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I'm Still Confused


so I'm really confused about my ghost experience I don't know if it a ghost a spirit or a demon. So this is how it goes:

It all started when I was in the 7th grade. My days went by normally until this one night I had a terrible nightmare. Most times when I get nightmares that wake me up in the middle of the night I go back to sleep, but this one made me extremely scared going back to bed. I realized when I woke up the time was 3:33 exactly so I just thought to myself it doesn't mean anything and I got tired and fell back asleep.

Then I woke up and went to school and everything was fine. I'm getting ready to sleep and I remembered the nightmare I had from last night and I was scared going back to sleep. So I ignored it and fell asleep that night. The same thing happened again. I had another nightmare and I woke up at 3:33 exactly again so I was a little concerned about what was going on. And again I fell back asleep and didn't get another nightmare. But the third night is what got me worried. I had the same thing day went by normally and I had a nightmare at 3:33. But I realized all the nightmares I had were about like a monster killing a person in third person.

The next morning was a Saturday so I told my mom about what was going on and she said I've been having nightmare too and I wake up at 3:00 in the morning. She also told me she would wake up to feeling a slap on her forehead meanwhile my stepdad was passed out. So we both got concerned about what's been going on. And I remember this part exactly like it was yesterday.

I was sleeping in my old room and I woke up from a nightmare again and where my bed is I'm facing my closet which is a sliding door that's also a mirror. So I just started staring at it cause I couldn't sleep and I saw some sort of object flying in the reflection going upwards towards the left, went down and disappeared. The object looked like a frisbee kind of but it was larger and thicker. I just remembered closing my eyes that night.

Then this one night I slept in my brothers room and the same thing happened another nightmare at 3:33 scared to go to bed but I remember closing my door before I fell asleep and it was almost half way open and I stared at my door and I remember seeing some kind of dog or animal on all fours. And it started running towards me. And it got close and disappeared and I remember feeling a bad fear feeling. And the animal kind of looked like a ghostly fog kind of.

I remember I would always see something in a mirror I can't really describe it, it had no form. Whenever I never saw it it felt like something was stalking me and there was times it felt like it was right behind me and it would run up behind me trying to attack me. When I didn't feel anything or see anything I would always hear footsteps and hear a low screaming and when I actually tried to hear where it was coming from, it would go away

I remember every time I tried falling asleep my bed would shake rapidly and I know it wasn't the house settling cause it moved pretty fast and I remember if I put my head up realizing my bed was shaking it would stop but when I would ignore it, it shakes harder and got me scared.

At this point I got so scared I told my mom about it again and she told my stepdads mom about what's been happening how she's being getting hit in the head with nightmares and it's exactly 3:33. Oh and I forgot to say, a lot of the times when I woke up I had a couple scratches on my face or my arm. So my mom got holy water and blessed the house. Ever since that day I've never experienced that anymore I still get nightmares here and there but never at 3:33 and seeing things.

If anyone knows what this is please let me know cause I do not know what it was. And if anyone does know can someone tell me what the number 333 means

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nick_11214, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-21)
Nick_11214; Hi sir! I have done a research before answering, I found nothing about 333 but in my earlier research about the belief of the Kimon, or the Spirit Gate (Hell Gate), 3:15am~4:30 is the time period of the opening Gate. I hope that helped.

Blessing from São Paulo

K_marie82 (1 stories) (23 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-21)
Was going to say the same thing, I wake up at the same time on my own quite often because of the schedule I've gotten used to. Also I was confused about something, you said the first time it happened you realized it was exactly 3:33 but told yourself it didn't mean anthing but at the end of your story you ask if anybody knows what 3:33 means? Just a little confusing to me is all but hope things get better for you whatever's going on!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
Hi Nick,

Wanted to let you know that waking up at exactly the same time with or without nightmares is completely normal/not necessarily paranormal. I did the same thing for years, I'd wake at 2:58 am. Then, years after, it was 5:00 am on the dot. Sleeping patterns are extremely sensitive and for whatever reason we're prone to the ability of training ourselves to wake at certain times, whether we mean to or not.
Not dismissing your experience at all, just wanted to give you another angle to consider about your nightmares.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-18)
Well the reason I said nothing terribly serious was that when I moved here, I kept waking up in the middle of the night to my bed shaking. After a week or so of this, I did some research - I'm on a big fault line and they were tremors from just south of here (Midwest).

When I moved to this side of town, every night I would be woken at around 3ish. It was driving me nuts, until I got up and stayed up for a bit. Only then could I hear the train whistle screaming (instead of flipping on my good ear to go back to sleep.) In AZ, there were so many trains running 24/7 you forgot about them, but here they only run at night by the house and that was waking me up too.

Classic Christian demon cases are pretty violent and usually keep on being violent until the family kind of grows out of it. Even then, I find them a bit suspicious - like that one Bell Witch one. Lots of Puritan suppression with that one.

Like the Hindu blessings mentioned in a few posts, holy water does the same thing for people. From my understanding, holy water is just water put under the full moon with prayers said over it. I could be wrong about the moon part... Could be prayers and sunshine...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-18)
Nick: if you could respond to a few of lady-glow's requests for clarification, that'd be very helpful. Your narrative has a great many snippets of data which are presented in a rapid-fire machine-gun style, so they're a little hard to digest as a collective narrative. The better sense of the events everyone has, we'll be able to help you with more specific suggestions/ideas.

Sweetsunshine: You have apologized for jumping to a conclusion, and you have learned something new. We ALL want to learn from each other, that's why we're here, and we try to help if we can. Part of the problem is that Hollywood movies just presume that everyone in the (American) audience knows about Judaism (to a limited degree), Christianity (to a large degree), and the traditions and superstitions of both religions. The problem is that the movies are then distributed worldwide, and the superstitions are sometimes similar to beliefs or traditions of other cultures which then incorporate the 'Hollywood version' of the idea into the 'updated' local folklore eith no sense of **why** the myth exists in the first place.

Randy: (on a closely-related point) the first time I heard about "3 a.m. Mocking the holy trinity" was the line that Tom Wilkinson delivered in "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". I remember thinking, "I'll have to look that up at some point," but I've never gotten around to tracking it down any further than that.

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-18)
While I'm sure there were no ill intentions I also think that sometimes the word "demonic" can be tossed about too easily.
I think some of this is the fault of what I like to call
Hollywood Paranormal. Some time back on one of the TV shows someone said something about the number 3 "mocking the Holy Trinity" and thus being demonic and its seems to have stuck. Now anytime the number 3 comes up, be it the number of knocks, scratch marks, Lotto Numbers, etc. Someone says "demonic"
While I totally agree there are entities on the other side that have never been human I also think it would be extremely rare for someone to have an encounter with a true "demon"
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-18)
[ To ] Everyone,

Actually I have no idea about Christianity, so my apologies to everyone out there if I've hurt their sentiments. When the author asked about the info on the number, I checked up some sites and they said it's only half the evil, so I thought it's something demonic. But now that all of you say, I think maybe it really was something positive. My bad I haven't checked before 😭

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-18)
It is a myth that dreams or nightmares or bumps in the night at 3 or even 3:30 has anything to do with anything demonic. It was just a coincidence that your mother had the nightmare and slap on the forehead (she was probably still dreaming) at 3 and your nightmares were at 3:30. The animal was probably something your mind made up because you weren't quite awake and had a lucid dream. It was a good idea for your mother to bless the house with holy water to put your mind at ease.

When my son had night terrors and then later on in age bad nightmares I tickled his ear and pretended to eat the nightmares and told him no more nightmares they're all gone. He didn't have any nightmares that night but I did.

My suggestion is to stop watching scary shows like Lucifer or Supernatural or any other shows that are a bit scary. If you do have a nightmare just say a prayer from your faith.

Also when you find a girl you like these nightmares will go away for good.


P.S. Where and how do people always have holy water?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-17)
I'm with Shelby on this: The Revelation to John on the island of Patmos (13:18) states that the "number of the beast is the number of man: 666." As Aramaic had no punctuation as such, this is either "666" or repetition for emphasis "6, 6, 6!" (Bible scholarship tends to be heavily weighted toward the former number, but as the utterance is prefaced with, "this requires wisdom," and, "let him who has understanding..." I tend to agree with the tripartite repetition which is a common pattern through Judaic and Christian texts).
"333" is about as sinister as three consecutive red sprinkles on an ice cream cone.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-17)
It would be a good idea to look for more logical explanations before jumping to the 'demon' conclusion.

Your story doesn't provide any information about how long ago since you had this experiences, but perhaps you still remember if you were going through a stressful situation that could had been the reason for those nightmares? Do you remember watching/reading/talking about any material that could have triggered these kind of dreams?

It is interesting that your mother was experiencing something around the same time, but it is hard to tell if it was related to your dreams.

One thing is for sure: "mother knows better" and your mother did what she had to do.
I'm glad that was enough to put an end to whatever it was bothering you.

Thanks for sharing.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-17)
333 has nothing whatsoever to do with the devil or demons. Any Google search of '333 numerology' will give you a plethora of positive information. General consensus is 333 is a sign of luck, your angels are around, nothing to fear, etc.

Something unpleasant *may* have been trying to get in, but it doesn't sound like anything too serious. It departed quickly and there weren't any lingering issues, no boomerang effects, so to speak. Your mom acted appropriately and that was the end of it. Hurrah!
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-17)
Hello Nick-11214,

Welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing your experience. I think you were having some serious demonic haunting in your house because the number 333 is the half of 666 (the number of devil) . I'm sorry you have to deal with all that. I'm glad your mom cleansed the house and things are ok now.

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,

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