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Black Clouds Showing Off


No time frame on these. These happened before I kept records. Same house. All in daylight hours. Sorry for purge of stories, this should be shared.

The first time I encountered a black broiling cloud I was going to put clothes in dryer. Washer and dryer are at beginning of hallway on left side and hall around 17 feet long. At the end of the hall there's a main small bathroom on the left and master bedroom on the right. The doors are across from each other. I open double door look down hall to see a black broiling cloud across the wall and in both doorways, it's less than 3 foot tall. I thought about my passed dog but I did not go near it. All interior walls are white.

2nd sighting. Again washer buzzer goes off, get to doors again look down hall and see taller cloud over 4 foot against white wall circling moving in place, still put clothes in dryer. Feel nothing bad. Not going down there.

3rd and final sighting. I only told a couple of believers of this encounter, rather embarrassing, here goes; I'm using main bathroom, I'm sitting down doing my business. I'm an adult male reading mail flier here comes BLACK CLOUD between my left arm, toilet paper roll and sink vanity that roll is hooked to. There's no room but here it comes many black colors. I don't know if it's touching me. It's a little above my head, broiling slowly, it's turning left going down in front of sink. I lean forward. It's beautiful in its own way. It's lower circling along floor in front of sink cabinet heading out the door across hall and into our bedroom back to the mirrors.

I thought to myself now your showing off and I finished my business. The mirrors are on the other side of this bathroom. There was no bad feeling at all.

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outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-28)
MrsRamsay. Tough answer, so many moving strands going every which way, controlled chaos. Black grays, dark black grays, blackest black. When I noticed it, I was reading it was at my knee and black strait up. The top of it was forward a little and had like 3 whitish grey like bangs off the top of it hanging kind of forward then turned. If I was standing I would have bolted out of there and missed this meeting, then maybe thinking it was a bad thing. Beautiful in its movements, colors changing in these movements. I hope this helps.
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-28)
Super interesting. I like your attitude, haha, "Not going down there."

Don't you think we run into things here and there, but it's only certain people who are paying attention?

Coming out from the area next to the toilet is a bit close though... When you say "beautiful in its own way" can you be more specific?

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