help, but I'm dropping a line to The Man Upstairs later.

Go with God,
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
Yes I can get easily stressed out and neurotic as well. As I gain more knowledge in regards to things paranormal, I do feel more confidence and calm. Plus having someone as supportive and strong as my boyfriend, makes this easier, especially since I've opened up to him about these kind of things. So he's definitely a good source of strength and confidence.

I agree. I do think some people are naturally more prone to dealing with stress so they must be less prone to having negative entities around them. I think I'm going to throw away that necklace and see if that makes a difference... I don't want to hang onto anything that might have negative energy. My boyfriend told me that perhaps because the item was just given to me, whoever was the previous owner of it (whether a descendant or the person in the picture) must have bad energy and that could be an influence. I'll give it a go.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
Yes, definitely possible. I noticed a big difference in you while reading this part 2, you sounded a lot calmer and more confident than before.
After typing my last comment I got to thinking about how some 'sensitive' people don't cleanse/shield at all because they never have any problems and don't need to. I wonder if these people are naturally calm cool and collected. Me, I'm neurotic given half the chance. Maybe there's a link between being prone to stress and the need for shields etc.
Nurturing what makes you calm is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves. It sounds like your heading in a positive direction. 😊
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
I've had continuous stress in my life and especially lately, so do you think it's possible that I could have created it unintentionally? Isn't that how poltergeists work? My life has less stress in it after finding a wonderful boyfriend and heading off to college soon, so if this is something created, then maybe it will weaken its grip on me as time passes? Just a thought.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
BlackCat, thought forms are created by anyone and can also be created by a situation, or by multiple people in a situation. Kind of a collective representation. They can also be created by two people in a relationship.
As for multiple entities, I'll have to read back on your previous submissions. If you're sensitive you've probably picked up on a few ghosts.
The longer a thought form exists the more it can learn and even evolve. But 'it' will always be needy and dependant, if that makes sense.
They can communicate in the same ways regular ghosts can. If you can't remedy the reason it was sent, your best defense is regular cleansing until the situation resolves on its own.

Last year I had a thought form sent to me from a guy I work with occasionally. At the time I was stressed out and my defenses/shields weren't as strong. I let this slide because I was lazy from stress. Well, didn't take long for me to pick up on what was sent. Because I always have a shield in place, stress or no stress there's ALWAYS something in place, I didn't cop anything extreme. No apparitions, no touches, no dreams etc. The only thing I experienced was an occasional 'smell' instinct and time lines filled in the rest.
This is why shielding is so important for anyone who's sensitive. Without it, a thought form, like any other entity, has the ability to wear you down if that's it's intent. This is what I *think* is happening with you, a lot of self doubt etc may be what this entity is depending on.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
Thank you! I love my username too! Your comment makes complete and is very thorough. I will try to do cleansings and visualize light around me from now on! Thank you so much for the advice you wrote up. A friend of mine, after hearing all my experiences believed that it was more than one entity and I was debating to myself if perhaps that was possible but I don't know why I'd be stalked by multiples... Hearing more than one voice (such as in older posts) made me believe it was possible... Though perhaps I'm just picking up residual or even intelligent but hidden entities... I digress!

Can a ghost/entity send a thought form? Because I've ruled out everyone. Anyone that would have an intense crush on me (from my knowledge) would happen way after the stalker was here and have moved on I would assume. This entity has spoken to me randomly when I'm alone... Just recently I was in the bathroom and just talking to myself late at night, I said "maybe I have psychosis or something... How is this happening?" and I hear someone say no in a deep male voice and saw no one there. So can an entity be communicative but also send thought forms?

Lol at the impression thing too. A dapper gentleman entity xD
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-17)
Hi BlackCatAttack, love that name! 😆 I know I've said that before, but it really is a great name. Super cool sketch by the way!

Any cleansing/shielding you do will need to be done regularly. For something persistent, like this, I'd recommend once a week. Then taper off to fortnightly, them monthly. Also do a cleanse/shield on yourself, this can be done as visualisation. I do this daily.
The most important part of a cleansing is the individual's intent, you have to 'mean' it. If you feel weak willed to begin with just practice, your confidence will grow.

This stalker's shift in attitude from angsty to nice I feel is in retaliation to the cleansing. As you say, you felt resistance. This might sound extreme but it reminds me of an abuser sucking up to their victim after an outburst.
The stalker also seems very simplistic, touchy feely, naught to a-hole with not much substance. So I'm thinking this is a thought form. These are created, either intentionally or unintentionally by a person or situation. Thought forms are 'sent' to a 'recipient' and serve the purpose of whatever reason they were created to begin with.
We have here what presents them self to be a dapper gentleman clad in historic costume sent to a history enthusiast. (I interpret this as someone wishing to impress you) 'Dapper gentleman's' actions are touchy-feely-gropey-creepy for the most part and either angry shouty or calm pleasantries otherwise. All extreme reactive behaviours, this is what I mean by simplistic with no real substance.
If this is true, and this is a thought form, continue with the cleansing and treat as any regular unwanted ghost. But to completely rid this being I *think* the best action to take is to identify the 'sender' and the reasons the thought form was created. Clues are bountiful you'll just need to interpret them through this stalker's behaviour to date. Think about anyone who's been annoyed with you, anyone who's had a crush on you, any fall outs, any situations you left unresolved, past tensions. That kind of stuff.

Whatever cleansing you've done, believe me it's WORKING, a strong shift in this 'stalker's' behaviour represents a threat to it's influence on you in my opinion.

Hope this makes sense.
doomisforu (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-16)
That's also true about attached to a person, but the only way to know would be to try.

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