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Stray Dog Or Werewolf?


Yesterday, at about 9:00 at night, I got up to go feed the crows. It was stuffy inside and I had been watching movies since 5:00 (my parents were out at a neighbour's wedding anniversary party) and I feed crows regularly as I find it relaxing. I don't have any siblings and so no one was with me to see.

I took a torch and went into my back yard, scattering old bread all around. Suddenly, I saw something horrible. My Mum likes to leave out food for foxes as she finds them fascinating, usually leftovers. Yesterday was chicken breast.

A massive wolf-like creature was scarfing the fox food. It was about the size of a bear but it had shaggy, silver-grey fur and a muzzle with dog-like fangs. Its eyes were yellow and I thought it was a wolf but it was crouching like a human. I was terrified and still am. Eventually it ran off, jumping over the fence. But it was way too big to be a wolf.

Though wolves don't really live in the UK. I told my parents, who thought it was just a big stray dog. I told my friends and they don't believe me, asking if I've seen any werewolves. Please believe me and tell me what it was. I'm not saying it was a werewolf, I just want know if any of you have possibly the same experience.

By the way, I do not have a dog and my close neighbours don't either. So that rules neighbourhood dogs straight out. I also am a believer of the supernatural so is it possibly something from another dimension?

Thanks for your time and I understand if you don't want to believe me, I find it pretty crazy as well!

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AlaskanWolf1 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-09)
Yes it was a werewolf they are opportunists and the meat was a free meal. Best to stay away though I doubt it would hurt you. Yes I have seen a werewolf before and that was here in Australia.
ghostfiles (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-28)
which part of the UK are you in GuineaPig as there has been similar reports sent to me from folk in the UK.
C2C (3 stories) (62 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-18)
I wouldn't think something supernatural would be in need of real food, so it makes me think it was a living animal. In the shock of seeing something so large in relatively dim light, I would say it probably was some kind of huge dog trying to survive on its own, and it would be rather a fright to see it when you only expect smaller animals. The game camera would be a wonderful tool to use. Perhaps in time you could make friends with the animal and connect it to a forever home. I did this once with a very people wary Australian Shepherd mix living off the land.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
There are so many 'non-paranormal' possibilities to go through I'm hard pressed to say this was a spirit animal...I'm not saying I do not believe the O/P...but many 'natural causes' have been offered that need to be ruled out first... A 'Game/Trail' camera may be just the ticket to help with that.


bspilker (1 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Tweed you would be Right I had not read the entire statement I had looked up earlier, of the approximate 17, 000 Brown Bear in Europe none are found in Britain. I had to double check that. But I would still recommend the Game/Trail Camera. That would get you pictures of the Animal if it was to come back, day or night.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
GuineaPig and Tweed--The Leonburger is a huge dog but I was thinking of another breed that kind of fits the description in this account. The breed is the Scottish deerhound. It's a huge, lanky dog that has the thick, "shaggy, silver-grey fur", that the op described.

It seems very possible that if a big dog like a Scottish deerhound was abandoned and was living in the woods it would venture into nearby yards to feed on what it could find. Already having thick, wiry hair, living outdoors would quickly make the hair knotted and matted. Take a look online GuineaPig and see if this breed fits what you saw.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
'Leonberger' was the huge dog I was thinking of.


Big shaggy bear like dog.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Rook, I thought of a dog breed but I couldn't remember the name of it. It's a larger than average malamute, Red has one, but I can't remember what the large than large malamute is called. 😕

Also Manafon referenced the biggest dog I'd ever heard of not long ago but I can't remember the name of that either this thing was HUUUGE 😲
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Bspilker, ain't no bears in England 😆

Been thinking more about the description of this 'beast', the colouring sounds like a wolf. I think wolves have yellow eyes don't they? Or maybe some do. But the size and the rest is baffling. I suggest you do a ring around to find out if any exotic animal has escaped from a zoo or shelter. I'm sure if a big dangerous animal escaped from somewhere, it'd be all over the news. But maybe an animal has been on the run for many years, stranger things have happened. I did an image search for 'grey bear' and found a few pics:

Maybe a ghost animal; bear/wolf/other It would be interesting to dig around topics of historic circuses, carnivals, zoos and the like near your area throughout history.

Other than that, there's a lot of odd ghostly entities out there and this could very well be one.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
I have done a wee bit of research into Large Dog breed's in the UK and while the Great Dane is a very large dog its very short hair would make it 'kinda' hard to mistake for a bear, of any age or size.

However I offer these for consideration...

1) Tibetan Mastiff

2) Neapolitan Mastiff (however this breed has short hair)

3) Newfoundland

4) Caucasian Ovcharka (Caucasian Shepherd).

All are very large dogs and 3 of them have long enough hair they might be mistaken as a bear at first glance.

Just some ideas to consider.


logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Irish wolfhound...that's what came to my mind actually. How sad if there is a dog that is lost in the woods and is eating off leftovers: (
bspilker (1 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Size wise how big was this dog looking creature, I know you said it looked to be about the size of a bear. Could it have been A great dame? I know they are an extremely large breed of dog. I don't know how rural of an area you live but it could have been a bear as well. They can walk on there hind legs and eat some types of bears do have dog like snouts. But yeah I would recommend looking at getting even just a Game camera that will pick up movement and take a picture. That way if it returns you could better ID it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-28)
Tweed has made an interesting point... How many breeds of Large Dog's are there in the UK? Search that, then look at the pictures of them and see if any compare to what you saw. You may also want to contact the local shelter, pound or police and ask if there have been reports of a large stray dog in the area.

Just some things to consider.


roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-28)
I have researched UMA and strange animals in UK. I found an article about an old farmer seeing a huge lynx like creature back during the 90's. In those days the UMA researchers called this creature the alien cat, it was known to be as big as an adult cow, probably had black fur and a pair of tooth which the pre-historic saber-tooth cats will have.
I also have stories from some African River that huge shadowy creatures eating up small child, oh, but recently the National Geographic teams had proven that those are big catfishes.
Did it have a smell and how was the atmosphere? Sorry, I think I am asking too many people this same question but sometime it matters.

Love from São Paulo

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-28)
Well, I'm not entering any spelling bees. Cop a dose of my butchering of the word 'entities'. Really nicely done, Tweed.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-28)
Hi there Gineapig, great to find other crow and fox lovers! I love feeding them too. 😊

There are loads of encounters on here about larger than normal black dogs. The term in the UK for these is 'Black Shuck'. There's loads of folklore about this type of entity. They're said to be protective spirits, guarding land and people.

Like Lady Glow, I find it a bit of a stretch that one of these enittyes would be wolfing down food. But hey, I know a guy who leaves food offerings out for garden spirits, so maybe it's not so crazy after all.

If not a paranormal entity could this have been a black Belgian shepherd?
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-28)
First time ever I read about werewolf on this site. The experience is scary as well as puzzling. Even I am confused like you and anyone will feel the same. The story is really unique. I agree to lady glow regarding the idea of camera. It will surely solve the mystery if that creature returned.

Thanks for Sharing! 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-27)
Those foxes living around your place sure are lucky having chicken breast for supper!

I'm not sure if werewolves and/or beings from another dimension would care to feed on human food leftovers... Perhaps it's a chupacabras?

It would be a good idea to place a surveillance camera in your backyard and see if this creature comes back again.

Thanks for sharing.

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